The Infatuated Second Male Lead Doesn’t Exist [Transmigration into Book]

Chapter 19


"Well, I'll go to the company later."

Qin Mingyuan adjusted the Bluetooth headset on his right ear and focused his eyes on the road conditions ahead.

The car stopped at a red light and he tilted his head again, "Let's put aside the things you can't decide for now and wait for me to deal with them when I get back."

Zhou Yang on the other end of the phone said something again, he responded, put on the headset and hung up the phone.

The traffic light just turned green, he put his hands on the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator, and the car slid out.

Last night he received a call from his original mother, reminding him that today was Qingming Festival and he should remember to buy a bouquet of flowers and visit his grandparents.

Except for the original body's parents who are abroad, most of the other members of the Qin family are not in City A. They are usually very busy and will not come together at a specific time. They all make arrangements based on their own circumstances.

It seems that no one is free this year. Qin's father and mother, who are far away abroad, can only remind their son to remember to visit the elderly.

Qin Mingyuan was in a trance at the time and thought of his deceased grandfather again. When the grandfather was still alive, their relationship was not that close.

The old man in his memory always had a serious face and a straight back that never bent until his death.

He was very strict in teaching Qin Mingyuan, even to the point of being harsh, and there were almost no warm moments between them as grandparents and grandchildren.

Qin Mingyuan's feelings towards him were a bit complicated and hard to describe, but no matter what, she was the one who raised him, and when he lost her, he couldn't help feeling a little sad.

I don’t know if anyone will remember to give him a bouquet of flowers during the Qingming Festival this year.

While I was thinking, a drop of rain fell on the front window, followed by finer raindrops.

It always rains during Qingming Festival, perhaps the old friends are crying in the sky.

Qin Mingyuan sneered at the sudden pretentious thought. He reached out and turned on the wipers, thinking that he was lucky enough to have the foresight to bring an umbrella.

He noticed out of the corner of his eye that there was a flower shop not far ahead, so he turned on the indicator light and changed lanes in time, then slowly stopped the car by the side of the road.



The flower shop was not big. There was only a young woman in her twenties trimming flowers. When she heard the doorbell, she looked up and smiled, "What flowers do you need, sir?"

Qin Mingyuan closed his umbrella and leaned against the door, wiping the rain off his sleeves and said, "Pack a bunch of white chrysanthemums, thank you."

On a day like today, there was no need to ask what the flowers were for. The woman nodded, put down what she was doing and went to pick the flowers.

Qin Mingyuan stood there waiting, with no intention of shopping in the store. He just turned his head and looked at the rain outside through the glass door.

He hasn't bought flowers himself for a long time, and such small things are usually left to his assistant.

The most profound memory of going to a flower shop was on Mother’s Day of a certain year. I was still young at that time, and when I saw the flower shop through the car window on the way home from school, I don’t know why the idea suddenly came to my mind.

At that time, he returned to his home which he had not visited for a long time, holding a bouquet of beautifully wrapped carnations, and saw his mother playing with his younger brother in the garden.

The little boy, who was only two or three years old, plucked a flower from somewhere and held it in front of his mother, which made her smile with surprise and she hugged him and kissed him several times.

Qin Mingyuan stood there and watched for a while, but in the end he did not go over. He turned around and left with the flowers in his arms.

He could no longer remember where the bouquet of flowers ended up. Perhaps it was thrown away, or perhaps it was just given to someone.

"Sir, your flowers are ready."

His thoughts were interrupted by a female voice behind him. He turned around and saw the clerk standing not far away holding flowers.

He walked up to take the plain white bouquet, asked the price and passed it to her, then left the flower shop amid her enthusiastic farewell.

Bai Ju was placed in the passenger seat. Qin Mingyuan adjusted the seat belt, started the car and drove away from the roadside.

The cemetery where the original grandparents were buried was on a mountain in the suburbs of City A. It was a high-end park and there were people specifically responsible for its management.

Qin Mingyuan followed the navigation and drove all the way there. When he reached the foot of the mountain, more than an hour had passed.

Although it was a well-maintained mountain road, there were still a few big bends. It was raining today and the visibility was affected, so he slowed down the car a lot.

Fortunately, the mountain where the cemetery needs to be repaired is not high, the slope is gentle, and it is not difficult to walk.

We followed the instructions and parked the car in the parking lot. The rain outside was much lighter than before. It was a dense drizzle, and with the fog, it looked a bit hazy.

Qin Mingyuan got out of the car holding an umbrella, a bouquet of flowers in his arms, and his body seemed to be stained with the faint fragrance of white chrysanthemums.

Although today is Qingming Festival, there are not many cars parked nearby. They are scattered and far apart from each other.

He had just taken two steps when a car drove in a few parking spaces away and stopped. The rather special car model looked familiar, so he subconsciously stopped.

The rear door slowly slid open, and the gently sloping pedal was lowered. The driver came up jogging with an umbrella. The person in the electric wheelchair got out of the car, holding a bouquet of white flowers in his arms, which made his face look even paler.

As if he felt the gaze on him, he raised his slightly drooped eyelids and paused when he met Qin Mingyuan's face, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Mr. Qin." Yun Pei lowered his eyes and nodded.

He didn't expect to meet this person in this place. He always felt that he had nothing to do with tomb sweeping. Perhaps it was because he looked too cold and heartless, and didn't care about his relatives. Yun Pei thought he would coldly throw this kind of thing to his subordinates.

Since they had already met, and they had even had a meal together, Qin Mingyuan asked out of politeness: "Together?"

Yun Pei did not refuse. He took the umbrella from the driver and signaled him to wait in the car.

He didn't like Qin Mingyuan before, and it was only because of Yun Yuexian. But after these few contacts, he felt that it was different from what he thought. He didn't seem to like Yun Yuexian as much as others said.

In that case, he doesn't mind having some close interaction with the other party.

"The film directed by Yun Yuexian was completed a few days ago." There was silence on the way to the cemetery, and Yun Pei spoke first.

Qin Mingyuan subconsciously turned his head to look at him. Because of the height difference between the two, most of the other person's face was covered by the umbrella. Only the hand holding the umbrella handle was clearly visible. It was thin and fair. He had seen the same face many times through the screen. He glanced at it and said, "So?"

Yun Pei moved the umbrella away a little, raised his eyes to look at him from the edge of the umbrella, "Do you still remember the male lead of that movie?"

"Young Master of the Liang Family," Qin Mingyuan walked beside him slowly and said, "I have seen him several times at banquets. Why is Young Master Yun interested in him?"

Yun Pei shook his head, his eyes still on his face, "The Liang family is going to hold a cocktail party in a few days, and my family has also received an invitation."

Qin Mingyuan turned his head and looked at him without saying anything, silently asking him what he meant by his words with his eyes.

"With the Liang family's status in City A, they invited some well-known people. What does the Yun family mean in their eyes? The only reason I can think of is Yun Yuexian." Yun Pei said, raising his eyebrows at him.

After understanding what he meant, Qin Mingyuan's face remained calm and he was not very surprised.

In fact, he also received an invitation a few days ago. The development of the two companies is almost in parallel, and the main areas of involvement are different. There is no direct conflict, and they are also friendly to each other. It is normal to give him an invitation letter.

Logically speaking, he should give face to the Liang family, but he might have to go on a business trip during those days, so he politely declined.

As for the Yun family receiving the invitation... he had known about it a long time ago. This banquet was also an important plot point between the top and bottom protagonists in the novel.

It was also the first time that Yun Yuexian met Liang Zichen's mother.

Qin Mingyuan didn't watch the plot without the second male lead carefully, and he just skimmed through it at that time.

Just as Yun Pei said, it was surprising that the Yun family could appear at the Liang family's cocktail party given their status.

The young master of the Liang family was very caring towards Yun Yuexian, which naturally attracted a lot of attention. Some people also knew about some of the entanglements between Yun Yuexian and Qin Mingyuan, which made the matter even more intriguing.

After the banquet, naturally there were a lot of rumors in certain circles, and everyone was just waiting to see the inside story of the relationship between the three of them.

The Yun family is well-known in the upper class circles of City A not because of its commercial value or outstanding abilities, but simply because of the romantic rumors surrounding its youngest son.

Normal people would just feel ashamed, but those people in the Yun family were obviously not normal. They did not feel ashamed but proud of it.

Originally, Qin Mingyuan's recent attitude made Yun Haowei feel humiliated, and he was a little uneasy because of being alienated. At this time, Liang Zichen came, and he was full of pride, thinking that his beloved son was charming.

They feel proud of the attention they get from the upper class, completely unaware that they are being treated as a diversion, just to watch the fun. Even if they show some goodwill towards them, it is not out of consideration for his son's face.

As for Liang Zichen's mother Gao Qing, she has not taken this matter seriously yet. It is normal for rich people to support a celebrity for fun. Her son is an adult, and she will not interfere if it is just for fun. As long as the person he marries in the end is of equal status, it will be fine.

Yun Yuexian has contacted Qin Mingyuan less frequently recently. Perhaps she has focused her energy on that side. Between the indifferent President Qin and the gentle and enthusiastic Young Master Liang, Yun Yuexian is still calculating which one to win over first.

But he might not be willing to let go immediately. After all, the power and voice he holds now are incomparable to Liang Zichen.

Seeing that he really didn't care at all, Yun Pei didn't say anything else and the two of them were silent for a while.

A man was walking towards us in the hazy rain in front of us. He was dressed in black and holding a black umbrella. He must be here to visit the graves.

When you get closer, you can tell from his figure that he is a middle-aged man, slightly overweight, with a slightly hunched back and shoulders, and his face is not clearly visible because of the umbrella that is tilted slightly forward.

Yun Pei just subconsciously glanced at the person who came and didn't pay much attention to him. But when he was about to look away, the other person raised the hand holding the umbrella and revealed his face. He paused.

That moment was very quick, and the next second the umbrella was covered back. The middle-aged man walked past them quickly, bringing a breeze mixed with the smell of grass and trees in the air.

Yun Pei's wheelchair stopped, he looked at the other person and frowned uncertainly.

"What's wrong?" Seeing him stop, Qin Mingyuan followed his line of sight and turned to look at the person who was walking away quickly, "Know him?"

Watching the figure gradually disappear in the rain, Yun Pei turned around and sat down, shaking his head at the man, "It's okay, maybe I saw it wrong."

Qin Mingyuan had no interest in this. He just nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

(End of this chapter)