The Infatuated Second Male Lead Doesn’t Exist [Transmigration into Book]

Chapter 27


Yun Pei raised his hand and touched his slightly hot earlobe, then looked up at the steady man beside him. His expression was as calm as ever.

Was he really not teasing him on purpose just now

"What's wrong?" Qin Mingyuan seemed to have just sensed his gaze and lowered his head to meet his eyes. There was no flaw on his face and he looked very serious.

Yun Pei shook his head, feeling the temperature on his ears drop a little. In order to avoid meeting the two girls again, he suggested: "Why don't we go to the second floor first?"

It's not that he felt they caused him any trouble, he just felt a little unfamiliar with other people's love and straightforward praise. After his mother passed away, there was almost only malice around him, and that was what he was familiar with.

So I subconsciously wanted to avoid it and thought it would be better to keep some distance.

Qin Mingyuan nodded without saying anything. He immediately steered the wheelchair forward at a speed that was obviously faster than before. Some of his hair even flew around. He moved his fingertips and felt a little itchy again.

There are stairs and elevators to go to the second floor, but if it's just the first floor, most people choose to go up the stairs directly, so there are almost no people in the elevator.

There were only two of them in the narrow space, and they could even seem to hear each other's breathing. The oppressive feeling as if a ferocious beast was lying next to them made Yun Pei feel a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, the elevator rose quickly, and the feeling disappeared the moment the doors slid open to both sides.

The area division on the second floor is more detailed than that on the first floor. The first floor only classifies the general styles, while the second floor is almost precise to each painter. There are fewer works, but the quality is improved.

Even a composer like Qin Mingyuan who only has a vague understanding of painting can feel the obvious difference. To achieve this level, it is not just the technique that matters, but more the emotion and story that are integrated into it.

The abstract works he saw at the exhibition last time were mostly a mixture of lines and colors, which made him feel dizzy. However, there are a few works here that are quite artistic.

However, Qin Mingyuan doesn't like abstract paintings very much. He has seen many works of masters in the real world, and although he appreciates them, he has never wanted to collect them.

Yun Pei was much more focused than when he was on the first floor. He hardly spoke and stayed in front of each painting longer.

With so many paintings hanging on the wall, even the air was filled with a faint smell of ink, similar to what Qin Mingyuan had smelled in his room before. He must really love painting.

But it seems that some other emotions are suppressed under this passion, just like the works he posted online, which are all very beautiful. Every painting was completed in the sun, but they reveal a sense of whitewashing.

It may also be that Qin Mingyuan has seen such dark works as his, so he always feels that his current portraits are creating a beautiful fairy tale for others. It really feels quiet and healing when watching them.

But what about the painter himself? Is he really painting with such a mood? He heals others, but what about himself

There is very little mention of Yun Pei in the original novel. After all, he is the villain who caused the death of the second male lead and the injury of the male lead, but he is only mentioned in a few fragments, as fragmented as a passerby.

The more he interacted with him, the more curious Qin Mingyuan became about him. He really wanted to know how this guy, whose ears turned red when praised, ended up in such a situation.

After his thoughts wandered away, he stared at the person for too long. Yun Pei couldn't ignore the unrestrained gaze. He endured it for a while, but turned his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Qin Mingyuan looked away naturally. There was nothing wrong with his face.

Yun Pei didn't care too much about it. He controlled the wheelchair and continued to move forward into another section. In fact, after meeting several times, sometimes he felt that the other party was observing him.

He was puzzled by that observation, it seemed like an interest in him, or an exploration, there was no malice in it, nor any strong sense of discomfort.

Yun Pei really didn't understand. There was really no secret about him that would make people curious. Most people in these wealthy circles should know about the Yun family's affairs.

What else could interest the dignified President Qin

I am actually quite curious about him, for example, what is going on with Yun Yuexian.

At that time, even he, who seldom went out, heard about President Qin's deep affection for Yun Yuexian. Although most of the information came from the mother and son, the benefits the Yun family gained from it were real.

At that time, Yun Pei also thought that Qin Mingyuan was a love-sick man who was a little blind.

But when he actually met the person, he no longer thought so. Such a mature and calm man had a very clear mind. He even felt that the other party knew all the little thoughts in Yun Yuexian's mind.

Even if he really liked Yun Yuexian that much, this carnivorous beast who only knows how to take a dominant position should have taken her back to his nest long ago. How could he be willing to be held on to and not let go

Qin Mingyuan is not that kind of person.

But why did he do that before? The Yun family didn't have anything worth his plotting.

This doubt has existed since the second time they met and when he sent her home, and it has remained unsolved until now. It's just that Yun Pei doesn't like to meddle in other people's affairs, nor does he like to explore other people's affairs, so he didn't think too much about it.

"Anything to drink?"

Qin Mingyuan saw a vending machine at the corner not far away, and lowered his head to ask the young man who seemed to be in a daze.

Yun Pei came back to his senses and said, "Water is fine, thank you."

Qin Mingyuan nodded, turned around and walked away to buy water. Yun Pei stopped where he was and waited for him, watching the tall and long-legged man standing in front of the vending machine to operate it. Many people passing by were secretly looking at him.

One of the girls hesitated for a while, then bravely came forward. Yun Pei couldn't hear what they were saying, but he saw the girl take out her cell phone, probably asking for a phone number.

The girl was very beautiful. She was wearing a long white dress, had delicate makeup, and had long black hair that fell to her waist. She looked very pure and artistic. She was the kind of girl that most boys would like.

His expression was still indifferent. He was not proud of this affair, nor was he obviously annoyed. It seemed as if he had become accustomed to it.

Based on the way the waiter blushed and her heart beat fast towards him when they had dinner together last time, and this time, Yun Pei deduced that he must have encountered this kind of thing frequently.

Qin Mingyuan was indeed a very charming man. He knew before that the charm was not only in his face, but also in the calm demeanor that came from being in a high position for a long time. He was steady and cool, and he was attractive just by standing there.

However, Yun Pei always felt that he was not just what he showed. Men also had a bad side, and he himself had experienced such teasing.

For example, just now when they were downstairs, Yun Pei always felt that he did it on purpose.

After sending away the girl who came to exchange numbers, Qin Mingyuan bent down and took out the two bottles of water that had fallen.

When he was in college, he didn't seem so unapproachable. Plus, young girls seemed to like this type of handsome guy, so many girls handed him love letters and tried to chat him up.

Later, when he joined the company, he wore a suit and tie every day. In order to prevent those who were concerned about unusual matters from looking down on him as the young president, his temperament became increasingly cold, and few people dared to approach him.

Some partners did bring up the idea of an arranged marriage, but he wasn't interested. He had given up many of his personal preferences in order to become a qualified heir, and didn't want to sacrifice his marriage as well.

Returning to Yun Pei, he handed him a bottle of water, then unscrewed the bottle in his hand and handed it over again.

Yun Pei was stunned for a moment, then reached out to take it. The bottle in his other hand was taken away before he could open it. He paused and said thank you in a low voice.

Qin Mingyuan shook his head, unscrewed the water and took a sip, then put it into the pocket on the back of the wheelchair. He held the wheelchair handle and pushed the person forward, "Let's go."

After drinking the water and screwing the cap back on, Yun Pei did not stop him but held the bottle with both hands.

When he raised his eyes, a painting came into view. He was stunned and tightened his grip on the bottle, and the plastic bottle made a crisp sound.

"Boss Qin."

Qin Mingyuan paused. From this angle, he could only see the other person's hairy head. "What's wrong?"

Yun Pei raised his hand and pointed forward, his expression no longer showing anything unusual, "I want to see that painting."

Qin Mingyuan didn't care. He pushed his wheelchair over, stopped in front of the painting, walked to his side, and looked at the painting together.

In the hazy rain curtain, a small green grass is growing vigorously upwards, with water droplets on the leaves, making the moist color even greener.

He looked down and noticed something very interesting, "Interesting, the name of the painting is Rainy Day, but the painter is called Sunny Day, but it seems he has passed away."

On the label below, there is a bracket behind the painter's name with the word "deceased" written in it, so this painting must be very precious.

When it comes to rainy days, most people probably think of gloomy, wet and sticky days, inconvenience in travel and affect on mood, which are very negative information.

But this painting depicts the rainy day very brightly, interpreting the vigorous vitality when it rains. The message it conveys is very positive, making people who appreciate it feel comfortable and healed.

"This painter must be someone who can see many beautiful things." Qin Mingyuan looked at the painting and sighed.

But there was no response for a long time. He turned around and found that the person in the wheelchair was looking at the painting very intently. His eyes did not look like appreciation but rather like he was missing something, with a hint of sadness in them.

Qin Mingyuan paused and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Yun Pei did not look back at him. His eyes painted the painting inch by inch. He looked as if he was about to cry, but the corners of his mouth showed a hint of loneliness.

After a long while, he finally spoke, "This is my mother's work."

Qin Mingyuan was stunned and didn't know what to say for a moment, so he could only stand by in silence.

The two of them stayed in silence for a long time. He turned to look at the other person again. He could vaguely see that the corners of the young man's eyes seemed to be slightly red. Qin Mingyuan pursed his lips and said, "Do you want to take it away?"

To his surprise, Yun Pei shook his head and said, "No, just leave it here. I will be happy if more people can see it."

He still has a lot of his mother's works in his hands, which are enough to keep as souvenirs. These are scattered around according to his mother's wishes, and he will respect her.

"Let's go." Yun Pei retracted his gaze, turned the wheelchair to face the man, and looked up at him. "There are still many paintings that we haven't seen yet."

The other person did not cry and even looked calm, but Qin Mingyuan noticed that he was holding the armrest so tightly that his fingertips turned a little white.

He looked away, pretending he hadn't seen it, and nodded, "Okay."

The two people turned and walked away, and the painting still hung quietly on the wall, staying there forever, watching the passers-by move on.

(End of this chapter)