The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 32: New Years


When Zhang Zuo, who was beside the emperor, came over, Fu Tingzhou could only accept the words and watched Lu Heng walk into the palace, clenching his teeth secretly.

Lu Heng, this matter is not over yet, he will not give up.

After Lu Heng walked out of Fu Tingzhou's line of sight with Zhang Zuo, he lowered his voice and asked, "It's cold today, is the holy dragon healthy?"

Compared with other courtiers, Lu Heng was the one who saw the emperor most often. But no matter how often he went to the palace, he couldn't compare to the eunuch who stayed by the emperor's side all day and mastered the emperor's necessities. Lu Heng's words can be understood as caring about the emperor's body, or it can be understood as inquiring about the emperor's movements, just to see what Zhang Zuo thinks.

Zhang Zuo smiled and said: "Lord Lu always misses Sheng An, he is really a loyal minister. Sheng Shang recently took Shao Tianshi's new medicine pill, and his spirit is much stronger than the previous days. He has been in the morning for a long time. Xu The wind was blowing, and I got a little cough when I came back."

Lu Heng nodded lightly, his eyes thoughtful. The change in his expression was fleeting, and Lu Heng quickly put on a smile and thanked Zhang Zuo: "Thank you, Eunuch Zhang. Some time ago, the following people sent some antiques from Jiangnan, saying that they were made of red jade, and they were invaluable. I don't understand. These, another day, I'll ask Eunuch Zhang to help me taste a thing or two."

Zhang Zuo's face burst into laughter as soon as he heard it, he closed the corners of his mouth and declined, "Master Lu has a lot of knowledge, how dare a miscellaneous family make an axe."

"Eunuch Zhang's words are out of the question." Lu Heng said, "The father-in-law served by the emperor's side. He has seen many good things. How can an outsider's vision compare

The smile on Zhang Zuo's face finally let go, his hands folded into his sleeves, and Xu Xu bowed to Lu Heng: "Master Lu is polite. Since Master Lu can use Zajia, Zajia will be bold."

Lu Heng smiled and said, "Thank you Eunuch Zhang."

With the episode of Hongyu, the atmosphere of the next two people is very harmonious. Soon, the Qianqing Palace arrived, and Zhang Zuo entered the palace in small steps, stopped outside the Dongnuan Pavilion, and saluted, "Your Majesty, Lord Lu is here."

The emperor's voice came from inside, Zhang Zuo turned sideways and said to Lu Heng, "Lord Lu, please."

Lu Heng gestured to Zhang Zuo slightly, and then walked in slowly. The emperor had already taken off his court clothes and put on a Taoist robe. When he saw Lu Heng, he greeted him kindly, "You are here."

Lu Heng saluted the emperor and said greetings as usual. The emperor didn't waste too much time, and went straight to the point: "What's the matter with Zhao Huai?"

Lu Heng knew that the emperor called him here for this. Lu Heng thought about it on the way, without pausing, he recounted the situation of Zhao Huai's family clearly and neatly. He would appropriately omit it when he reported to the early court, but when facing the emperor alone, he was meticulous and told the emperor everything he found.

What the emperor needs is facts, and the emperor will judge whether it is true or false.

After Lu Heng finished speaking, the emperor pondered for a while and asked, "Why did Zhao Huai suddenly let go? How did you ask?"

Jin Yiwei has a domineering reputation, but no one who can survive in Jin Yiwei for a long time is a reckless man who only knows how to bully others. Lu Heng dared to lead someone directly to search Zhao Huai's home, so he must have some trump card.

Lu Heng thought that the emperor was really suspicious, not only to know the results of the investigation, but also how they found out. Lu Heng paused for a very short time and made a decision in an instant. He took Wang Yanqing to the prison for questioning, and it was impossible to hide it from everyone's eyes and ears.

What's more, today Fu Tingzhou, this idiot, blocked him in Chengtianmen, I am afraid the emperor already knew. Lu Heng did not hesitate after making a decision, and said calmly, "It's not a minister, it was asked by a woman."

The emperor was used to seeing strange things, and when he heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "A woman?"

"Yes." Lu Heng said, "She is naturally good at recognizing facial expressions, and can judge the true emotions based on subtle changes, so as to infer whether this person is lying. Interrogating Zhao Huai, including the minister's previous adultery investigation in Baoding, was all hers. Assist from the side."

The first time the emperor heard about this ability, he was curious and asked, "Where did you find this strange person?"

Lu Heng paused for a moment, and said calmly: "It's Fu Tingzhou's adopted sister. She lost her memory a few days ago, so the minister took her in."

The emperor was stunned, blinked slowly, and said, "Amnesia?"

"Yes." Once the first word was uttered, the next words were very relaxed, Lu Heng said without changing his expression, "Also, she seems to have mistaken the minister for her brother."

Rao is the emperor who has experienced great winds and waves, and at this moment is a little speechless. He looked at Lu Heng, and Lu Heng also stood calmly in the hall, allowing the emperor to look at it.

The emperor has no moral restraint, good and evil are just empty words about him. There are only two kinds of people in the world for the emperor, one is useful to him, and the other is hindering him. Even a person like the emperor felt that it was too immoral to hear what Lu Heng had done.

The emperor was curious and asked, "Does Fu Tingzhou know?"

Lu Heng shook his head and said, "He doesn't know yet."

The emperor understood as soon as he heard it. Some time ago, the abnormality between Lu Heng and Fu Tingzhou was also resolved. Today, Fu Tingzhou stopped Lu Heng, probably because of this. The emperor nodded and said, "You can do it yourself. Don't delay the handling of the case. Zhang Yong's family is rich, not only Zhao Huai's five thousand taels of gold. If you try again the few in the prison, maybe there are more."

Lu Heng responded, knowing that the emperor felt that the evidence was not enough, and that more Yang Dang would be involved in dismounting. He took Wang Yanqing to the emperor's place to cross the road, and the emperor didn't say anything, Lu Heng understood that he had passed this hurdle.

The emperor is a person who believes that human nature is inherently evil, and because of this, he is also easy to understand some evils that extend from people's original desires - such as greed for money, lust, jealousy, and struggle for power. Lu Heng clearly told the emperor about Chen Yin's black state, and the emperor didn't care, but if Lu Heng pretended to be a saint, but secretly guided the emperor to exclude dissidents, it would be a big taboo for the emperor.

Therefore, Lu Heng and the emperor have always had a straight talk. As long as Lu Heng is thick-skinned and courageous enough to be the first to open his mouth, the emperor will let him think about it. Lu Heng knew that the emperor had acquiesced to his actions, and even when he ambushed Fu Tingzhou in the western suburbs some time ago, the emperor didn't care. In the future, even if Fu Tingzhou sued the imperial court, Lu Heng would not do anything at all.

Lu Heng solved Fu Tingzhou's confidant's serious trouble. He was satisfied and refreshed. After saying goodbye to the emperor, he went to the prison to interrogate the remaining civil servants. He hadn't slept all night, but he was in good spirits all day, and he had a happy smile on his lips until he returned to the house in the evening.

Wang Yanqing had been waiting for Lu Heng all day, and when she finally heard the maid reporting that Lu Heng was back, she was relieved and hurried to greet him. When Lu Heng entered the door, his eyes were smiling. Wang Yanqing helped Lu Heng to untie the cloak, folded it neatly, and handed it to the maid. He turned around and asked softly, "Second brother, what happened to the happy event, why are you so happy?"

The embezzlement case was resolved, the emperor entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, and he would be officially promoted to the commander soon... Everything was a happy event, but the one thing that most pleased Lu Heng could not be told to Wang Yanqing. Lu Heng held Wang Yanqing's hand and said, "Last night, I really found gold at Zhao Huai's house. Qingqing has made a lot of credit for this case being solved so quickly. Thanks to Qingqing for helping me during this time, what reward does Qingqing want? ?"

Wang Yanqing came back after interrogating Zhao Huai yesterday, and she didn't see Lu Heng all day today. She was worried about the progress of the investigation and always wanted to find an opportunity to ask about the result. But looking at Lu Heng's expression now, she doesn't need to ask.

Wang Yanqing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's good that the case is solved smoothly. I don't want anything. I'm satisfied if I can help my second brother."

"How can this work?" Lu Heng said, "If you make mistakes, you will be punished. If you have merit, you will be rewarded. Qingqing should not reward now, because you are afraid that I will punish you for making mistakes in the future?"

Lu Heng is a person who can make the emperor happy. He speaks every way, and Wang Yanqing can't stand it. She couldn't help laughing, and gave him an angry look: "Second brother will punish you if you want, I have nothing to say."

"Then I don't want to." Lu Heng pulled Wang Yanqing to sit down, put his hand on her lap, and said, "There are a few more in the prison, I can't make room these days. You go to the street and see."

Wang Yanqing was surprised and blurted out: "Really?"

Lu Heng noticed Wang Yanqing's accident, and his heart became clearer, and his smile became more gentle: "Of course it is true. The family is going to be together during the new year, and now there are only the two of us in Lu's house. I won't accompany you, who else can accompany you. And you?"

Wang Yanqing was really flattered. She couldn't explain why, but she always felt that it was only natural for her to help her second brother. Lu Heng stared at Wang Yanqing's absent-minded eyes, and said slowly, "Qingqing, do you still remember nothing from the past?"

Wang Yanqing bit her lip and shook her head slowly. Lu Heng sighed, covered the sadness in his eyes, embraced Wang Yanqing tolerantly and patiently, and said, "It doesn't matter, you don't remember, we'll go through it again. No matter what festival we celebrated in the past, our brothers and sisters were always together. Remember last year's New Year's Day?"

Wang Yanqing was touched by the sadness in Lu Heng's eyes, and shook his head cautiously. Lu Heng was relieved, and without blinking his eyes, he wanted to talk nonsense about things that had never happened: "Last year we went to the capital to see the lights together, and you also asked for a marriage sign, saying that it is easy to recruit villains this year, and it is not appropriate to discuss relatives. You I didn't believe it at the time, but I didn't expect to meet Fu Tingzhou at the end of the year. This year, we will go to ask for an autograph, this time, you can't take it seriously. "

Wang Yanqing nodded in confusion. Although she thought it was strange, the second brother would never lie to her. It was always reasonable for the second brother to say so.

This year's winter in the capital is extraordinarily cold, and December is shrouded in a chill, and it is quite unnerving. Everyone is staying at home, not going out if they can.

In this oppressive atmosphere, Jin Yiwei's actions were particularly arrogant. With Zhao Huai at the head, other officials were soon found out by Lu Heng for corruption. Teams of Jinyiwei dressed in flamboyant official uniforms roamed the capital, raiding homes everywhere. Pedestrians hide from a distance, and no one dares to face them head-on. At the worst time, Jin Yiwei copied three households a day.

Many families have not waited for the new year of the 12th year of Jiajing to be pushed into the abyss.

The fire got bigger and bigger, and finally, it burned to the first assistant Yang Yingning. The struggle between Yang and Zhang's two parties was almost intensified. Zhang Jinggong accused Zhao Huai and others of accepting bribes because they were instructed by Yang Yingning. Most of Zhang Yong and Xiao Jing's money actually went into Yang Yingning's hands. Yang Yingning made excuses for many times, but finally could not bear the humiliation, and took the initiative to resign to the emperor to prove his innocence.

The emperor retained, but Zhang Jinggong immediately wrote to say that Yang Yingning pretended to beg for words, in fact, retreated to advance, in exchange for the emperor's trust. Yang Yingning was furious, and again begged to return home on the grounds of illness. This time, the emperor did not immediately dismiss it.

Yang Yingning suddenly sobered up. It turned out that it was not Zhang Jinggong who wanted him to die, but the emperor's dissatisfaction with him. Yang Yingning objected to the great ceremony many times, and even spoke to Yang Ting and his son, and finally annoyed the emperor.

The emperor wanted to give his biological father the title of God, but the old officials of the Zhengde Dynasty refused to allow it. This seems to be a question of Xingxian Wang's honorary title. In fact, it is a question of who is stronger and who is weaker between the emperor and his ministers.

And the emperor did not allow anyone in the court to ignore his words. If Yang Ting and Yang Yingning were disobedient, a group of obedient people would come up.

Thinking of this, Yang Yingning didn't try to justify it again. Just like Yang Ting many years ago, he resigned from the position of the first assistant and returned to his hometown to retire.

He resigned himself, but he could still keep his family wealth and dignity. If he waited for the emperor to speak, the one who would do it would be Lu Heng.

Rather than come on his own.

After Yang Yingning's resignation, the ever-expanding corruption case finally came to an end, and at this time, the New Year came.

A few families were happy and some were sad, and when the civil servants were struggling to sleep and eat because of the cabinet change, there was a warm and peaceful scene in the Lu Mansion.

On the morning of the 30th, Wang Yanqing got up early and came to pay Lu Heng New Year's greetings. In a joking tone, she said, "The imperial court has a holiday on the 24th, but I only saw my second brother at home today. Did the second brother set up another house and avoid me?"

Lu Heng laughed. He was investigating Yang Dang these days, and he was dizzy when he searched his home. The court holiday is for ordinary officials. For him, as long as the emperor needs it, he has to be on call.

Lu Heng smiled and said, "I wish I could build a golden house that no one knows about and hide Qingqing."

The author says:

Lu Heng: surnamed Lu, given name Heng, styled actor, nicknamed Lay Buddhist.


The first corruption case + adultery case is basically over, let Lu Heng have a good year, and the Asura field can begin!