The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 63: Dismantle


The embroidered spring knife was placed on the knife holder, and there was a muffled sound unique to stainless steel. Lu Heng knew very well who was here today and who Wang Yanqing went to see in the afternoon, but he still smiled when he turned around and talked to Wang Yanqing as usual.

He admits that his patience is not bad, as long as Wang Yanqing doesn't expose it, he can accompany her to continue acting.

Lu Heng asked her what she had eaten today and whether she felt sick, and Wang Yanqing answered them one by one. This kind of conversation takes place almost every day. Wang Yanqing is already used to it, but today, she is very worried when she hears it.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation, no matter how small or small, a person who can even calculate the date of her monthly letter would be lying to her

Wang Yanqing couldn't bear it anymore, looked up and asked, "Second brother, where is my account?"

Wang Yanqing's face was half turned up, her eyes were as clear and deep as the stars after the rain. Lu Heng thought to himself that these eyes are really good-looking. Such eyes make people want to give everything just to protect the stars inside.

It's a pity that Lu Heng is not a righteous gentleman after all, guarding this virtue has nothing to do with him, he just wants to have it. He only paused for a short moment, and then said as it should be: "Of course in the capital. How can I carry such an important thing with me?"

For a very good reason, Wang Yanqing was silent after hearing this. Lu Heng watched her expression silently, and asked with a smile, "Qingqing, what are you asking about? Have you encountered anything?"

Wang Yanqing lowered her eyes, shook her head after a long time, and said, "It's alright, I'll just ask."

Lu Heng raised his eyebrows, he didn't say a word, went to the table and sat down at will, pouring tea unhurriedly. The tea was twisted into a pillar and gurgled into the tea cup. The sound went from shallow to deep, and gradually became urgent: "Qingqing, there is something I can't figure out about the case. Could you please help me sort it out."

When Wang Yanqing heard this, of course he immediately sat down beside Lu Heng: "Okay. Second brother, what's the problem with you?"

Lu Heng put the tea in front of Wang Yanqing, picked up another tea cup by himself, and said, "I followed the paper figure that appeared last night and asked at a shop in Linxian that their shopkeeper happened to bump into the incense stick at Qingxu Temple. The paper figurines on both sides were lifelike while observing the inner workings. The shopkeeper was amazed and hurried forward to ask where the paper utensils were bought. The Taoist priests were impatient and said they made them themselves. Because those paper figurines are very realistic, the shopkeeper never forgets them. As soon as the yamen asked about it, he remembered it."

Wang Yanqing nodded: "The shopkeeper makes a living by craftsmanship. It is normal to see someone doing better than them."

Lu Heng said: "That's why I went to Qingxu Temple. Unfortunately, there are no more people in Qingxu Temple. There are only 101 paper figurines. Counting the one from yesterday, it happened to be with the 102 missing men from Hegu Village. Ding corresponds. There is also an altar in the apse, and the names and birth dates of 102 people are attached to the back of the sacrificial text. I checked and they are all correct."

Wang Yanqing slowly raised his eyebrows as he listened: "Do you suspect that the Taoist priest of Qingxuguan is at fault?"

"According to all the evidence so far, it can only be them." Lu Heng held the tea cup but did not drink it, and said slowly, "They can make paper figurines themselves. There is ready-made evidence in the Taoist temple, and the Taoist priest in the temple is missing. I I also found Tang Sai'er's portrait under the bed of a Taoist priest."

Wang Yanqing became more and more surprised: "Tang Saier?"

"Yes, the female leader of the white lotus goddess in the early years of Yongle." Lu Heng nodded, "If they believe in the white lotus sect, all their actions have an explanation. They want to imitate Tang Saier's paper-cutting as a soldier, so they are proficient in the art of tying paper people. There are traces of the practice in the apse. It should be that they controlled more than 100 men in Hegu Village and used some kind of magic to turn them into paper figurines. The paper figurine suddenly appeared on the roof yesterday. , fled in the crowd, and appeared at the gate of the county government in a blink of an eye, that is, the Taoist priest was expelling."

Wang Yanqing listened to the silence, and after a while, she asked vaguely, "Second brother, do you really believe that a living person can become a paper figurine?"

Lu Heng smiled when he heard her name, lifted the tea lid calmly, and said, "I don't want to believe it either, but now all the evidence points to this possibility. The evidence comes first, so we can't help not believe it."

"However, evidence can be forged, but it still has to be in line with common sense."

"Yeah." Lu Heng's eyes fixed on her, and he said calmly, "The evidence can be forged, but it doesn't feel like it."

Wang Yanqing was startled and felt that Lu Heng meant something. Perhaps it is said that he went around such a big circle and brought out a bizarre living person-turning-paper technique just to say this.

Evidence can be faked, but feelings cannot.

Wang Yanqing paused, stunned for a while, and his mind seemed to suddenly clear up. Yeah, how did she make such a mistake. The brain sees, hears, smells, and senses all the time, but less than one-twelfth of the thoughts can be realized. The first moment you feel when you see a certain person or an item is often the intuition that the brain has exercised after a long accumulation and processing countless details. When reason can't decide, then listen to the first feeling.

When he saw Fu Tingzhou today, he asked her if she was feeling unwell. The confusion in her demeanor was real. Fu Tingzhou didn't even know that she would feel pain when she was a child, but Lu Heng knew what she liked to eat and use, remembered the time of her monthly letter every time, and could understand what she meant without speaking. He knew her like the back of his hand, and he had a tacit understanding. How could she suspect her second brother just because an outsider casually talked on the phone

Wang Yanqing couldn't help thinking of what Lu Heng said before. He said that Fu Tingzhou would do anything to achieve his goals, and he would dare to say anything when he was insane. Maybe he would throw dirty water on Lu Heng to provoke their brother and sister relationship. At that time, Wang Yanqing thought that he would be able to see through it. Unexpectedly, he almost fell into the trap today.

Wang Yanqing immediately admired Lu Heng very much. He had guessed Fu Tingzhou's actions so early, and his expectations were exactly the same. It was amazing.

Wang Yanqing said sincerely: "Second brother, you are really amazing."

Lu Heng's eyes seemed to hide the scenery of lakes and mountains, the moon, the sea and the stars. He smiled and looked at Wang Yanqing in a hurry: "Where is it so powerful?"

Wang Yanqing said: "It's like a god, and it's amazing."

Lu Heng lowered his eyes and suppressed the smile in his eyes. No one could have predicted what would happen half a year later. This is just the most likely reaction of a normal person after learning the truth.

In terms of calculating people's hearts, Fu Tingzhou is still too tender.

Lu Heng held back his laughter, and when he raised his eyes again, it was bright and bright again: "Qingqing is too famous, it's the teacher who is amazing and teaches well."

For this, Lu Heng really wants to thank the cabinet elders. These thousand-year-old foxes hide needles in their words, but they don't know what to say when they want to apply eye drops. They only lightly tap on the periphery and let the emperor think about the rest. Lu Heng suffered a lot from it, so he copied it and tried one or two, and it turned out good.

After listening to Wang Yanqing, she did not ask any further questions. She was quiet for a moment, and suddenly said to Lu Heng, "Second brother, there is something I want to tell you."

Lu Heng already had a guess in his heart, but he pretended to be ignorant, nodded and said, "Okay, take it slow."

Wang Yanqing sat up straight and looked at Lu Heng seriously. The moment he opened his mouth, there was a shock of thunder: "I saw Fu Tingzhou today."

Lu Heng raised his eyebrows slightly and motioned her to continue. Wang Yanqing went on to make a statement: "Not only today, but on the day of the Shangsi Festival, I also saw him."

Lu Heng felt that he was acting too much when he pretended not to know, so he slightly restrained his smile and said seriously, "Is that the man you hid in the dressing room?"

"I didn't hide it." Wang Yanqing quickly cleared it up, "When I went in, he was already hiding there. I was afraid that things would get bigger, so I didn't speak up."

Lu Heng turned his back on the guest. He, a liar and deceiver, actually taught Wang Yanqing a lesson in return, and said very righteously: "Naughty, you want to whitewash the peace, but do you know that I have no relationship with him at all? You are naive, and you still want to Talk to him well, but how do you know what Fu Tingzhou is thinking? What if he knocks you out and takes you away?"

Wang Yanqing couldn't lift her head up after being taught, in fact, Fu Tingzhou really dazed her and kidnapped her. Seeing that Lu Heng made another point, Wang Yanqing felt more and more guilty, and murmured, "Second brother, I was wrong, I thought too simply."

Lu Heng had a half-truth and half-fake, feeling that it was almost done, so he showed his tender side at the right time: "You went out this afternoon to see him?"

Wang Yanqing didn't dare to tell Lu Heng that she was knocked out and taken away, so Xiaoxiao lied: "Yes."

"What did he say to you today?"

Wang Yanqing bowed her head and explained obediently: "He said you were lying to me, pretending to be my second brother through amnesia. He also took out my household post and my father's family letter, saying that I was adopted by the Marquis of Zhenyuan, not Lu Mansion."

Wang Yanqing felt ashamed and did not dare to look up, and naturally missed the thoughtful look in Lu Heng's eyes. Lu Heng squinted slightly, Fu Tingzhou, this little guy, even hid Wang Cong's letter

This is troublesome. Jinyiwei is in charge of the intelligence system, and it is not a problem to fake a household registration. Lu Heng can guarantee that it can be more realistic than the original version. But home letters are not easy to forge.

Lu Heng had no way to explain, so he didn't explain at all, and made a mess of the scene: "You just listened to him, so you lied to me just now and tried to find out where my household registration is? Do you really doubt me?"

Wang Yanqing felt more and more guilty after being told, how dare he ask about the household post and family letter: "No."

Lu Heng looked very hurt, and said with heartache: "I reminded you long ago that you would not believe it, but if an outsider arbitrarily arranges two sentences, you will deceive me for him. If I don't ask today, what are you going to do? How long have you been hiding?"

"I do not have… "

"Really?" Lu Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, pressing him step by step, "Qingqing, there are no outsiders now, so you might as well tell the truth to your second brother. If I have a conflict with him, will you believe him or me?"

Wang Yanqing was overwhelmed by guilt. Hearing this, she raised her head and looked at Lu Heng seriously: "Of course I believe you."

Her pupils are serious, as if making a sacred promise. Lu Heng pretended to snort coldly and said, "This is the second time. Everything has its faults, but it doesn't happen again and again. Next time, if I do it again..."

Lu Heng should have followed a threatening sentence, but after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't think of how to punish her. And Wang Yanqing was very obedient, and immediately answered: "There will never be a next time."

Lu Heng was thinking about his acting skills. He felt that it was almost the same, so he showed his hatred for iron, and tapped Wang Yanqing's forehead: "You are not married yet, so you are suspicious of your brother to outsiders. When you have a husband in the future. Son-in-law, are you going to turn against me?"

Wang Yanqing replied subconsciously, "No."

"No what?"

Wang Yanqing was stuck, unable to say whether he would turn against Lu Heng or marry. Lu Heng glanced at Wang Yanqing calmly, and flipped the topic lightly: "Okay, I've been deceived by someone, so I'll spare you for a while. Stay away from Fu Tingzhou in the future, and don't talk to him."

This time, Wang Yanqing didn't answer immediately. She was silent for a while, then raised her eyes and said, "Second brother, even if he can fake a household post, how did he know about my experience?"

Lu Heng didn't expect that Wang Yanqing hadn't forgotten about it. He smiled calmly and said, "How do I know about his business?"

"I think there is a problem." Wang Yanqing looked at Lu Heng stubbornly and said, "I want to try again."

Lu Heng's heart is quite troublesome, but as a "true brother" with a clear conscience, it seems a little wrong to block at this time: "But it's too dangerous..."

"It doesn't matter." Wang Yanqing said seriously, "What if we have his eyeliner around us? We must find out about this matter."

Lu Heng had a headache, he smiled sincerely, gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay."

After Wang Yanqing and Lu Heng talked about Fu Tingzhou's incident, they were relieved, and even the pain in their abdomen seemed to be relieved. Sure enough, physical condition and mentality are closely related, as long as the mood is good, the body will not be sick at all. Wang Yanqing felt relieved, and immediately remembered the paper figure case they had distracted just now. Wang Yanqing asked seriously: "Second brother, is this case really committed by Taoist Qingxuguan?"

Lu Heng rubbed the porcelain cup with his fingers, staring blankly at a place, as if thinking about something. Hearing Wang Yanqing's words, he casually replied, "Maybe it is."

Wang Yanqing frowned, feeling very outrageous: "Second brother, there are no outsiders now, so you don't have to cover up. There are no ghosts and gods in the world, how could one hundred and two living people become paper figurines?"

Hearing this, Lu Heng returned to his senses, and glanced at her with a half-smile: "You can't talk nonsense. The emperor believes, how can there be no ghosts and gods in the world?"

Wang Yanqing frowned slightly, looking at Lu Heng in confusion. Lu Heng smiled slightly at her eyes and said, "Don't think about it, go and pack your luggage first. Today is the second day, and tomorrow, we will go back to the palace."

The emperor only gave Lu Heng three days. No matter whether there is a result or not tomorrow, he must return to his life. Wang Yanqing let out a low sigh, got up and walked to the bedroom: "I still think it's not ghosts and gods, but human beings. To take a step back, even if it is the Qingxuguan Taoist priest who committed the crime, they worship the White Lotus Sect in private, and the county magistrate really doesn't know. ?"

Lu Heng took a sip of tea and asked lightly, "Do you suspect Tao Yiming?"

"Yes." Wang Yanqing nodded, "Tao County Magistrate was born in a poor family. He studied hard for many years and finally became an official, but he lingered at the bottom, depressed, and even wanted to be bullied by a flattering villain like Cheng Zhifu. If I were him, I would definitely I won't be reconciled. I don't know much about the White Lotus Sect, but this kind of sect that is not recognized by the mainstream generally attracts the poor, women, and children. Tao county magistrate is not successful in his career, but he is a local parent official, so it should be the White Lotus Sect The focus is on the target.”

Lu Heng nodded: "That's right. After entering the Qingxu Temple today, Cheng Youhai was chattering, but Tao Yiming was exceptionally silent. In other words, since he saw me yesterday, he seldom spoke."

Wang Yanqing folded his clothes and asked, "Do you want to check him?"

Lu Heng turned his head, glanced at the sky outside the window, and said, "It's getting dark, this is for tomorrow. You go to sleep first."

Wang Yanqing felt a little worried when she thought about what she saw last night. But it was getting late. She knew that Lu Heng would definitely not let her go out, so she suppressed her worries and said helplessly, "Okay."


People here are unfamiliar, and once it gets dark, there is nothing to do except sleep. After Wang Yanqing finished washing up, she saw Lu Heng standing in the Westinghouse rummaging through things, walked over and asked, "Second brother, what are you looking at?"

Lu Heng looked back and saw Wang Yanqing carrying a lamp, her long hair was loose, and she only wore a middle coat. Because she had just taken a shower, her skin was white, but her eyes were wet, reminiscent of a deer. Lu Heng thought that she trusted him too much, so dressed like this, she came to him directly.

In her eyes, is he not an outsider, or is he a man

Lu Heng didn't know what to think for a while, he turned his eyes restrainedly, stared at the file in his hand and said, "Just look at it."

Wang Yanqing suddenly thought of something, and went to the table to rummage: "There is a file I read half of the day, and it is related to Qingxu Guan. I remember it is here..."

She leaned over, her collar unraveling. Lu Heng was condescending, and as soon as he lowered his head, he could see the snow-white skin between her collars, down her neck, and even faintly seeing the white undulations. Lu Heng's Adam's apple moved slightly, and finally turned his eyes to the side, clenched his fist against the corner of his lips, and let out a low cough.

Wang Yanqing looked up, and Lu Heng deliberately looked at the side and said, "The book you are looking for is with me."

Wang Yanqing realized and quickly said, "I marked those pages..."

She was afraid that Lu Heng would not be able to find it, so she stepped forward to help him find it. Lu Heng really didn't expect that she would dare to approach. A burst of warm jade fragrance broke into his nose involuntarily. Lu Heng tightened his fingers and was struggling with what he should do when suddenly there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside. Lu Heng moved faster than he thought, and immediately threw the file on the table, wrapping Wang Yanqing's shoulder and turning around.

Just as he stood with Wang Yanqing in his arms, the door of the room was pushed open: "Instructor, something big happened..."

Chen Yuxuan was in a hurry to report, he forgot for a while that it was out of town, and even took this place as Nanzhen Fusi, and pushed the door and entered. After he came in, he found that the commander was standing with his back to him, and was blocked behind him, but a woman's clothes were faintly exposed below.

Chen Yuxuan's mind got stuck and he suddenly forgot what he was going to say. At this moment, Lu Heng turned around and stared at him with a very dangerous look.

Chen Yuxuan woke up suddenly, he didn't dare to look anymore, he quickly lowered his head, and put his palms high in front of his eyes: "Commander, there is really something important. Tao Yiming hanged himself."

The author says:

Lu Heng: He actually hid family letters, which is despicable. Although I have no evidence, it doesn't matter, we talk about feelings.