The Infatuated Second Male Lead Doesn’t Exist [Transmigration into Book]

Chapter 14


Zhou Yang didn't know where the person in charge of the set had gone. Qin Mingyuan came out and didn't see him around. He frowned and took out his cell phone to call the other party.

Knowing that he was waiting for me, I apologized to him and explained that I went to buy coffee nearby and would be back soon.

After casually responding, Qin Mingyuan hung up the phone, walked to a nearby tree and stood still. The branches were still bare, with only a few new buds popping up here and there, which could not block the extremely strong sunlight today. He leaned back slightly against the tree trunk in a rare relaxation.

Thinking of Yun Yuexian's suddenly dull face when she heard what he said just now, he was in a good mood. As for what misunderstanding the other party had, it was not within his scope of concern.

I just don't know how the eldest young master of the Yun family, who wanted to keep a distance of eight hundred miles between him and him, would react when he knew that I was making fun of him.

"Assistant Director..."

A voice was heard not far away. Qin Mingyuan thought it sounded familiar. He turned around and found that it was the little assistant from before. Standing in front of him was the assistant director.

The two people were not too far away from him, and his voice could just be heard. He didn't have the hobby of eavesdropping on other people's conversations, so he stood up and prepared to leave.

"Siyu refused. What should I do?"

Hearing this, he stopped and thought that this young painter was quite unique.

"Why? Are you dissatisfied with the salary?" The assistant director was obviously surprised as well.

"I'm not sure. We made several phone calls and stated various conditions, but they said they were not interested and asked us to find someone else." The young assistant was very anxious. It was a rare occasion for the director to assign him a task, and if he failed to complete it, the other party would definitely be angry.

"Artists really have strange tempers..." the assistant director muttered, and patted the other person's shoulder. "It's okay, there's no rush. You can call him more in the next few days to negotiate. If it doesn't work, you can meet him in person. Director Li is very stubborn. If he likes him, he will definitely use him. You can work harder."

The young assistant felt much more relieved after being comforted by him, and quickly agreed, saying that he would definitely work hard.

The two people walked away while talking, without noticing Qin Mingyuan behind the tree.

He didn't go to exhibitions and didn't accept any movie invitations. He acted quite mysterious, which made him a little curious and wanted to see what kind of person he was.

"Boss Qin!"

While he was still deep in thought, Zhou Yang walked over quickly, breathing heavily. He must have been afraid that he would run back in a hurry. "Sorry, I thought you wanted to talk to Mr. Yun for a while."

The other party took time out of his schedule today to come visit him on set, and he thought they would at least have lunch together, so he left with peace of mind. But he didn't expect that he would call him so soon.

Fearing that he would be angry, he bought a cup of coffee and brought it back, and quickly handed it over respectfully with both hands. Qin Mingyuan didn't care, he took the coffee and turned away, and when someone caught up with him, he said with a side face: "I am very optimistic about this movie, and the investment can be increased."

If you give more money, you might be able to invite someone over. Maybe then he can come and visit again to see what this mysterious Siyu looks like.

Of course, he didn't spend money just to satisfy his curiosity. "Winter Sun" is the first film work of the protagonist Yun Yuexian of the book, and it is also the love work between him and Liang Zichen. It is directed by Li Lin, so it is sure to be a big hit. He can make more money by the way, so why not do it.

Zhou Yang was stunned for a moment, then quickly agreed, thinking that their boss still hadn't let go of the young master of the Yun family. Now that there was a suspected rival around him, his emotions were probably even more agitated. Men, all like to compete.

Yun Pei sat in front of the window, the sunlight falling on his body making him feel warm. He held a paintbrush in his hand, dipped it in paint and painted on the canvas, outlining the shape of the tree shadows.

A breeze blew in through the window that was not closed tightly, causing the white gauze curtains to sway gently, and the light and shadows shining through them seemed to come alive.

The phone on the small table beside him rang again. He glanced at the screen, looked away and didn't answer it. He washed the paintbrush in the bucket beside his legs and changed the color.

This person called him several times, saying that he was a staff member of some movie. He didn't listen carefully at the time, but he only knew that the other party wanted him to be a stand-in for painting.

Yun Pei had no interest and refused at the time. But who knew that this person was so persistent and kept calling him, saying that he would try his best to meet any of his needs and conditions, as long as he could shoot a few shots.

Yun Pei did not answer the subsequent calls and did not reply to the messages.

The painting in progress is almost finished. It is the scene in the Yun family garden in the past.

After the woman moved in, she said she didn't like the house and changed the style completely, not even leaving any of the flowers and plants that my mother had planted with her own hands.

He was afraid that the images in his mind would gradually be forgotten, so he would often draw a picture to capture the things his mother liked.

The persistent ringing of the phone finally stopped, but it was quiet for only a few seconds before ringing again.

It’s better to block him. Yun Pei stopped writing and picked up the phone, only to find that the number displayed on the screen was not that one.

But the fact that this person called him made him feel even more incredible.

After thinking about it, he pressed the answer button, turned on the hands-free function, put the phone back on the small table, and picked up the paintbrush to touch up the areas that were not painted well.

"Brother," the young man's cheerful voice sounded through the receiver of the mobile phone in the room, and he seemed to be in a good mood, "Have you had lunch?"

The person on the other end of the phone didn't mind not getting a response, and continued, "Today's scene went very smoothly, and the director even praised me."

The color was right this time. Yun Pei nodded and let go to add the new color to several other places.

"By the way, Brother Mingyuan came to visit me today. He is so busy, but he still took time out to come to City C. It must be very hard for him."

Yun Pei paused for a moment before putting his pen back down. "Call me if you have time at this hour. It seems he didn't stay to have lunch with you."

The room was silent for a few seconds, with only the sound of the brush sweeping across the canvas.

"Brother Mingyuan has a lot of things to do every day. I am very happy that he came all the way to see me."

Yun Pei didn't care about this. He checked the colors of several flowers, glanced at the call interface on the screen, and said, "Just tell me what you want to talk about."

"I miss my brother, isn't that okay?" The person on the other end of the phone chuckled twice, her tone like a spoiled child. "Today, I accidentally talked to Brother Mingyuan about what happened to you guys in the hospital, so I'm a little curious. What did you talk about when he sent you home?"

Yun Pei put the pen into the bucket, washed it, and replaced it with another one. He felt a little curious. The woman must have mentioned this matter to him before, but there was no response then. Why was she asking him now

He didn't say anything, and the other party obviously misunderstood his silence, "What's wrong, brother? Is there something I can't know?"

Yun Pei touched the brush on the end of the pen and said indifferently: "You have already talked about it. Didn't he tell you?"

"I didn't have time to ask, so I wanted to ask my brother."

He dipped the brush in the paint and picked a suitable spot to start painting. He let the other person wait for a while before speaking, "We did talk about something interesting."

Yun Yuexian did not ask any further questions and waited quietly for his next words.

Yun Pei's gaze was always on the canvas, his eyes filled with colorful colors. "He said that, in fact, he has no interest in you now." After he finished speaking, there was no voice in the room for a long time. He took the time to check his phone and found that the call had been hung up.

"Yun Yuexian..." He pronounced these three words like a sigh, and then chuckled, "I'm really getting more and more impatient."

He didn't have time to relax for long as the phone call that had been too busy today started again. He sighed and put down his pen temporarily. This time it was indeed the strange number.

She picked it up and tapped the screen with her fingertips, sighing in her heart that he was such a persistent person. After hesitating for a moment, she decided to answer the call and reject him one last time.

"Mr. Siyu, you finally answered my call!" The call was suddenly connected, and the person on the other end was obviously very excited and couldn't control the volume for a while.

Yun Pei held the phone a little further away and waited until it was quiet before putting it back. "I'm really not interested. Instead of wasting your time with me, you might as well go find someone else."

"We have already approached many people, but the director is not satisfied with any of them. Mr. Siyu, please, all the shots can be shot in one day, so it won't take up much of your time."

Yun Pei didn't quite understand. With so many painters, why did the other party only identify him? "Why must it be me?"

"The director actually approached many painters, but only your hands met his requirements and fit the character of Male Four the best. He was very satisfied after watching the video you posted online. If he couldn't invite you over, Director Li would definitely be unhappy."

"Director Li?" Yun Pei's heart moved and he suddenly had a guess.

"Yes, Director Li Lin, do you know him?" Thinking that he knew the director, the person on the other end of the phone immediately seemed to have found a way in.

"Maybe," Yun Pei suddenly found it very interesting and asked, "Is the movie you are shooting "Winter Sun"? "

"Yes, yes, I told you at the beginning. How about it? Can you consider it?"

Yun Pei usually doesn't like watching movies and doesn't pay attention to the entertainment industry. The reason he knew this was because of Yun Yuexian. He seemed very excited when he received the notice and mentioned several times how difficult it was to get a role in this director's movie.

He raised his hand to support his chin, staring at the unfinished product on the canvas, and said, "Don't think about it, I'll take it."

He was so straightforward all of a sudden that the other party was a little flattered. He was stunned for a while before he reacted and quickly negotiated with him about the needs and time.

"As long as you don't show your face, the rest will be up to you to coordinate." Yun Pei controlled the wheelchair to turn in a direction to face the sunlight coming in from the window.

The person on the other end of the phone assured him that his face would never be shown, and that he would contact him after consulting with the director on the time, and then quickly hung up.

Yun Pei put down his phone and squinted at the strong light, but his cold face still seemed to have no warmth.

He liked to do things that made those people unhappy, just like he had stayed in this villa until now. The more that woman wanted to erase the traces of his mother's existence, the more he would not let her do so.

Objects can be thrown away and gardens can be renovated, but her own existence is like a thorn stuck in her throat, which she cannot swallow or pull out, constantly reminding her that she is the third party in someone else's marriage.

(End of this chapter)