The Infatuated Second Male Lead Doesn’t Exist [Transmigration into Book]

Chapter 47


Not long after, Qin Mingyuan returned to the living room with a coat in his hand. He casually threw it on the young man and said, "Put it on."

The coat was very big, it should be the man's own. Yun Pei was stunned for a moment, and silently put his hand into the sleeve. The cool air from the air conditioner was blocked, and he whispered, "Thank you."

Zeng Lianyi bit a piece of cantaloupe, her eyes darting back and forth between the two of them, she coughed, and said deliberately: "Oh, our baby is so thoughtful, mommy also wants someone to put clothes on me~"

Her original intention was to tease the two of them, but Qin Pei beside her stood up immediately when she heard it, "I'll go get you some clothes."

Zeng Lianyi looked at him speechlessly, and left him alone, not bothering to care about anything else. She waved her hand and asked the servant to turn up the temperature a bit and cut a plate of fruit at room temperature.

After giving the order, he looked at Yun Pei with a smile, "Xiao Pei, just treat this place as your own home. If you need anything, just ask. Don't be so polite."

Yun Pei was used to no one caring about his needs at home. He was a little uncomfortable being cared for and concerned by them, but he felt warm in his heart. "Okay, thank you, Auntie."

Seeing how well behaved he was, Zeng Lianyi reached out and pinched his cheek. She glanced at the things Uncle Wu had placed on the low cabinet at the side and asked casually, "Is that the gift that Xiao Pei gave to Mingyuan?"

Yun Pei looked in the direction of her raised chin and nodded, "Yes, I didn't know what to give, so I drew a picture myself."

Given Qin Mingyuan's status and position, he would not be interested in anything no matter how valuable it was. After thinking about it, he still felt that a thoughtful gift was the most sincere.

"Then let's take Mingyuan and open it and have a look." Zeng Lianyi was quite curious about what he would draw.

Qin Mingyuan glanced at Yun Pei when he heard the words, and when he saw the other party nod, he stood up and walked over, holding the large picture frame, he returned to the sofa and gently placed it on the coffee table.

Yun Pei felt a little embarrassed that he opened the gift in front of him, but he didn't show it on his face.

Qin Mingyuan found the seal on the back of the picture frame, tore open the place where the transparent tape was fixed, pulled off the layer of paper wrapped around it and threw it aside.

The content of the painting was revealed, and several people's eyes, including Qin Pei who had just returned, were fixed on it.

A lion lay prone on a raised rock. The sunlight fell down and enveloped it, and its fluffy and neat mane seemed to be glowing golden.

It lay there quietly to rest, lacking the aggressiveness it showed when hunting prey, but its strong body left no doubt about its ability to kill its prey with one bite.

The beast was very lazy for the moment, and the fine golden color among its mane made it look unusually noble. It proudly stayed on a high place, the one and only king of this plain, making all the animals on this plain submit to it willingly.

When Yun Pei was painting this picture, he outlined each strand of hair bit by bit, and mixed a little gold powder into the paint used on the mane, just to create a golden feeling under the light and make it look more noble.

"What a beautiful painting," Zeng Lianyi praised. As a fashion designer, she had a certain aesthetic sense and could naturally see the care that went into this painting. "Xiao Pei must have spent a lot of time and energy on it."

"Not bad." Yun Pei shook his head and his eyes quietly fell on the man, trying to observe whether he liked it.

Qin Mingyuan's eyes fell from the painting to him, his expression revealing no like or dislike. "Why is it a lion?"

Hearing this, Yun Pei curled up the fingers on his legs and tucked them into the overly long sleeves. He said in a fairly calm voice, "Because I think it looks a lot like you."

Powerful and noble, dangerous and extremely charming.

He didn't say this out loud.

Very much like him. Qin Mingyuan's gaze moved back to the painting, a smile flashing in his eyes. So this is how he looks in his eyes.

"Xiao Pei's feeling is correct." Zeng Lianyi looked at the two of them and said with a smile: "Mingyuan happens to be a Leo."

Yun Pei didn't know about this. He didn't pay much attention to zodiac signs, but he thought this coincidence was an unexpected surprise.

He looked at the man who was still looking down at the painting, clenched his fingertips, maintained a calm expression, and asked casually: "Do you like it?"

Qin Mingyuan looked at him from the side, his eyes sliding across his trembling eyelashes and slightly pursed lips. The bad thoughts in his heart came out, and he looked at him without saying a word.

Not getting an answer, Yun Pei glanced at his own painting, and his fingertips tucked into his sleeves curled up even tighter. Is... is there something wrong with it

Zeng Lianyi saw the smile in her son's eyes and knew that he was just teasing her. She watched the show happily without interrupting him and even fed her husband a piece of watermelon. No one spoke in the living room. There was silence for a while. Among the four people, Yun Pei was the only one who felt embarrassed.

He raised his eyes and met the man's. Suddenly, he seemed to understand something. His curled fingertips loosened and his expression became calm. "It seems that you are not satisfied. In this case, why not give it back to me?"

He reached out to take the painting, but Qin Mingyuan took it away before him and leaned lightly on the side of the sofa, making sure the other person couldn't reach it.

Recently, Mimosa has been too obedient in front of him, and he almost forgot that it also has thorns, and it will hurt him if he teases it too much. He said seriously: "No, I like it very much, thank you."

Yun Pei had come into contact with him several times and discovered that although a man looks cold and steady, he can sometimes do some bad things and is not as serious as he looks.

Seeing her son almost flip over, Zeng Lianyi leaned on her husband and laughed quietly. When the two people looked over, she quickly sat down and maintained the image of an elder. "Since it's his birthday today, Xiao Pei, don't bother with him." Yun Pei then remembered that there were elders present, and shook her head embarrassedly, "No, Auntie."

"It's still early for lunch, baby, take Xiao Pei to your room to play for a while, and take the painting up there and put it away." Zeng Lianyi took the opportunity to give them a chance to be alone together. Seeing the servant coming over with cut fruits, she said, "Take the fruits to the young master's room."

Is he a high school student who brought his classmates back as a guest? Her words left Qin Mingyuan speechless, and he guessed what she was planning.

Turning his head to look at Yun Pei who was completely unaware of this, he did not refuse. Instead, he took the painting and stood up, just like taking people on a tour.

Zeng Lianyi was very satisfied with her son's understanding. She looked at her "future daughter-in-law" with a smile and said, "Xiao Pei, go with him. You can also let him show you around the house. If it's not too hot outside, you can go out for a walk."

The Qin family villa is five stories high. The two old people lived here before, and an elevator was installed, which made it convenient for Yun Pei to go up and down.

Qin Mingyuan's room is on the third floor. This floor and the second floor are reserved for the younger generations, and the two floors above are where the elders live.

One or two guest rooms are reserved on each floor so that they can entertain their friends or extended relatives, and so that people of the same generation can stay in the rooms without disturbing each other.

There are no rooms reserved on the first floor. In addition to the spacious living room and dining room, there is also an entertainment and leisure area, which is specially reserved for their younger generations to play. It is also convenient for holding occasional banquets.

Qin Mingyuan led him to the third floor, took a step forward and led him to his room, saying, "If you are interested, you can go to the game room on the first floor to play, or go to the audio-visual room to watch a movie."

The Qin family used to live here, and most of the younger generations liked to play here. After everyone left, it has been vacant for a long time. However, the machines are regularly maintained and replaced, so there will be no malfunctions or outages.

Yun Pei nodded. He was curious but not very interested. He usually did quiet things, like painting and reading. The only diversion in his life was probably watching the mother and son's faces change.

When he was young, he was actually a naughty and playful child. Besides drawing, he would act like a spoiled child and ask his mother to buy him game consoles and toys. He would also have fun when they occasionally went to the amusement park.

But ever since the car accident, he lost interest in playing. At first, it was the panic and inferiority brought about by his immobile legs. Later, when he no longer felt the love he had before in that home, he gradually disguised his indifference to everything in order to avoid getting hurt.

In the end, he couldn't tell the difference between true and false due to his indifference. He only knew that if he didn't care, he wouldn't feel pain and those people wouldn't be able to hurt him.

From being hysterical because of their anger to distorting their faces because of their anger is actually not a short process.

Sometimes when he was alone, he would wonder whether this could be considered a victory.

"Yun Pei?"

Yun Pei, who was lost in his own thoughts, came back to his senses and realized that he had stopped in the corridor without realizing it. He raised his eyes to meet the man's inquiring gaze and shook his head, "It's okay."

Qin Mingyuan didn't investigate further and continued to lead him forward to a room closer to the end of the corridor.

His room in the Qin family villa was bigger than the one in the apartment. It was more like a suite than a room.

In addition to the bathroom and cloakroom, there is also a study room, which allows him to handle his work at home.

Maybe it was because the original decoration style was maintained, so it was not as cold and absurd as his apartment. The wallpaper was off-white, the corners had European carvings, the curtains were also light blue, and there was a glass door at the back that connected to a small terrace.

The curtains were half-open, and one could see rattan chairs and a small table on the terrace, with a few pots of flowers and plants nearby. These were probably taken care of by the servants.

Yun Pei was a little curious. This room seemed incompatible with the cold and hard man.

"This was decorated according to grandma's preferences when the villa was built. The usual maintenance is left to Uncle Wu. I didn't change it because I thought it was troublesome."

After placing the painting on the low cabinet, Qin Mingyuan turned around and explained when he saw his expression.

Of course, these were all his guesses, but he thought the original body should have similar ideas to his.

Yun Pei nodded and looked around the room again, "Your grandmother must be a very romantic person."

This villa has many details of life, and every small decoration is very exquisite. Even the lampshades on the walls of the corridor are in the shape of lily of the valley. He thought that when they are turned on, there must be warm light.

"Maybe." Qin Mingyuan lowered his eyes. He had never seen his own grandmother, nor had he seen his original grandmother. He had no reference and no way to understand.

Seeing his expression, Yun Pei thought of his grandmother's death and thought that he might have touched on someone's sad story, so he changed the subject and said, "It looks much more popular than your apartment."

Qin Mingyuan didn't comment. His own home was similar in style to the original body's apartment. He usually spent more time at the company than at home, so he didn't think about decorating it carefully. Anyway, to him it was just a place to sleep. He raised his eyebrows, "You're still talking about me?"

In the other person's bedroom, apart from the decoration, some original traces can still be seen. There are very few pieces of furniture. The warmest place should be by the window where the painting is, especially when the sunlight shines in.

The rest of the place was empty, with even fewer things than in his home, and under the cold white light, it seemed even more deserted.

Yun Pei was stunned by his question and had nothing to say. Ever since he was in a wheelchair, many things in the room had been removed to make it easier for him to move around. The memories of his mother holding him in bed and telling him stories had faded. He really had no popularity.

Without arguing with him, Yun Pei turned his wheelchair and went to the coffee table in the room, where was a fruit plate that the servant had brought earlier. There was no ice on it, so he picked up a strawberry with a small fork and ate it.

Are you angry? Qin Mingyuan looked at his back, walked over and sat down on the sofa. "Do you like strawberries?"

Yun Pei bit a strawberry and looked up at him, chewed it and swallowed it, "Not bad."

He is not very picky about food, including fruits, but people have appetites and of course he likes to eat delicious food.

Qin Mingyuan raised his wrist to check his watch. It was just past ten o'clock. He asked again, "Are you afraid of the heat?"

Yun Pei shook his head in some confusion. Because of his physical condition, he was only afraid of cold, heat was fine.

(End of this chapter)