The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 45: Twisted hair


Wang Yanqing's body froze, and she wanted to sit up subconsciously: "What am I jealous of?"

She, she needs to be in a hurry to make a joke. Lu Heng held her shoulders to prevent her from moving, and pulled out her hairpin with the other hand. Wang Yanqing's long hair immediately fell from Lu Heng's fingertips like a waterfall.

Wang Yanqing was not prepared for Lu Heng to do this, and was stunned for a while. Her hair was scattered on Lu Heng's knees. It was beautiful and beautiful, with a delicate luster. From a distance, it looked like a gorgeous black satin. Lu Heng combed Wang Yanqing's hair with satisfaction and said, "Qingqing isn't jealous? Then I'm so disappointed."

Lu Heng's reactions exceeded Wang Yanqing's expectations one after another. Wang Yanqing subconsciously denied being jealous, but he admitted it directly. Wang Yanqing didn't know how to respond. After this interruption, Lu Heng had untied all her hair and spread it on her lap, playing with great interest.

Lu Heng had long felt that her hair felt good to the touch. In the past, she had a bun on her head, and she could only feel a small section of it. Now, from the root to the end, the strands of hair slipped through his fingers like water. Really enjoyable.

He had no intention of restraining, Wang Yanqing had to reach out and hold his wrist: "Second brother."

The hair is a husband and wife, there is no doubt about the love, and the hair is not touched casually. Combing each other's hair has always been something that couples can do.

However, Lu Heng looked at Wang Yanqing suspiciously as if he didn't understand the meaning of it: "Why, I hurt you?"

Wang Yanqing looked at Lu Heng's shimmering, frank and sincere eyes, and felt that it was a sin to reject him. She hesitated and said, "Not really."

"That's good." Lu Hengyue fiddled with her hair brazenly and said, "There are a few acupuncture points on the top of the head that are very effective for soothing the nerves, but I can't remember clearly. I have Lao Qingqing to help me recall, if it hurts, hurry up tell me."

Lu Heng looked like she was massaging her, but Wang Yanqing couldn't refuse. He could only lie on Lu Heng's lap and let his fingers slide between his hair. Lu Heng was playing with his hair and asked, "Qingqing, what did you hear tonight?"

After such a long adjustment, Wang Yanqing is no longer afraid of being haunted. She didn't make many memories, and said smoothly: "I went to the main hall with the maids after dinner. The Empress Dowager Zhang slept in it, and I stayed in the hall with the maids. I don't know when I fell asleep. I was woken up by a burst of cold air. I watched it specially, and everyone was asleep except me. I remembered to move my legs, and I happened to hear crying outside. I immediately went to open the window, but I didn't see anything. I came back Shi accidentally disturbed Cui Yuehuan, and the other palace maids also woke up one after another. At this moment, we heard the sound of knocking on the door, and a very strange voice said that it was cold outside, let him in. "

Lu Heng narrowed his eyes thoughtfully and asked, "Apart from this sentence, is there anything else?"

"He was still talking about how cold it was, and I pushed the door open without saying a few words. As soon as I went out, the outside sound stopped, but I searched repeatedly, and there was no one outside the house, including the doors, windows and beams. Then, second brother, you guys will come in."

Wang Yanqing was lying on Lu Heng's lap, and when he looked up, he could see Lu Heng's calm and indifferent face. She stared at Lu Heng's slightly fluttering eyelashes, looked at it for a while, and whispered, "Second brother, what did you think of?"

Lu Heng blinked, returned to his senses, lowered his head and smiled at her: "It's nothing."

Wang Yanqing burst into a nameless anger, she gathered her hair and pulled it to the side of her neck like water, while supporting her arms to climb up from Lu Heng's lap: "You always do this, I have no reservations about you, but you are Say nothing."

Lu Heng was amazed for a moment, and then he was amused and helpless. He held Wang Yanqing's shoulders with both hands, stopped her from wanting to stay, and said, "It's not that I don't believe you, but it needs verification."

Wang Yanqing frowned, suspicious of Lu Heng's words: "Really?"

"Really." Lu Heng took the pillow, adjusted the angle, and helped her to lie down, "When did the second brother lie to you? I suddenly remembered something, but I don't have any information now, and I'm not sure if I remember it. If it's wrong, I won't take it out to interfere with you. Are you angry with me for such a little thing?"

Wang Yanqing lay passively on the pillow and argued, "No..."

Before Wang Yanqing could finish speaking, Lu Heng smiled and touched the top of her head, saying, "It's okay, second brother doesn't blame you."

Wang Yanqing did not feel that there was anything wrong with him, so he had already been forgiven. Wang Yanqing was depressed, but holding on to this topic again seemed unreasonable, so she had to ignore it and asked sincerely, "Second brother, where is the person who said the voice hiding?"


"The two most suspicious people at the moment, Cui Yuehuan and Xiu Jin, were both in the room tonight. I saw them sleeping with my own eyes when the incident happened, and it was impossible for them to make strange noises. But the voices were clearly outside the window, could it be that they still Have an accomplice?"

Before the eunuch left, he left a small lamp in the room. The candle light flickered, and the room was warm. Even Lu Heng's eyes seemed to be shining with golden light. Lu Heng said: "Jin Yiwei went to the backyard of Ciqing Palace to ask questions. No one went out after dark. Everyone was sleeping in their own room when the incident happened. Unless everyone made a confession in advance, otherwise, the companion's argument would not stand. Stop."

Wang Yanqing sighed and leaned on the pillow with a headache: "No outsiders came in, the people in the main hall of Ciqing Palace didn't go out, and the people sleeping behind didn't leave, so who else could it be? How did that sound come from? "

Lu Hengming knew it shouldn't, but he couldn't help teasing her: "What if there is really a ghost?"

Wang Yanqing was annoyed, and his eyes widened at him: "Second brother!"

Lu Heng chuckled softly. He smiled most of the day. No matter who he met anyone or anything, he always smiled lightly and gracefully, but the smile seldom entered his eyes. However, now, his eyes glittered with gold, and broken stars surged, and he actually looked a little happy.

Wang Yanqing was stunned, Lu Heng held back his laughter, pinched Wang Yanqing's cheek in love, and said, "Stop making fun of you, you should go to sleep."

"But… "

Lu Heng stretched out his hand and covered Wang Yanqing's eyes gently but firmly: "Go to sleep, we'll talk about those things tomorrow."

There was darkness in front of her eyes, and Lu Heng had a thin callus on her palm, which tickled her eyes. Wang Yanqing thought that nothing could be done now, so he closed his eyes obediently, and said in a urn, "Okay."

In Wang Yanqing's impression, Lu Heng's warm and powerful palm still rested on her eyes, as if she just closed her eyes and she fell asleep. When she opened her eyes again, the sky was slightly bright, the charcoal fire in the corner of the room had been extinguished, and the ashes exuded residual warmth. She lay on the couch, not knowing how long she had slept.

Wang Yanqing moved slightly, and a piece of clothing slipped off her. Wang Yanqing sat up rubbing her neck, and found that Lu Heng's cloak was covering her body, and the clothes completely covered her, with her own body temperature on it. The furnishings in the room were the same as yesterday, and no one else moved except her.

Lu Heng had already left. Didn't he sleep last night

Wang Yanqing was a little surprised by this discovery, but not too surprised. She woke up on the couch, folded her clothes, and put on her shoes.

She had just walked a few steps when there was a knock on the door: "Miss Wang, are you awake?"

Wang Yanqing sorted out his clothes and went over to open the door. There were two eunuchs standing outside, the head eunuch bowed when he saw her, lowered his eyes and didn't look at her face: "Did the girl sleep well at night?"

Wang Yanqing nodded: "Very good, thank you father-in-law. Second... Where's Commander Lu?"

"Jin Yiwei has something to do. Master Lu will go first. Before Master Lu leaves, he will explain to the servants that if the girl wakes up, give these to the girl."

Wang Yanqing saw clearly the utensils in the eunuch's hand, moved away, and let the eunuch enter. The eunuch led someone to put away the things for washing, and bowed to Wang Yanqing again, saying, "Master Lu has prepared breakfast for you, and the slaves went out to watch first. The little six children are outside the house. ."

Wang Yanqing returned the salute and thanked him. The eunuch turned his body sideways and refused to accept Wang Yanqing's salute, so he took Xiao Liuzi out. After the people left, Wang Yanqing looked at the small and appropriate washing tools in the room, thinking that the people in the palace were very particular about everything, and the eunuch was clearly afraid that she would not be used to being served by eunuchs, so he made an excuse to retire, and reminded her for a while. There is breakfast. The second brother often hangs out with these people, no wonder he always talks in circles.

Wang Yanqing finished washing up and was about to pull back her hair when Lu Heng came back. Lu Heng was different from the eunuch. He had nothing to hide, he pushed the door directly and happened to meet Wang Yanqing dressing. When he saw Wang Yanqing fix the hairpin on his head, he naturally took Wang Yanqing's hair: "Does your head still hurt?"

Wang Yanqing shook his head, but Lu Heng didn't think it would be good to sleep in the palace, so he said lightly, "It's been hard for you today, bear with it a little longer, and you'll be able to rest well when you return to the palace."

Wang Yanqing saw Lu Heng helping her fix her hair, thinking he was familiar with it, so he let go of it with confidence. As a result, the straightened hair was completely deformed in Lu Heng's hands. His fingers were slender and his movements were calm, but his bun was crooked. Wang Yanqing had no choice but to dismantle them all and comb them again.

This time, Wang Yanqing did not dare to let Lu Heng join hands. She repeated her previous actions and glanced at Lu Heng suspiciously in the mirror: "Second brother, you can't?"

Lu Heng wondered how he could wear a girl's hair in a bun. He was about to speak when he suddenly thought that he should be a person with ten years of experience in raising a younger sister. How could he not comb a girl's hair? Lu Heng held back and said lightly, "You didn't let me help you before. If you practice a few more times, I will."

Wang Yanqing thought about it again. After all, they are different from men and women. Early in the morning, the second brother came to her room to help her comb her hair... No matter what you think, it's not right.

Wang Yanqing had no doubts, she tangled her hair, the eunuch named Xiao Liuzi didn't know when to come in, he nimbly took away the basin towel, and after a while he brought in the food box. Lu Heng did not let Xiao Liuzi continue to serve him, he set the dishes in person, and said, "The emperor does not like killing, and the meals in the palace are basically vegetarian. These are the desserts that Shang Shanjian is best at, you can try them. taste?"

The cakes in the palace are exquisite and small, with only one bite to ensure that the ladies will not smear the makeup on their faces. Wang Yanqing sandwiched a piece, and the cake melted in your mouth. Although it was a vegetarian meal, she had done a lot of cooking, and there was no shortage of oil and water. Wang Yanqing nodded and said sincerely, "It's delicious."

Seeing that she was having a good time, Lu Heng had a smile on his face, and unknowingly ate a few more pieces. Lu Heng understood a little why the emperor would look for someone to accompany him when he had a bad appetite. After meeting Wang Yanqing, she did not gain weight on her body, and Lu Heng's appetite improved a lot.

Wang Yanqing was almost done eating, took a sip of the goat milk soup, and asked, "Second brother, what am I going to do today?"

Lu Heng didn't answer and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Wang Yanqing sipped a spoonful of milk soup and said softly, "It is now certain that Cui Yuehuan has concealed something, but there is no need to ask her again until there is further evidence. Only the right questions can get the right answers. At the first chance, it's useless to ask after she is prepared. I think Xiuzhen is also very strange, but I didn't have time to ask yesterday, and today I want to find out what Xiuzhen and Qin Xianger have hidden."

Lu Heng nodded: "Your plan is very good, just do it according to your idea."

After eating, Wang Yanqing was resurrected on the spot. She was full of energy and went to the Ciqing Palace to inquire again. Unlike Wang Yanqing, who was in high spirits, everyone in Ciqing Palace was listless and had not recovered from the shock last night.

Yesterday, in the first half of the night, the female ghost visited again, and in the second half of the night, there were guards in Jinyi who were guarding. No one slept well, and the Queen Mother Zhang didn't finally fall asleep until dawn.

Because Empress Dowager Zhang was still sleeping, no one in the palace dared to make a sound, and they walked with their heels on. Ciqing Palace was immersed in dead silence, but fortunately, the master was not awake, and they didn't have to work, and the maids were very leisurely. Wang Yanqing found Xiuzhen and asked, "Xiuzhen, could you please do me a favor?"

Wang Yanqing didn't ask questions, but asked her for help. Xiujin couldn't refuse, so she nodded in response. Wang Yanqing asked Xiujian for help in embroidering veils, and took Xiujin to a quiet and sheltered corner. Wang Yanqing asked a few questions about embroidery, and slowly got to the point: "Xiujin, your embroidery skills are really good. You are younger than me. , to have such a powerful needlework skill, it really makes me feel ashamed."

Xiujin pursed her lips and smiled, and said shyly, "Miss Wang's fingers are precious, how can I do these trivial tasks. I'm so stupid. Thanks to Aunt Qin's teaching me, I can embroider a few decent handkerchiefs."

"You're not stupid." Wang Yanqing praised Xiujin with a smile. She was a little surprised and asked, "Your embroidery was taught to you by the female official Qin?"

Xiujin nodded: "Yes. Aunt Qin is smart and can do anything. If only I were half as smart as Aunt Qin."

Wang Yanqing looked at Xiuzhen's face and said tentatively, "You seem to respect Aunt Qin very much."

Yesterday Yu Wan was like this, and Xiu Jin was like this too. Xiuzhen didn't hesitate, and said as she should: "Of course. Aunt Qin is serious, fair, and knowledgeable. The people in the palace respect her very much."

Wang Yanqing replied softly, and suddenly asked, "It's been three years since you entered the palace. Are you homesick all these years?"

Xiuzhen was stunned, her eyes lowered subconsciously: "Being able to enter the palace is the merit of my life, I should be grateful, what do I do when I miss home?"

She didn't admit it, but the expression already betrayed her thoughts. Wang Yanqing sighed and said, "I'm not actually from the capital either. My hometown is in Datong, where wars are fought all the year round. I haven't been back for many years. I don't know what our village is like now and whether the neighbors are still safe. exist."

When Xiu Jin heard Wang Yanqing's words, her face showed empathy. It was natural for Wang Yanqing to say these words, but her mind was empty. She was empty of feelings, but she couldn't remember the pictures that carried those feelings.

According to the second brother, she came to the capital at the age of seven. I haven't returned for ten years, and the unfamiliar hometown has become a symbol. She had no impression of Datong Mansion, and she didn't even remember anything before the age of seventeen.

She lost her memory and seemed to be missing a piece of her life. Obviously, the people closest to her are by her side.

Wang Yanqing found himself in the void again, and quickly stopped. Her purpose today is to inquire about Xiu Jin, not to recall the past. Wang Yanqing first used the same experience to get closer, and then asked, and sure enough, Xiu Jin cooperated more.

The sun rose, and the palace was dazzlingly illuminated, and even the ground reflected dazzling white light. Xiu Jin looked at the spot of light on the ground and said absentmindedly, "Miss Wang, you still have your hometown to think about, and I don't even have a home, so I don't know where else to think."

Wang Yanqing remembered that Yu Wan had said that Xiu Jin was sold to the palace by her brother and sister-in-law. She obviously has relatives, but she is better than an orphan. No one in the family expects her to go back. Where in the world is her home

Wang Yanqing was silent for a moment, then held down Xiu Jin's hand and said, "You are still young. If you ask the palace for grace in the future, you may be able to return to your hometown. Even if you don't go back to your hometown, find a small town with beautiful mountains and rivers, and find a good man to marry and have children. , is also your home."

Once a palace maid enters the palace, she will be a slave for life, but some palace servants who are old or who have made meritorious deeds will let them out of the palace because their master is sympathetic. Although these ideas are false, it is better to have a thought than nothing.

However, after Xiu Jin heard these words, her face turned gloomy and her body tightened. She clasped her hands tightly, stared at the toes of her shoes, and murmured to herself, "No way."

Wang Yanqing was surprised by Xiuzhen's reaction. When she mentioned her imagination about the future, even if the prospect was out of reach, this should not be her reaction. Xiu Jin's body shrank, her tone was fragile but sure, and most importantly, she used "no more".

As if she already knew the future.

Wang Yanqing felt unusual. She did not dare to stimulate Xiu Jin, and asked cautiously, "You are always unhappy, have you encountered any problem?"

Xiuzhen looked down, her upper lip pursed into a flat line, and her eyes remained motionless for a long time. Xiu Jin seemed to be shrunk in her own world, and had no intention of speaking at all. Wang Yanqing could only guess her mood by her expression.

She was taciturn and did not seem to please the Empress Dowager Zhang. She may feel that she can't let go of the palace at all, so it is normal for her to feel sad. However, Xiu Jin's performance seems to be more than just fear, sadness, and shame.

Even if she does not do well in serving others, she shouldn't be ashamed if she can't be reused by the Queen Mother? At this time, Wang Yanqing remembered that Lu Heng asked Xiuzhen's appearance abruptly last night, and then showed a meaningful expression, combined with the performance of Yu Wan, Qin Xianger and others...

Wang Yanqing suddenly came up with a very absurd guess.

Wang Yanqing stared at Xiuzhen's expression, her fingers loosened and tightened, and after she gave herself two more strengths, she pretended to be inadvertent, "According to me, although the capital is big, it is not good. When my family went out to look at the lights, they encountered Duke Chang on the way. I was walking steadily, and I didn't provoke anyone, so they thought I was a brothel woman, and my words were very disrespectful. Fortunately, my brother was there and protected me, otherwise, I would have Can't imagine what will happen that day."

This is what Wang Yanqing really experienced. Lu Heng took her to the street to watch the lights, and she met Zhang Heling. Although nothing happened in the end, Wang Yanqing dared to guarantee that if Lu Heng was not there that day, things would not have ended so peacefully.

Lu Heng had said that Zhang Heling was an old pervert, and Zhang Heling dared to be presumptuous towards any woman on the street. Wouldn't she be stubborn when facing the maids in the Empress Dowager Zhang's palace? Most of the women on the street are good records, but these palace maids, but their lives are in the hands of others, and they are completely vulnerable.

After Wang Yanqing finished speaking, she stared at Xiu Jin without blinking. Xiu Jin fanned her lower eyelashes, her eyes suddenly turning red. She raised her hand, wiped her eyes, and said, "Miss Wang, you are fortunate to have your elder brother backing you. Those women who don't rely on them don't know how to live."

Wang Yanqing was sure that her guess was correct. She felt like a cotton ball was stuck in her heart, and she couldn't breathe. She stretched her arms around Xiu Jin's shoulders and said softly, "It's not your fault."

This is obviously not their fault, but they have to bear the bitter consequences.

Xiu Jin has been in pain for a long time since she encountered that incident. Aunt Qin rescued her indirectly, but she couldn't tell Aunt Qin; the maid in the same room probably guessed it, but she didn't dare to reveal it. Only at this moment, when she met Wang Yanqing, another woman who had a similar experience, Xiu Jin couldn't hold back any longer and burst into tears.

After staying in the palace for a long time, I didn't even dare to cry loudly, but could only shed tears. Xiu Jin cried for a long time, but Wang Yanqing put his arms around her shoulders and silently accompanied her. Because of the depression, Xiuzhen's voice finally choked up: "That day, the Queen Mother asked me to serve the Hou Jingmian of Jianchang, but I didn't do anything, but he suddenly touched me and pulled my clothes. I was so scared that I accidentally Overturned the water basin and annoyed the Duke of Jianchang. I don't know, I really don't know what to do."

Wang Yanqing didn't say anything, just hugged Xiu Jin tightly, but she was shocked.

She thought that Xiu Jin was the same as her, that the Duke of Chang Guo had a dirty mouth, but unexpectedly, it was Zhang Yanling, the Marquis of Jianchang, and it developed into pulling clothes. If Xiujin hadn't knocked over the water basin, and if other palace servants hadn't found it, what would have happened next

This is in the palace, to put it in a bad way, the palace maids are the property of the emperor. Zhang Yanling dared to be so lawless in the imperial palace. As her elder sister, does Empress Dowager Zhang even care