The Imperial Song – After I Bloom, A Hundred Flowers Die

Chapter 91: Princess, do you suspect me?


The sunlight shines through the layers of flat leaves, which are connected to each other, like golden gauze spreading out, filling the sky with orange and yellow.

The wind blew gently, the leaves fluttered quietly, and time passed quietly. It seemed like a long time had passed, and it seemed like only a moment. Xiao Huayong coughed violently for a while before slowly calming down: "I still remember the princess asked me that day... Are you willing?"

He put his clenched fist to his lips and said, "As the crown prince, if I cannot succeed to the throne, no one else can ascend the throne without a legitimate heir. Although... I am not in good health, no one knows if there will be any changes in the next five or six years. As long as I am alive, I should plan for it."

She was telling him that he had the power to protect himself. He was also worried that there was a chance that he would be healthy but unable to protect himself.

There are only two paths for those who have served as crown princes: success or failure.

As he said, no monarch who ascended the throne could tolerate his brother who was once the legitimate son.

This was a subtle admission that he had power of his own.

"Your Highness, I wonder if the bone-removing pill can be of any use to you?" Shen Xihe asked.

She did not suspect that Xiao Huayong was faking illness. He certainly could not have concealed it from Emperor Youning without any reason. Something must have happened eleven years ago, causing him to be really injured. Emperor Youning was sure that he would not live long, so he was not in a hurry to depose the crown prince until now.

The person who pretended to be Hua Fuhai was able to pretend to be Zhao Zhenghao and take the heads of three people with one sword, which shows how good his kung fu is.

She did not suspect that this person was Xiao Huayong, but rather suspected that this person was Xiao Huayong's confidant.

Since Xiao Huayong has thought about the future and has built up his own power, he should want to recover, just like her!

Since the bone-removing pill is effective on her, it will definitely be effective on Xiao Huayong. How could Xiao Huayong remain indifferent

"The princess is talking about the heirloom of the old man with white hair?" If he said he didn't know, it would be too false. Xiao Huayong said weakly, "We sent people to look for the immortal belt, but found nothing. We also tried to find out the whereabouts of the old man, but the item has been taken away."

"Your Highness never asked who it was?"

"The old man doesn't want to tell me. Where can I find him in such a vast sea of people?" Xiao Huayong shook his head gently. "I think the people in this world who want this thing must be in urgent need of it to save their lives like me. They must be unwilling to give it up. If that's the case, why bother asking more? Kakakaka..."

After another series of coughing, Xiao Huayong lowered his eyelids and said, "Whose life is not life? I want to live, and so do others. I can't abuse my private rights and forcibly snatch it away."

"Your Highness is the crown prince."

"I am the crown prince, and I should love the people like my own children. If I ignore the lives of others for the sake of my own life today, I will also ignore the suffering of the people for my own selfish desires in the future. If this is the case, it will be a blessing for the people if a crown prince like me does not ascend the throne." Xiao Huayong said sincerely.

"Therefore, Your Highness is kind and benevolent, so he is willing to admit defeat." Shen Xihe smiled suddenly.

Xiao Huayong showed a hint of confusion at the right moment: "Why do you say that, Princess?"

Shen Xihe raised her chin slightly and looked at Xiao Huayong. Her eyes seemed to be shrouded in a layer of cold mist and were extremely penetrating.

There was confusion in Xiao Huayong's eyes, and a little panic. It was not the panic caused by a guilty conscience, but the panic of not knowing what mistake he had made.

"Your Highness, the bone-removing pill is in my hand." Shen Xihe lowered his eyes. "When I got the bone-removing pill, I met a strange man. This man was extremely mysterious. He pretended to be your majesty's embroidered clothes envoy, then a wealthy businessman, then a candidate for the imperial examination, and finally the Junior Secretary of the Dali Temple..."