The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 110: instruct


This was in Lu Heng's carriage, and it was absolutely trustworthy, only then did Lu Heng dare to speak out. This kind of experience was unprecedented. Lu Heng followed the logic and finally found that he was the most suspicious person.

If the emperor dies suddenly, Lu Heng can really benefit by embracing the new emperor. But these benefits are far less than the emperor without incident.

Over the years, Lu Heng has relied on his childhood friendship and understanding of the emperor to have smooth sailing in the court. If something happens to the emperor, Lu Heng will have to cultivate his power again. And when the new emperor grows up, he is bound to promote his cronies. Since the founding of the country, the Jinyiwei commander who has never effectively ordered the two monarchs, changing the new emperor means changing the Jinyiwei commander.

In a nutshell, the emperor is Zhu Houxuan, who benefits Lu Heng the most. Lu Heng would only commit monarchy when he was crazy. He rescued him twice, enough to see his position clearly.

Lu Heng sighed: "This is the first time I have touched myself by following the vines. It's really big in the world, and there are no surprises."

Wang Yanqing rolled his eyes secretly and choked him: "Then do you want to check yourself?"

Lu Heng looked at Wang Yanqing, Bo Guang smiled and asked, "What do you think, Madam?"

Wang Yanqing was too lazy to care about him, she could understand things, how could Lu Heng not understand? Wang Yanqing said: "Although there is no evidence, I prefer the second possibility."

Instigating someone to murder the emperor, no matter whether he succeeds or fails, the other party cannot escape death. Few people are willing to do this kind of thing unless there is enough interest. On the other hand, Yang Jinying has no children, no enemies, and no money to be found around her, so she can't see anyone tempting her with interests.

Moreover, if someone really ordered Yang Jinying, he would be able to offer a price that would make people reckless. Why not buy more powerful eunuchs, but use sixteen inexperienced maids instead

Wang Yanqing felt that it was difficult for outsiders to bribe. Only hatred from the heart can make sixteen timid and cowardly women go forward bravely knowing that they are dead.

Lu Heng thought that the main messenger was his own ridiculous logic. Of course, he knew that there was no main messenger to be more credible. But Lu Heng couldn't say that he had to check all the people above to make the emperor feel at ease.

Lu Heng was noncommittal and said, "To be on the safe side, let's check the first possibility first."

This person pretended to be confused with her again, and Wang Yanqing couldn't help but said, "You also want to be safe?"

"Of course I will." Lu Heng looked at her with a smile and said meaningfully, "Besides, if I don't say that, will you stay in my arms for so long?"

Wang Yanqing reacted suddenly, his face turned cold, and he was about to push him away immediately. Lu Heng wrapped Wang Yanqing's hand and said, "Okay, I won't tease you. But anyway, we have to check the first one first."

"You just offended the queen yesterday, and you will offend the harem's favorite concubine tomorrow?" Wang Yanqing sat down slowly and said, "How many lives do you have to pretend?"

"So I have to rely on my wife." Lu Heng laughed, "I will trouble my wife to say good things for me tomorrow, and don't let the girls hate me."

Reaching out his hand not to hit the smiling man, Wang Yanqing was embarrassed to have a cold face when he smiled like this. Wang Yanqing gave him a hard look, turned around, and sat on the other side.

Happy times don't always last long, Lu Heng ordered a detour, but Wang Zhai still arrived. Lu Heng escorted Wang Yanqing into the door, and after closing the door, his subordinate asked, "Sir, do you want to take a car?"

"No, take the horse." Lu Heng sent Wang Yanqing back, but he had to go back to the palace himself, so the horse would be faster. Lu Heng mounted his horse neatly, and he was thoughtful as he held the reins.

It seems that next time, the carriage can go faster and he analyzes the case longer. In this way, Wang Yanqing will let him in before he finishes talking when he gets home.


Tianming, this time entering the palace, Wang Yanqing does not have to go to the palace maid's office in the imperial city, and walks with Lu Heng all the way. Lu Heng had already said hello yesterday, and he was still protected by Jin Yiwei and accompanied by the eunuch of Xichang, sending Wang Yanqing to the palaces of Concubine Wang Gui, Concubine Du Kang and Concubine Lu Jing to find the murderer. According to what they said yesterday, they will go to Wang Guifei's palace first today.

Concubine Wang turned out to be Concubine Zhao, and was promoted to concubine because she gave birth to the second prince. When Wang Guifei learned that Lu Heng's wife had come to her palace, she was almost scared to death.

The events of the past two days have been spread all over the place. Wang Yanqing can tell lies, and Lu Heng is behind him. One sentence can determine the life and death of the harem's family. Because of Wang Yanqing's testimony, Empress Fang, who had just done her rescue, was shamed and shameless. Concubine Wang is a palace concubine. If Wang Yanqing told the emperor that she lied, then Concubine Wang, even the future of the second prince, would be completely ashamed. All buried.

Therefore, the people in the imperial concubine's palace were respectful and defensive towards Wang Yanqing. When Wang Yanqing arrived, Concubine Wang greeted her at the door in person. Wang Yanqing saluted Concubine Wang and asked, "Dear concubine, madam. I was ordered to investigate the change in Yang Jinying's palace, and I need to find someone in the palace to question her. Niangniang wouldn't mind, would you?"

Concubine Wang quickly shook her head, how dare she mind? Wang Guifei knew that the man in front of her had the ability to read minds. She didn't even dare to let go of the expression on her face. She smiled and said, "There is Mrs. Lao Lu."

Concubine Wang's smile was gentle and restrained, and she looked like a shy concubine, but in Wang Yanqing's eyes, her reluctance and disobedience were all at a glance.

Wang Yanqing was silent, she asked Wang Guifei's actions and time on the twenty-seventh day, and Wang Guifei answered carefully. During this period, Wang Yanqing quietly looked at Concubine Wang's face, making Concubine Wang's heart skip a beat.

what is she looking at? What did she see

Concubine Wang was surprised and suspicious when the questioning ended. Wang Yanqing smiled very politely, and asked, "Your Majesty, is it convenient for me to take a look in the palace?"

Of course Concubine Wang smiled and said it was convenient.

This kind of opportunity for meritorious service will not be missed by the eunuchs of the West Factory. As soon as Wang Yanqing's eyes fell, someone opened it to Wang Yanqing. Wang Yanqing searched very restrainedly. After reading it, he would restore it to its original state and put it back. After a search, there was no clutter in the palace.

Concubine Wang asked cautiously, "Mrs. Lu, have you found anything?"

Wang Yanqing smiled lightly, and said, "I'm just looking at it casually, the imperial concubine doesn't need to be nervous."

Wang Guifei smiled and said yes, after Wang Yanqing said this, she became even more nervous. Wang Yanqing asked for a spare palace, and might call away the palace servants beside the imperial concubine. Concubine Wang smiled and agreed, and watched Wang Yanqing go out.

After Wang Yanqing left, the smile on Wang Guifei's face could no longer be maintained, revealing deep fear.

Today is the same as yesterday, Wang Yanqing questioned and recorded by himself, the father-in-law of Xichang accompanied him, and the eunuch who ran errands brought people in for questioning according to the list. Wang Yanqing only called one person at a time, which logically did not affect the normal operation of the imperial concubine's palace, but people in Changchun palace were in a panic.

At noon, the second prince had just eaten his milk, and was drowsy with his milk burp. Wang Guifei coaxed the second prince to sleep, but she was always absent-minded and patted the child's hand lightly and hard. Finally, Concubine Wang couldn't take it anymore, and asked the nanny to take the prince away. She called the maid beside her and asked quietly, "Have you finished asking?"

"I asked the four eunuchs to go in together just now. They should be finished asking."

Wang Guifei frowned, completely uneasy: "What did she ask?"

The big palace maid is also unpredictable: "It's still those problems, nothing special."

After the first few palace maids came out, they quietly told Wang Guifei the content of Wang Yanqing's question. Wang Yanqing's questioning is very ordinary, and it seems that there is nothing unusual. However, this is more terrifying. If you can't see the cleverness of the problem, it means that they have not found a trap.

This is so torturous.

Wang Guifei frowned, and when she was at a loss, she suddenly heard someone from outside say that Wang Yanqing had finished asking. She was startled and hurriedly went out to greet her: "Mrs. Lu, you must be tired after asking for so long, right? My concubine has prepared soup to moisten her throat. Wouldn't Mrs. Lu drink one before leaving?"

Wang Yanqing didn't want to eat in the harem, so politely but firmly refused.

Concubine Wang Gui stayed to no avail, so she had no choice but to send Wang Yanqing out. After they were far away, Concubine Wang turned around and asked her confidant in a low voice, "What did she say at the end?"

The chamberlain repeated Wang Yanqing's question, but Wang Guifei still couldn't hear the clue. Concubine Wang frowned tightly, and the maid was also frightened, so she couldn't help asking Concubine Wang: "Niangniang, what do you think she will say when she goes back?"

This is also the question that Wang Guifei is most worried about. Wang Guifei wanted to use the opportunity to eat to inquire about Wang Yanqing's words, but unfortunately Wang Yanqing refused to stay. Concubine Wang's plan failed, and she became more and more uneasy.

In the concubine's palace, the conversation speed was much slower than that of the maid's office. After Wang Yanqing came out of Changchun Palace, he rested for a while before continuing to the other two palaces after eating. Concubine Du Kang and Concubine Lu Jing had already received the news. They waited in trepidation all morning, constantly inquiring about the news of Changchun Palace, but they found nothing.

It's not their fault, because Concubine Wang herself is very confused.

Wang Yanqing went to Concubine Kang and Concubine Jing in turn. With the experience in the morning, she speeded up a lot, and finished asking useful people in time for the application.

Today, her questioning area is in the West Sixth Palace, only one corridor away from the Yikun Palace. There is no need for the West Factory to send someone to escort her. This time, Lu Heng personally came to pick her up and asked, "How is it? Are you finished?"

"Almost." Wang Yanqing said, "In fact, the information is only in the hands of a few people, so there is no need to ask all of them. For those little palace maids who sprinkle water and sweep the floor, it makes no difference whether they ask or not. Instead of wasting words, give me one. Locally organize confessions."

Lu Heng looked at the key words she wrote down on the paper, and said, "You don't have to look for a place, let's go to Yikun Palace."


"The emperor wants to see you."

It was much easier to meet the emperor this time than last time, and Wang Yanqing was taken to the main hall of the Yikun Palace without much delay. Lu Heng saluted and said, "Your Majesty, this minister brings his wife here to return to life."

Wang Yanqing's head was overwhelmed when she heard it, and her notes hadn't been sorted yet, so why did she have to return to her life? Seeing Wang Yanqing holding a stack of paper, Zhang Zuo clearly brought it over to pick it up. Wang Yanqing hesitated, put the paper booklet on the tray reluctantly, and said, "This is a shorthand note during my questioning. I haven't transcribed it yet, it's a bit messy."

Zhang Zuo was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Mrs. Lu don't have to worry, it's just a slave-servant to transcribe this kind of thing."

Zhang Zuo held the tray in front of the emperor and stopped it at the most comfortable height for the emperor. Another eunuch opened the page for the emperor, the emperor didn't need to speak, he could enjoy the most congenial service.

Wang Yanqing thought to himself that it was no wonder that there were monsters in the palace. This kind of observational ability is really not something ordinary people can do. The emperor read two pages and was convinced that this was the original, without any modification, and was the most original key word of the idea.

The emperor had heard that Wang Yanqing was good at looking at faces, but he would not believe it easily until he verified it. The interrogation of Xu Xiyue was just a stepping stone. In the past two days, the West Factory reported Wang Yanqing's whereabouts one by one, saying that Wang Yanqing was questioning normally, and then wrote on the paper. The Emperor personally turned over her records and finally determined that she was indeed somewhat unique in recognizing emotions.

The emperor didn't have the heart to continue watching, but the eunuch was sensible and immediately took the things away. The emperor asked, "What did you find out?"

Lu Heng stood on the side and stared straight ahead, not moving. Zhang Zuo served on the side of the dragon's bed with his sleeves up, raised his eyelids, and glanced at Wang Yanqing vaguely.

Her next words, I don't know how many people's fate will be decided.

Wang Yanqing only paused for a short while, then lowered his eyelashes and said, "There is no trace of someone's orders around Yang Jinying. Concubine Gui, Concubine Kang, and Concubine Jing are also unaware of the palace change."

The stillness of the needle falling in the palace can be heard. The emperor paused for a while and asked, "Then why do they have the courage to make trouble?"

Wang Yanqing's voice was equally calm: "I didn't have enough to eat, I got up early to gather dew, and I was forced to take the medicine pill to adjust the moon letter, so I hated the Taoist priest."

Zhang Zuo was too frightened to let out his anger, he quickly glanced at Lu Heng, unable to understand why Lu Heng didn't mention his wife. Can you talk nonsense like this? Zhang Zuo felt that his own head was no longer safe.

The emperor asked again: "Even if you hate it, you should kill the Taoist priest. Why do you dare to kill the monarch?"

"Gao Cheng, a powerful minister of the Northern Wei Dynasty, captured Lan Jing, a southerner, and asked him to be his own cook. Lan Jing killed Gao Cheng at the banquet because he was humiliated and beaten by the chef. Gao Cheng died. What happened in the Northern Wei Dynasty always makes sense when you think about it. Yes. Small people are small, but because they have nothing to lose, they have nothing to fear.”

There was no sound in the hall for a long time, as if the air was no longer flowing. Zhang Zuo held his breath in shock, and after an unknown period of time, he finally heard the emperor's voice: "Go down."

Zhang Zuo was granted amnesty, and Lu Heng quietly released his palm. He was ready to plead for Wang Yanqing, but fortunately, he did not guess the emperor wrong.

Everyone knew the reason for the palace change, but no one dared to say it in front of the emperor. But Wang Yanqing did not shy away from it, not even a little bit of beautification, and directly pierced the window paper.

Lu Heng thought that he did take a very dangerous move, and until now, he was not sure that he made the right move.

Wang Yanqing was too bold to say it. But on the other hand, just because Wang Yanqing said this, the emperor did not pursue it. As long as it is replaced by an official, even the most upright and arrogant censor will now have to be in front of the Meridian Gate.

Wang Yanqing was calm and innocent, and did not feel that she had done anything terrible. She turned around with Lu Heng, and only took two steps, the emperor suddenly said again: "Tomorrow, go back to the Qianqing Palace."

Lu Heng, Zhang Zuo and the others stopped and cupped their hands: "Yes."