The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 14: adulterer


Liang Fu's eyes were a little empty, and she looked at a place and said, "I remember that the weather was good that day, and the sun was very hot. I was a little sleepy after lunch, so I asked the maid to move the couch over. I wanted to be crooked. I was doing needlework for a while, and fell asleep before I knew it. I didn't know how long I had been sleeping, but I was woken up suddenly, and I didn't understand what was going on. I only saw the back of a man jumping out of my room. It disappeared in a blink of an eye. A group of people outside shouted loudly, and then my wife rushed in with someone and said that I had an adulterous relationship with a man... I didn't, I didn't know who the man was. I explained to my wife, but she didn't believe it, Later, the clan elder was called, and I kept talking and crying, but no one of them listened to me…”

Liang Fu sobbed as she spoke. There was a sound of walking outside the door. Liang Wenshi's maid pushed open the door and said, "Miss starts talking crazy again, girl, it's time for you to go..."

The maid stepped forward and wanted to pull Wang Yanqing away. Wang Yanqing raised her head and glanced at the maid quietly. The maid was caught off guard and fell into a pair of black eyes. Those eyes were black and white, clear and pure, as if looking at a magic mirror, which could reflect all the dirt in the world. The maid's movements stopped, and she didn't dare to step forward and deadlift. Wang Yanqing ignored the surrounding maids, patted Liang Fu's hand lightly, and said, "I believe in you. Wait for me for a while."

Wang Yanqing got up, her skin was whiter than snow, her eyes were dark, and when she restrained the smile on her face, she was as majestic and inviolable as Guanyin: "I already said, you are not allowed to come in. Miss Liang said, is she trying to disrespect the commander of Jin Yiwei?"

Wang Yanqing said sorry again in her heart, sorry for the second brother, she didn't mean to ruin his reputation, but it was really useful.

Wang Yanqing moved out the commander to scare people, she was as cold as ice, and the maids were stunned at once. Wang Yanqing swept his eyes over them and threatened: "I miss you for the first time, forgive you this time. Why don't you go out soon?"

It can be seen that Jin Yiwei's reputation is really bad, no one dares to speak, and the maids close the door in anger. But when they closed, they left a small gap. Liang Fu's boudoir was originally small, and now that the door is still open, she must be able to hear anything outside. Wang Yanqing noticed that she didn't have a seizure, but sat back in her original position and smiled soothingly at Liang Fu: "It's been a long wait. I believe you, don't worry, wipe your tears first."

Wang Yanqing did not rush to ask, but handed Liang Fu a handkerchief. There were still tears on Liang Fu's face. She took Wang Yanqing's handkerchief and wiped her tears in a trance.

Wang Yanqing waited for Liang Fu's mood to recover before asking, "Do you remember what that man looked like?"

When the maids broke in just now, Liang Fu was very frightened, but Wang Yanqing chased the maids away with a few words, not even Liang Wenshi. After Wang Yanqing showed her ability, Liang Fu became more and more dependent on Wang Yanqing, she would answer whatever Wang Yanqing asked. Liang Fu thought for a while, then shook her head blankly. Wang Yanqing pondered for a moment and asked, "Where did you see him at that time, and what was the situation?"

This is Liang Fu's boudoir, which is also where the incident happened that day. Liang Fu gestured in the room: "I was sleeping on this couch at the time. I only remember that it was a little cold. I wanted to call the maid but couldn't make a sound. Anyway, I was very uncomfortable. Later, there was a loud noise outside, and I was suddenly disturbed. When I woke up, as soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a man standing at the window with his back to me, jumped up a tree and quickly left. At that time, I thought I was dreaming, but I didn't respond, and a group of people rushed in, shouting to report to the officer ."

Liang Fu's words were reversed and turned over and over, but they were true. If it is something that really happened in my memory, it will bring many subjective feelings and thoughts when retelling it. If Liang Wenshi did not even think about it and went through the itinerary according to the time line, it would be a lie.

Wang Yanqing already believed Liang Fu's words. Wang Yanqing glanced at the crack of the door, and asked warmly, "Can you point me to the location at that time?"

Liang Fu nodded, followed Wang Yanqing to stand up, and said as she walked, "Put the couch here, head this way, that person is standing here..."

Wang Yanqing followed Liang Fu's instructions and silently measured the distance in her heart. Liang Fu's boudoir is on the second floor, and there is a tree not far from the window. If you jump from Liang Fu's window to the tree, you can climb the branches to the wall and leave Liang Fu in the blink of an eye.

This distance is a bit far for women, but it should not be difficult for adult men.

Wang Yanqing wrote down the location information quietly, and asked Liang Fu, "Do you still have any impression of his size and height?"

Liang Fu thought for a while and said, "I just woke up at the time, and I couldn't see clearly. I just remembered that he had big clothes and was wearing a red jacket."

Wang Yanqing opened the window and sat by the window with Liang Fu. The wind from outside came in. Although it was a bit cold, it immediately blew away the dullness in the room. Liang Fu touched the flowing air, and her eyebrows stretched out unconsciously. The position that Wang Yanqing chose was far from the door, and there were voices outside, so the voices became indistinguishable immediately. Wang Yanqing ignored the eavesdropping on the maids and asked Liang Fu, "Where have you seen this back before?"

Liang Fu looked blank, thought for a while and said, "I don't remember."

Wang Yanqing sighed secretly, looking at Liang Fu's expression, she really didn't know anything. She didn't even see the other party's face, how could it be adultery? However, etiquette is so harsh on women. If a foreigner appears in a woman's boudoir, for whatever reason, whether forced or not, a woman should die to preserve her family's reputation.

The government has always regarded this kind of case as a family affair. If the elders of the women’s clan wanted to put the woman to death, the government would not be guilty of doing it against the squires, and generally acquiesced, and would not regard it as murder.

Therefore, after Liang Wenshi caught a man in Liang Fu's room and reported it to the government, neither the Baoding government nor the capital inspected it, and directly convicted the crime of adultery. Because of Lu Heng, Wang Yanqing knew the outcome of the case in advance. If she wanted to save Liang Fu, she would either find a way to prove that it was not adultery, or solve the problem from the source.

For example, why did Liang Wenshi give Liang Fuan a capital crime.

Wang Yanqing stared at Liang Fu with dark jade-like eyes, not letting go of the slight fluctuations on her face, and asked, "Your stepmother convicted you of adultery, after your uncles and brothers found out, did they not care?"

When Liang Fu heard this, her whole body slumped: "My father is dead, and my brother is missing. The position of a thousand households is likely to fall to the second brother. Who would offend the wife and the second brother for me? "

Wang Yanqing stared at her carefully and asked, "Where's your brother?"

"My eldest brother went out, and I don't know where my eldest brother is." Liang Fu sighed and said, "If only he could come back soon."

Wang Yanqing was silent. She couldn't bear to tell Liang Fu the truth, so she asked in a different direction, "When was the last time you saw Liang Rong?"

Liang Fu didn't think much about it this time, and quickly replied, "It was the night of the 16th."

"You remember so clearly?"

Liang Fu nodded: "Yes. I was in a bad mood that day and couldn't sleep, so I went to talk to my elder brother and asked him to take me to the temple to relax. I saw the light in my elder brother's room, so I went up to knock on the door, but After a long time, the big brother didn't come to open the door. I felt strange, I wanted to push the door to go in, but the door was locked, and I didn't push it open. The big brother said inside that he fell asleep and asked me to come back tomorrow. "

Wang Yanqing's eyebrows moved unexpectedly, Liang Fu actually talked to Liang Rong? Wang Yanqing hurriedly asked, "When he spoke, was there anything unusual?"

"Abnormal?" Liang Fu wrinkled her face, thought for a while, and said uncertainly, "His voice seems to be a little low, not like his usual tone of voice. I thought eldest brother was sick."

Wang Yanqing asked, "Apart from talking, is there anything strange in the room?"

Liang Fu frowned, thought for a while, and said, "There seemed to be other voices in the room at that time, which were dull. I don't know what it was. Big brother asked me to go back, so I'll go first."

Wang Yanqing nodded and asked, "Did you go to Liang Rong after that?"

Liang Fu responded: "Of course, I went to find him early the next morning, but there was no one in his room. I went to ask the concierge, and the concierge said that the eldest brother went out not long ago. I was very frustrated, and when I went back, I bumped into my second brother coming back from outside. The second brother and I were not born to the same mother, and we are not very close. I was embarrassed to ask the second brother to take me out, so I came back by myself."

"Liang Bin?" Wang Yanqing was surprised, intuition was very important, "When did you see him, and what was he wearing?"

Liang Fu replied: "I can't remember the time, but I remember it was cold and there was frost on the road. I don't remember the clothes on the second brother's body, maybe it was dark clothes."

Wang Yanqing's heart moved slightly. It was less than a hundred days after Liang Wei's death at that time. Shouldn't Liang Bin wear white filial piety clothes, why would he wear dark clothes to go out? Wang Yanqing didn't show it, and asked calmly, "After that, did you speak?"

"I just said hello casually. I asked him where the eldest brother went, and he said he didn't know. When I went back, I was not reconciled, so I went to the door of the eldest brother to have a look. When I left, I noticed that there seemed to be something on the ground. I picked it up and found it was a a bead."

Wang Yanqing hurriedly asked, "What kind of beads are they?"

Liang Fu said: "It's just an ordinary pearl. I don't know why it fell on the door of the eldest brother. I still feel very strange, how can the eldest brother have pearls. I asked Liang Bin if it was his, he said no, and I took it back."

Wang Yanqing asked, "Where is that bead now?"

Liang Fu thought for a while, then got up and went to take it from the makeup bun: "I seem to have kept it here... Yes, here."

Wang Yanqing followed Liang Fu to put on makeup, she inadvertently adjusted her body and blocked Liang Fu's movements. Liang Fu pulled out a bead from the bottom of the dressing gown and handed it to Wang Yanqing. Wang Yanqing picked it up and looked at it. The pearl was about the size of a soybean, the color was very new, and it was perforated in the middle, which looked like something decorative.

Wang Yanqing asked Liang Fu in a low voice, "Can I take this pearl with me?"

Liang Fu nodded in agreement. This kind of broken pearl is worthless, even if it is given to Wang Yanqing, it is nothing. Wang Yanqing put the pearl into the purse by hiding her figure, and her movements were light and fast. When Wang Yanqing did this action, it happened to block the maid's sight. If they walked back to the window, it would be too deliberate. Wang Yanqing took advantage of the situation to sit by the dressing table, pretending to change the place of conversation, and asked, "Did anything happen after that?"

When Liang Fu saw Wang Yanqing sitting down, she also sat down and said, "Then the second brother followed his wife back to her mother's house. I passed the time in the room by myself. The second brother and his wife came back in the evening. The maid went to sleep after talking. The second day was the same. I couldn't go out when my brother was away, so I spent time at home by myself. On the third day, I took a nap at noon, and when I woke up, my wife told me Fornicating with a foreigner…”

Liang Fu recalled what happened that day, and her expression became painful again. Wang Yanqing held her hand and said, "Okay, I understand, you don't have to think about those things. I will report it truthfully when I go back. You have to live well and don't think too much. I believe the adults will give you justice."

Liang Fu thought that the "adult" in Wang Yanqing's words was Chen Qianhu, and said gratefully: "Thank you Chen Qianhu. Girl, can you ask Chen Qianhu to help me and find my elder brother? He has been out for a long time. He used to go out for a mountain tour. Playing in the water, I will be back in five days at most, and I have never been away for so long."

Wang Yanqing just replied: "Okay, we'll do our best. I'll take a step first, you can rest in peace."

The maids didn't expect Wang Yanqing to come out so soon, so they hurriedly stood up, and there was still panic on their faces. Wang Yanqing opened the door, his eyes swept across the faces of the maids, and without saying a word, turned around and said to Liang Fu, "Miss Liang, stay. I'll go first."

Liang Fu reluctantly said goodbye to Wang Yanqing. Wang Yanqing went downstairs, Liang Wenshi's maid looked back and forth, and crept behind Wang Yanqing. Wang Yanqing walked down the steps, brushed the hem of her skirt, and said, "If you want to know what you want to ask, why do you follow me like a prisoner?"

The maids were embarrassed and said with a dry smile: "The girl misunderstood. The servants were afraid of neglecting the distinguished guests, so they followed the girl."

"Okay." Wang Yanqing nodded, "Since you have nothing to ask me, then I will ask you. On November 19th, the day Mrs. Liang caught the man in Xiulou, what were you doing? You should take a nap, Miss. If you stay by the side, why can you let the man from the outside enter the house?"

The maids were embarrassed, and one of them said with a double bun: "It's wrong, the lady has the habit of taking naps, and she always sleeps until late in the afternoon. I saw the lady fell asleep that day, and the kitchen needed help, so I went. I plan to come back when the lady wakes up."

Another maid also said: "Me too, I went to boil water."

Looking at the maid's expression, Wang Yanqing understood in an instant. She seems to have lived in this environment for a long time and knows these back-house lawsuits very well. These maids said it nicely, but in fact, most of them ran out to rest and play when they saw the young lady falling asleep, so there was no one to guard the embroidery building. Liang Wenshi brought someone to catch the traitor, and he happened to be caught.

Wang Yanqing did not pursue the slackness of these maids and asked, "Adultry should always be a matter of two people. Since Mrs. Liang reported that Miss Liang had committed adultery, who is the adulterer?"

The maids looked at each other, no one said a word. Wang Yanqing's brows did not move, and her tone was secretly pressing: "Speak. You don't want to go to jail to talk, right?"

As soon as they moved out of Jinyiwei, the maids were all cowardly. A maid whispered: "It's Feng Liu. When the adulterer ran away, many people saw it under the tree. My wife immediately sent someone out to find the person wearing the red robe, and as a result, I found exactly the same in Feng Liu's house. clothing."

With all the witnesses and materials, the arrest of the rapist is a sure thing, even if Liang Fu said she didn't know Feng Liu, no one would believe her. Wang Yanqing remained calm and asked, "Who is Feng Liu?"