The Imperial Guard’s Revenge

Chapter 95: Case closed


Wang Yanqing understood what Lu Heng wanted to do. He guessed that the real manuscript was in Jian Yun's hands, but because of the orderliness shown by Jian Yun, the manuscript must be hidden in a very secret place, and Jin Yiwei may not be able to find it if he rushes to find it.

So Lu Heng took a step back, pretending that he hadn't noticed anything unusual about Jian Yun, and searched the study with great fanfare. In fact, he sent someone to stare at the Han family. Once Jian Yun started to burn the materials, he sent someone to snatch it away.

In this way, Lu Heng could obtain the secret manuscript without much effort.

The mantis catches the cicada, followed by the oriole. Jian Yun's murder plan could almost be called perfect, and the reason why it was "almost" was because she met Lu Heng.

Wang Yanqing once again felt that fighting with Lu Heng was really a tiring thing. She was very curious and asked, "But, brother, how can you be sure that the real manuscript is in Jian Yun's hands?"

Lu Heng's fingers slowly rubbed Wang Yanqing's waistline, and smiled meaningfully: "Qingqing, it's not a good habit to get something for nothing. If you ask me a question, you should pay some money, right?"

As long as he is alone, he will be ready to move, even in the frightening Jinyiwei Yamen, he cannot let him restrain the dirty thoughts in his mind. Wang Yanqing had lingering fears about what happened in the study yesterday, and she didn't want to repeat it here. Wang Yanqing pushed Lu Heng's hand away mercilessly, and stood up with a cold face: "Don't say it, don't say it, I think for myself."

Her voice was high and cold, her neck was arrogant, and she seemed tough, but in fact, the steps of leaving were rather sloppy. Lu Heng could see through Wang Yanqing's thoughts at a glance. In fact, he just wanted to tease her, but he didn't really want to do anything in Nanzhen Fusi. He didn't expect that she would be more protective of him than wolf.

Lu Heng sighed faintly, it seems that he pushed too far in the study last time, scaring the rabbit. Next time you want to cheat, it won't be so easy.

Lu Heng silently counted the wedding date. He never felt that five months was such a long time.

Lu Heng sighed for himself for a while, got up, and walked to the inner hall unhurriedly. He turned the screen, and sure enough, Wang Yanqing was standing in front of the bed, in a dilemma.

Hearing the footsteps, Wang Yanqing turned around and stared at him defensively. Lu Heng calmly said, "Qingqing, it's late at night, why don't you sleep?"

So what's the use of running so fast? Living in a wolf's den and hiding where is not a trap

This was originally a government office palace, and even if there was a place to sleep, the conditions could not compare with the Lu residence. There is no other bedding in the inner hall, and the only bed is very narrow, only one person can sleep.

Wang Yanqing bit her lip and was speechless for a long time, her face turning red. Lu Heng picked her up with a smile and walked to the bed with ease: "Qingqing, it's getting late, it's time to rest."

Lu Heng leaned over and placed her on the bed. This position was very dangerous. Wang Yanqing was alert and subconsciously ducked back. But what was even more dangerous was that Lu Heng didn't leave. He kept leaning over and reached out to caress Wang Yanqing's face.

If his fingertips lingered on Wang Yanqing's cheeks, Wang Yanqing had an intuition for no reason, and he was hesitating.

After just a few short walks, his determination was shaken.

Wang Yanqing's alarm bell rang loudly, and quickly curled up his legs, trying to get out of bed from the other side: "Brother, there is only one bed here, I'm afraid I won't sleep well."

Lu Heng was condescending, and his figure completely shrouded her. He raised his hand and pressed Wang Yanqing's shoulder, and sighed slightly.

He thought to himself that this was the Nanzhen Fusi, and he was staffed both inside and out. What was the difference where Wang Yanqing was hiding? This kind of thing only depends on his conscience.

Lu Heng felt incredible to himself that one day, his character could be so brilliant.

Lu Heng stopped her movements and said, "You are a girl, can I still let you sleep outside? Sleep at ease. I promise you, and I won't break my promise."

Wang Yanqing hesitated, and instinctively told her that men who say such things are farts: "But..."

Lu Heng said, "It will be a matter of time before you and I share the same bed. You might as well get acquainted with it now."

Wang Yanqing was still frowning, her fingers clenched tightly against the quilt, very embarrassed. Lu Heng thought to himself that the rabbit traps had fallen too many times, and it was getting harder and harder to deceive. He had to say, "I remember that there is a couch in the warehouse, and I will let them move out soon."

Wang Yanqing breathed a sigh of relief, and Liu Mei finally stretched: "That's good. Brother, why isn't the couch in the bedroom?"

Lu Heng smiled and said seriously: "It may be that the people below are negligent."

It is also possible that it was just put away by him.


Jin Yiwei, who was on duty, was very strange. When the commander changed his clothes, he clearly ordered the couch in the main hall to be removed. Why did he ask to be moved back after a while? They didn't dare to probe into the officer's private affairs, so after putting down their things, they quickly left with their eyes down.

It is normal to stay up all night in the Jinyi Guards, and it is the same tonight. They are always vigilant about the movement of the Han family, and plan to rush into the control field if something goes wrong. However, until dawn, the Han family was as quiet as ever, without any change.

Jin Yiwei, who is stalking the front line, can't help but wonder, could it be that the adult's judgment is wrong? Jin Yiwei sent the news back to Nanzhen Fusi, the sky was still dark, Lu Heng was already dressed, and stood calmly under the eaves of Nanzhen Fusi corridor. After listening to his subordinate's words, he raised his eyebrows and smiled with interest: "She is smarter than I expected. However, it's not enough to try to fool me with this little heart."

"Sir, you mean..."

"I already know where she hid things." Before dawn, Lu Heng's voice sounded in the autumn wind, with a chill, "The order goes on, everyone doesn't have to ambush, act immediately to control the Han family and the Jian family. ."


Jian Yun actually woke up early, but she didn't dare to move. She waited until there was a sound in the alley, and after some early risers came out to make a fire and cook, she got up with her clothes closed. She pushed open the door and went out to start the day's chores.

In order to avoid smoke and fire, the stove and the housing are built separately. The layout of the Han family is also the same. Two stoves are built on the south wall, and a simple kitchen is built with boards and thatch. It is built in the southwest corner. Jian Yun walked to the kitchen as usual. She bent down and was about to take something from the firewood to light it, when a cold, heavy chill hit her neck.

Jian Yun clenched her knuckles, tried her best to stay calm, and said to the people behind her, "Sir, the women recruited everything last night, why are you still staring at me as a widow?"

"Really?" There was no sound at the door, but a calm and indifferent voice of a man came from behind, "For example, are you a gentleman in the bamboo forest?"

Jian Yun's body tightened, and she said in panic, "Sir, what are you talking about, the women don't understand."

Lu Heng was no longer interested in going around with her, so he ordered, "Go and search for the firewood and stove."

Jian Yun is different from Chang Tinglan, a idiot who jumps out when she cheats. She has a brain and can hold her breath. The fire is too conspicuous in the dark night, how can you destroy the evidence quietly? Of course, fire and cook.

Jin Yiwei fiddled with the firewood with a knife, Jian Yun closed her eyes in despair, she knew that everything was over.

This young and handsome Lord Jin Yiwei is a top smart person.

In a book writer's home, it is normal to have waste paper, and Jin Yiwei quickly turned out a manuscript full of words from the pile of burning paper. Jin Yiwei cleaned up the paper and handed it to Lu Heng respectfully. Lu Heng took it over and glanced at it, and immediately determined that this was the first draft.

Lu Heng said lightly: "That's it, put away all the suspicious papers."

Jian Yun clasped his hands and stood aside without saying a word. Lu Heng took the veil handed over by his subordinate, wiped the dust on his fingertips, and asked coldly, "Ms. Jane, you murdered your husband, blamed others, and committed adultery. Do you know the crime?"

Jian Yun was very calm when she heard the first few items, until she heard Lu Heng say that she had committed adultery, she sneered sarcastically, and said indifferently: "Since your lord has already convicted me, why do you still ask me?"

"Murdering your own husband, fornicating with a foreigner, any one of them is enough to sentence you to hang." Lu Heng said, "You said that it was Han Wenyan's handwriting because the dead man couldn't speak. From my point of view, it is clearly you in the manuscript. It's up to you whether your life is worth it or not."

Jian Yun lowered her head, Lu Heng's conditions were very attractive, but what is Jinyiwei, the evil ghosts will peel off their skins when they enter. She is a weak and powerless woman, why should Lord Jin Yiwei take a high look at her

Murdering with a tiger often leaves her bones dead. She will die anyway, and at least she will die happily if she doesn't say anything. If she makes a deal with Jin Yiwei, not only will she not be able to get a good deal in the end, but she may also sin against her fellow clan.

Jian Yun knew her position very well and was unmoved. She said, "Your Excellency has lifted it up, and the woman is next to my cousin. By chance, I know a few words, but I can't write."

Before admitting it, Lu Heng gave a warm smile and said coldly, "Bring a pen here."

Jin Yiwei quickly fetched ink and water, and Lu Heng motioned to put it in front of Jian Yun, saying, "A person's handwriting will not change easily. If you say it's not you, then write a few words to prove it."

Jian Yun did not hesitate, grabbed the pen holder with her right hand, and dipped ink in an orderly manner. Her movements of rubbing ink and brushing seemed to be done in one go, but after writing, the characters under the tip of the pen were crooked, like a novice who was just holding a brush, writing completely out of order.

Seeing her unwavering wrist, Lu Heng said unhurriedly, "Change to your left hand."

Jian Yun's fingertips trembled invisibly.

She didn't write, but Lu Heng knew that the deterrence was in place, and there was no need to stop the horse. Lu Heng walked leisurely in the yard with his hands behind his back, and said, "What I want to accomplish has never been in vain. The only choice you can make is to take the initiative to confess, and to confess after being served by a big sentence. You don't have to. There are many people in the prison who want to die. I won't let you die, even the King of Hell will not dare to accept it. Your two choices are no different to me, I just don't know if other people can resist Jin Yiwei's. Torture."

Jian Yun's eyelashes trembled, and she understood Lu Heng's threat. If she gritted her teeth and didn't say anything, the torture tool would be placed on Ji Huan. She herself is not afraid of death, but she really can't watch Ji Huan being tortured.

Jian Yun finally had no choice but to retreat, and her shoulders suddenly drooped down: "The women of the people are willing to listen to your master's orders."


Nanzhen Fusi is notorious, and the iron-clad people will never get a restful sleep if they enter here. But Wang Yanqing slept peacefully this time, probably because his body was full of his breath.

She slept enough to wake up, and unexpectedly found that it was still early, and the hall was empty. Wang Yanqing sat up hugging the quilt, not understanding what was going on.

What about Lu Heng

Wang Yanqing slept in her clothes yesterday, and it was easy to get up. She tangled her hair again and looked at the silent hall, not sure what to do.

She knew very little about Nanzhen Fusi, where should she go to find him? If you stay here, this is the government office after all, what if someone comes in to look for Lu Heng

Wang Yanqing hesitated, the door was pushed open. Lu Heng came in from outside, saw that she had woken up, and signaled his subordinates to stop. He closed the door, walked to Wang Yanqing's side, and asked, "Why didn't you sleep, why did you wake up so early?"

Wang Yanqing felt that it was enough for her to fall asleep in Nanzhen Fusi last night. If she sleeps late, I am afraid it is not the psychological quality of human beings. Wang Yanqing asked, "Brother, did you just go out?"

Lu Heng didn't want to burden her, so he said vaguely, "Just go out for a walk."

Looking at the dew on Lu Heng's clothes, he had obviously been out for a long time. Wang Yanqing couldn't help but sigh, "When do you go to bed and wake up every day?"

It was clear that Lu Heng slept later than her last night, but when he woke up this morning, Lu Heng was nowhere to be seen, doesn't he need to sleep at all? Wang Yanqing really didn't understand, how could he still be so energetic and lively with such a high workload and lack of sleep

Lu Heng stepped forward with a smile and gently pressed her temple: "Did you sleep well last night?"

Wang Yanqing nodded, but his expression was still a little sluggish. Lu Heng said, "It was inconvenient for me to leave yesterday. It's hard for you. Do you want to have breakfast here, or go back?"

Wang Yanqing didn't even think about it, and said directly, "Go back."

Lu Heng had brought the witnesses and evidence back to the Nanzhen Fusi. He also mastered Ji Huan, who was in contact with the Marquis of Wuding, and Jian Yun, who wrote the book. It couldn't be easier to ask something. The most important step has been completed, and the next step is nothing more than sorting out the manuscript and interrogating the clichés. Lu Heng was light-hearted, and accompanied Wang Yanqing home quite leisurely. After breakfast at Lu's residence, he would return to Nanzhen Fusi as an errand.

In order to accompany Wang Yanqing on the road, Lu Heng did not ride a horse, but took a car instead. Lu Heng held Wang Yanqing's icy hand and asked, "There is still a long way to go home, do you want to sleep first?"

Wang Yanqing shook his head. It was autumn and the morning light was cold. Wang Yanqing was shocked by the cold wind and was completely awake. Wang Yanqing asked, "Brother, is your business done?"

Lu Heng nodded with a smile, looking at his energetic appearance, it was obvious that everything was going well. Wang Yanqing had a premonition that his wish should be fulfilled again. Wang Yanqing was truly amazed and wished that everyone had it, but Lu Heng was able to turn his wish into a plan little by little, and fulfilled it satisfactorily. Wang Yanqing was astounded by this planning and action ability.

Wang Yanqing asked, "Can you tell me now, how did you determine that the person who wrote the book was Jian Yun?"

Lu Heng gave a soft "um", still thinking about how to make a condition, when Wang Yanqing suddenly hugged his neck and kissed the corner of his lips. Her movements were so light and fast that she pulled away, and Lu Heng hadn't reacted.

Lu Heng was stunned, Wang Yanqing asked in a low voice, "Is that enough?"

Lu Heng's mind finally recovered from the suspension of work, and he immediately followed the stick: "I never accept apprentices easily, how can this tuition be enough?"

Lu Heng hugged Wang Yanqing's waist for a long time to "charge", and finally he didn't want to stop. Wang Yanqing was out of breath, tidied up her messy clothes, and said angrily, "Are you going to tell me?"

"I said." Lu Heng is the most aware of current affairs. He is tough when it is time to be tough, and kneels immediately when it is time to be soft. He said, "Actually, I also discovered it by accident. When you were looking at the bookshelf, I didn't intend to pick up the pen, and suddenly found The ink table is placed on the left side. Depending on the degree of wear and tear of the desk, this is a place that is often used. The pen, ink, paper and inkstone must be placed in the most comfortable position. Especially when writing a book, you need to write a lot of words. After each writing, stretch it to the left side to dip it. Mo, don't you bend your hand?"

Wang Yanqing recalled, after Lu Heng said this, it seemed that the ink table of the Han family was indeed placed on the left side of the paper. Wang Yanqing felt even more incredible: "How do you know she is left-handed?"

When Lu Heng just received the "Appreciation Ceremony", he took off the purse from her belt. Lu Heng was playing with his purse and suddenly said, "Qingqing, catch it."

Wang Yanqing subconsciously caught the flying kit, and when she held the thing, her face seemed to understand. Seeing that she understood, Lu Heng said, "When she first entered the room, she wiped away tears with her left hand. I didn't take it seriously at the time, but later I realized that the ink was on the left side of the paper, and I suddenly realized that something was wrong. So I used a paper ball. I tried it, and sure enough, she caught it with her left hand."

Wang Yanqing suddenly realized. Yesterday, she was wondering why Lu Heng would throw the evidence to the suspect. It turned out that he asked if the handwriting was fake, and it was true to distinguish the dominant hand. Wang Yanqing really admired it. When he first entered the door, he was mainly observing the environment, but he could even notice which hand the background characters used to wipe their tears. How terrifying it is to deal with someone like Lu Heng.

Even Wang Yanqing remembered more. When she asked Jian Yun yesterday afternoon, every time she talked about writing a book, Jian Yun used "we". Wang Yanqing thought it was a bit strange at the time, but she didn't grasp the idea. Looking back now, it was clearly a subconscious term.

Yun, Zhujun, Zhulin Junzi, it turns out that from the very beginning, the truth was hidden in the name.

Seeing Wang Yanqing's expression, Lu Heng was quite shy in his heart, and couldn't help but added another mouth: "Actually, I think Ji Huan is also left-handed."

Wang Yanqing's eyes widened: "Huh?"

This time, Lu Heng refused to explain, saying, "It's not good for your progress to have the teacher explain everything to you. It's just homework, and you can go back and think about it yourself."

Wang Yanqing's brows moved, and she slightly pursed her lips, and said, "Isn't it my cousin, why did you become a teacher again?"

How much does Lu Heng like acting

"It doesn't matter, I have two roles." Lu Heng hugged Wang Yanqing tightly. He remembered what Jian Yun had to say. He was used to seeing shyness, so he couldn't help but wonder, "These two couples are very exciting."

Wang Yanqing didn't expect that there would be more material to be discovered in this case, so she quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

From Lu Heng's meaningful gaze, Wang Yanqing heard the full version of the story.

Jian Yun lost her father when she was young, and her mother was unable to make ends meet, so she had to take her to defect to her brother. Jian Jun grew up in his uncle's house, and the Han family has only one son. Since childhood, he was given high hopes by his uncle and aunt, and he invited Xixi to study at a very young age. Jian Yun is about the same age as her cousin, and she has also learned to read and write.

However, as he grew older, Han Wenyan refused to work hard, but Jian Yun showed a strong interest in literature. Both their mother and daughter depended on their aunt's face, so Jian Yun often helped her cousin to write for her cousin. At first, she copied books, and later she became a ghost-writer for the homework and strategies left by her master. Finally, even Han Wenyan's poetry and prose went out to socialize. From Jian Yun's hand.

Han Wenyan became more and more reluctant to work hard when he had a shortcut, and gradually disappeared, but Jian Yun practiced a good literary talent. Because Jian Yunzhi's handwriting is signed with Han Wenyan's name, her handwriting is very similar to that of Han Wenyan. No one but the Han family has discovered this over the years. Once there was a poetry meeting in Qingzhou, Han Wenyan came back with a half-queue of poetry and prose, and Jian Yun was moved by it, and he got along with the second half-queen.

They became attached to Ji Huan. Ji Huan and Han Wenyan communicated through letters. In fact, every time the person who wrote the letter was Jian Yun, but Ji Huan knew nothing and thought that his bosom friend was Han Wenyan. Later, Ji Huan moved to the capital, and Jian Yun also married Han Wenyan on the orders of his parents. Han Wenyan didn't like her dealings with foreign men, so the letters between Jian Yun and Ji Huan gradually ended.

After so many years, Jian Yun had already forgotten the years of youthful spirit and scolding Fang Qiu, and also forgot that she once made a close friend, not Han Wenyan's friend, but a friend who really made her because of her talent and thought. . After they moved to the capital, one day, someone suddenly came to the door, Jian Yun opened the door, and heard that his name was Ji Huan, and he came to Zhulin Junzi.

Those exquisite poems and strategies are all written by Han Wenyan, and only the name Zhulin Junzi belongs to Jian Yun.

Han Wenyan and Ji Huan walked again. Unlike Han Wenyan, who grew up and became more mediocre, Ji Huan developed very well in the later period, and now he is not considered rich and noble, and can also be called worry about food and clothing. In the retelling of the past, I learned that Ji Huan now not only has fame and fame, but also has a sweet wife by the side, and even has been appreciated by the Marquis of Wuding.

At the invitation of Ji Huan, Han Wenyan moved to the next door to Ji's house. Ji Huan admired Han Wenyan's talent very much, and believed that Han Wenyan's talent was absolutely superior to him, so he took the initiative to assign the task of Marquis Wuding to Han Wenyan. How could Han Wenyan write this? Of course, it was Jian Yun again.

"The Legend of Heroes and Martyrs" is different from the usual colloquial texts. This is the story of the founding emperor. It involves a large number of princes and generals, conspiracy and wars. It is not easy to write to satisfy the Marquis of Wuding. The Marquis of Wuding dictated the request to Ji Huan, and lent him some military books for reference. Ji Huan took it back and studied it with Han Wenyan.

Every time Han Wenyan started writing after Ji Huan left, and finished the draft for Ji Huan the next day, but after a long time, how could Ji Huan not discover that Jian Yun was the real author. Among the manuscripts Ji Huan handed over, Marquis Wu Ding actually preferred Jian Yun's writing style, so in the end, most of the book was written by Jian Yun, Ji Huan took it back for modification, editing, and handed it to Marquis Wu Ding's mansion after transcribing.

In this way, it took them nearly half a year to complete the "Brave of Heroes".

During this period, because Jian Yun devoted most of her energy to writing the book, Han Wenyan had nothing to do, plus she felt that she had lost face as a husband, and hooked up with Chang Tinglan, who also had nothing to do next door. Jian Yun soon found out, but she didn't have any fluctuations in her heart.

Because she also fell in love with someone else.

The fit of the soul is longer than the attraction of the body, and neither side has pointed it out, but Ji Huan knew that the person who met him with Wen Yan was not Han Wenyan, but Jian Yun. It's a pity that the husband married another concubine, and they sat at the desk for a long time discussing how to write the next chapter, enjoying the time alone with each other, but no one broke the window paper.

Until one event upsets the precarious balance.

Ji Huan came back early one day, Han Wenyan was having an affair with Chang Tinglan, Han Wenyan heard the voice and ran away in a hurry. Han Wenyan knew that it was very likely that he could not hide it. He did not dare to offend Ji Huan. Without Ji Huan, he would not be able to survive in the capital at all. Han Wenyan had a very absurd idea in his panic.

He used Menghan medicine to fascinate Jian Yun, just at this time Ji Huan came over to ask the teacher to ask the guilt. Han Wenyan apologized to Ji Huan in tears, saying that he was sorry for Ji Huan, and as compensation, he was willing to offer his wife to Ji Huan to relieve his anger.

This is simply humiliating and shameless, but Ji Huan was tempted. He had long been interested in Jian Yun, so he agreed. Then Han Wenyan went out, Ji Huan and Jian Yun who was in a coma had a spring breeze for a while, and then Ji Huan returned home, naturally he didn't have the heart to let Chang Tinglan off the hook, and pretended to reprimanded a few things.

When Jian Yun woke up, he felt that his body was not right, but Han Wenyan claimed that he gave the Dunlun salute when Jian Yun was asleep. Jian Yun knew it was wrong and could not argue. Different people have different habits of doing this kind of thing. When the second inexplicable coma, Jian Yun finally determined what was going on.

The two sides maintained this strange tacit understanding and maintained a peaceful and harmonious neighbor life. But people are selfish, and once they have it, they want to monopolize it. Three people in a relationship cannot coexist, let alone four of them.

The four people were malicious, but they were silent on each other, and no one was willing to take the lead. The first to break the deadlock was Chang Tinglan-Ji Huan and Han Wenyan made such a deal, and they would definitely not tell the third person. Even Jian Yun guessed it quietly, but kept it secret. Chang Tinglan was even more kept in the dark. She only thought that her husband had forgiven her and did not pursue her affair with others. But if you walk too much at night, you will always run into ghosts. Ji Huan called out Jian Yun's name in a dream.

Chang Tinglan didn't expect Ji Huan and Han Wenyan to do this kind of thing in private. She naturally thought that her husband had changed his mind, and even revealed his intention to marry another. Betrayal is an affair, Chang Tinglan never thought about reconciliation, but she was angry, she bought arsenic from the black market, and wanted to poison the vixen who seduced her husband.

In the dark forest, as long as someone makes the first attack, the situation that follows cannot be controlled. Chang Tinglan forced Han Wenyan to poison Jian Yun. Han Wenyan saw his wife in close contact with another man.

But Jian Yun takes care of the housework all the year round. She knows Han Wenyan too well. As soon as Han Wenyan came back with the poison, Jian Yun noticed it almost immediately. Han Wenyan poisoned Jian Yun in the name of drinking, but Jian Yun saw through it and knocked over the wine on purpose. She realized she couldn't wait any longer, could she dodge once, and all? What if Han Wenyan strangled her while she was sleeping

So, when Jian Yun was cooking, she put in the poison she had prepared for a long time - the white poisonous umbrella, a highly poisonous thing that was almost unrecognizable just like a normal mushroom. Jian Yun thought up a murder plan a long time ago. She poisoned Han Wenyan with food, and then put the blame on Chang Tinglan. After the two died, she and Ji Huan could be together justifiably.

But Ji Huan couldn't have an accident during this process. Jian Yun secretly reminded Ji Huan that Han Wenyan had poisoned her, and Chang Tinglan might also have poisoned her, so Ji Huan should be careful. Because Jian Yun reminded him that Ji Huan was like a big enemy. He pretended to go out every day, but he was actually stalking Chang Tinglan at the alley.

After Jian Yun poisoned Han Wenyan, she took care of Han Wenyan very carefully every day. Han Wenyan thought that this was his cousin after all, and he was the one who was blinded by lard, so he exchanged her for Ji Huan. Han Wenyan was soft-hearted and felt that it was inevitable to enjoy the blessings of Qi, so he asked Chang Tinglan to come out and force her to poison Ji Huan to death.

When Han Wenyan went out, Jian Yun knew who he was looking for, and Jian Yun didn't care. After counting the time, Han Wenyan was about to die of poisoning. When he met Chang Tinglan at this time, he really helped Jian Yun a lot. Jian Yun deliberately called over the most talkative grandson in the alley. The two stayed for the whole morning and gave Jian Yun a perfect alibi.

Unexpectedly, Ji Huan stayed outside the alley, followed Chang Tinglan, and heard the conversation between Chang Tinglan and Han Wenyan about killing them. Ji Huan's double hatred and personal threats made him see Han Wenyan unconscious on the ground, and he had evil thoughts in his heart. The ghosts and gods dragged Han Wenyan to the river and pushed him down.

On the same day, a pair of young and beautiful cousins came to Jian'an Lane. Jian Yun had no intention of exploring the authenticity of the siblings. She felt that the two should belong to the government, so she deliberately revealed the doubts of Han Wenyan and Chang Tinglan. If Jian Yun had known that this was Jin Yiwei's person, she would never have taken the risk.

It is a pity that the world has never known that everything is like a knocked-down wooden sign, one link after another, and jealousy and malice will eventually ferment to the extent that no one can end it.

Lu Heng told Wang Yanqing about the case. Wang Yanqing went from shock at first to embarrassment, and then gradually became numb. She finally knew why Lu Heng's expression was so subtle when he mentioned this neighbor couple just now.

Wang Yanqing's expression was blank, but she was already very embarrassed inside. And Lu Heng was still unfinished, and specially showed Wang Yanqing a portrait of the white poisonous umbrella: "Look, it is this kind of mushroom. I specially asked Jian Yun to take it out and look at it. It is very similar to a normal mushroom, and it will not be weakened by boiling or burning it. Poisonous, almost unrecognizable when cooked. Even I can't guarantee that I will recognize it, so I decided that I will not eat mushrooms in the future."

Wang Yanqing couldn't hold back, and stabbed lightly: "How many unfortunate things have you done to be so afraid of others harming you?"

Lu Heng smiled and admitted it seriously: "Thanks for the compliment, it's still a little bit."

The author says:

Lu Heng: When it comes to wickedness, I never disappoint.

The fifth case for 'wife case + banned book case is almost finished, celebrate the victory in the small stage, leave a message and draw 50 red envelopes!