The Indifferent Young Master’s Flash Marriage

Chapter 75: I want to eat you more than strawberries


Su Wan smiled and felt that among all the people in the Jiang family, Luo Xiuxiu's personality was the most interesting and straightforward.

Come to think of it, it seems that Lin Feier is also such a person!

After Luo Xiuxiu's words, Su Wan and Jiang Xuecheng had no reason to refuse. Soon Luo Xiuxiu neatly assigned someone to drive the Koenigsegg over and put the large and small bags in the living room into the trunk.

After moving everything, Luo Xiuxiu, who was originally in high spirits, suddenly showed a hint of loneliness on her face: "Xuecheng, Xiaowan, you should remember to come back to the old house more often."

She suddenly said this in such a tone. Didn't the Jiang family plan to keep her and Jiang Xuecheng for dinner

No way, she originally thought that the Jiang family would even invite them to stay overnight like they did last time they went to her grandfather's house.

Su Wan blinked, nodded first, and then looked at Jiang Xuecheng for help.

Jiang Xuecheng didn't even raise his eyelids, and calmly put his arm around Su Wan's waist: "Grandma, we will, then Wanwan and I will go back now."

Su Wan sighed in her heart that the relationship between Jiang Xuecheng and the Jiang family was a little cold...

Just as Jiang Xuecheng embraced Su Wan and turned to leave, a gentle and clear female voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Snow City..."

Su Wan turned around in surprise and saw Xu Ziyao standing next to Jiang Wei, looking indescribably ethereal and lonely.

I thought Xu Ziyao was going to give some more instructions, but she suddenly stopped talking.

Su Wan could only smile at her awkwardly, nodded slightly in greeting, and then followed Jiang Xuecheng onto the Koenigsegg.

"Grandpa and grandma, Dad and Mom, Xuecheng and I will come to see you when we have time!"

Su Wan waved goodbye to everyone in the Jiang family through the car window which had not been rolled up yet.

As a result, just as she was about to say something else, her husband suddenly started the engine, and the car rushed forward like an arrow from a bow.

After a while, the Jiang family's villa, which was a combination of Chinese and Western styles, quickly disappeared from sight.

Su Wan sighed slightly. The car window was still open. She leaned on the window with one hand. The cool breeze that kept coming in made her much more sober.

Su Wan glanced at the man who was driving seriously in front of her, looked at his indifferent eyebrows, and suddenly thought of Xu Ziyao's ethereal eyes just now.

She could see that Jiang Xuecheng's mother cared about her son very much...

In fact, it's not just Xu Ziyao. Everyone in the Jiang family cares about Jiang Xuecheng very much. Some even try their best to accept this daughter-in-law they picked up from nowhere because of Jiang Xuecheng.

And she tried her best to make herself feel that her position in the Jiang family was recognized.

Su Wan felt a little warm in her heart, and she couldn't help but call out softly, "Xuecheng."

Jiang Xuecheng controlled the steering wheel steadily while turning his head and glancing at Su Wan.

"What's wrong?"

Su Wan's eyes slightly opened, silently pleading: "When we have time in the future, let's go back to the Jiang family more often."

Jiang Xuecheng, as the eldest son of the Jiang family, is not very close to his family. The sense of estrangement is so obvious that his family members even take his mood into consideration and dare not keep him for another meal. As an elder, he can't help feeling disappointed.

As for Jiang Haoxuan, the youngest son, he has been staying in Dongchen Country with Sheng Anning in order to realize her dream of becoming a singer, and he is unable to truly fulfill his filial duty.

No wonder Xu Ziyao, as a mother, looks so lonely.

She is a person who has lost her loved ones, so she especially cherishes the time she can spend with them. While the flowers are still blooming, she should cherish them and not wait until she loses them to regret it.

Jiang Xuecheng glanced at Su Wan with a complicated heart. He found that whenever Su Wan asked him for something, it seemed difficult for him to refuse.

Could it be that I was defeated by her

Jiang Xuecheng sighed silently, and then Su Wan heard his cold voice echoing in her ears.


Although it was just one word, and the voice was neither high nor low, it carried an obvious promise.

Su Wan breathed a sigh of relief, she curled her lips into a smile, and her eyes and eyebrows suddenly became much brighter.

That’s great! This way, the Jiang family will probably be much happier.

After arriving at Fontainebleau, Su Wan saw the mountain of gift bags in the trunk of the Koenigsegg and felt speechless.

—In fact, just as Jiang Xuecheng said, they lacked nothing, but Luo Xiuxiu was too enthusiastic, and it would be bad if they refused.

Just when Su Wan was in trouble, Jiang Xuecheng took the initiative to pick up the bags. He looked so funny that Su Wan couldn't help laughing.

Su Wan smiled lightly and took the initiative to help Jiang Xuecheng take down some light bags, and the two of them returned to their home.

Jiang Xuecheng prepared dinner as usual, and Su Wan helped. Although the dishes were not as sumptuous as those in the Jiang family's old house, without the gaze of the elders, Su Wan felt much more comfortable eating.

After dinner, Su Wan washed a plate of strawberries. The bright red color of the fruits was pleasing to the eye, making people feel happier.

Su Wan picked some beautiful strawberries and sent them to Jiang Xuecheng who was reading in the study.

"Xuecheng, do you want some strawberries? They are quite sweet."

Su Wan chewed one and handed the plate to Jiang Xuecheng.

Jiang Xuecheng put down the collection of essays in his hand, and just as he looked up, he saw Su Wan looking at him with a smile, with some light red strawberry juice on her lips.

After taking the plate of strawberries, Jiang Xuecheng stood up, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and he took out two napkins from the tissue box on the desk.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Jiang Xuecheng put down the plate of strawberries and move closer to her, Su Wan was a little confused.

"The way you eat is really ungentlemanly."

Jiang Xuecheng had a faint smile in his dark eyes and reached out to help Su Wan wipe the strawberry juice from the corner of her lips.

Su Wan scratched her hair embarrassedly. As a girl, she seemed to be far inferior to Jiang Xuecheng in terms of eating etiquette.

How embarrassing!

In order to hide her embarrassment, Su Wan angrily picked up the plate of strawberries and looked up to refute Jiang Xuecheng.

"I came here with good intentions to bring you food, and you still scold me."

Jiang Xuecheng glanced at the plate of strawberries, and then fixed his eyes on Su Wanqing's beautiful and gentle face. When he spoke again, his voice was a little hoarse.

"I want to eat you more than that plate of strawberries."

In an instant, it seemed as if all the sounds had quieted down. There was complete silence all around, but Su Wan could hear his own heart beating non-stop.

Jiang Xuecheng suddenly grabbed Su Wan's shoulders. Su Wan was slightly startled and the plate in her hand fell to the ground.

With a loud bang, the beautiful red fruits rolled all over the corners of the study.

But after the loud noise, no one spoke and the study was still frighteningly quiet.

There was a strange atmosphere in the air, and this delicate balance was soon broken.

(End of this chapter)