The Infatuated Second Male Lead Doesn’t Exist [Transmigration into Book]

Chapter 67


#The new actor Yun Yuexian is actually the illegitimate son of the Yun family president, and his mother is the mistress#

The number one hot search entry has a black-red word "explosion" in front of it. It is easy to see and difficult to ignore.

Considering Yun Yuexian's current popularity, it is not surprising that negative information about him has become a hot topic, but it would not reach this level in such a short period of time. One can tell at a glance that it was paid for to be brought to the top.

When you click on the hot searches, the first thing you see is a revelation centered around this title, which not only has a text description but also comes with picture evidence.

The photo shows Yun Haowei and Huo Lijuan behaving intimately. They both look very young and it can be seen that the photo was taken many years ago.

There are also pictures of them taking Yun Yuexian with him. He looked to be only four or five years old at the time, smiling brightly while holding his parents' hands.

High definition, everyone can see it clearly, to the extent that I cannot refute it.

The information that Yun Yuexian disclosed to the public was that they were from a reconstituted family. Yun Haowei was his stepfather, but he was already about ten years old when his mother married him, so the age in the photo did not match at all.

The most important thing is that the last picture is attached with the paternity test of Yun Yuexian and Yun Haowei, and the relationship column says father and son.

At that time, the former president’s wife was still alive. What does this mean

[Fuck! Yun Yuexian is an illegitimate child?! ]

[What a big melon!]

[Help me, I said before that he looks a lot like his stepfather, they are destined to be together, it turns out he is his biological father! ]

[Your circle is really messy.]

[The CEO of Yun’s company boasts to the public that he is a loving wife and family man, and he even uses his ex-wife to promote his products from time to time. This is all fake. What a scumbag! ! ]

[Oh my god, Yun Yuexian's mother brought him into the Yun family when he was already ten years old. She had been secretly having an affair for so many years. I feel sorry for her original wife!]

[What kind of marketing account is using photoshopped pictures to discredit our Xianxian? ! Get lost! ! ]

[Hahahaha, the fans above are so upset. They are still deceiving themselves even after being criticized to this extent! ]

[Yun Yuexian has been experiencing Mercury retrograde recently. She was targeted by investors before, and now her negative information is exposed. Which big boss did she offend?]

[To be honest, I never really liked him. I always felt that his innocent and harmless appearance was just an act.]

[Ah? To be honest, although his mother is a mistress, the child is innocent, right? He can't choose his own birth. ]

[One cannot choose his origin, but his lies are always true, he himself said that the president of Yun Corporation is his stepfather, and they are a reconstituted family.]

[Maybe... Does anyone still remember that the last time he was injured and hospitalized, it was originally said that his brother beat him up, but he deliberately said that he didn't blame his brother and directly confirmed the matter...][I also noticed the above, and when I think about it carefully, it seems that this situation has happened many times, and he always seems to be very sad and says that his brother doesn't like him, which makes his fans hate his brother very much and often curse him in the comments!]

[Wow, he's really good at pretending! ]

[Also, it seems that due to an accident, his brother's legs were disabled and he has to use a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Even in this state, he was still being blasted online by Yun Yuexian's fans. Suddenly I feel so pitiful for him... ]

[To be honest, Yun Yuexian is an illegitimate child, and his brother is a legitimate child. It is normal even if she really doesn't like him. ]

[The most disgusting scumbag mistress, the most disgusting and confused illegitimate child! ]

[What's wrong with illegitimate children? Don't illegitimate children have human rights?! They are innocent, okay! ]

[Did a bastard sneak into the comments and start to get anxious?]

[Even if Xianxian is an illegitimate child, he doesn't want it, so why attack him like this! ]

[It's so funny. If he doesn't want to do it, he shouldn't show up in front of the child born in the marriage. Don't try to sell the image of a young master. The child born in the marriage is the legitimate heir, okay? He feels quite at ease using the money that his mother robbed! ]

[The blogger also said in the article that the mistress was married only one month after the original wife passed away. It was a seamless transition. At that time, Yun Yuexian's brother was only twelve years old. He had experienced the death of his mother, became disabled, and had to face his father's infidelity. The mistress brought her illegitimate child into the house. I feel suffocated just thinking about it! ]

[There is another point that everyone in the wealthy circle knows, but it is not surprising and no one will talk about it. I can't help but sigh again, your circle is really messy. ]

[I feel like a lot of the exciting gossip I’ve read this year is all about Yunyuexian! ]

[Oh my god! There is more news. Friends, please refresh the entry! ]

A new revelation appeared in the entry, which was a video of more than one minute. The shooting angle was to shoot inside the door through the crack of the door. The viewing angle was very concealed and it was obviously a candid shot.

In the video, Yun Yuexian seemed to be in a bad mood. She kept scolding her assistant. It was not clear what she said, and she even smashed a cup at the other person.

The assistant was a very young girl. She kept her head down the whole time and didn't dare to speak. After being hit, she took a step back with a distorted expression. It must have been very painful, but the other party yelled, "Why are you hiding?", and she stepped back again.

The video was short and ended quickly, but the comment section was very lively.




[The comments in the front row seem to be in sync with each other, hahahahaha… ]

[Celebrities all have their own personalities when they show off to the public... ]

[No, with him being this kind of person, why did he have such a good reputation in the industry before? ! ] [Either he was given money by his family, or Yun Yuexian is smart and knows how to act in front of the cooperating staff. She has quite a high level of skills.]

[In fact, sometimes you pretend so much that you start to believe it and it becomes a habit. But, it is difficult to change one’s nature, and it will eventually be exposed.]

[It feels like the video is very recent. Wasn’t Yun Yuexian’s look leaked before? It’s the look of the crew. ]

[Are you talking about the drama where the cast was replaced within a week of joining the crew? ]

[I am dying of laughter. What truth was said before? I remember the fans tried to save face by saying that he just left the group temporarily because of something.]

[Combining the events, this video is probably about someone who knew he was replaced and took it out on his assistant, right? ]

[This is what was filmed, and we don’t know how many more were not filmed! ]

[Indeed, isn’t it said that fans follow the main character? His fans are usually quite gossipy and have foul mouths! ]

[Illegitimate children are illegitimate children and cannot be shown on the stage! ]

[Am I the only one who is curious about who he offended? First his work was blocked, and now one piece of dirty laundry after another is leaked, making it impossible for him to turn things around! ]

[I don’t know, but he must be a big shot, at least someone the Yun family can’t deal with! ]

[That's a pretty wide range. My dad is also a senior executive of a large company and is quite familiar with the business community. He said that the Yun family is nothing in City A and can't even touch the real wealthy circle.]

[Fuck, the above person has broadened my horizons. I always thought the Yun family was very rich, and Yun Yuexian wears designer clothes every day! ]

[They are rich, but that is only for ordinary people. For example, the Qin family and the Liang family are also rich, but can the Yun family compare with them? They are not on the same level at all. It’s just that ordinary people don’t understand these things and just think that they are all rich and are all the same. ]

[Indeed, people who are not involved in the business circle don’t understand it at all! ]

[Added some weird new knowledge. ]

[Anyway, no matter who it is, Yun Yuexian is probably going to be in trouble this time, right? ]

[Heh, those who have the power to have him banned from the industry can kill him even without exposing these scandals. Now they are just destroying his external image completely! ]

[He is a ruthless person!]

[Last time, Yun Yuexian dared to make sarcastic remarks about the person behind the scenes. Is she thinking she can't die quickly enough? ]

[Hahahaha, this time I directly exposed his negative information. I guess he was just pissed off! ]

[Boss: I just wanted you to quietly quit the circle, but I didn’t expect you to not appreciate it. Then just wait for the public to scold you and make you quit. ]

[By the way, why are Yun Yuexian's fans quiet? Weren't they always here before? ] [I just took a peek and saw that his super chat was a mess. Some fans quit being his fans, some fans came back to criticize him, and some fans were still trying to find ways to "fight back against the black fans". ]

[It’s similar in the more populous “自谦CP” super topic. There are even some CP-minded people who wish that actor Leung would defend him hahahaha]

[Actor Liang is backed by the Liang Group. If there was really something going on with him, he should have been helped when he lost his endorsement last time.]

[It’s a pity that CP fans still can’t see through it.]

[Actor Liang is also unlucky to be tied to such a person, and his fans are also stupid, they don’t even know whether they can offend him or not, and they repeatedly take advantage of his popularity and drag him into the water. ]

[Fuck, the guy above, I have a bold idea, targeting Yun Yuexian’s boss…]




[Oh my god!]

[It’s terrifying when you think about it! ]

Sometimes, the spectators do find out the truth inadvertently.

Qin Mingyuan put the tablet down and sneered in his heart. If this level of negative information was released, not only Yun Yuexian herself would be affected, but Yun Haowei would also be implicated.

As the president of Yun Group, his image has been damaged and the company's stock price will definitely drop. Coupled with the pressure from Liang Group behind the scenes, several recent collaborations may fail.

However, this disaster for them may have just begun, and the Yun family may be in chaos.

Fortunately, after returning from the hospital the day before yesterday, little Mimosa has officially moved into her own apartment and will not be affected by them.

The cell phone on the table vibrated. Qin Mingyuan glanced at it and saw that the caller ID showed an unfamiliar number, and the number was not from this city.

He had some guesses in his mind and stared at the phone screen quietly, tapping his fingers on the table, without rushing to answer the call.

The phone quickly went quiet, but not long after, it started buzzing again.

Qin Mingyuan then slowly picked up the phone, pressed the answer button, put it to his ear, and said in a steady voice: "Hello?"

"Boss Qin?"

The middle-aged man's already hoarse voice sounded even more vicissitudes of life through the receiver, as if he was very weak.

"Wang Zhigang?" Qin Mingyuan asked knowingly.

After getting a response from the other side, he asked directly: "Have you considered it?"

Wang Zhigang was silent for a long time before asking, "If I do as you say, can you ensure that my son will recover 100%?"

"I won't make such a promise to you," Qin Mingyuan leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. "Any surgery has risks. I can only promise you that I will find the most authoritative experts to ensure that your son's surgery has the highest success rate."

There was another long silence on the other end of the phone. He was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

"… good."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Mingyuan's lips curled up. The other party was smart and made the right choice.

He reached out and used the landline to call the assistant office. When he heard Zhou Yang's voice, he said directly, "Contact me with a leukemia expert. Also, do your best to find a bone marrow match. I'll send you the patient's information later."

(End of this chapter)