The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 69: Rescue


When Lu Heng heard the fire, he walked out without saying a word. Lu Heng didn't care whether Fu Tingzhou was alive or dead in the woods. This place was hidden, and no one saw what happened just now. Lu Heng deliberately aggravated Fu Tingzhou's injury just now, but it wouldn't kill anyone.

As for why Fu Tingzhou was injured in the palace, and how to explain the blood on his body to everyone after he went out, that is Fu Tingzhou's own business. Lu Heng was not worried about Fu Tingzhou's retaliation. This knife has a wide range of implications, and Wang Yanqing could not be avoided no matter what. Fu Tingzhou would not make a fuss if he wanted to.

Lu Heng rushed to the front hall with the fastest speed. The palace is a temporary structure, most of which are made of wood, reed mats, and felt tents. After a while, the fire expanded again, and half of the palace was shrouded in flames. The palace servants and ministers woke up from their dreams. They were too busy to take care of themselves. They called to run. The voices of firefighting and life-saving were mixed together. The panicked crowd pushed and collided with each other. The scene was very chaotic.

A eunuch ran around in panic. When he escaped, he didn't have time to look at the road. He accidentally bumped into someone, and was pushed away by a force before he got close. The eunuch stumbled and fell to the ground. He raised his head and saw a red figure standing in front of him. The firelight illuminated the eyes of the auspicious beast on his body. The embroidered spring knife on his waist was silently exuding cold light. He looks especially tall and slender, and looks condescending, like a god descending from the earth.

The eunuch was stunned for a while, then came to his senses, and quickly got up and saluted, "Lord Lu."

Lu Heng quickly swept through the messy hall and asked with a cold face, "Where's the emperor?"

The eunuch was stopped by the question, and shook his head blankly: "The slave does not know. The slave is going outside to fetch water to save the driver!"

Lu Heng's face became more and more serious. He was waiting for Fu Tingzhou to put on the suit today. He was not in a hurry to sleep after sunset, but the others fell asleep as soon as it got dark. The palace was accompanied by more than 15,000 people. The emperor and his family members lived in the palace, and other soldiers set up tents to guard the periphery. The density of residence was very high. With so many people gathered together, the fire is very dangerous. Many people fell asleep or didn't have time to run out. They were surrounded by the fire and screamed. Some of those who escaped by chance were crying, and some were looking for water, but no one noticed where the emperor was!

And the most ferocious direction of the fire came from the emperor's palace. Lu Heng didn't have time to ask for his guilt now. He went against the fleeing crowd, like a sharp blade cutting through turbulent currents, without hesitation, he walked to the place where the fire was the most violent. The emperor has no children now. If the emperor has an accident during his southern tour, all their accompanying people will be killed.

There are many people who want to understand the stakes. There are many people in front of the emperor's main hall. Zhang Zuo, the eunuch in front of the emperor, whose face is scorched black, still shouts at the emperor and directs people to splash water. Lu Heng walked over quickly and asked, "Eunuch Zhang, where is the emperor?"

Zhang Zuo was overjoyed when he saw Lu Heng, and hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Lord Lu, you are here. Today, the Zajia is not on duty, and the Zajia rushed to check the honor guard of tomorrow's car. It has been busy until now, and the Zajia does not know where the emperor is. where."

Lu Heng had no intention of pursuing Zhang Zuo's reasons. If something went wrong with the emperor, these eunuchs would be the first to be buried with them. Zhang Zuo would never dare to lie in such a place. No matter what Zhang Zuo went out to do today, it is certain that he does not know which room the emperor is in now.

That's trouble. During the Southern Tour, the manpower was messy, and the fish and dragons were mixed. In addition, there was a case of someone breaking into the palace to complain a few days ago. The emperor was quite worried about his own safety, so from two days ago, he no longer lived in a fixed palace. Instead, he slept in turns, and even his close ministers didn't know where the emperor was.

Doing this in peacetime can effectively avoid assassination, but in today's situation, it's simply terrible.

Lu Heng looked at the raging flames ahead. The main hall where the emperor met his ministers was completely on fire. The fire crossed the east side hall and spread to the large inner palace bedroom in the rear. The cries of concubines and palace ladies came one after another. The regulations of the palace are probably similar to the Forbidden City.

But there are hundreds of rooms in the harem, and by the time they put out the fire, the people inside would have already burned to death. Lu Heng forced himself to calm down, the more time this happened, the more he couldn't be in a mess. He made many enemies, and he was Jin Yiwei. If the emperor made a mistake, he would definitely be the first to be held accountable. While the fire has not yet closed, he needs to find out where the emperor is and quickly save the emperor.

Lu Heng asked Zhang Zuo, "What did the emperor do today?"

Zhang Zuo didn't care if he was out of line, and told Lu Heng about the emperor's actions: "The emperor first asked Tao Tianshi to discuss the Tao in the evening, and then Mr. Lu, you came. Mr. Lu is gone. Afterwards, the emperor sent people to pass the meal, and King Ru accompanied him. King Ru presented the emperor with his own medicinal wine, and the emperor and King Ru talked very happily, so they drank a few more glasses. Before the end of the dinner, the emperor was a little drunk, so he did not leave the king. , I went to the harem to rest."

Lu Heng frowned slightly, the palace was on fire, the emperor was drunk, but King Ru entered the palace to offer wine at this time. Lu Heng asked, "Why did King Ru think of entering the palace?"

"The imperial driver will be leaving tomorrow, and the palace has already made a plan to entertain the king tonight. After the dinner, the miscellaneous family personally sent the king out." Zhang Zuo knew what Lu Heng was suspecting, and when he heard the fire, he also I wondered if King Ru was a fool. After all, the emperor has no heirs. If the emperor has any good or bad, he can only choose the heir from the clan just like Emperor Zhengde. But tonight's banquet for King Ru is a long-term plan, and many people know that it is too stupid for King Ru to act at such a time.

The most important thing is that the blood relationship between King Ru and the emperor is not close. Even if the emperor dies, the cabinet chooses the heir based on blood. No matter how you choose, it will not be your turn. There is really no need for your king to do this kind of detrimental thing.

King Ru just walked around in Lu Heng's mind before he pressed it down. If it is possible for King Ru to make a fool of himself, he can check it out later. The most important thing now is to save the emperor. Zhang Zuo is now a grasshopper on a rope with him, there is no need to lie. According to Zhang Zuo, after the emperor met him, he told King Ru that he had a meal, drank a lot during the meal, and soon fell asleep. Maybe it was because the emperor was drunk that he missed the fire and didn't have time to escape when the fire was just burning.

Lu Heng remembered that when he went to the emperor, the emperor was asking Tao Zhongwen about the whirlwind. Compared to words like God's will, Lu Heng was more willing to believe that the fire was caused by a strange wind. Lu Heng asked Zhang Zuo, "Where is the emperor holding a banquet today, and where is the kitchen?"

Zhang Zuo pointed to the place where the fire was the most violent: "The emperor held a banquet in the East Side Hall, and Hu Li and others used the small kitchen on the east side for convenience."

The eunuchs have always been in charge of the meals around the emperor. In order to prevent outsiders from being poisoned, there are several kitchens, and it is a temporary decision on which stove to open each time. When Lu Heng remembered the wind, he had some guesses. Now that he heard Zhang Zuo's words, he became more and more sure that the fire started from the small kitchen, and swept to the East Side Hall by today's wind direction, and then expanded to the densely packed bedroom behind.

After judging the location of the fire, it is necessary to judge the location of the emperor. The distribution map of the travel palace kept popping up in Lu Heng's mind, and he asked, "The emperor only drank the medicinal wine offered by King Ru tonight?"

Zhang Zuo nodded: "Yes."

"What wine?"

Zhang Zuo thought for a while and replied, "It's called Changsheng Guben Wine. King Ru said that this wine was made with great effort. The color is clear and the taste is mellow. Regulates the spleen and stomach, replenishes all deficiency, and eliminates all diseases after taking it for a long time."

"What material is it made of?"

Judging from the name of the medicinal wine, you can see that it was specially given by King Ru to ask for credit, and the preciousness of this wine will definitely be revealed at the banquet. If it is an ordinary person, it will not be remembered, but there is no one stupid who can serve in front of the Holy Spirit, no matter the palace maid or eunuch. Zhang Zuo recalled it for a while and reported it without a word: "Angelica sinensis, Baji, Eucommia, ginseng, Shichangpu, Rehmannia glutinosa, dried tangerine peel, wolfberry fruit, Sichuan peppercorns, ginger."

Lu Heng didn't understand medical skills, but after listening to these herbs, it was obvious that they were all beneficial for fever. The emperor has been sick and ill since he ascended the throne, and he has been paying attention to health care all these years. After drinking medicinal wine, you will have a fever. After drinking, avoid cold foods such as cold food, radish, and fish, and even avoid catching a cold. With such a careful person as the emperor, he would definitely not open the window at night, but today was a whirlwind, and the night was hot and stuffy. If the emperor wanted to sleep comfortably without opening the window, he could only sleep in a naturally shaded room.

Lu Heng was in charge of the emperor's safety, and he had seen the maps of the palaces along the way. Lu Heng quickly recalled the distribution of vegetation in Weihui's palace. While walking through the palace complex, he instructed the Jinyiwei behind him: "Go get a thick quilt and wet it with water."

The palace was in a mess now, and Jin Yiwei didn't know who tore off a quilt and hurriedly held it to Lu Heng. Just in time to meet a fire fighting eunuch, Lu Heng grabbed the water from the eunuch's hand and dipped the quilt into the bucket with all his strength. Before Lu Heng could wait for the quilt to get soaked, he picked up the dripping quilt and rushed into the sea of fire without blinking.

At this moment, many officials have been surrounded in front of the palace, and everyone is at a loss to do anything about the fire. Fu Tingzhou also roughly bandaged the wound and came to the scene with someone. Fortunately, the fire was blazing into the sky at the moment, and people were turning their heads. Everyone was worried about the emperor who didn't know his life and death, and no one paid attention to Fu Tingzhou's strangeness.

Fu Tingzhou looked at the fire and frowned. The officers and soldiers of the Wucheng Bingma Division kept bringing water to put out the fire, but it was a drop in the bucket, and the fire would be out of control for a while. Wuding Hou Guoxun walked to Fu Tingzhou's side with the same solemn expression: "Do you have any news here?"

Fu Tingzhou shook his head: "The emperor is afraid of assassination. There is no fixed dormitory for the past few days. The eunuch in front of the royal family came to ask me just now, and they don't even know where the emperor is."

The courtiers who stayed with the emperor all day could not guess where the emperor was staying. How did these foreign ministers know? The Marquis of Wuding sighed deeply, realizing the seriousness of the situation in his heart.

If something happened to the emperor, they would lose their jobs when they returned, or die at worst. Marquis Wu Ding also went to the battlefield in his early years. He was not afraid of death, but it was worthless if he couldn't die. If the emperor was inside, he would have given his life to rush in to save the driver, but now he has no clue. There are hundreds of rooms and a sea of fire. Where did he rush

Marquis Wuding had a solemn expression on his face, and he had already calculated in his heart which clan to support would be most beneficial to the Marquis of Wuding. People who have seen blood with real knives and real guns are different from civil officials. Marquis Wu Ding quickly noticed the smell of blood on Fu Tingzhou's body. He turned around and looked at Fu Tingzhou in surprise: "You..."

Fu Tingzhou's heart was full of alarm bells. He was sorry for Qingqing a lot. If he hadn't forcibly dragged Qingqing to see the Hong family, Qingqing wouldn't have fallen off the cliff and lost his memory. This knife is what he deserves, and he doesn't blame her. But Marquis Wuding was different. Mrs. Yongping Marquis had long been disliked by Wang Yanqing. If Marquis Wuding knew about it, it would be troublesome.

Fu Tingzhou was thinking about what to say to cover it up, when he suddenly heard loud voices from the front. A crimson figure quickly disappeared into the sea of fire, and the flames immediately cut off the road ahead, as if everyone was dazzled.

Fu Tingzhou and Marquis Wuding were stunned together. Marquis Wu Ding stared in that direction, frowning deeply, and he didn't care to investigate Fu Tingzhou's injuries: "Lu Heng? What did he go in for?"

Fu Tingzhou also held his face and remained silent.


If it is said that some people's life is a straight line, they have never experienced any miracles in their life, and they are mediocre until old age, then the emperor's life must be a broken line with great ups and downs.

The emperor was awakened by the heat wave and the shouting, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself trapped in a sea of fire, not to mention how surprised. He only remembered having a banquet with King Ru not long ago. He was a little sleepy after drinking, so he left the banquet early to rest. It was business as usual before going to bed, why did he fall into purgatory as soon as he opened his eyes

What is even more terrifying is that this medicinal drink has a long stamina, and the emperor's drink is still unresolved, and he can't exert any strength at all. He sat up laboriously, but when he looked around, there were fire tongues licking everywhere on the doors, windows, and beams. No eunuch, palace maid, or guard came to rescue him, and there was no way to survive.

The emperor was so choked by the smoke that he couldn't open his eyes. He covered his lips and coughed while struggling to call: "Help me, come and help me..."

The fire was getting hotter and the doors and windows were completely blocked. The emperor stayed in the hot room and kept coughing. If he continued like this, even if he was not burned to death, he would be choked to death sooner or later.

Just when the emperor felt that his life was over, a loud noise suddenly came from the door, and the precarious wooden door was kicked open by an external force, crashing to the ground, smashing the ground to shatter sparks. The emperor opened his eyes with great effort, and saw a crimson figure appear after Mars. Fire dragons lingered around, thick smoke billowed, and everything in the room was lit up red. The emperor didn't know for a moment if this was true or if he had hallucinations.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar voice recalled the emperor's consciousness: "Your Majesty, are you inside?"

The emperor was stunned, overjoyed. This is not an illusion, someone really came to save him! The emperor hurriedly said loudly: "Lu Heng, I am here!"

Lu Heng let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he guessed correctly, the emperor was really in this area. The fire in the house was already very rampant, and the scorching waves slammed into people's faces, as if they would be swallowed up if they took a step forward. At this time, the more hesitant it is, the more dangerous it is. Lu Heng kicked away the fallen sawdust and rushed into the room with the wet quilt. When he entered the door, he noticed a small eunuch lying at the door. He seemed to want to go out and call someone, but he tripped over the threshold in a hurry and fell onto the corner of the table, completely knocked out.

No wonder no one knew where the emperor was. One was drunk, the other was knocked out, and they didn't respond despite the panic outside. Lu Heng rushed to the emperor in three steps and two steps. Before he could say a polite word, he wrapped the emperor in a wet quilt: "Your Majesty, I am rude."

How can the emperor pay attention to these things now, he is too choked to speak. Lu Heng carried the emperor on his back and ran out without stopping.

The burnt wood kept falling, and the road, which was fairly safe when it came, was immediately surrounded by fire snakes. At such a time, Lu Heng thanked him for being naturally cautious, and read the map of the palace several times before leaving. Lu Heng kept adjusting his route. If he couldn't walk on the road ahead, he immediately changed his direction, turned left and right, and finally rushed out of the fire.

The eunuch outside was busy putting out the fire, and someone saw Lu Heng come out with a person on his back, and quickly surrounded him. They took over the person on Lu Heng's body with all their hands, and lifted the quilt to see that it was the emperor with only one breath left.

The eunuchs were both surprised and happy, and hurriedly called for the imperial doctor. Marquis Wu Ding and Fu Tingzhou heard the abnormal noise on the other side, looked at each other, and immediately went there tacitly.

Before they got close, they learned from the noise of the surrounding crowd that Lu Heng had rescued the emperor from the fire. Fu Tingzhou's footsteps paused. If Lu Heng didn't come back from out of town today, and he was still confronting him not long ago, Fu Tingzhou would have suspected that Lu Heng had done the trick. So many people are helpless, how did Lu Heng know the emperor's position

Marquis Wu Ding also heard it, his face was gloomy, but he still strode forward. Although they missed the opportunity to be rescued, the emperor had just escaped danger. If they didn't go to the holy place to stand, wait for the emperor to relax and see how to deal with them.

There were already many people around the emperor, and when Fu Tingzhou and Marquis Wuding arrived, they couldn't even squeeze into the second floor. Someone behind him shouted "Get out of the way" loudly. Fu Tingzhou and Marquis Wu Ding turned around and saw that Jin Yiwei was carrying an imperial physician and was rushing towards him.

Looking closely, the imperial doctor couldn't reach the ground with his feet, and he didn't know how he flew over.

The crowd quickly parted ways, and Fu Tingzhou was also pushed aside. The imperial doctor's temper was almost over, but he didn't dare to clean up his appearance, and hurried to see the emperor's condition as soon as his feet touched the ground. He took the emperor's pulse, looked at the emperor's face again, and said, "Sacred Gong is worry-free, but it's just choking on dust and needs to rest."

The onlookers let out a long sigh of relief, and even Fu Tingzhou was relieved and finally dared to let go. Zhang Zuo carried a stretcher and carefully escorted the emperor to a safe place to rest. The crowd moved around the emperor again. At this time, Guo Tao noticed the wound on Lu Heng's hand and said, "The imperial doctor, the commander is also injured."

The rest of the people looked at Lu Heng, Lu Heng pressed his other arm and said, "It's fine, it's just a minor injury."

The Imperial Physician knew that this was the hero who rescued the driver. When the emperor regained consciousness, he would definitely reward Lu Heng. Even if Lu Heng said it was okay, the crowd still enthusiastically surrounded Lu Heng, insisting that Lu Heng take care of the wound.

The imperial doctor personally stepped forward to take the pulse and said, "Commander Lu's arm was burned by the flames. If it is not treated, it may become inflamed. The commander should not be careless, and quickly find a place to bandage the wound."

Lu Heng's hand will hold a knife to kill people in the future, which is very useful. He didn't refuse either, and after being polite, he went to bandage it. Lu Heng was surrounded by the crowd and left. Before leaving, he found Fu Tingzhou and Marquis Wuding standing not far away, and Chen Yin was rushing in this direction. Lu Heng quietly swept over these people, smiled slightly, and left without looking back.

Lu Heng's wound was medicated and bandaged. His clothes were burnt out in the fire, and just after the dressing was done, the eunuch brought Lu Heng new clothes. Lu Heng calmly changed into new clothes and walked to the palace. At this moment, the outside of the emperor's bedroom was full of people, and all the civil servants and generals accompanying him came. Empress Zhang couldn't hide her embarrassment, and she led her concubines to guard in another room.

When everyone heard Lu Heng coming, the already quiet air seemed to freeze for a moment, and then the crowd silently stepped aside, and the expressions of civil and military officials were somewhat intriguing. Not long after Lu Heng stood still, Zhang Zuo came out from the inside, walked straight to Lu Heng, and cupped his hands politely: "Commander Lu, the sage learned that you were injured, and specially ordered you to go back and rest, you don't have to stay here."

Even though Lu Heng has just made a contribution, there is still no arrogance on his face, and he asks solemnly, "Is there a serious problem with the sage?"

"The saint has already woken up, and there is nothing in the way, but he is frightened and needs to rest."

When Lu Heng heard that the emperor was fine, his face was relieved, and he said earnestly: "That's good. When the holy man turns evil into good luck, it can be seen that the gods will bless him.

Zhang Zuo smiled and said: "The commander's thoughts will be conveyed to the saint. It's late at night, and the commander is still injured, so go back and raise him."

Lu Heng and Zhang Zuo pushed and pulled a few times, and felt that they had done it, so they responded with a half push. Lu Heng turned around, saw Zhang Jingong with a heavy face, and nodded with a smile: "First assistant, take care, this junior will retire first."

A group of old heroes in their fifties and sixties, and even Empress Zhang were guarding outside the emperor's house, but Lu Heng, a young man with a strong body, swaggered away. Lu Heng returned to his yard. As soon as he opened the door, Wang Yanqing ran out of the room: "Second brother, how are you?"