The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 70: Bandage


After Wang Yanqing came out of the forest, he saw the spirits guarding outside. Lingxi curtseyed and tacitly avoided talking about what happened just now, and Wang Yanqing did not investigate how Lu Heng appeared in the woods in time. She followed Lingxi back to the house, changed her blood-stained clothes, and slowly sipped the hot soup that warded off the cold. Before she could finish the soup, she suddenly heard a cry for help from outside.

Both Wang Yanqing and Lingxi were taken aback. Lingxi immediately went out to inquire about the situation. After returning, he said to Wang Yanqing with a serious face, "Miss, there is a fire in the palace."

Fortunately, they lived in the upper wind direction of the main hall, and with timely precautions, the Lu family's house was not affected by the fire. Outside people are turning their backs, wolves are crying and ghosts are howling. It is safest to stay indoors at this time. Wang Yanqing sat in the room, listening to the news outside with trepidation.

Jin Yiwei, who guarded the gate, said that the center of the fire happened in the palace today, and many concubines and palace maids were besieged, and Lu Heng had already gone to the front to deal with the fire. Wang Yanqing listened and sighed. In today's catastrophe, I don't know how many people will die, and the loss of gold, silver and jewelry is even more uncountable.

The night sky was half-reddened by the firelight, and thick smoke billowed up, as if even the moon was stained with blood. Wang Yanqing opened the window and kept looking at the door. She had two diametrically opposed emotions in her heart. On the one hand, she hoped that Lu Heng would come back quickly, on the other hand, she was afraid that the door would be knocked on and bring back some bad news.

Wang Yanqing was restless, and Lingxi persuaded her to rest inside several times, but Wang Yanqing refused. This wind has limited influence on Wang Yanqing, and she prefers to sit where she can see Lu Heng for the first time.

Lingxi couldn't persuade him, so he could only silently bring something warm and accompany Wang Yanqing to wait by the window. Waiting until midnight, there was a faint voice outside the door. In the middle of the night, the palace was still noisy, everyone was shouting for firefighting, and the footsteps were chaotic, but Wang Yanqing heard Lu Heng's footsteps strangely across a wall.

Wang Yanqing stood up immediately and walked out without waiting for the door to open. When Lu Heng opened the courtyard door, Wang Yanqing had already run out of the house: "Second brother, how are you?"

Lu Heng knew for a long time that his backyard was fine, but he didn't see it with his own eyes, so he always felt uneasy. At this moment, he saw Wang Yanqing running out unscathed, and the half of his heart that he was secretly carrying was finally put back in place. He stretched out his hand to support Wang Yanqing and said, "I'm fine."

Wang Yanqing noticed that Lu Heng's clothes had changed, and when his right hand picked her up, his eyebrows twitched slightly. Wang Yanqing's face changed suddenly, and he quickly asked, "Second brother, are you injured?"

Lu Heng sighed slightly, sometimes people around him are too sensitive, which is not entirely a good thing. Afraid of scaring her, Lu Heng wrote lightly, "Small injury."

Wang Yanqing couldn't believe it, how could it be a small injury that could make Lu Heng subconsciously show pain? Wang Yanqing immediately let go of Lu Heng's hand, took a few steps back, and blamed herself: "It's all my fault. Second brother, did you hurt you just now?"

The movement of her dodging was very obvious. Lu Heng didn't like it very much. Once again, he could not refuse to hold her hand and said, "It's really a minor injury, and it's been dealt with. You're not scared, are you?"

Wang Yanqing shook his head, Lu Heng was very careful, the emperor's palace was on fire, but nothing happened to Lu Heng's house. Wang Yanqing did not dare to touch Lu Heng, and tried to avoid it without a trace. But every time she moved, Lu Heng grabbed her hand and pulled her back again. After doing this twice, Lu Heng glanced at her lightly and asked, "What are you hiding?"

Wang Yanqing was anxious and helpless, and reminded: "Second brother, be careful of your wounds."

When Lu Heng rescued the emperor, he encountered a falling wood. He blocked it with his right arm, and his forearm was burned by sparks. The wound looked terrifying, but it wasn't serious. It would be fine after ten days of care. It was far worse than Fu Tingzhou's injury.

But Wang Yanqing seemed to have encountered a major event, with a stern face, wishing to be three feet away from Lu Heng, and would not approach him no matter what. Lu Heng didn't expect that after being injured, she would not enjoy the warm greetings, but instead attracted her to avoid him. Lu Heng sat under the lamp, quite helpless: "It's really okay, you don't have to hide so far."

How could Wang Yanqing listen, she quickly instructed Lingxi to fetch the medicine box. Lingxi glanced at Lu Heng quickly and stepped back silently. The commander used to be reluctant to let others approach his wounds, but now it seems that an exception should be made.

Lingxi took the medicine box and left. Wang Yanqing carefully unbuttoned Lu Heng's sleeves, and indeed saw a piece of gauze oozing blood. The wound was bandaged on the spot. The fire was still burning outside, and the emperor was in a coma, so Lu Heng couldn't waste too much time, so the treatment was not meticulous. Wang Yanqing looked at the crooked gauze and said distressedly, "Why are you hurt so badly?"

Outsiders only knew that the palace was on fire, but did not know that the emperor was gone, and was almost trapped in the fire. Now that the emperor is out of danger, Lu Heng is not afraid to tell Wang Yanqing the truth: "Tonight, the fire started hastily. The eunuch serving the emperor was frightened when he saw the fire.

It was only then that Wang Yanqing understood that the fire was so serious tonight, no wonder there was so long outside. Wang Yanqing asked, "Is this injury left behind during the rescue?"

Lu Heng is a very thoughtful and shrewd person. No matter how nice his words are, he will not rush up in danger unless that person has to be rescued. Now that Empress Dowager Jiang died, the queen's concubines did not have such a heavy weight. The only one who was worth saving by Lu Heng was the emperor.

And Lu Heng was able to sit here and talk to her calmly, showing that the emperor was no longer in serious trouble. Taken together, it is not difficult to guess that this injury was left by Lu Heng when he rescued the emperor.

Lu Heng nodded with satisfaction, Qingqing is really smart, and talking to her is a peace of mind. Lu Heng said: "When I found the emperor, the emperor had already lost his mind due to the smoke. I quickly carried him out, and was hit by a spark when I evacuated."

Lu Heng said it lightly, but I don't know how much thrilling there is. Wang Yanqing looked at the blood-stained gauze with a heavy heart, and couldn't help complaining softly, "You were injured to save the emperor. Didn't the imperial doctor bandage you properly?"

Lu Heng said: "The emperor is still dizzy, even if the imperial doctor is willing to bandage me, I don't dare to use it. The imperial doctor can take the time to help me diagnose the pulse and prescribe medicine, which has already given me face. I have seen this kind of skin injury Jinyiwei a lot, and the rest You don't need an imperial doctor, it's enough for Guo Tao and the others to deal with it."

How can a group of big men expect them to treat the wound carefully, and it will be over if the medicine stops the bleeding. Wang Yanqing looked distressed, she picked up scissors and tweezers, and carefully lifted the gauze: "The burn must be treated carefully, otherwise there will be scars in the future. Second brother, please bear with me, and I will bandage you again."

Lu Heng actually didn't care about scars, but Wang Yanqing was so serious, of course Lu Heng wouldn't stop him. He watched her carefully leaning in front of his wound, opening up the old gauze little by little, even if there were a few dander on the wound, he had to pluck it out, very patient and meticulous.

Her breath slapped lightly on Lu Heng's wound. She didn't know whether the medicine worked or the burns were the cause. Those areas were itching numbly. Lu Heng's fingers moved, and Wang Yanqing noticed it, and hurriedly asked, "Did I hurt you?"

Lu Heng held back the itch on his arm and said, "It's fine. It's so late, and I'm letting you watch the blood. I'm worried that you won't be able to sleep well at night."

Wang Yanqing shook his head and said, "What's the matter. If you don't take care of your wound, I won't be able to sleep."

Wang Yanqing is not a boudoir lady who makes a fuss when her fingertips are pierced by a needle. She is very familiar with dealing with wounds, and she was used to it before she lost her memory. Wang Yanqing cleaned the old gauze with great patience. She took the wine, wet a cotton ball, and carefully wiped it along the edge of the wound: "Second brother, the burn must be cleaned, it may hurt a little, just bear with it. "

She said these words with her head lowered, her eyelashes drawn down, and she cast a fine silhouette in the light. Her face was very close to Lu Heng's arm, and her breath brushed against her skin, like a feather tickling.

Her hair fell from her ears and fell down in front of her eyes. Wang Yanqing didn't have time to answer them, so he let them go.

Looking at this scene, Lu Heng could not feel the sting of the spirits touching the flesh. Jin Yiwei also used wine when dressing the wound before, but they poured the wine jar directly onto his wound. Lu Heng did the same before, and he was used to it. It was the first time he had seen such a gentle dressing method. The wine touched his wound, cool and numb, as if he was flirting.

Lu Heng has held a knife all the year round, and the muscles on his body are naturally exercised. He looked tall and thin when he was wearing the flying fish suit, but he didn't look pale when he took off the clothes. At this moment, his arms naturally rested on the table, and even if he didn't exert any force, there were smooth and obvious muscle lines on his forearms.

Wang Yanqing's pale fingers pressed against his arm, the contrast was very different. Lu Heng looked at it for a while, and gradually became a little distracted, wondering what it would feel like to press his hands on other places.

Lu Heng watched for a while, then suddenly stretched out another hand and pulled the broken hair on her temples behind her ears. Wang Yanqing was afraid that it would hurt Lu Heng, so she did not hide. Lu Heng straightened her hair and suddenly asked, "Qingqing, are you eighteen this year?"

Wang Yanqing glanced up quickly, still focusing on the movements in his hands, and his voice could not hide the indifference: "Why are you asking this?"

Even if Wang Yanqing is not as cowardly and timid as an ordinary boudoir girl, it does not mean that she likes hearing people talk about her age. All women in the world, no matter how old or young, no one wants to hear that she is one year older.

Lu Heng smiled lightly, and the light illuminated his pupils, like the afterglow of the setting sun, floating on gold, unable to see the real emotions inside: "Qingqing, I blame the Lu family for being sorry for you, and I'm compelled to keep you filial to me. I have nothing to do with it. It matters, but you are a daughter's family, and you cannot delay your youth. When my father's three-year filial piety is over, you will be twenty years old. If you delay your marriage, I will feel sorry."

Wang Yanqing lowered her face, even if she couldn't see her expression clearly, it was obvious that she was in a low mood. Lu Heng felt a little pain in the wound, he raised his eyebrows secretly, and continued: "Of course I didn't urge you. I mean, if no good family proposes marriage after the end of the filial piety period, you should just stay at Lu's house. ,How about it?"

There are many interpretations of "living", Wang Yanqing changed a new cotton ball, wet it with wine, and lowered his eyes, said: "Second brother will always marry his sister-in-law in the future. Wouldn't it be troublesome for me, who has nothing to do with the Lu family, live under the eaves?"

Lu Heng nodded solemnly and said, "Qingqing's worry is justified. Since it is difficult to have both, then I have no choice but not to marry your sister-in-law."

When Wang Yanqing heard him say that it was difficult to have both, his heart froze, and he almost spilled the wine in his hand. Unexpectedly, he said he would not marry his sister-in-law. Wang Yanqing tried his best to pretend that he picked up the cotton ball and said: "The second brother is in a high position and has a high position. After today, I am afraid that he will be promoted again. In the future, the Lu residence will be sent to the hostess. How can brother not marry a wife?"

"That's right." Lu Heng swept over the spilled wine droplets on the table, and replied lightly, "I'm walking higher step by step, isn't it just to make my life comfortable? Qingqing is far superior to other women in the world, and Qingqing is there to accompany me. Me, what do I need someone else to do?"