The Infatuated Second Male Lead Doesn’t Exist [Transmigration into Book]

Chapter 48


Yun Pei was still a little dazed when he got on the sightseeing bus specially prepared by the Qin family. He didn't know how he was going to the fruit and vegetable area to pick strawberries.

Qin Mingyuan sat leisurely beside him, with his arms bent and resting on the backrest. The wind from the driving blew his hair, slightly dispelling the heat brought by the temperature.

He glanced to the side. Probably because he was not used to this kind of sightseeing car with transparent sides, the young man felt insecure and held the backrest in front of him tightly, his fingertips turned white from exerting so much force.

There were no handrails or seat belts on either side of the sightseeing bus. His legs couldn't move or use any strength, so it was easy for him to sit unsteadily.

Qin Mingyuan thought about it, then stretched out his bent arm, put his hand on the man's shoulder and pulled him towards himself, acting as a human safety belt to prevent the other person from slipping out when turning.

The warm palm fell on his shoulder through the thin short sleeves. Yun Pei was stunned for a moment, glanced sideways, then looked at the expressionless man, pursed his lips, and loosened his grip on the backrest.

The strawberries at the Qin family villa are grown in a greenhouse that is specially built and managed by a dedicated person. It is equipped with a full range of modern equipment, so management is not difficult.

Although he had heard that there was a special fruit and vegetable area here, Yun Pei was still amazed when he saw it with his own eyes. Real rich people are just different.

The sightseeing bus cannot drive directly to the front of the strawberry greenhouse, they have to walk a short distance.

Qin Mingyuan carried the person to the wheelchair, held the handle at the back, and said, "The road is not smooth, for safety reasons, I will push you."

Yun Pei had no objection. With someone helping him push, he also saved himself the trouble of controlling it.

The person in charge of the fruit and vegetable area had been notified and was waiting for them. When he saw them get off the car, he hurried to greet them. He didn't say much and walked in front to lead the way for them.

The greenhouse doesn't look very big from the outside, but it's quite spacious once you walk in. All the strawberries are planted in a hanging style with adjustable height. The red ones hang in the air, scattered at different heights, like flowering spider plants, which looks pretty good.

“So this is how strawberries are grown…” Yun Pei was a little curious. He had eaten quite a few, but this was the first time he saw growing strawberries.

The person in charge who was standing next to him was a man in his forties with a dark complexion. He smiled upon hearing this and looked very honest. "Ordinary strawberries are planted in the ground, but now that technology has advanced, they are all planted in a modern way, and are easier to manage."

After explaining, he waved to the person in charge of the strawberry garden, who brought over two small baskets and handed them to the two people respectively.

Yun Pei took the small basket of strawberries and placed it on his lap. He picked one nearby, the same kind he had eaten today, and it was almost as big as his palm.

"The strawberries we grow ourselves are very clean. They are hung without touching the ground, so you can eat them directly after picking them without washing them." The person in charge explained when he saw him holding the strawberries in his hand and looking at them.

Yun Pei didn't have any mysophobia. After hearing his words, he put it in his mouth and took a bite. It was very sweet, with a slightly sour aftertaste. It was very delicious.

Qin Mingyuan lowered his eyes and looked at him with bright eyes. He thought to himself that he really liked it. "Pick more. You can take as much as you pick."

"Two young masters, take your time picking them. Call me anytime if you need anything." The person in charge tactfully stepped back.

It was their first time to pick strawberries for both of them, but they got the hang of it quickly. After all, it is a simple activity and even children of a few years old can pick them by themselves.

The temperature in the strawberry shed was not as hot as outside, but it was a bit stuffy. Yun Pei's face was red and sweat was beading on his forehead.

He looked much healthier than his pale appearance before. Qin Mingyuan's eyes fell on his rosy cheeks and he wanted to reach out and pinch them.

He was more afraid of heat than the other person. After a while, sweat broke out on his neck and back. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and when he was about to wipe the sweat, he paused and pressed it on the young man's face first.

Yun Pei had just pulled a strawberry down when he felt the touch of cloth against the side of his face. Before he could turn his head, he felt it rubbed twice. When the touch left, the wetness from sweat on his face was gone.

He was stunned for two seconds before coming back to his senses. When he looked up, the man was already wiping his sweat. He stared at him blankly. The handkerchief had already wiped his sweat...

Qin Mingyuan folded his handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his face and neck, then put it back into his trouser pocket. When he raised his eyes, he met his blank gaze, "What's wrong?"

“No…” Yun Pei withdrew his gaze. The man was so natural. It would seem very subtle if he cared.

He lowered his head and fixed his eyes on the half basket of bright red strawberries, telling himself that men were indeed more casual with each other and it was nothing.

Just as I convinced myself and looked up to say something, my lips touched something cool and I smelled the sweet scent of strawberries in my nostrils.

"This one looks very red, try it." Qin Mingyuan didn't seem to think he had done anything extraordinary, and his expression was calm.

Yun Pei paused, and could only pretend to open his mouth and take a small bite. It was indeed very sweet, but his chewing movements were a little stiff. He let the man feed him the whole strawberry and forgot to take it.

Qin Mingyuan seemed to have found the fun of feeding the small animals, and he would feed him one from time to time while picking strawberries, resulting in less strawberries in his basket than in the other person's basket.

“Qin Mingyuan…” Yun Pei couldn’t bear it anymore and called him.

"Hmm?" Qin Mingyuan had just pulled a strawberry down, and when he heard his voice, he turned around and handed it over, "Do you want more?"

Yun Pei pursed her lips, and looked at him with a look of indescribable grievance in her eyes, "I can't eat anymore..."

Qin Mingyuan paused, withdrew his hand, and said, "Okay." He threw the strawberries into the basket and was about to turn around, but someone grabbed the corner of his clothes. He turned back in confusion.

Yun Pei opened his mouth and closed it again, as if he was doing something mentally. After hesitating for a long time, he whispered, "I... want to go to the bathroom..."

Hearing this, even Qin Mingyuan's expression was blank for a moment. He vaguely guessed that he might be the culprit, and he rarely felt guilty. "I'll help you ask for the location."

The person in charge came over and told them that there was a restroom in the fruit and vegetable area, but unfortunately, it was not a toilet, which might be inconvenient for Yun Pei.

After returning to the villa, Qin Mingyuan personally escorted the man who had a cold face all the way to the bathroom entrance, and was finally locked outside the door with a "bang".

Zeng Lianyi, who had just come over after hearing that they were back, saw this scene and raised her eyebrows, "Baby, how did you provoke them?"

The reason why she was so sure was because she had realized that, although her son was usually steady and reliable, he had some bad intentions towards Yun Pei.

Qin Mingyuan did not answer, but said that they had picked a lot of strawberries and would ask the servants to pack them in boxes and put them in the refrigerator first, and then he went to wash his face.

Zeng Lianyi was happy to see their way of getting along. If he got angry, it meant he was being impolite, and things would develop better later. As for the reason, she didn't need to explore it.

Yun Pei said he was angry, but in fact he was more uncomfortable because of the embarrassment just now. After solving the physiological problem, his expression had relaxed when he came out.

They came back just in time; the food in the kitchen was almost ready and they could eat right away.

Qin Mingyuan came over after washing his face, and he felt much more refreshed. The ends of his hair were a little wet, but he brushed them away without paying attention. He glanced at the person in the wheelchair, and he no longer had the low mood he had just had. He just paused when he saw him, and stopped being angry.

Little Mimosa, you don't need to coax her. This makes her easier to bully.

There were only four of them, but they cooked a lot of dishes, both spicy and non-spicy, and the colors, aromas and flavors were all very attractive.

Zeng Lianyi served Yun Pei a bowl of milky fish soup and told him not to be polite. Then she served her son another bowl and said, "We will have a small gathering at noon and then celebrate your birthday in the evening."

Qin Mingyuan took it and thanked him. It didn’t really matter whether it was his birthday or not. In fact, he hadn’t celebrated his birthday for many years, and most of the time he worked overtime at the company.

Qin Pei, who never expressed himself, raised his glass and moved closer to the middle of the table, "Happy birthday."

Several people clinked their glasses in unison, "Happy birthday!"

Qin Mingyuan showed a smile on his face. It was actually not bad to have some fun occasionally.

The meal was a great success, but Yun Pei had been fed with strawberries before and didn't eat much. He only drank one bowl of the well-cooked fish soup.

But he was in a good mood. He always felt that the richer a person is, the less emotional they are. Just like his father, when he reached the status of the Qin family, the only thing he cared about was probably interests.

Now he realized that he was narrow-minded. A ruthless person is ruthless regardless of whether he is rich or poor, and vice versa. Those who lose themselves in power and status can only be said to have weak wills.

Seeing that he put down his chopsticks after not eating much, Zeng Lianyi asked with concern: "Why did Xiao Pei eat so little? Is the food not to your taste?"

She had previously specifically asked her son what his wife liked to eat, and when she heard that he had a light taste, she gave instructions to the kitchen early.

"No, the food is delicious. Maybe it's a bit hot after going out just now, so my appetite is poor."

Yun Pei didn't have the nerve to say that he was full from eating strawberries.

As the culprit of this incident, Qin Mingyuan remained silent.

"Is that so? It's okay. If you get hungry later, you can ask the kitchen to make you some more." Zeng Lianyi smiled at him and glared at her son. "It's time to eat. Take him out. He must be too hot."

Qin Mingyuan, who was indeed primarily responsible, acquiesced to the accusation.

Recalling the embarrassment of wanting to go to the toilet before, Yun Pei did not speak for him, but watched the fun with interest from the side.

After finishing the meal in a lively atmosphere and chatting for a while in the living room, Zeng Lianyi asked the servant to arrange a guest room for Yun Pei to take a nap. It was on the third floor, not far from Qin Mingyuan's room. She directly assigned him to escort him back to the room.

The decoration of the Qin family's guest rooms is similar. They have separate bathrooms and are more fully furnished with various furniture than Yun Pei's room.

But Zeng Lianyi was very careful and had instructed the servants to move all movable objects against the wall to avoid them being bumped into by his wheelchair when moving.

Yun Pei noticed this little detail when he entered. Sometimes, no matter whether you pay attention or not, you can really tell it at a glance.

Just like the Yun family villa now, there are bumpy gravel roads in the garden, the air conditioner in the living room is turned to low temperature in the summer, and the furniture in the room is moved by him.

For the sake of face, Yun Haowei would not treat him badly, but he could not think of many other things. The only thing he advised was that since his legs were inconvenient, he should go out less and stay at home quietly.

Qin Mingyuan sent the person to the room. He originally wanted to see if it was inconvenient, but when he saw that Zeng Lianyi had arranged it well, he didn't say anything else.

"You can take a rest. If you need anything, you can come to my room to find me or send me a message."

When he turned around and was about to leave, he remembered something and stopped, turned his head and said, "If you want to take a shower, take your phone with you."

Yun Pei was stunned for a moment before he reacted. He still remembered the last time he fell in the bathroom. He felt a little warm and helpless. "I told you that was an accident. I don't fall normally."

Qin Mingyuan was not convinced by his explanation, and before leaving, he added, "Remember to take your phone."

Only until the door was closed did Yun Pei lower his eyes and smile lightly.

(End of this chapter)