The Infatuated Second Male Lead Doesn’t Exist [Transmigration into Book]

Chapter 45


Zeng Lianyi ordered Qin Mingyuan to free up one day on the grounds that the purpose of birthdays is to have a good rest and have fun, and stipulated that he was not allowed to mention work at all on that day.

She is the mother of the original body. Since he has occupied someone else's body, he must take on her responsibilities. What can Qin Mingyuan do? Of course he has to be obedient.

But her purpose was obviously more than that. She asked him to pick up Yun Pei to the villa in person early in the morning, saying that he was the only guest and of course he had to be treated with care and courtesy.

When he questioned whether the birthday party should be held in the evening, he was retorted, "The villa is so big and the scenery is so beautiful, it's not too much to invite them to spend the whole day."

Oh, woman, isn’t it time to open your mouth and call me baby, and close your mouth and call me good son

In desperation, Qin Mingyuan still lost the opportunity to sleep in on his birthday, a rare day off, and drove down the mountain early in the morning to pick someone up.

He called Yun Pei on the way. The other party was also surprised and told him not to work hard and just let the driver take him there.

Since he had already gone out, and since he had nothing else to do today, Qin Mingyuan asked someone to wait at home and he would be there soon.

He came out early and just made it to work. There was a bit of traffic jam on the road, but fortunately it was not like that on every road section.

The flamboyant red Ferrari sports car stopped steadily in front of the door of the Yun family villa, and Qin Mingyuan took out his mobile phone to send a message to Yun Pei.

After asking the driver to take him back to Qin's house yesterday, he let the other party drive the car away. He took the opportunity to do some maintenance on the car while he was resting. Today, he drove Zeng Lianyi's car.

He didn't like the bright red color at first, but once it started to open, it didn't matter anymore since he couldn't see outside anyway.

Yun Pei must be waiting for him, as he replied to the message very quickly and asked him to wait for a few minutes before coming down.

I put away my phone, drove all the way and prepared to go out for some exercise. When I opened the car door, the heat wave outside hit me, dispersing the cool feeling brought by the air conditioning in the car.

I closed the car door and raised my hand to block the bright sunlight early in the morning. Suddenly I remembered that I hadn't been to the beach for a long time. This kind of weather is perfect for a swim.

If he remembered correctly, the Qin family villa seemed to have a swimming pool, which was built on the back side of the villa. He had never been there in the few times he had returned.


There was a sudden noise in the garage of the villa. He put down his hand and looked sideways. A black Bentley was driving out and stopped before turning.

"Boss Qin?"

The rear door opened and Yun Haowei, dressed in a suit, came out. He frowned because of the hot temperature, but soon smiled and quickly came over to greet us.

"Boss Qin, why don't you come in when you come to my house? Come in and sit down. It's too hot outside."

Qin Mingyuan put his hands in his pockets and looked at him with a cold expression, "No need, I'll leave right away." Yun Haowei paused, thinking that his two sons were at home, and wondered which one he was looking for

Yun Yuexian didn't know why things weren't going well at work recently. A lot of announcements had been cancelled. She was in a bad mood and often lost her temper. She almost quarreled with Yun Pei several times and always wanted to make trouble for him.

In the past, Yun Haowei would not care about such things, but after the last banquet, he was a little unsure about Qin Mingyuan's intentions, especially since Yun Pei did not go home that night. He asked several times later but Yun Pei did not tell him where he had gone. He just said that it was not what he thought.

Because he was unsure, he had been paying more attention to Yun Pei during this period. Occasionally, when Yun Yuexian criticized him, he would interject and give him a lecture, but he would not go too far. After all, his youngest son was still relying on the Crown Prince of the Liang family.

Alas, he is in a dilemma now. He cannot offend anyone.

As he thought this, the smile on his face became even brighter. "Boss Qin, I really won't come in to sit down. If there's nothing important..."

Before he could finish his words, the door of the Yun family villa was opened and Yun Pei came out in a wheelchair, with something like a picture frame wrapped tightly in paper on his legs. It was quite large, about the size of a 30-inch horizontal photo. He freed one hand to hold it.

Looking up, I saw Yun Haowei also paused, his expression became much colder.

Yun Haowei's eyes moved between the two of them and asked tentatively, "Boss Qin, are you here... to see Xiao Pei?"

"Yeah." Qin Mingyuan responded casually, without saying much, and turned to go to the young man.

After taking a few glances at what he was holding in his hand, he asked, "What is this?"

Yun Pei did not rush to reply, but glanced at Yun Haowei first, making it clear that he did not want to talk more in front of him.

Qin Mingyuan also turned his head and stared at the middle-aged man who was refusing to leave with a pair of indifferent eyes.

Yun Haowei originally wanted to find out what was going on between the two of them. After all, this was his doorstep and no one could stop him from standing there. But when he met such eyes, he felt a little scared.

"Well, I have to go to the company. I'm leaving now. You guys can chat."

Seeing him get into the car and leave tactfully, Qin Mingyuan withdrew his gaze, but he did not ask any more questions. He reached out and opened the passenger door, took the picture frame that the man was holding and leaned it against the side of the car, and skillfully carried him in first.

Yun Pei was staring at his father's car driving away, and before he could react, he was already sitting steadily in the car.

He was used to being carried up, so he just paused for a moment before fastening his seat belt and waiting for the man to put the wheelchair and picture frame in the front trunk. He leaned out of the car window and said, "Be careful with the picture frame. Don't damage it."

Upon hearing this, Qin Mingyuan slowed down his movements, found a very stable angle to put the car down, closed the trunk lid, and strode into the car.

Watching him sitting in the car, Yun Pei stared at him with curiosity.

The man was actually wearing a black short-sleeved shirt and thin trousers today. It looked very simple, and the design was quite special. He had a good figure, so it suited him very well.

Since he is not working, he doesn't take special care of his hair, which hangs fluffy and naturally on his forehead. He is also dressed casually, which makes him look less like a mature man in the workplace and looks much younger.

He stared at me for too long. Qin Mingyuan turned the car around and drove out of the villa area. Before he looked away, he turned his head and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Yun Pei came back to his senses. Even though he was used to being with him, his ears still blushed. He raised his hand to touch his nose to cover it up and said, "You are wearing something different today."

Qin Mingyuan looked down at his clothes and replied, "Ms. Zeng said that I was wearing a shirt and trousers during my break and it didn't look good, so she stuffed a bunch of clothes in my hands, all of which were her own brand."

In fact, during the years when she was away from the country, she often sent clothes to her original body, but her original body stayed in the company all year round and wore suits. The clothes she sent were placed in the Qin family villa. They were all new and none of them had been moved.

This time the person is back and is watching him with his own eyes, so he has to wear it whether he wants to or not.

Qin Mingyuan didn't resist at all. After graduating from college, he joined the company and wore formal clothes all year round. Now he felt relaxed and comfortable wearing such casual clothes.

"I think I mentioned before that Auntie is a fashion designer." Yun Pei thought of her energetic and enthusiastic appearance, and said, "She must love her job very much, so she is so happy."

The previous head of the Qin family also supported his wife's dream and even gave up his power when he was in his prime to accompany her in developing her career abroad.

If his mother could also meet a husband like this, would she be as happy as Aunt Zeng

The people around him seemed to be in a low mood for some reason. Qin Mingyuan glanced at him and asked, "What were you holding just now?"

Hearing him ask this, Yun Pei perked up again, "It's a birthday present for you."

Qin Mingyuan paused, thinking of the shape and size of the object, and raised his eyebrows, "Is it a painting?"

"Yeah." Yun Pei nodded and stretched his wrist which was still a little sore. "I've been drawing for almost two days. I wonder if you will like it."

It had been a long time since he spent so much time polishing a painting. When he was painting or recording videos, his movements were always large and loose, and he composed and colored very quickly without having to think too much.

It’s not that he doesn’t put in the effort, but after years of painting, many things have become muscle memory. For example, when he draws a circle casually, it may become a very regular circle, and most of the time it does not need to be modified once.

This time was different. He was always dissatisfied with something from the composition onwards, and he revised it again and again before he felt it was perfect. In addition, this painting had a lot of details, so time passed by unknowingly, and it was not until last night that it was completely completed.

It had been a long time since he had painted when the sun was setting.

Hearing him say this, Qin Mingyuan couldn't help but turn his head and look at him again, tapping his fingertips on the steering wheel for a long time, and said in a deep voice: "I will like it."

"You haven't seen it yet."

Yun Pei leaned back in his chair and relaxed, thinking that he was just being polite to him. "Give me your comments after we open the presents."

Qin Mingyuan didn't say anything else and drove seriously.

The way back was much smoother than the way here, with less traffic jams and less time getting back to the mountain.

Yun Pei looked at the scenery outside through the car window, then turned back to look at the driver, "Qin family villa, on the mountain? Is it just your family?"

Qin Mingyuan saw a hint of surprise in his eyes, which looked sparkling, and said in a good mood: "Well, welcome to the Qin family's garden."

After getting the exact answer, Yun Pei turned around to look outside again, thinking that there is not only a gap between the rich and the poor, but also a gap between the rich.

He didn't really feel much about the so-called wealthy class before, as he felt that everyone lived in villas and drove luxury cars, but now he does feel something is different.

Especially on the way up the mountain, he learned from Qin Mingyuan that there was a horse farm, a special breeding farm, and a fruit and vegetable garden on the mountain, as well as some miscellaneous recreational facilities that he could not remember clearly.

The Qin family is one of the top wealthy families in City A. Yun Pei finally has a deep understanding of this title. How much wealth is held by the people in power of the Qin Group? What we see here may just be the tip of the iceberg.

Suddenly I felt that it was not a big deal for the other party to spend 30 million on a ring for charity.

If Qin Mingyuan knew what he was thinking, he would probably tell him that it was really no big deal. With the Qin family's financial resources, the amount of money allocated to charity every year is in the billions.

The total assets of the Yun Company should be just like this. It sounds very impressive to ordinary people, but in the eyes of real wealthy groups, it is just a small family.

Therefore, it is understandable that Yun Haowei is so eager to curry favor with him and Liang Zichen. After all, a project that slips out of their hands can make the Yun family earn a fortune.

The car drove to a stop in front of the villa. Qin Mingyuan got out first and went to the front trunk to get the wheelchair and picture frame.

Yun Pei unbuckled his seat belt, opened the car door himself, and looked up at the Qin family villa, which was obviously large from the outside. He suddenly felt that his own villa was just a small one-story Western-style building.

"This is Young Master Yun, right?"

He was watching so intently that he didn't notice when a white-haired old man came over. He stood by the car and looked at him with a smile.

“This is Uncle Wu.”

Just when he didn't know what to call him, Qin Mingyuan came over, pushing the wheelchair with one hand and holding a picture frame with the other, "It's the housekeeper of the villa."

(End of this chapter)