The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 91: cheating


Wang Yanqing burst into tears and complained, "I don't believe it, unless you swear you will never see her again."

Lu Heng was not sure who this "she" was for a while, so he could only look at her indulgently: "Qingqing, you are thinking nonsense again, there is no one else at all."

Wang Yanqing thought to himself, Lu Heng has a lot of experience in playing such a heartless man who is always in chaos and abandons himself, and he is so angry. She said aggrieved: "Up to now, you still want to hide from me? I found out long ago."

Lu Heng looked at her, sighed sincerely, and reached out to wipe her tears: "You think too much, stop crying."

Wang Yanqing pushed away Lu Heng's hand, widened his eyes and said, "I don't believe it. In the future, if there is her without me, if there is me without her, you can decide!"

Lu Heng looked at her quietly, his eyes innocent and helpless, just like what he was thinking at the moment. However, Lu Heng's statement confirmed the image of Bo Xinglang who is merciful. Wang Yanqing covered his eyes and cried like a collapse: "You go, you go, I want to make a clean break with you!"

Wang Yanqing covered her face with her hands, her shoulders trembled slightly, looking extremely pitiful. Lu Heng was worried that she might be crying, so he reached out to grab her shoulders, but Wang Yanqing avoided him and turned his body hard. Lu Heng sighed inwardly for himself, looked at her for a while, then turned and left.

The people in the alley saw that Lu Heng had really left, and he didn't even have any anger or pity on his face. He still looked like the elegant Jinyi Lang.

Lu Heng's aura was too strong, no one dared to point in front of him, but his eyes were still full of scolding. Lu Heng was calm and expressionless in such a sight. After walking out of Jian'an Lane, he exhaled silently.

Lu Heng is also very strange, what kind of luck did he have? In the early days, he took the blame for Fu Tingzhou, and was scolded by Lang Zhong for only caring about his own enjoyment and disregarding the woman's body;

There is no one in the world who can make Lu Heng be infatuated in vain. When he goes back today, he must do everything that Huaxin cousin should do.

Wang Yanqing covered her face and pretended to cry, listening to the footsteps behind her, Lu Heng should have walked away. Lu Heng's handling of the scumbag was really hard, and Wang Yanqing was going to be angry if he took it in. At this time, there was the sound of small footsteps behind him, and the other party hesitated to say anything, and finally tentatively said: "Girl, don't cry."

Seeing Wang Yanqing turning back slightly, Jian Yun seemed to be looking forward to it, and sighed, "He's gone. Even if you cry and go blind, he can't see, why bother?"

When Wang Yanqing heard that Lu Heng was gone, her shoulders dropped, obviously very disappointed. Seeing that the alley was full of people watching the fun, Jian Yun said to save face for Wang Yanqing, "If you don't mind the girl, come in and wash your face."

Wang Yanqing was waiting for these words, she put down her hands, lowered her face, and whispered, "Thank you."

Wang Yanqing was afraid of being seen pretending to cry, so she lowered her head the whole time and followed closely behind Jian Yun. Seeing that Wang Yanqing was always covering her face, Jian Yun thought she didn't want to be seen, so she fetched water for her knowingly and left quietly. Wang Yanqing cleaned her face with water, and went out to thank Jian Yun, "Thank you Mrs. Jian."

Wang Yanqing was born with red eyes. She rubbed her eyes just now, but now the ends of her eyes are slightly red, and her eyelashes are stained with water. She looks like she has really cried. Jian Yun looked at the beauty and felt unhappy and pitiful. Her tone was full of sighs: "Girl, you and your cousin..."

Wang Yanqing said sullenly: "He is romantic and affectionate, and he is full of confidantes. I originally thought that when we grew up, our friendship was always unusual. But now it seems that I am just one of them."

Thinking of the gentleman's casual smile just now, Jian Yun can fully understand why such a beautiful woman as Wang Yanqing is worried about him. Jian Yun sighed and had to remind: "Girl, he was like this before marriage, and I'm afraid he won't take you seriously after marriage. Are you going to get married in the future?"

"Otherwise?" Wang Yanqing lowered her eyes and said blankly, "If I don't marry him, who can I marry?"

After saying these words, Jian Yun fell silent. She stood on the ground for a while, without persuading, but silently poured a glass of water for Wang Yanqing. Wang Yanqing sat down with the water in his hand, and asked sincerely, "Miss Jane, I heard that your husband is also a cousin. Now he... What are you going to do in the future?"

"What can I do?" Jian Yun smiled bitterly, "There must be a way to the front of the mountain, you can only take a step and see."

Wang Yanqing asked, "Miss Jane, why did you marry your cousin?"

This sentence seemed to evoke Jian Yun's memory. She thought about it for a long time and murmured, "Why did I marry him... I don't know, my father died early, and my mother and I lived in my uncle's house, and we all depended on my uncle. My aunt lives. My aunt only has one son, my cousin, and it seems like it is only natural for me to marry him."

"Is he nice to you?"

Jian Yun was stunned again, and when she regained her senses, she laughed at herself: "He helped my mother with the funeral, brought me to the capital, and never gave up on me. It should be okay."

Wang Yanqing looked at Jian Yun's expression. Although she smiled when she said these words, there was no trace of lines around her eyes, which showed that she was not sincere. Wang Yanqing asked, "Has he fallen in love with someone else?"

Jian Yun lowered her head and did not answer, Wang Yanqing knew the answer. Wang Yanqing sighed, took Jian Yun's hand and said, "You and I are both hard-working people. In the past, he and the brothel women showed mercy at all times, and if they couldn't get in front of me, I didn't know. , even hanging out with the people around me. I can't be mad."

Wang Yanqing felt Jian Yun's fingers clenched tightly, and she raised her eyebrows secretly, knowing that she guessed right. The object of Han Wenyan's affair was indeed the people around Jian Yun. During the day, passers-by said that Han Wenyan and Jian Yun had moved from Qingzhou.

Chang Tinglan. In this way, Chang Tinglan's daytime anomaly makes sense.

Wang Yanqing sighed and said to Jian Yun, "He's gone, forget about the past, don't torture yourself with the past. Depending on what the government means, your cousin's death seems a bit tricky. Did he offend anyone? ?"

Jian Yun shook her head and said slowly, "It's always he who decides the outside world, and I don't know."

"When is he going out today?"

Jian Yun thought for a while and said, "It's about the end of the hour."

"Why did he go out?"

Jian Yun still shook her head: "I don't know. He didn't say, maybe he was a friend."

Wang Yanqing asked, "He didn't tell you anything, so what do you do to pass the time after he goes out?"

"Make your own needles and thread. If you're really bored, ask someone to talk to, and a day will pass." Jian Yun said, "Just get used to it."

Wang Yanqing felt heart palpitations for some reason when she heard Jian Yun's words. For a while, she felt that what Jian Yun was talking about was her life, and when she came back to her senses, Wang Yanqing realized that she was sitting in the yard of a stranger's house, stalking the truth of her husband's death. Wang Yanqing felt that the thought just now was very absurd, and the absurdity scared her.

Wang Yanqing calmed down, concentrated, and asked again, "You are at home today, have you noticed anything else?"

"Other news?" Jian Yun frowned, pondered for a while, and said, "I didn't pay attention to any news. Brother Ji went out, and everything was the same as usual. After my cousin went out, I asked my sister-in-law to come and do needlework with me. We When I was picking up the thread, I seemed to hear the door next door open."

Did the door next door open? At that time, Ji Huan had already left, and it was Chang Tinglan who went out? According to the speed of needlework, Chang Tinglan should go out not far from Han Wenyan. Could it be that Chang Tinglan is trailing behind Han Wenyan

In other words, Han Wenyan just went out to see Chang Tinglan

Wang Yanqing thought for a while, and asked quietly, "Does the door only open once?"

Jian Yun shook her head: "I don't know that."

Wang Yanqing thought about Chang Tinglan, but did not forget their real purpose this time. Wang Yanqing looked around by drinking water. The Han family is simpler than the Ji family, but it is kept clean and tidy. One of the rooms is completely vacated as a study room. There are pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the table, which looks like it is often used.

Wang Yanqing retracted his gaze and sighed, "Your family has so many books."

Seeing the study room, Jian Yun replied, "Where, many of the books are not from us, and we borrowed them temporarily."

"It's amazing to be able to read so many books." Wang Yanqing said, "I heard from Mr. Ji that Mr. Han would write books in his spare time. Mr. Han has read a lot of books, and if he wants to come here, he must be very good."

Jian Yun was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I don't dare to do it, thanks to the nobles, I don't mind it, I'm just eating."

When Wang Yanqing heard this, he asked curiously, "What noble person?"

"The noble person who sponsored us to write the book." Jian Yun said, "The noble person likes to read the book, and my cousin writes something for the noble person in his spare time, which is also a source of livelihood."

Wang Yanqing nodded with a look of amazement on his face. In fact, he had already guessed in his heart that the noble person Jian Yun was talking about was probably Marquis Wuding. Even though there are many dignitaries in the capital, there are very few who can support literati to write scripts for themselves. Those in the cabinet would not have such a hobby, and Lu Heng made it clear that he would not do such a thing, and if they continued to count, only the Marquis of Wu Ding would be left.

Wang Yanqing seemed to have an idea, and hurriedly gave Jian Yun an idea: "Is this nobleman related to the government? Lady Jane, since Mr. Han is appreciated by the nobles, you might as well go to the nobles and let him do justice for Mr. Han. The nobles are capable people. A lot, maybe just move your fingers and you can solve the matter of Young Master Han."

After hearing this, Jian Yun just smiled and said, "No matter how you see the noble person. We are soft-spoken. Every time it is Brother Ji who comes forward for us, we can't even see the noble person's face, so how dare we say this. "

"Really?" Wang Yanqing asked, "Then if you have written well in your words, and you have been rewarded by nobles, how will you give them to you?"

"Brother Ji will help us get it back." Jian Yun seemed to understand Wang Yanqing's suspicions and said, "Brother Ji is fair and just, and will not be greedy for money. We can have this livelihood thanks to Brother Ji's matchmaking, if not for him , we may all be living on the streets. Brother Ji has helped us a lot, how can you be suspicious of Brother Ji for a few money? "

Wang Yanqing nodded and praised: "Yes. Friendship without doubt is the friendship of gentlemen. Your relationship is really enviable. How did you and Ji Gongzi know each other?"

Jian Yun pursed her lips, the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned, and said, "We met ten years ago. We were still in our hometown at that time, and we became attached to poetry at a poetry meeting."

Wang Yanqing sighed softly and said with a smile, "That's really fate."

Wang Yanqing smiled and talked to Jian Yun, but there was a hint of coolness in her eyes, and she looked at Jian Yun's face calmly. When I said that she was writing for the "noble person" just now, Jian Yun's voice was low and her expression was restrained, but when she talked about the process of getting acquainted with Ji Huan, her expression on her face was much more lively, and she would cooperate with gestures when she spoke.

Jian Yun actually knew that the "noble man" was the Marquis of Wuding. Seeing how secretive she was just now, she obviously knew what book Wuding Hou published.

Therefore, the manuscript of "Brave of Heroes" does not say all, at least part of it was written by the Han family.

Wang Yanqing had finished drinking a cup of water, and when she put down the teacup, she suddenly asked, "Is there anything unusual about Han Wenyan these days?"

"Abnormal?" Jian Yun frowned and said slowly, "It doesn't seem to be anything. However, my cousin seems to be on his mind recently, and he often loses his temper."

Wang Yanqing nodded, got up and said goodbye: "It's been a long time, I should say goodbye. Thank you very much today."

Jian Yun got up to see off the guests: "We are all poor people who suffer from the same illness. If we can help, we will help. Is this far from your home? It's getting dark. You are a girl, how can you walk?"

Only then did Wang Yanqing remember that she had a "treacherous" cousin who had just abandoned her. Wang Yanqing lowered her eyes, showing a somewhat lonely look, and said, "I can do it myself. Thank you, you can go back quickly."

Jian Yun escorted Wang Yanqing out and watched Wang Yanqing walk out of Jian'an Lane before turning around and closing the door. Wang Yanqing walked out of the alley and turned a corner, and was stopped by a carriage.

Wang Yanqing didn't ask any questions, and just picked up her skirt and got into the car. In the car, Lu Heng was reading "The Legend of Heroes" when he heard footsteps, raised his eyes, and glanced at Wang Yanqing with a half-smile: "Cousin, you're back."

Wang Yanqing was thinking about the case, and before she could sit down, she said to Lu Heng, "Brother, I know who wrote "The Legend of Heroes"."

Wang Yanqing's skirt was wide, she bowed slightly and got into the car, her long skirt winding behind her like a flower. Lu Heng took Wang Yanqing's arm, pulled her onto his lap, and pressed her waist easily: "Don't worry, let's talk about other things first."

Wang Yanqing was wearing six pleated skirts today. Because she was going to investigate a case, she used ordinary gauze with a light blue petticoat inside. Now it fell on Lu Heng's legs. , a corner also hooked the embroidered spring knife on his waist, like a cloud falling on his lap.

Lu Heng's legs were slender and strong, holding Wang Yanqing firmly. Wang Yanqing wanted to stand up quickly, but a hand grabbed her waist: "Cousin, you actually think I'm getting colder and colder towards you. It's my fault that makes you suspicious, and I'll prove it to you."

This posture is extraordinarily intimate, and Lu Heng can easily control every part of her body. Sitting on Lu Heng's lap, Wang Yanqing instinctively told her that it was dangerous. She didn't dare to move, her waist was tight, and she whispered, "I'm just acting, just talk about it."

Lu Heng held the beauty's slender waist with one hand, his eyes swept across her cheek inch by inch, and said slowly: "Just say that my cousin is suspicious of me, which makes Wei brother really sad."

Although there is no contact, but his eyes are real, as if he can really cut her clothes, Wang Yanqing has a strong sense of being invaded. Wang Yanqing sighed in her heart, she didn't believe that Lu Heng would be angry because of such a trivial matter, but it was inevitable to use the topic to play.

It is useless to refuse and reason with a traitor like Lu Heng, who is black-hearted and plucked, and there may be a chance of voluntarily surrendering to the case. Wang Yanqing took the initiative to lean against Lu Heng's chest and said, "I said something wrong, please forgive me, brother."

Lu Heng still didn't say a word, Wang Yanqing gave it up, he simply stretched out his arms to hug his waist, and said coquettishly, "Brother, you still say that you love me the most, is it because you want to kill me for one or two words?"

Wang Yanqing's final voice was full of complaints and anger, and the youngest daughter was full of mood, and Lu Heng's bones were all choked by her "brother", so how could she be willing to refuse. He and Wang Yanqing looked at each other for a while, and finally sighed helplessly: "What Qingqing says is what you say. Well, if Qingqing learns this trick, my brother won't be able to control you in the future."

Wang Yanqing thought that you thought it was quite beautiful, she gestured to withdraw her hand, and said, "If my brother is in trouble, then forget it."

How could Lu Heng let her go, he took advantage of the situation to hold Wang Yanqing's wrist, and pressed her down on the carriage.

Want to leave when promised

Wang Yanqing knew that it was on the street and he didn't know what to do, so he stretched out his hand in this posture and put it around his neck generously: "Brother, I'm hungry."

Lu Heng raised his eyebrows, looked at her with a smile in his eyes, and knew exactly what her purpose was. Wang Yanqing grabbed Lu Heng's door without panic, and said, "I've been standing outside all afternoon, and I'm already tired. Let's go eat first."

In the end, Lu Heng had no choice but to take her to dinner. After the beginning of autumn, the days are getting shorter and shorter, and by the time they finish eating, the sky is already dark.

Lu Heng and Wang Yanqing were not in a hurry to go back, Wang Yanqing sat in front of the box window, propping his chin to watch the scenery of the capital. She asked, "Brother, what did you check after you went out?"

"I checked Han Wenyan's movements." Lu Heng walked behind Wang Yanqing and followed her to watch the red leaves in the city.

"You mean he had an affair with Chang Tinglan?"

"More than that." Lu Heng said, "He did meet Chang Tinglan today. After Ji Huan went out, Han Wenyan and Chang Tinglan left one after the other. About half an hour later, Chang Tinglan ran in a panic. When I got home, Han Wenyan didn't show up again."

Having said this, Lu Heng smiled meaningfully, leaned over and held Wang Yanqing's shoulder, and asked, "Guess what, Han Wenyan asked Chang Tinglan to go out?"

The information Wang Yanqing got from Jian Yun was ambiguous, but Jin Yiwei took action and immediately found out Han Wenyan's actions. Wang Yanqing had expected it for a long time, and when she heard Lu Heng's affirmation, her heart was full of mixed feelings.

The political marriage of powerful families requires three wives and four concubines. Ordinary people marry blindly, looking for love. Even cousins who have grown up will betray them.

Wang Yanqing said coldly, "Are you going out for an affair?"

"Cheating outside?"

Wang Yanqing was startled for a moment, then turned around in disbelief: "Is he at Ji Huan's house with Chang Tinglan..."

Lu Heng smiled in his eyes, meaning it was unclear: "It may also be in Han Wenyan's own home."

The scene appeared in Wang Yanqing's mind, and a look of contempt suddenly appeared. Lu Heng laughed and said, "What's this, those scumbags in the capital are gone. This world is far more filthy than you think."

Wang Yanqing saw Lu Heng's disapproving eyes, and suddenly felt unhappy in her heart: "Brother, you are used to cheating and adultery, don't you think it's not surprising that this kind of thing is innocuous?"

"No." Lu Heng held the railing, leaned over Wang Yanqing and looked down at her, "I just think they are dirty and stupid. After seeing more cases, I will find that most cases have similar causes. They're like a bunch of animals dominated by desire, repeating their ugly things over and over again for the same reason. I keep telling myself that I can't make the same mistakes as idiots."

After Lu Heng finished speaking, he scratched the bridge of her nose clearly: "Relax now?"

Wang Yanqing pursed her lips and smiled, but said nothing. Wang Yanqing often felt that she was naked in front of Lu Heng, and those careful thoughts were in plain sight to him. Wang Yanqing was embarrassed to continue the topic of cheating, and asked, "Then why did he call Chang Tinglan?"

Before Lu Heng spoke, there was a cautious knock on the door from outside the box: "Sir, the fish has entered the net."

Lu Heng smiled and retracted his hand, and stood up from the fence: "Let's go, instead of trying to guess, it's better to ask directly."