The Infatuated Second Male Lead Doesn’t Exist [Transmigration into Book]

Chapter 9


It rained yesterday. When I got up in the morning, the air in City A was still wet and sticky. It felt cold and damp on my body and was very uncomfortable.

Qin Mingyuan went out as usual, with an extra scarf around his neck, which half-covered his cold and hard jawline, making his face look a lot softer.

The car drove out of the basement. The sky outside was still gloomy and it looked like it was going to rain again at any time. He frowned and was not in a good mood. He always disliked rainy days.

Before coming out, he received a call from Zhou Yang. The voice on his end was a bit messy and Zhou Yang's voice was also weak.

The other party called to ask for leave, saying that he had a not-so-serious car accident on the road. He was fine, but inertia caused him to hit his head on the car window, and he might have a concussion and was very dizzy.

The driver of the speeding car was more seriously injured. He violated the driving regulations and did not wear a seat belt. His head was broken and bleeding, and he fainted on the spot. The ambulance just arrived and they are taking him to the hospital.

The location of the hospital was entered into the navigation system, and Qin Mingyuan followed the voice command and steered to change the route. After all, he was his personal assistant, and the incident happened on the way to work, so as his boss he couldn't just ignore it.

After parking the car downstairs at the hospital, he called again to ask about the other party's location. He said that he was about to have a brain CT scan and the situation seemed quite serious. He vomited twice on the way.

After hanging up the phone and getting out of the car, Qin Mingyuan made another call to the company and asked other assistants to handle the work first.

He was not familiar with the hospital here, so he went to the lobby on the first floor and asked the staff about the specific floor location, then followed the instructions to take the elevator.

Surprisingly, he ran into an acquaintance.

Yun Pei.

The other person was probably also waiting for the elevator, sitting quietly in a wheelchair, with a middle-aged man with an unfamiliar face standing next to him.

He walked over without stopping and looked at the elevator up button that had been pressed. He then looked back at the young man in the wheelchair.

As if sensing his gaze, Yun Pei looked up, but did not show any special expression when he met his gaze.

Qin Mingyuan didn't feel embarrassed at all about being caught. He nodded and greeted people calmly. Yun Pei also nodded, and neither of them said anything.

The silence was broken by the ringing of the middle-aged man's phone. He quickly took out his phone and turned sideways to answer it. He didn't know what was said on the other end, and he responded with a "yes" several times.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Yun Pei hesitantly and asked tentatively: "Master, Madam said her car was sent for repair and asked me to pick her up at the mall. You..."

Hearing this, Yun Pei still had a calm expression on his face. He did not make things difficult for the other party and just let him go.

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief and said that he would come back to pick him up after sending the person off, and left in a hurry with the phone in his hand. Qin Mingyuan, who witnessed the whole process, thought it was quite ridiculous. He thought that although the Yun family was not a wealthy family, they were not so poor that the whole family had only two cars for transportation.

The elevator reached the floor and the metal door slid open. After everyone inside came out, he raised his leg and stepped in. When he turned around, Yun Pei's wheelchair slowly slid in and he skillfully controlled it to turn in a different direction.

The person who came in later saw that he seemed to be in trouble, so he asked him about his floor and pressed the button for him. He thanked the person softly and did not feel embarrassed or uncomfortable because of the sympathetic look.

Qin Mingyuan thought he was a very interesting person. He was so thin that he seemed like he could be blown away by the wind, but his back was still straight when he sat in the wheelchair, like a little poplar that refused to admit defeat.

He arrived at his floor earlier than the other person. When he passed by the person and went down, he didn't know why he was thinking. He raised his hand and pressed the back of the person's chair. His expression was cold and his voice was emotionless. "I'll go down first, Master Yun."

The moment the person looked up at him, he let go and stepped out, and the elevator door slowly closed behind him.

Thinking of the inexplicable look in the young man's eyes just now, Qin Mingyuan's lips curved slightly, but soon he retracted his smile and went to find his unfortunate assistant with an expressionless face.

When he saw someone, Zhou Yang was sitting on a chair in the hospital corridor rubbing his head. The examination must have been completed. A young nurse came over and handed him a glass of water.

He had just taken a sip when he saw his boss walking towards him with long legs. He tried to stand up quickly, but his head was still a little dizzy, so he sat back down.

"Okay, just stay here." Qin Mingyuan sat down next to him and glanced at the big blue bump on his forehead. "What did the doctor say?"

"It's nothing, just a concussion. The doctor said that I just need to rest more," Zhou Yang raised his hand to touch the wound, and said embarrassedly: "Thank you for trouble, Mr. Qin to come over." Qin Mingyuan waved his hand without saying much, and asked him about the other party's driver.

The man's condition was much more serious than Zhou Yang's and he was sent to the emergency room. However, the medical staff on the ambulance said that the situation should not be serious and the wound just looked serious because it was bleeding.

The accident was mainly caused by the other party not turning on the lights and speeding. The traffic police at the scene judged that he was fully responsible and the follow-up handling should not be troublesome.

But the man was lying there anyway, and Zhou Yang was planning to go over to see him, so Qin Mingyuan simply went over with him.

The man’s family had already rushed over. It looked like his wife and parents, and they all looked unhappy when they saw Zhou Yang.

But maybe it was because Qin Mingyuan beside him had too strong aura, so he didn't dare to make any noise, but just complained a few words.

Zhou Yang adopted his usual working attitude and talked to them in a neither humble nor arrogant manner. He bluntly told them that the traffic police would handle the follow-up matters and they could ask any questions at that time, as both the roadside surveillance and the dashcam could record the footage very clearly.

Perhaps because they knew they were in the wrong, they didn't say anything more. The two of them waited until the driver had successfully completed the operation and was sure that the person was fine before leaving.

Zhou Yang is an outsider who works hard in City A and rents a house by himself. He is still dizzy now, and if he has any problems when he returns home, he won't be able to find anyone.

Zhou Yang originally wanted to refuse, but when he met his boss's cold eyes, he backed off and nodded quickly.

After settling him down, Qin Mingyuan glanced at his watch. He had already wasted two hours here without realizing it. He still had things to deal with at the company and a meeting in the afternoon. He didn't stay long and asked him to call other assistants if he had anything.

When he came down from upstairs and walked out of the hospital lobby, he felt the cold wind blowing with moisture outside and realized that it was raining again. The rain was not heavy, but very fine, but the moisture still made him frown.

I kind of regret not parking my car in the underground parking lot when I came here. Now I have to drive there in the rain, and I feel a little annoyed at the thought of getting wet.

He was about to go to the parking lot with a sullen face, but out of the corner of his eye he saw a familiar wheelchair parked on the eaves outside the door. He was a little surprised that the other party had not gone back yet. Could it be that the driver had not come yet

After thinking about it, he changed direction and walked over there.

In fact, he was quite curious about this character when he first read the book. He occupies very little space in the book, and many things are not even explained clearly at the end. There is basically no description of his psychological activities.

He still doesn't quite understand what kind of state of mind caused the other party to make such a mistake later. As the son of a third party, Yun Yuexian's existence may be very annoying, but after all, the affairs of the previous generation have little to do with him, not to the extent of costing his life.

This curiosity was even higher when he saw Yun Pei himself, because he looked so indifferent, as if he no longer cared about anything around him, and it seemed that what those people did had nothing to do with him.

In this case, is it really possible for him to become so cruel in the later stage

"Your driver hasn't come back yet?"

Yun Pei was staring at the hazy drizzle outside the eaves in a daze. He didn't pay attention when the footsteps stopped beside him. He only looked up when the other party spoke.

The tall and handsome man lowered his eyes and looked at him. Because of the action of lowering his head, half of his face was covered by the scarf, making him look less cold and hard.

He stared at the man for two seconds, blinked slowly, and said in a not-so-loud voice, "No."

Qin Mingyuan glanced at his thin coat, then looked at his white fingertips resting on the wheelchair armrest. Out of humanitarianism, he said, "I'll take you there." Yun Pei looked at him for a long time without saying anything. The atmosphere was silent for a long time. He retracted his gaze and looked at the rain outside the eaves. "Yun Yuexian and I don't have a good relationship."

Qin Mingyuan raised his eyebrows in confusion, "So?"

Another gust of wind blew over, Yun Pei shrank his shoulders and raised his hand to gather his collar, "If you want to pursue him, don't start with me, he will only hate you more."

No one spoke for a long time after he finished speaking, but he didn't care. He rubbed it with his cool fingertips, thinking that it was about time for the man to leave.

A light laugh sounded beside him. Yun Pei paused and turned to look over.

A smile appeared on Qin Mingyuan's previously cold face. His expression seemed to come alive instantly, and he was filled with a temperament that could even be called gentle.

But this emotion lasted only a short time, almost fleeting, and his expression was as cold as a sculpture, "Do you think I want to help you because of Yun Yuexian?"

Isn't this obvious? Yun Pei didn't say anything. That woman has boasted about her son's charm more than once, and she can make the president of Qin Group, who has been a stubborn person for thousands of years, be tempted. He himself has also invested a lot in Yun Group.

Qin Mingyuan seemed to understand something from his eyes. He didn't say anything in rebuttal. He just nodded and turned away.

Yun Pei withdrew his gaze when his figure stepped into the drizzle, took out his mobile phone and checked the time. Since the woman found an excuse to call his driver away, she would probably not let him come back so soon.

Call a taxi? His fingers rubbed the back of the phone. The device, which had been warm in his pocket, was even warmer than his fingertips. He was in a daze.

"Beep beep," the sound of the horn brought him back to his senses. When he looked up, a black Maybach stopped at the bottom of the steps.

As if seeing that he had noticed, the car drove forward a little and stopped in front of the barrier-free ramp on the side. The man who had left a few minutes ago got out of the driver's seat and walked up to him.

Qin Mingyuan didn't even say hello to him. He pushed his wheelchair and brought him to the front of the car. He opened the passenger door considerately and asked, "Can I do it myself?"

Tiny raindrops fell on his face, and Yun Pei seemed to come back to his senses. He looked up at the man speechlessly, pursed his lips, said nothing, and reached out to support the passenger seat.

Although Yun Haowei favors Yun Yuexian more, the other party is a person who cares about face and is not bad to him in terms of expenses. His family has provided him with a barrier-free car, and the wheelchair can be pushed directly into it, which is actually very convenient for him to travel.

The man’s car obviously did not have such a thoughtful design. There was a height difference between the car seat and the wheelchair, which made his usual movements when going to bed not very smooth.

Raindrops kept falling on his hair and face, the damp feeling was very unpleasant. Seeing that he failed twice after trying, Qin Mingyuan clicked his tongue impatiently and simply bent down to support his back and legs and picked him up.

The weight of the thing in his hand made him pause. He thought it was as light as a pile of cotton, and he stuffed the person into the car nimbly.

This action was actually very quick, only two or three seconds, and Yun Pei didn't even have time to react before his butt touched the leather seat in the car. He half lowered his eyes and said thank you.

Hearing his voice, Qin Mingyuan subconsciously turned his face to the side, and his eyes inevitably swept across the man's earlobe. The originally white color was stained with an inconspicuous red. He glanced at the young man's expression as if he was about to become a Buddha on the spot, and calmly put the man away and got out of the car.

After closing the door, he narrowed his eyes slightly. It turned out that she was not as calm and composed as she looked. She was just like him, hiding.

(End of this chapter)