The Infatuated Second Male Lead Doesn’t Exist [Transmigration into Book]

Chapter 17: XVII


Qin Mingyuan came to City C alone this time. He did not bring a driver or an assistant. He only notified the crew leader and asked the staff to let him pass. There was no need for a big fanfare to pick him up. This time he was not here in the name of inspection, but just treated it as a private trip.

Just before leaving, I received a call from Zhou Yang. I had to deal with a company matter, which delayed me for some time. I came out late and it was almost one o'clock when I arrived.

I don’t know why, but when I drove to the filming location, I found a lot of people gathered outside. They were all young girls, crowded together.

I parked the car, opened the door and got out, stretching my body which was a little stiff from driving for a long time. I also checked the time before walking over there.

The staff member who was negotiating with the leading girls saw him and hurriedly came over to greet him enthusiastically. He had received a call from the person in charge early in the morning and knew that this person was one of their investors, so of course he did not dare to neglect him.

Qin Mingyuan had an outstanding appearance, so the girls couldn't help but take a few more glances at him. However, he never cared about these glances. He simply nodded to the staff and went in. After he walked a few steps out, he could vaguely hear someone behind him asking the other person if he was an actor in the crew.

He didn't hear clearly what the staff member answered, and soon there was another loud scream, and he also heard Liang Zichen's name.

He looked back and saw a tall man surrounded by fans, greeting them with a gentle and polite smile.

Qin Mingyuan had no intention of greeting him, so he quickly withdrew his gaze and walked in the direction the staff had told him.

The shooting location this time was different from the last time. The location chosen was an old school. The specific location was in the painting classroom, which was a bit difficult to find, so he wasted some time.

In order to avoid being watched by students, the crew deliberately concentrated the filming of the school scenes on Saturday and Sunday. However, there were not many shots here, so there was still ample time.

There were many staff members standing in front of a classroom not far away. They were probably filming inside. The atmosphere was very quiet and everyone spoke in low voices.

Qin Mingyuan stood quietly behind the crowd, relying on his height advantage to see some of the situation inside from above the heads of several people. Due to the limitation of his viewing angle, he could only vaguely see a corner of the canvas blocked by the machine, and people could not see clearly at all.

He frowned, and simply took two steps back, leaning against the half-high wall of the corridor, with his back to the incoming sunlight, which blurred the impatient look on his face.

He didn't know if it was worthwhile to waste time making this trip just to satisfy his little curiosity, but he really wanted to know whether the owner of the pair of hands that looked familiar was someone he had seen before.

After having the power to make decisions, Qin Mingyuan never liked to put himself in a difficult position. He would always do what he wanted to do, since no one could control him. Wait, the other party would always come out when the shooting was over.

Yun Yuexian came out of the painting classroom with her usual friendly smile on her face. She greeted the staff along the way and seemed to be in a good mood.

No one knew that he was actually extremely angry now.

The filming of his scenes still did not go smoothly and he was scolded by the director several times. He thought he had a good grasp of the role and did not understand why he was still not satisfied.

This feeling of dissatisfaction continued until Yun Pei came over to take a close-up shot, and she felt that she had lost face in front of him.

I watched the other party's filming for a while with a feeling of dissatisfaction. I was obviously just sitting there drawing, and only my hands were in the camera. However, Director Li praised me and said "good". Even his usually frowned brows relaxed.

What made him most angry was that the other person looked at his disabled brother with a look of pity and regret in his eyes, which made him very uncomfortable and he could only leave without being able to bear it any longer.

After greeting the staff, he looked up and saw someone who shouldn't be here. He was stunned for a moment, then immediately put away his thoughts and walked over with a smile.

Qin Mingyuan's sleeve was pulled by someone. He frowned and turned to look over.

"Brother Mingyuan, why didn't you tell me you were coming to visit us?" Yun Yuexian looked up at him with a smile, then seemed to remember what happened last time and joked, "Are you here to inspect our work again?"

Qin Mingyuan pulled his hand back from his hand and took back his sleeves. He stroked them twice carelessly and said with his eyes downcast, "Private trip."

Yun Yuexian smiled even more happily when she heard his words. He had makeup on his face, which made him look a little sick, pale and fragile. When he smiled, he looked like a trembling flower blooming, beautiful and lovable.

It was a pity that Qin Mingyuan's eyes did not fall on him, and he was a little impatient to think about when it would end. "I don't have many scenes today, and there are still one or two in the afternoon. Brother Mingyuan won't be too busy to sit with me this time. We haven't talked together for a long time." The filming was still going on inside, and Yun Yuexian lowered her voice, as if to make the other party hear clearly, and moved closer to the person.

Qin Mingyuan stood up straight in silence and distanced himself from him.

Yun Yuexian didn't notice his avoidance, she just thought he was uncomfortable with that position, and continued to say to him: "My shooting just happened to be over, let's go out now."

Since he was not handling official business this time, he was most likely here to visit him on set. Yun Pei was filming inside, and he didn't want the two of them to meet, so he just took him away.

Qin Mingyuan did not respond directly, but only said: "When I came here, I saw Liang Zichen, who has a good relationship with you."

The people around him really quieted down instantly. He was silent for a long time, and asked tentatively: "Brother Mingyuan, are you still misunderstanding? He and I..."

He hadn't finished his explanation when he was interrupted by Director Li's powerful voice in the classroom. The quiet atmosphere around was broken by this voice, and the crowd became agitated and started to get busy.

The awkward atmosphere was eased, and Yun Yuexian breathed a sigh of relief. He pretended nothing had happened and said with a smile, "Brother Mingyuan, we..."

This time, Qin Mingyuan didn't listen to him finish his words. He just walked into the classroom through the dispersing crowd.

His gaze passed through the busy staff around him and fell on the window not far away that was shrouded in sunlight. When he saw the man who was still sitting in front of the canvas completing his work, he was stunned for a rare moment.

The person in front of the window was not affected by the noise around him, and did not care whether the shooting was over or not, and continued to embellish the canvas with his brush.

Yun Yuexian didn't have time to stop him, so she could only follow him in, looking a little unhappy.

"Yuexian? Didn't you go to eat?" The assistant director turned around and saw him, and spoke casually. He glanced at the man next to him and vaguely remembered that he was the investor who came last time.

"Ah..." Yun Yuexian reacted, quickly adjusted her expression, and walked over with a smile, "Someone I know just happened to come over, so I followed him in to take a look."

Qin Mingyuan didn't care what they were talking about. He looked at Yun Pei under the window, who seemed to be isolating himself from everyone around him. Suddenly, he lowered his eyes and smiled. The smile was not obvious, but it spread to the bottom of his eyes. It was interesting, really interesting.

When Yun Yuexian finished dealing with the assistant director and turned around, he saw the man staring at the person by the window with a gentle expression. His heart skipped a beat and he curled his fingers, trying to maintain his composure.

Yun Pei in the distance didn't care at all about what was happening here. His expression remained unchanged. He put down another stroke on the canvas, and then stopped with satisfaction.

When he came in the morning, Director Li did not give him any shooting requirements. He just asked him to sit and paint and not to worry about anything else. He just wanted this most natural state.

I rinsed the paintbrush in a bucket, took it out, knocked off the water droplets, put it back in the pen holder, and rubbed the paint off my fingertips.

He turned his wheelchair and prepared to go out to wash his hands. When he raised his eyes, he met the gaze of a man a few steps away and paused.

She looked at the man twice, then at the person next to her, as if she understood something. She met the man's gaze again and twitched her eyebrows slightly.

It was magical that Qin Mingyuan instantly understood the meaning of his eyes. He had clearly said before that he was not interested, but now he came to visit the set. From an observer's point of view, it seemed a bit self-contradictory.

"Teacher Siyu, this is over for now. We have to shoot another scene later. We have to wait until this one is finished. It may be afternoon. You can take a rest first. Thank you for your hard work." Xiao Chen came over to talk at the right time, smiled kindly, and handed him a bottle of water. "Although I often watch your videos, this is the first time I see you painting live. It feels really different. I am so honored."

Yun Pei took the water and nodded coldly.

Qin Mingyuan noticed the slightly red tip of his ear at a glance, and it was indeed a mimosa.

"Brother Mingyuan, everyone here has dispersed. Let's go eat first." Yun Yuexian took a step forward, just blocking his view.

Yun Pei ignored the two of them, left in his wheelchair and quickly turned out the door.

Qin Mingyuan watched him go out, lowered his eyes and thought about something, then turned around and said, "Let's talk about it next time. I have something else to do."

He left this sentence and turned away without looking back. Yun Yuexian didn't even say a word to try to keep him. The other person disappeared outside the door. He frowned and pursed his lips.

Yun Pei followed the staff's instructions to the restroom on that floor and stopped in front of the sink at the door.

The campus is old and the faucets are the most ordinary ones, which make a squeaking sound when turned on.

The water flow was not strong. He reached out and rubbed the paint off his hands. Some of the paint was not easy to wash off, but he was used to it. He was not in a hurry and moved slowly.

There were footsteps behind me, but they soon stopped, and a man's deep voice was heard, "Siyu?"

Yun Pei's hand paused, he didn't turn his head or respond.

Qin Mingyuan didn't care. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and stood straight. "When I saw this name at the art exhibition, I thought it was a woman."

The action stopped again, Yun Pei pursed his lips and continued to scrub the last bit of paint, but this time he did not remain silent, "Did you buy that painting?"

"I think it's an interesting work." Qin Mingyuan did not deny it. He took two steps forward and raised one hand to rest on the back of the wheelchair. "The people at the exhibition hall said that the painting represents the light after the darkness, but I think it's just the opposite. I wonder who is right?"

The color on his fingertips was washed away. Yun Pei turned on the faucet, turned his head and looked up at him, "Do you have a tissue?"

Qin Mingyuan raised his eyebrows indifferently, took out a handkerchief from his suit pocket and handed it over.

This is also a habit taught by my grandfather.

Yun Pei took it without hesitation and wiped the water off his hands. He then folded the handkerchief neatly, but did not return it to him. Instead, he put it in his pocket and said, "I'll give it to you after washing it."

Qin Mingyuan didn't care much. He saw the other person turn the wheelchair, put his hand down, lowered his eyes and looked at the person who looked up.

"So you are the one who was cheated and spent too much money." When Yun Pei spoke, a rare smile appeared in his cold eyes.

Hearing his evaluation, Qin Mingyuan's eyebrows raised even higher. He was just more willful and willing to spend more money on things he liked. "If you think I'm at a disadvantage, you can return it to me."

Yun Pei didn't comment. He turned around and looked around, saying, "Do we have to chat in a place like this?"

Qin Mingyuan followed and looked at it. The toilet door was indeed not a good place. He raised his wrist to check the time. He left home late today and was not familiar with the road conditions. It took him a long time. It was already very late. He tapped the dial with his other hand, "It's getting late. Do you want to have lunch?"

"Having lunch with me, aren't you afraid that Yun Yuexian will misunderstand?" Yun Pei didn't say whether to go or not. He still couldn't understand what this person was thinking. "Last time he sent me back, he already cared a lot."

"I think I made it very clear last time. I have no interest in him." At this point, Qin Mingyuan suddenly bent down and put his hands on the armrests of the wheelchair. "But you, I'm starting to find you interesting."

Yun Pei was still not used to being oppressed by him again. He blinked to cover it up, and forced himself not to avoid it. He just focused his gaze on the teardrop mole at the corner of the man's eyes and didn't look directly into his dark eyes.

His eyes swept over the redness that began to spread from his earlobe to his neck. Qin Mingyuan stood up at the right time, straightened his suit, and said sternly with a handsome face, "Are you going?"

(End of this chapter)