The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 34: Excellent Vice President


Three women make a drama, not to mention that at this moment the other girls in the planning department were all chattering and making a lot of noise, and that noise quickly drowned out Ye Shanshan's questioning.

"I think I heard Deputy Manager Xu say this morning that some important person was coming. I didn't expect it to be Director Jiang!"

"Really? Then I want to go and see it! I heard that Mr. Jiang is much more handsome in person than on TV..."

"Ah, let's stop talking. I'm going to go downstairs to see Director Jiang first!"

Su Wan watched in silence as the girls quickly ran downstairs. They looked so impatient as if something was driving them away.

Even though the unknown Mr. Jiang is the biggest boss, do all these people have this attitude towards their work

Before she came, she thought Longteng International was a very strict multinational company, but she didn't expect...

Su Wan turned her gaze back to her boss and saw that Ye Shanshan actually took out a makeup mirror and began to touch up her makeup. She applied it very carefully, as if she was going to meet her lover.

Seeing Su Wan looking at her, Ye Shanshan said coldly: "You are lucky that Director Jiang is here today. Next time you buy me coffee, you must go to Blue Mountain Coffee House. Remember it!"

Without waiting for Su Wan to respond, Ye Shanshan grabbed her phone and ran downstairs in her high heels.

Su Wan frowned. Blue Mountain Cafe was several kilometers away from Longteng International’s office building. Did she have to find a taxi to get there

Besides, Ye Shanshan hadn't even paid for the cup of coffee just now, and from Ye Shanshan's tone, she didn't intend to pay for it herself...

Su Wan sighed and was about to look through the information in the computer, but suddenly heard someone push the door open.

Su Wanwei raised her head and saw a familiar-looking square-faced man who looked to be in his forties.

Isn't this the examiner who interviewed me

Su Wan's heart brightened. Although she didn't know the name of the man who hired her, she still felt a sense of intimacy towards him. She couldn't help but smile, nod and greet him.

The examiner obviously recognized Su Wan. He walked up to her quickly, also smiling, with a barely perceptible hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Su Wan, why are you still here? I thought all the girls from the planning department went downstairs to see Director Jiang."

Who is this Mr. Jiang? Why does it seem so strange if I don't go to see him

Su Wan shook her head calmly, sorting the folders together and said, "So many people have gone, I won't be missing one. By the way, I don't know your name yet?"

The square-faced middle-aged man lost his seriousness during the interview. He smiled and said, "I'm Xu Lei, the deputy general manager of Longteng International. You can call me Vice President Xu."

Su Wan immediately nodded politely again: "Hello, Vice President Xu, you have already read my information during the interview, so I will not introduce myself again."

Su Wan thought that the introduction was over, but suddenly, Vice President Xu extended his right hand to her.

Seeing the other person's rough and broad palm, Su Wan was a little confused at first, but she quickly realized that the other person wanted to shake hands with her.

Su Wan didn't expect that the examiner, who looked very serious during the interview, would be so enthusiastic and proactive at this moment.

Su Wan also stretched out his right hand openly, but soon Su Wan realized that something was wrong.

Vice President Xu held her hand too tightly, and intentionally or unintentionally rubbed her palm with his thumb.

Su Wan hated being touched by strangers. She had shaken hands with Vice President Xu just out of politeness because she couldn't refuse. But now, Vice President Xu was being too rude!

Su Wan suppressed her displeasure and reminded him coldly, "Vice President Xu, can you let go now?"

She was not a naive girl who did not understand the ways of the world. She had thought that Vice President Xu was a good man before, but now it seemed that he was a hypocritical sanctimonious person!

Vice President Xu looked at Su Wan deeply. He did not let go, but held Su Wan's hand even tighter.

"Su Wan, I admire you very much. You are so young and beautiful. If you come to my side, you will definitely achieve great things. I can help you grow faster."

"Thank you, but I guess not."

Su Wan frowned deeply as she spoke, and she began to shake off Vice President Xu's hand, but Vice President Xu was much stronger than her, and Su Wan was unable to shake the other party's strength at all.

Su Wanzhen never expected that on her first day at work, she would encounter terrible bosses one after another.

I could tolerate Ye Shanshan bossing me around before, but I didn't expect that the next Vice President Xu was even more outrageous and actually wanted to take advantage of me!

She was filled with anger, and with her hands held by the other party, she wanted to step on Vice President Xu's instep with her high heels.

Unexpectedly, the door of the planning department was pushed open in an instant, and a cold and stern shout was heard.

"What are you doing?!"

Following the question, Su Wan and Vice President Xu subconsciously turned their heads to look outside the door.

At some point, there were already a lot of people crowding outside the door, but only the man in the front became the center of the light source.

The leading man had extremely handsome features. Even when he stood there motionless, he looked like a god who had fallen into the mortal world. He was so stunning that it was breathtaking.

How could it be Jiang Xuecheng? Su Wan's eyes widened in astonishment.

It seems that wherever this man is, he can easily make others become the background wall.

Vice President Xu, who had come to his senses, quickly let go of Su Wan's hand. He scurried up to Jiang Xuecheng and nodded and bowed again and again in a flattering manner.

"Director Jiang, why are you here in the Planning Department? Do you have any instructions?"

Jiang Xuecheng pursed his lips tightly, and his handsome face was now covered with a thick layer of hostility, and his gloomy look was like a sky covered with dark clouds.

The storm is coming...

Everyone present had a bad feeling when they saw Jiang Xuecheng's expression.

Although Jiang Xuecheng had not smiled at all along the way, his face was just cold and expressionless. But his eyes now were too cold, like a poisoned blade, extremely creepy.

Jiang Xuecheng glanced at Vice President Xu with a cold look, and the look in his eyes made people feel as if they were falling into a cold abyss. Vice President Xu trembled suddenly, and beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead.

"I asked you what you were doing just now? Answer me."

When Jiang Xuecheng said this, his gaze had already moved away from Vice President Xu and fell on Su Wan.

Su Wan had never seen Jiang Xuecheng like this before, and her heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Why did she feel like Jiang Xuecheng was angry with her? Jiang Xuecheng must have seen the scene where Vice President Xu wanted to do something bad to her...

Vice President Xu's warm and fawning expression soon broke, and he replied tremblingly: "To Director Jiang, I was just saying hello to the new staff and explaining some of Longteng's rules."

"is that so?"

Jiang Xuecheng snorted coldly, his expression still fierce. He did not look at Vice President Xu, but just stared at Su Wan.

(End of this chapter)