The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 71: despicable


After Lu Heng finished speaking, he stared at Wang Yanqing's expression for a moment.

Lu Heng initially arrested Wang Yanqing to negotiate terms with Fu Tingzhou, but later found out that she had amnesia. He pretended to be her second brother out of some bad thoughts.

Wang Yanqing is a genius at discerning lies. If you want to deceive her, you must deceive Lu Heng himself first. Lu Heng imagined that he had a younger sister who was brought up in his family, and kept filling his imagination with the details of their relationship. Slowly, Lu Heng was completely immersed in his own lies, as if he was really Wang Yanqing's brother.

However, fakes are fakes after all, and the more detailed they are, the more embarrassing they will be to expose later. Lu Heng never thought about the ending. He arrested Wang Yanqing just to retaliate against Fu Tingzhou. Wang Yanqing's reaction after learning the truth was not within his consideration. However, Wang Yanqing hid Fu Tingzhou secretly during the Shangsi Festival, and Fu Tingzhou kidnapped Wang Yanqing in Qi County. The confrontation with Fu Tingzhou not long ago... Lu Heng's growing jealousy and displeasure told him that he might have counted himself.

His feelings for Wang Yanqing have gone beyond acting and exploiting, even though he reminded himself repeatedly, Wang Yanqing still invaded his life step by step. After making one exception, there were more and more compromises in the follow-up. Gradually, he became accustomed to having someone waiting for him whenever he went home, that someone would bring him an umbrella when it rained, and that she was accustomed to smiling at him, softly. Call him brother.

- It would be better if it was not called the second brother and replaced it with another name.

He didn't want to see Wang Yanqing and Fu Tingzhou approaching, and refused to imagine Wang Yanqing returning to Fu Tingzhou. When he looked at Wang Yanqing, he would have further thoughts. Lu Heng is a healthy and vigorous man. He easily realized that he developed feelings for Wang Yanqing, the most primitive kind of love and desire a man has for a woman.

It has been nearly two hundred years since the inheritance of Daming, and several generations of emperors have been replaced on the dragon chair, but the iron blood of Emperor Hongwu has been fused in the blood of the Zhu family and has been passed down. Including the civil and military officer system founded by Emperor Hongwu, Jinyiwei, who belonged to the Ming Dynasty alone, also continued the style of whoever is stronger can survive.

The Ming Dynasty was repressed and fierce, iron-blooded and powerful. Lu Heng grew up in a royal guard who was closest to the darkness of the monarchy. He understood very early that he had to be careful in making decisions, but he had to act quickly. Those who didn't take the initiative to attack are always only worthy of being sheep. Lu Heng is suspicious and cautious by nature, but once he understands his own thoughts, he quickly starts to act.

He was unmarried, and Wang Yanqing was unmarried, so they just got married. As for Fu Tingzhou, who cares what he thinks. Now that Wang Yanqing still has amnesia, he quickly settles the matter, hoping that he will not be unlucky enough to restore Wang Yanqing's memory the day before the bridal chamber.

The affairs of the Lu family are entirely up to Lu Heng. As long as he likes it, he can write to his mother to notify him. He doesn't even need to worry about the wedding banquet. Among them, he was the only one who could not count Wang Yanqing. After all, Wang Yanqing had a deep-rooted love for Fu Tingzhou before. When Lu Heng tried her half-jokingly before, she was very resistant to staying in the Lu family.

Lu Heng really didn't understand why Fu Tingzhou was worth her giving up. Even if she lost her memory, she was subconsciously loyal to Fu Tingzhou. Lu Heng carefully observed Wang Yanqing's reaction. Wang Yanqing lowered her eyes and couldn't see the expression in her eyes. She paused for a while and said, "Second brother, this is a lifelong event, no joke."

Lu Heng stared at her closely and said, "Do you think I'm joking?"

He was extremely aggressive, Wang Yanqing lowered his head and felt his eyes locked on her, full of aggression. Wang Yanqing was at a loss for a moment, and before he could think about it, he subconsciously asked: "However, the Marquis of Zhenyuan is going to marry the young lady of the Marquis of Yongping, and Zhang Shoufu, Marquis Wuding and others will go to their children's relatives. The relationship between the DPRK and China is so complicated. Commander, marrying a wife is such an easy thing."

Civilian officials and military generals have a deep estrangement, and they dislike each other, but they marry each other within the group, and continue to strengthen the alliance with their sons and daughters. It can be seen that Fu Tingzhou married the niece of Marquis Wuding, and Zhang Shoufu's granddaughter married the son and grandson of the Shangshu family.

Lu Heng was another check and balance force in addition to the civil and military forces. If he fell to any side, it would lead to a big reshuffle in the court. I don't know how many people in the court were staring at Mrs. Lu's position. Marrying a wife can get a lot of convenience. Would a sober person like him be willing to give up the ready-made benefits

He is thinking about the brother and sister relationship now, and doesn't care about it. In the future, he will watch Zhenyuan Hou and others get help from the Yue family, and their high-class wives are long-sleeved and good at socializing, while Lu Heng is alone and can only do everything by relying on it. Do you really not feel resentment in your heart

Wang Yanqing did not dare to gamble on people's hearts. Instead of looking at each other at that time, it is better not to take that step in the first place and leave a decent memory for each other.

Wang Yanqing's tone seemed to be refusing, but Lu Heng breathed a sigh of relief. It's a good sign that she grapples with objective difficulties rather than outright vetoes. Lu Heng was only afraid that Wang Yanqing would not be willing. As long as she did not reject it, Lu Heng could solve no matter how many problems there were.

Lu Heng asked, "Qingqing, why do you think most of the concubines of this dynasty came from the common people, and few daughters of high-ranking officials ran for election?"

This Wang Yanqing knew that this was the rule established by Emperor Hongwu: "Prevent the harem from interfering in politics."

"Not exactly." Lu Heng said, "Emperor Hongwu is... a person with strong opinions. In his opinion, only the old Zhu family picks others, and there is absolutely no reason for others to pick the Zhu family. Officials and public officials are not allowed. If the candidates are sent for election, then only smart, beautiful or gentle women can be promoted. In each dynasty, the emperor can choose whatever type he likes. In the opinion of Emperor Hongwu, all of them have reached the 95th Supreme. If you have to look at others A sleeping woman, what's the point of that?"

After Lu Heng finished speaking, he let out a low cough. He also knew that it was vulgar to say "sleeping woman" in front of a girl who had not left the cabinet, but that was probably what he meant. As long as he is not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed. Lu Heng looked at Wang Yanqing very calmly and said, "When I was a child, I was studying in the Xingwang Mansion, and I have carefully studied the ancestral teachings left by Emperor Hongwu. reasonable."

Lu Heng thought it was not a good thing, but he still had some principles. He is indeed devoted to power, but he likes the process of climbing up, not the power, wealth, and prestige that come with reaching the top. He ran around in the Jinyiwei like tirelessly, always thinking about how to protect himself and how to calculate others, just to live more freely, without having to look at other people's faces. It is rare for him to meet someone who can relax him, so why should he give up the unique her for some so-called "benefits"

There are many princesses in the capital, but she is the only one who can stimulate his desire for victory and possessiveness and make him willing to take risks and try marriage. It’s fine if you didn’t feel it before, now you have someone you love, and then marry a woman you don’t like for the power of a certain noble lady’s father and brother, or even have sex with each other for the sake of their children. What are you doing? Even if Lu Heng had no bottom line, he would not do such a thing.

If he can insist on not marrying for the sake of his own comfort, he will be able to settle all obstacles for the person he likes. What's more, the things Wang Yanqing was worried about were not enough to hinder him.

Since he was twelve years old, no one in the Lu family can take charge of his affairs, and his wife cannot be dictated by others. On the emperor's side, Lu Heng was not worried. If Lu Heng married Wang Yanqing, it would be equivalent to giving up his wife's clan power and would not fall to any faction in the court, and would always offend Fu Tingzhou and Guo Xun's clan, so he could only rely on the emperor in the future. The emperor would use him with more confidence, and Lu Heng would not have to worry about the Yue family being stupid and implicated in him.

If he had to say it, Lu Heng's death during this period of time was rather difficult to resolve.

If a lie is revealed, he must make up for it with countless lies, and Lu Heng is now at the point where it is difficult to ride a tiger. He couldn't tell Wang Yanqing the truth. What is he going to say? Could it be that he is Lu Heng, but not her brother, but someone who plotted against her. He played the role of a good brother who was very close to her. In fact, Lu Heng saw her for the first time on the day he fell off the cliff

Maybe Wang Yanqing will give him a knife with his backhand, and immediately run back to Fu Tingzhou's arms. Lu Heng thought about it, but he still felt that he would carry out the shameless to the end. First, cook the raw rice, and then plan for the memory loss slowly.

Lu Heng's words have already mentioned this, and the meaning could not be more obvious. Wang Yanqing's expression became cold after listening to this, sleeping with a woman

He wants to keep her by his side, but he is just greedy for her appearance and body, is he not willing to let her marry another man? To put it bluntly, it's just possessiveness.

Wang Yanqing couldn't tell what she was thinking now. She was an orphan and was blessed by the Lu family. It seemed logical to marry her adoptive brother when she became an adult. After she woke up, she stayed by Lu Heng's side most of the time. She knew best how smart, powerful, and capable he was, and it was rare for him to be considerate to her. He is perfect, both from a brother's point of view and from a man's point of view. She was comfortable and relaxed beside him, and she felt that it would be good to live like this all the time.

But when Lu Heng put the marriage on the table again, Wang Yanqing backed away. She doesn't reject living by her second brother's side, but she always feels that something is wrong, as if this kind of thing shouldn't be decided so hastily.

Lu Heng could see that Wang Yanqing was hesitating. He didn't want to hear her refusal, so he stopped her before she spoke: "Qingqing, don't think about any external reasons, you just need to think about whether you want it or not."

Lu Heng's eyes were firm, his tone was calm, and he looked like he was going to win. Wang Yanqing felt sorry for the second brother for some reason, lowered his eyes and said, "I don't know."

Lu Heng scolded silently in his heart, why did he ask this sentence, now that he was well, he got the sentence "I don't know". Lu Heng still maintained a smile and asked gently, "Qingqing, do you have someone you like now?"

Wang Yanqing lowered her head and said nothing, while Lu Heng reached out and raised her chin to prevent her from hiding. He asked again: "Qingqing, do you have someone you like?"

Wang Yanqing's cheeks were forced to lift, she looked at him with wide eyes, pupils like deer, and shook her head blankly and innocently. Lu Heng breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that fortunately she shook her head. If she really said a name, he would not have sent Jin Yiwei to assassinate this person.

Lu Heng asked again, "Is there something wrong with you in the Lu family?"

This time Wang Yanqing shook his head much more firmly, and Lu Heng said, "That's it. You don't have someone you like, and you don't hate staying in the Lu family, which means you're willing. Anyway, the period of filial piety is still long, so you can think slowly, Come to me when you figure it out. I'll arrange the rest, you don't have to worry about anything."

Lu Heng paused, then said, "But I hope that before you think about it, you will put me in the first place. In case we understand differently, next time you are deceived by other men."

When Wang Yanqing heard it, he quickly explained: "Second brother, I don't want to go with Zhenyuan Hou today, I just want to test the truth of his words."

"Oh?" Lu Heng asked slowly, "Have you tried it?"

"He's lying to me." Wang Yanqing was very firm and said with a cold face, "A man who dares not even tell the truth is simply contemptible. In the future, no matter what he says, I won't believe it."

Wang Yanqing was scolding Fu Tingzhou, but Lu Heng was silent. He paused for a moment, and asked unintentionally, "What if he doubles to make up for you in the future?"

"That's his business. Anyway, I won't trust a scumbag anymore."

What Wang Yanqing said was firm and firm, which showed that this was her true opinion. Lu Heng smiled, but his eyes fell silent.

Wang Yanqing put medicine on Lu Heng and wrapped it up again. During the period, the two of them were silent, Wang Yanqing glanced at Lu Heng quietly, and found that he was thoughtful and preoccupied. It was the first time that Wang Yanqing was begged for marriage in person, and she was a little shy, but Lu Heng's heart didn't belong, and her mood sank. She silently packed the medicine box, closed her mind, and asked hesitantly, "Second brother, I acted impulsively today, is Marquis Zhenyuan okay?"

Lu Heng was thinking about what she would do when she found out the truth, when she heard Fu Tingzhou's name, her eyes changed instantly. He narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "You still miss him?"

Wang Yanqing said: "After all, he was injured by me, in case something happens..."

"He's fine." Lu Heng said coldly, "Even if he has something, he deserves it. What are you doing to pity him?"

Wang Yanqing still sighed, she did not regret the stab, and was willing to bear all the consequences, but she was afraid that Lu Heng would be implicated. After all, Fu Tingzhou is the Hou Ye. If the Fu family uses this to impeach, the second brother is on the cusp, wouldn't it be troublesome

Seeing that Wang Yanqing was worried about another man, Lu Heng was really dazzling. He suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled Wang Yanqing into his arms. Wang Yanqing was dragged down unexpectedly, and afraid of hitting his wound, he hurriedly avoided: "Second brother!"

Hearing this name at such a time can add fuel to the fire. Lu Heng's right arm has just been bandaged, and his sleeves have not been tied up. Wang Yanqing moved slightly, and Lu Heng's fingers tightened dangerously: "Don't move."

Wang Yanqing felt the danger and stopped stiffly. Wang Yanqing leaned against Lu Heng's arms, and he could completely encircle Wang Yanqing with one arm. In summer, with thin clothes, Lu Heng could clearly feel the slender and soft Chu waist under the palm of his hand, the cold and refreshing body fragrance, and her side. A taut, slightly trembling curve.

Lu Heng rubbed along Wang Yanqing's waist, and Wang Yanqing especially felt that this time was different from before. She said in a tight voice, "Second brother?"

Lu Heng pinched her on the waist punitively, and said, "I don't like you thinking of another man when you're by my side."

Wang Yanqing felt very wronged: "I didn't, second brother..."

Before she finished speaking, she was pinched by Lu Heng again: "What do you call me?"

Wang Yanqing felt that he was simply unreasonable, she always called him second brother, what was wrong? Wang Yanqing pursed her lips and said, "Second brother is used to the prestige of the commander, so he deliberately found fault with me? I asked the Marquis of Zhenyuan because I was afraid of causing trouble for you, and I wanted to remind you that you still blame me?"

"You're not too timid, how dare you provoke me at this time?"

"It's just the truth. You've wronged people, don't you allow others to avenge them?"

Lu Heng nodded slowly: "Okay, then I'll let you know the price of justice."

Lu Heng clasped Wang Yanqing's chin, and suddenly bit her lip. He originally wanted to scare her, but when he came into contact with Fang Nephrite Danying, Lu Heng was reluctant to let go. Lu Heng's arms continued to tighten, plundering the water deep in her heart. Wang Yanqing was forced to lean back and slowly fell on Lu Heng's lap. Seeing that Lu Heng's hand gradually went downstream, Wang Yanqing hurriedly bit Lu Heng's lips. Taking advantage of Lu Heng's relaxation, she quickly broke free, put her hands on Lu Heng's chest and said, "Brother, your arm is still injured."

Lu Heng didn't intend to cross that line at first, but when she heard her calling second brother very harsh, he felt that it would be difficult to relieve his hatred if he didn't do anything - although this "second brother" was recognized by Lu Heng on his own initiative. Now Wang Yanqing was lying under him, panting and calling out to his brother, his eyes were moist and bright, full of anxiety and nervousness, the inexplicable fire in Lu Heng's heart suddenly dissipated.

He leaned over and bit her lower lip lightly: "It doesn't matter if there is an injury."

Seeing that Wang Yanqing's waist stiffened again, Lu Heng chuckled lightly and pressed her forehead, "Are you still wronged?"

Wang Yanqing hurriedly shook his head, his eyes and movements were full of panic. Lu Heng sighed regretfully and said, "Then I'll let you go for the time being. I won't do it next time."

Lu Heng struggled to restrain the urge to live here and deal with her. You must know that not long ago, he was thinking of cooking raw rice and cooked rice. When she became his person, even if she regained her memory, she would not be able to divorce. But it was impossible to win like this, and Lu Heng's weak sense of morality reminded him that he couldn't do this.

In the end, he managed to convince himself that when he looked down, he saw Wang Yanqing lying on his lap, his eyes glared at him, his lips still blushing. Lu Heng thought to herself that she really didn't know the sinister nature of people, especially men. Lu Heng stroked Wang Yanqing's neck with his fingers and slowly rubbed the fragile flesh: "Why, do you think you're right?"

Wang Yanqing really dared to ask, "Where did I go wrong?"

Lu Heng thought for a while, and now made up one: "You have already agreed, and you have seriously considered doing Mrs. Lu's business in the past two years. You still call me second brother. What will the children do when they hear a misunderstanding?"

Wang Yanqing's face was blushing, and she gave him a hard look. Where did the child come from, she thinks so beautifully! Wang Yanqing deliberately angered him: "Then I can't call you a commander, can I?"

"There must be a way, think again."

Wang Yanqing frowned, racking her brains to figure out what else she could be called. He was not allowed to be called the second brother, he was unhappy when he was called an official position, and it would be unreasonable to call him by his first name, so he couldn't be called "Brother Heng", right? That would be too mushy. Wang Yanqing vaguely felt that Lu Heng meant the last one. She felt embarrassed to speak like this in front of Lingxi and others, so she bit her lip and held Lu Heng's uninjured arm, shaking it gently: "elder brother… "

Her eyes were wet, her voice was slightly hoarse, and she looked pitiful. Lu Heng's heart softened unconsciously. Forget it, although he can't be clearly distinguished from Fu Tingzhou, at least he is no longer Fu Tingzhou's stand-in. Lu Heng sighed and compromised: "Okay, it's up to you."

Wang Yanqing was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly got up from Lu Heng's legs. After all this tossing, Wang Yanqing's hair was loose, and the bun was slanted behind his head, and the emerald jade hairpin on it was about to fall, just like a begonia sleeping in spring, unbearable. Wang Yanqing couldn't see clearly when he was lying down. After sitting up, there was plenty of light, and only then did he realize that there was a trace of blood on the corner of Lu Heng's mouth, which must have been bitten by Wang Yanqing. She was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to stay any longer, so she jumped to the bed in a hurry and said, "It's late at night, I'll go back first. Brother, take care of your wounds."

After she finished speaking, she didn't dare to stop, and ran out without turning her head.

A beautiful woman is beautiful, but she is too timid, and if she is not careful, she escapes like a rabbit, leaving only the fragrance of the room. Lu Heng looked at the dancing candles for a long time and sighed lowly.

He knew that his actions were despicable, but he would never let go of what he wanted, whether it was a woman or an official position.

He can only get worse.