The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 17: The real murderer


Lu Heng recognized that the pearl fell from the shoe, and it was much easier to know the object. Lu Heng quickly found a shop that made this kind of shoe. Wang Yanqing compared the sample and found that the pearl on the toe and Liang Fu picked it up. arrived exactly the same.

Wang Yanqing put down her things and nodded lightly to Lu Heng. Lu Heng thought that it was still necessary to bring a woman with him when investigating the case, at least it would be much more convenient to check the evidence of such a woman. Lu Heng looked at the shopkeeper and asked, "Has anyone bought this kind of shoes?"

The shopkeeper rubbed his hands together, wondering, "Officials, our shop is a small business, and we make clothes for the families of officials and wealthy businessmen. Shoes and socks are women's private things, and it is not convenient to disclose them to outsiders."

The shopkeeper thought that after revealing the personal connections of their store, some ignorant customers should retreat. However, the man whose skin was so outstanding that he could be called beautiful just looked at him and smiled, and calmly took out an iron token.

The shopkeeper glanced at the token, and vaguely scanned the word "jin", and did not dare to look down. The shopkeeper's forehead kept oozing cold sweat, and he said with an apologetic smile: "It turned out to be Lord Jin Yiwei. Lord, wait a moment, the little one will go to get the account book."

After Lu Heng revealed his identity, everyone became very talkative. The shopkeeper quickly brought the account book, Wang Yanqing turned page by page, suddenly pointed to a place and said to Lu Heng, "Second brother, look here, Liang Wenshi ordered a pair of shoes here at the beginning of last month."

Liang Wenshi bought the new product just now, with pearls on the toe cap, which should have been specially made for Liang Wei Shouxiao. Lu Heng made a rough calculation, looking at the degree of wear and tear of the beads, the time also matched. The shopkeeper was still standing beside him. Hearing the words, he hurriedly said, "This is a new sample from the store. If the lady likes it, the villain will ask the man to pack a few pairs for the lady."

Wang Yanqing is dressed as usual now, but she is exquisite in clothing, food, shelter and transportation in the Lu Mansion, so she doesn't need the shoes here. She was about to refuse, but saw Lu Heng look up, looking at the shopkeeper with mixed eyes: "What do you call her?"

The shopkeeper was so frightened that he stammered: "Isn't this lady the lady of an adult?"

Wang Yanqing was embarrassed and hurriedly said, "Storekeeper, you misunderstood, this is my brother."

Only at this moment did the shopkeeper notice that Wang Yanqing was still wearing an unmarried woman's bun, and she couldn't help but look embarrassed. Seeing that the two of them were intimate, and they were touching and talking in front of people, he thought they were a couple. As for the woman calling the man second brother... There are so many women who call the lover brother, the shopkeeper thought it was a couple's love.

Who knows, it turned out to be a "brother" instead of a "loving brother". The shopkeeper smiled and muttered in his heart. The two of them didn't look alike at all, and they always stood close to the body. Who would have thought that they were brother and sister.

After Wang Yanqing explained, he felt embarrassed and took a step forward silently. Lu Heng glanced at Wang Yanqing in disbelief, and said to the shopkeeper, "We have taken the account book, and I will send it to you when we run out."

"Don't dare." The shopkeeper dared to let Jin Yiwei come to the door, and said quickly, "This account book store is not needed, and I don't dare to bother the adults to make a trip. The adults need it, just take it."

The shopkeeper thanked Lu Heng and Wang Yanqing for sending Lu Heng and Wang Yanqing out. The man hid behind the counter and asked cautiously, "The shopkeeper, is there anything wrong with Mrs. Liang's shoes? Why are Jin Yiwei here?"

The shopkeeper glared at the man and scolded: "Is it something you can ask about Mr. Jin Yiwei? Why don't you go to work soon!"

Wang Yanqing and Lu Heng walked out of the store. Seeing that there was no one left or right, she lowered her voice and said to Lu Heng, "So, the bead at Liang Rong's door was left by Liang Wen's. On the 16th day, she went to Liang Rong's house for some reason and walked around. I accidentally dropped a pearl on the tip of my shoe. It was dark at that time, and Liang Wenshi didn't notice it, but Liang Fu found it the next day. After Liang Fu showed it to Liang Bin, Liang Bin told Liang Wenshi, Liang Wenshi thought Liang Fu When she discovered her secret, she became murderous. Liang Fu was a female family member and stayed in the house all day without going out. Liang Wenshi couldn't find a chance to start, so she stole Feng Liu's clothes and let Liang Bin put on clothes and pretend to be Feng Liu also took the time to take people to catch the adulterer and let Liang Bin escape in front of everyone, in order to frame Feng Liu and Liang Fu for adultery, and use the knife of the government to kill people. No wonder she deliberately preached that Liang Fu was crazy and did not let people marry Liang When Fu spoke, she even asked for an exorcism talisman from outside. The exorcism is fake, and the seal is real. She was afraid that Liang Fu would tell outsiders about her, so she falsely accused Liang Fu of going crazy."

Lu Heng nodded: "The whole story of Liang Fu's adultery case should be like this. However, there is still another problem. If something on Liang Wen's shoes fell at Liang Rong's door, it can only prove that she came to Liang Rong's room, not that it is She killed Liang Rong. Liang Bin pretended to be Liang Rong and went out, wearing Feng Liu's clothes to frame his sister's adultery. He could not get rid of this murder case. Only in Liang Rong's case, Liang Wenshi and Liang Bin were the main culprit and the accomplice. , the charges and sentencing are different, how to determine who is the real murderer among these two people?"

Wang Yanqing frowned, feeling troubled. The expressions of Liang Wenshi and Liang Bin are not right, and the level of suspicion is about the same. It is impossible to judge who is the main culprit based on testimony alone. Moreover, all their reasoning now is speculation, and evidence is needed in order to conclusively.

Wang Yanqing thought for a while and asked, "Liang Fu said that when she went to visit Liang Rong on the 16th night, she heard muffled voices in the house, and then Liang Rong told her to go back. Could it be that the murderer was also in the room at that time? , the so-called answer of Liang Rong is the murderer pretending?"

Lu Heng immediately understood what Wang Yanqing was thinking, and said, "This possibility cannot be ruled out. However, a woman can lower her voice and pretend to speak as a man for a short time. Just relying on a little bit, it is impossible to determine the real culprit."

Wang Yanqing let out a low sigh, and his face became heavy again. Seeing Wang Yanqing's drooping eyebrows and slightly pouted mouth, Lu Heng couldn't help laughing lightly. He raised his hand and squeezed Wang Yanqing's face: "What's the hurry, the most important evidence in this case has not been found yet."

"Huh?" Wang Yanqing was puzzled, ignoring Lu Heng's unruly hand, and asked, "What other evidence?"

The skin in his palm is like jade, and the touch is very good. After Lu Heng finished his hand addiction, he said calmly: "A corpse. In a murder case, a corpse is always the most important evidence. Before seeing the corpse, any inference is a castle in the air. ."

Wang Yanqing nodded thoughtfully, raised her eyes, and looked at him earnestly with round black eyes: "Second brother, are we going to find Liang Rong's body now?"

The way she looked up like a well-behaved and polite cat, this time Lu Heng not only had itchy hands, but also felt itchy. He rubbed Wang Yanqing's cheek with his fingertips, and said absently, "I don't want to let Qingqing find the body. Jin Yiwei is not good enough, but there are many people, so let them find it."

Wang Yanqing frowned, thinking about the case carefully: "However, it is so big outside Baoding Mansion, where should I go to find it?"

Wang Yanqing's attention shifted, Lu Heng was a little unhappy, and deliberately said, "If Qingqing smiles at me, I'll tell you."

Wang Yanqing raised his eyes, glanced at Lu Heng lightly, and turned away. Lu Heng hurriedly stopped the person, lowered his posture and coaxed: "Okay, I'm joking with Qingqing. How could the second brother refuse Qingqing's request. On the seventeenth day, Liang Wenshi took his son back to his mother's house, Liang Wenshi is such a precious son and a person who is greedy for enjoyment, how can he not bring a servant and let his son drive the car? Most of them are going to dump the corpses. After checking their whereabouts after leaving the city, you can know where Liang Rong's body is. ."

At this stage, the matter has basically come to the fore, and the only thing left is to find evidence. Lu Heng had no time to perfunctory the Liang family. He was too lazy to go back to the Liang family, so he went directly to the guardhouse and showed his identity token. Baoding Mansion Jinyi Guard looked at the word Lu on it, and his expression was cracked. After a while, the officials of Baoding Mansion gathered in front of Lu Heng and asked, "Commander, I don't know how negligent you are when you come to Baoding Mansion. I don’t know, what’s the point of commanding envoys to Baoding?”

When Lu Heng investigated Feng Liu, he also used Jin Yiwei's relationship, but at that time he used a fake identity, and now this is his own identity token. They arrived in Baoding at the end of the day and ran to several places in the afternoon. Before they knew it, it was getting dark. Lu Heng glanced at the sun and said, "It's windy, first arrange a clean room, no need to make tea, just bring hot water."

When the Baoding government officials heard this, they hurriedly ran down and arranged a place for the commander to rest. When they parted, Quan honestly lowered his eyes. Occasionally someone couldn't hold back their curiosity and glanced behind the commander, who was immediately pulled away by his comrades.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger in the evening, and the chill was as sharp as a knife. Lu Heng turned around, pulled Wang Yanqing's hood, and asked, "Qingqing, is it still cold?"

Wang Yanqing shook his head: "I don't mind, it's important to investigate the case first."

When Lu Heng pulled the cloak for her, he accidentally touched Wang Yanqing's cheek, and it was cold. He touched Wang Yanqing's finger, and sure enough, it was as cold as ice. Lu Heng held Wang Yanqing's hand, warmed her with his own, and said, "No hurry, find a place to warm up first."

As Lu Heng spoke, he thought to himself that Wang Yanqing's fingers were so cold that he was either naturally cold or weak, and in short, he had to be recuperated. It seems that he has to find a husband for her when he goes back.

The things that Lu Heng explained, the guards will soon be done. Baoding officials immediately packed up a warm and spacious room, which was spotlessly clean and well-furnished. There were also double land and leaf signs, which ensured that the commander would live comfortably. After Lu Heng entered, they glanced roughly. They probably thought that this house was used by Lu Heng, and all the furnishings were male, and there was not a single woman's utensils. Lu Heng frowned, very dissatisfied. Seeing this, Wang Yanqing said softly, "Second brother, I like the simple and elegant decoration here. Can I sit here for a while?"

Lu Heng sighed softly in his heart and said to Wang Yanqing, "I said, you don't have to guess my face."

Wang Yanqing lowered her head, her chin resting on the fluffy fur collar, as cold and fragile as Jade: "No, I like it."

She has become intuitive to see people's expressions, and she can't distinguish between life and case handling. At first, Lu Heng felt that she was blessed with this ability, but now think about it, what has she experienced to develop such a skill

He would rather she didn't have this talent.

Lu Heng didn't bother any more, and took Wang Yanqing to sit down. There were no women in a place like the guardhouse, and there was no heater in the house, so Lu Heng used his own hands to keep her warm.

Lu Heng's palm is bigger than Wang Yanqing's, and he can cover both of Wang Yanqing's hands with one hand. In addition, he has practiced martial arts all the year round, his body is strong, and his palms are always hot, which is in stark contrast to Wang Yanqing's ice-like fingers. Wang Yanqing's fingers were curled up in Lu Heng's palm, and she could touch his dry and warm palm with a little movement. She quietly felt the slightly rough calluses on Lu Heng's palm, and she felt covetousness unconsciously in her heart.

The guard sent the records of leaving the city. Lu Heng held Wang Yanqing with one hand and slowly flipped the records with the other hand. After reading for a while, he said, "Go to the city to search the mountains, check the villages along the way, and see if anyone has seen Liang. family carriage."

The Jinyiwei outside the partition led the order, and his steps were quick and powerful, and he was gone in a short while. After the door was closed again, Wang Yanqing asked, "Second brother, how are you sure you are in Mancheng?"

"Liang Wen's natal family is in Qingyuan, but she leaves the city through the north gate. Qingyuan is in the south of Baoding. It's not even the Chinese New Year, and there is no city gate congestion. Why should she detour like this? There are barren mountains in the north, which is the most suitable for Throwing the body away, she should go to the city."

Wang Yanqing nodded, she hesitated for a while, and asked in a low voice, "Second brother, don't you have to go out?"

Lu Heng closed the booklet and glanced at her lightly: "Drive me away?"

"No." Wang Yanqing bit her lip, her face was as pale as snow, her lips were almost colorless, she said obediently, "I'm afraid that because of me, the second brother's business will be delayed."

Everyone was looking for Liang Rong's body outside, but Lu Heng was here with her, and she could be seen by officials. This is not good for Lu Heng's career or reputation. Wang Yanqing is afraid that Lu Heng will be dragged down for his own sake.

"When will your cautious temperament get better?" Lu Heng seemed to sigh, and squeezed Wang Yanqing's slender hand even more tightly, and said, "Why isn't your business a serious business? Other women are coquettish, take Qiao, If you feel unhappy, show your face, you are better, always think of others. You have to be ignorant and put yourself in the most central position. "

A picture quickly flashed through Wang Yanqing's mind. She seemed to hear someone say "Qingqing, you have to be sensible", but she couldn't see the face of the person in front of her. She frowned and said puzzled: "But, second brother, haven't you always made me sensible?"

Lu Heng was stunned for a moment. He stared at Wang Yanqing's eyes for a while, then smiled lightly: "People always change, I've changed my mind now. Qingqing, did you remember something?"