The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 18: get married


With a smile on his lips, Lu Heng silently examined Wang Yanqing. Wang Yanqing didn't pay attention to Lu Heng's eyes. She fell into the memory of the past. It was obvious that the scene just flashed by, but when she thought about it, she couldn't find anything.

She was dazed for a long time, her head hurt from thinking, but there was no result. She reached out and tapped her forehead, and Lu Heng took her hand in time and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Wang Yanqing raised her head, as if she had done something wrong, and said pitifully, "Second brother, I'm sorry, I only remember that you told me to be sensible, but I can't remember the rest."

Lu Heng's brows moved slightly, what did he say? It seems that Wang Yanqing didn't really remember it, but as long as she remembered it, she knew that the person in front of her was not her second brother at all. Lu Heng's heart didn't know whether to relax or be disappointed. He smiled at Wang Yanqing, the end of his eyes twitched, and he was as seductive and addicted as a deep lake: "It doesn't matter, it's fine if I can't remember, we still have a long time, so don't worry. Apart from this, Any more?"

Wang Yanqing shook his head, his eyes cautious. Lu Heng knew that this black cauldron wanted him to carry it again, so he paused, comforted Wang Yanqing, and said to himself: "What you remember, it should be about your illness when you were eight years old. I got up in the morning to practice martial arts, and you should also Follow, the martial arts lessons are arranged according to my schedule, you are weak, you can't stand it and you have to fight hard, and you will fall ill when you go back. I will let you rest for a few days, if you don't, you have to get up the next day and continue. I'll let you be sensible and don't make fun of your body."

After Lu Heng finished speaking, he had to believe it. He had read all the documents of Wang Yanqing, and knew that she had a serious illness because of martial arts training when she was eight years old. Now Lu Heng has done some work, but the time, cause and effect, and process have not changed. Only the person inside was replaced by Lu Heng, and he added a sentence. The very ruthless words turned into concern for Wang Yanqing's body, and whoever listened to it was moved. Lu Heng sighed with emotion that all the resilience he had developed in front of the imperial palace was used to deceive Wang Yanqing.

Sure enough, Wang Yanqing blinked when he heard these words, and the bottom of his eyes was filled with water: "Second brother..."

Lu Heng stroked Wang Yanqing's cheek, rubbed his fingertips on those thrilling eyes, and gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "Why are you crying? There are so many things like this, if you don't remember, we will do it all over again. Even if You'll never get your memory back, and that's okay."

Lu Heng silently added in his heart, if you regained your memory, I'm afraid you won't sit here obediently and look at him like this.

Wang Yanqing's heart was full of emotion, she forgot all the memories of the two of them, but the second brother was neither angry nor impatient, and always guided her patiently. How lucky she is to have such a brother, no wonder she is reluctant to forget him when she loses her memory.

Lu Heng lingered on Wang Yanqing's face for a long time, and finally retracted his hand reluctantly. As it should be, he said: "You have been tossing for a day today, you must be tired. I am afraid they will have to search for a while. We can't go tonight, so you might as well rest first. There is a second brother here to help you. You can rest assured and sleep in peace."

Wang Yanqing was a little hesitant when she heard this. She and her second brother were childhood sweethearts. It was enough to be close when they were young. Now that they are all grown up, they still live in the same room at night? But Lu Heng's words were still in his ears, and Wang Yanqing's inner doubts were quickly overwhelmed. Second brother was so kind to her, how could he have other thoughts? He must be caring about her body.

Wang Yanqing stood in the cold wind for an afternoon today, probably because she was stimulated by the cold wind, her body was tired and her lower back was sore. Seeing Wang Yanqing's tiredness, Lu Heng brought her a pillow and put it on the couch, helping her to lie down.

Wang Yanqing was really tired, she lay down, and Lu Heng saw that she was a little cold, so he took his cloak and put it on her carefully. Wang Yanqing looked at Lu Heng's dark blue sleeves and asked, "Second brother, did you already know the truth about Liang Rong's death?"

Lu Heng was noncommittal and said, "The body hasn't been found yet, everything is just speculation, there is no truth."

Wang Yanqing was slender and slender, and only a small strand rose under Lu Heng's wide cloak. She was afraid of the cold, so she buried her face in the fluff of the collar of the cloak, the black fluff was fluffy, and her face was not as big as a slap when she leaned on it.

She turned her face, looked at Lu Heng carefully, and said, "You don't have to lie to me. When you came out of Liang Rong's study, you probably guessed it."

The night was cold and heavy, and the wind was howling. Lu Heng decided to choose the latter between the cold official document and the lively beauty. He sat on the edge of the couch, his fingers slowly passed through Wang Yanqing's hair, and he said casually, "Qingqing asks these questions, can you still fall asleep after a while?"

Wang Yanqing shook her head. Although she didn't speak, her clear eyes were fixed on him. Lu Heng was helpless, sighed slightly, and said, "I originally wanted Qingqing to sleep for a while, but since Qingqing wants to listen, there is no reason for my brother. As soon as I entered Liang Rong's room, it felt wrong. There are a lot of books hidden, and the desk case is full of pen, ink, paper and inkstone. It can be seen that he usually likes to read books, which is different from those playboys who put on a facade. For such people, the most commonly used couch is actually empty. I thought it was too deliberate, so I went in and took a look. I didn't expect it to hit the right spot. The brushes on his desk were neatly arranged by thickness, length and length, and the paperweights were placed horizontally and vertically, but the brushes on his inkstone were not washed. A careless A person who runs out of pens will not wash them until the next day, but a compulsive pursuit of neatness will not. It can only be said that when he put down his pen, he just left temporarily, and did not think about going out or sleeping. Liang Wenshi and The so-called Liang Rong went out to visit friends is completely nonsense."

Wang Yanqing recalled the daytime scene while listening. She also saw Liang Rong's desktop, but she didn't pay attention to these details. Unexpectedly, the seemingly simple desktop hides so much information.

Wang Yanqing asked again, "Then what?"

"I knew at that time that Liang Rong was probably in an accident. The collection of books can best reflect a person's character. I went to the bookshelf to check and found that the books on it looked messy, but they were actually distributed according to dynasties. There is only one, the Song Collection. , but was placed in the miscellaneous notes of the Yuan Dynasty."

Wang Yanqing was lying on his side on the throw pillow, his chin was touching Lu Heng's cloak, and the light seemed to cast a layer of glaze on the two of them. In contrast, the whiter Wang Yanqing's chin was, the darker Lu Heng's cloak was. Lu Heng's slender fingers slowly fiddled in Wang Yanqing's hair. She ignored the hands and asked in surprise, "Those books are not serious knowledge, but travel journals. Second brother, do you even know these things?"

Now Daxing Bagu, the imperial examinations are only serious knowledge, and the rest are all heresy. Anyway, Wang Yanqing hadn't read any of those books, she didn't know what those books were talking about, but Lu Heng was in a pile of books, and at a glance, she found a different dynasty.

Lu Heng smiled in a low voice and circled Wang Yanqing's hair with his fingertips: "I haven't seen it before, I just know about it. It's impossible for someone like Liang Rong to misplace his collection of books, it must be someone else. In a hurry, people randomly put the books on the table into the bookshelf. I took out the book, and after turning a few pages, I found that there were water stains on it. The water stains were light, the edges were brown, and they should be tea water. Before the incident, Liang Rong was tired of reading the book case, so he put down his pen and moved to the couch to lie down and read. Later, the murderer entered the house and accidentally knocked over the tea while committing the crime, and got the book wet. The murderer was flustered and quickly put the Books were mixed into the bookshelves, so that no one would find him there. Out of a guilty conscience, he cleaned everything on the couch. I went to the couch to check and found that the dust on the coffee table was different from that on the table, and it was obvious that someone came in behind. Wipe it down. If it wasn't where the crime happened, why would the murderer care so much?"

Wang Yanqing nodded, no wonder Lu Heng stayed by the couch for so long at that time, so he was restoring the scene at that time. Wang Yanqing asked, "So, those scratches on the edge of the couch are also related to Liang Rong's death?"

Lu Heng said lightly, "You can't draw conclusions too early before you see the body. However, those scratches are thin and deep, with slight rolling marks, which should be fingernails in thickness. There are traces of wetness. At that time, the tea cup should have been placed on the couch, and it was knocked over. The tea soaked the book, and part of it flowed down the legs of the table to the couch. Although the table was wiped several times, they forgot Clean up the couch below. According to these traces, Liang Rong should have been killed while lying on the couch, struggling before dying, with scratches on the edge. The muffled sounds that Liang Fu heard should be the movements of Liang Rong's struggle. "

After Lu Heng finished speaking, he went around Wang Yanqing's hair and casually added: "Of course, this is just my guess, and the specific evidence will have to wait for the body to come out."

"This is already very powerful." Wang Yanqing responded with admiration, thinking of herself, she said with some discouragement, "I went to the study with you, but I only saw the surface and found nothing, unlike the second brother, Even the process of committing the crime has almost come out. The second brother has such a strong detection ability, why do you still need me?"

Lu Heng let out a low laugh, moved his palms up, rubbed the top of Wang Yanqing's head, and said, "Qingqing has high regard for me, and the case handling is based on experience. I have seen more, and I will naturally notice it. Unlike Qingqing, insight Qiu Hao is very talented."

"You're coaxing me again."

Lu Heng lowered his head and saw the beauty lying beside his legs, with jade-like skin and black hair hanging down beside the couch, with a few strands tangled on his clothes. It was a gesture of complete trust and defense, and she lowered her eyes, bit her lip slightly, and felt guilty for not being able to help him.

Lu Heng suddenly understood why Fu Tingzhou hid her for ten years. If he has such a "sister", he must be careful to store it and place it properly so that outsiders will not have the slightest chance.

"How could that be?" Lu Heng said slowly, his fingers lingering from his hair to her cheek, slowly sketching the arc of her profile, "solving a case is not the work of one person, investigation, interrogation, and arrest have their own responsibilities. You have your use, You have to believe in yourself."


"Really." After Lu Heng finished speaking, he covered Wang Yanqing's eyes with his palms, and said, "Other girls listen to the stories of talented and beautiful women before going to bed. It's better for you to ask all these murderous things. I'll tell you the rest tomorrow, You should sleep."

His eyes covered Lu Heng's palm, his nose lingered with his breath, and he, sitting not far from her, had an extremely strong presence. Wang Yanqing felt very relieved for no reason, closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

Wang Yanqing's breathing gradually calmed down, and Lu Heng retracted his hand and watched her silently under the light. He originally thought that Wang Yanqing, a girl's house, would not be safe in the Jinyi Guardhouse, which was full of men, so he let her stay in his room. Thinking about it now, it might be the most unsafe to be by his side.

Lu Heng put his hand on his knee and stared at the light a little dazedly. He is twenty-two years old this year, which is a young age for officialdom, but it is too late for starting a family and starting a business. Because he has not married a wife for a long time, there are many speculations in private in the capital. There are many rumors such as being masculine, not holding up, and having perverted hobbies in the bed. There are even people who say that he has done too many wicked things, so he has children. There is a shortage, and it is destined to fail.

Lu Heng knew all about it, but he was too lazy to pay attention. He didn't marry a wife, simply because he didn't want to get married. It happened that he met Shouxiao this year, so he pushed back again.

The benefits of not marrying a wife are very real. He doesn't like being pinned down, and he doesn't like to expose his weaknesses. With a family, he has set a target that everyone knows. Come and drag him. Moreover, the emperor's heart is suspicious and the party is fierce. He doesn't want to destroy the balance he finally established because of a woman. Most importantly, Lu Heng believed from the bottom of his heart that he could not trust people in this life.

He couldn't even trust the parents who gave birth to him, how could he sleep peacefully beside another strange woman and expose all his words and deeds to the other party? He intrigues with the emperor in the courtroom, and infights with the minister in Nanzhen.

Most of the wives he married were also noble ladies whose fathers and brothers held great power. This kind of noble lady has been brainwashed by her family since she was a child, and she always thinks of her parents' family in any trouble. And Lu Heng has a special status and is most taboo to leak news. He just thinks about wanting to share a bed with a woman and test each other, and he feels less interested.

There are many advantages of not having a wife, but none of the advantages of having a wife. Lu Heng knew himself very well. Since he couldn't believe it, he might as well not marry him. But now, he felt Wang Yanqing's shallow breathing, the faint warm fragrance on his body, leaning on his leg in a completely trusting gesture, thinking that maybe getting a wife may not be without benefits.

Obviously at first, he just wanted to use her. Lu Heng knew the essence of deceit. To convince others, he must first convince himself. He imagined that he really had a childhood sweetheart and a younger sister who had been with him for ten years. If Wang Yanqing came to their house at the age of seven and studied martial arts together for ten years, what would they look like when they got along? Lu Heng imagined in his heart, and then treated Wang Yanqing like this.

Immersive acting has been played for a long time, and it will feel like this. Later, Lu Heng couldn't help but think, it would be great if he really had such a sister, this is someone he can hardly trust, don't worry about her betrayal, don't worry about her having other goals, and don't worry about her not getting used to the Lu family. When she is an adult, the two will get married naturally, and they don't even need to change their parents' titles.

If only her father had adopted her back in the first place. Unfortunately, no if.

His father was Jin Yiwei. He was cautious, indifferent and suspicious. From the very beginning, he would not bring anyone back home. Lu Heng was born into such a family, and he was destined to never trust another person for the rest of his life.

He brushed off the fluff on Wang Yanqing's face, got up and went to the other side to read the official document. The others are in Baoding Mansion, but the matter in the capital prison is still waiting for him. The emperor's patience is running out. The corruption case of Zhang Yongxiaojing must be resolved as soon as possible.

As for Wang Yanqing, she now mistakenly thinks he is the second brother, so she pleases him in every possible way. Once she knows the truth, she will definitely face him with the sword. All the warmth at this moment is sugar wrapped in poison. The more she trusts him now, the more she will hate him when her memory is restored in the future.

And looking at her appearance, it is not far from this day.

Lu Heng secretly said a pity.