The Infrastructure’s Guide

Chapter 63: Extra episode 0


Meng Sheng turned over and jumped off a black horse, and handed the reins to an aborigine who came forward to lead the horse.

"Be careful, be careful not to kick people."

After these years of hard work, the tribe has tamed the horses, making travel more convenient. However, these animals run in the woods all year round. Even if they have been raised at home for a long time, the wildness in their bones is still hard to get rid of. Not ordinary people really can't ride them.

It took him a lot of effort to tame the horse when he went out this time.

But fortunately, the second-generation horse is much more docile, and it is estimated that going out next time will be much easier and more convenient.

Leaving the tribe this time, he traveled to no less than ten tribes and brought back a lot of good things, among which cotton, silkworms and wheat were pleasantly surprised, as well as scattered radish seeds and some fruit tree saplings. Run away for a month.

The natives of many tribes came to meet the traveling team. He stretched his neck and glanced several times, but he couldn't see his family.

He directed the natives to transport the returned goods back to the warehouse, and suddenly a continuous voice sounded: "Father!"

With the sound of chug footsteps, he turned his head, and a small figure rushed towards him like a gust of wind.

He squatted down, and he fell into his arms.

"Father, you are back!"

Meng Sheng rubbed his little head buried in his chest, his black hair was very soft, his white face was lifted up, his eyebrows were very similar to Qiu Juan, he was a replica of Qiu Juan.

Fortunately, his baby son looks more like Qiu Juan, and his appearance tends to be handsome. If he looks like him, a subfemale baby, how will he find a partner who is more handsome than himself in the tribe in the future.

Although his son didn't look very similar to him, after all, the child inherited half of his genes and grew up faster than ordinary children. Now he is only five years old and has already jumped to the same height as a male of the same age. For this, he has a headache.

He put his arms around the child's waist, picked him up, and pinched his soft face: "I'm gaining weight again, it seems that Daddy has taken good care of our Xing when I'm not here."

"No, my father is not here, and my father is very busy every day. It is my grandma. She drinks a lot of goat milk for me every day."

"Grandma has always loved Ah Xing very much."

Luo used to be in poor health and seldom went out of the cave. Since moving to the new residence, the city-state has gradually built a good appearance, and he can bask in the sun and chat with the tribesmen when he goes out. You can't leave your child for half a step, and love is tight.

Qiu Juan had said to Luo many times before that he felt that children should not be raised too delicately. But in his opinion, it's okay for the sub-female to be a bit coquettish, who is his baby.

"Where did daddy go, why didn't he come here?"

"The pig has given birth, and Daddy is busy at home, so let me pick him up."

Meng Sheng said helplessly: "It seems that I am not as good as the pigs raised at home. Your father will not come to pick me up when he stays at home."

Meng Xing hugged the male's neck, blinking his big eyes: "No, Daddy talks about Father every day, and hopes that Father will come back soon."

The corners of Meng Sheng's eyes were stained with a smile, and he scratched his son's nose: "Just believe you once."

The father and son walked across the street made of stone slabs and headed for the door of their house. They happened to bump into Qiu Juan who was pouring water. The couple looked at each other. Meng Sheng put the child down and walked towards Ya Nu.

"The pig gave birth to eight cubs."

Meng Sheng pulled her long eyelids and wrapped her arms around Ya Nu from behind: "Is this the first thing I'll say to me when I come back?"

"Who made you go for so long." Qiu Juan pushed the male behind him, wanting to go back to the house, but the male hugged him even tighter.

"So you miss me."

"Don't be poor, go into the house to wash your hands and eat. Mom heard that you came back today and prepared a lot of dishes."

The family of four had dinner, and Meng Sheng had been traveling for a month without much rest. The rice in the tribe had matured recently, and many aborigines were harvesting rice.

Their family grows a lot of rice. There are four paddy fields that have been reclaimed before. This year, three paddy fields have been planted, and one is used for fish farming.

Qiu Juan had already harvested a field of rice, and harvested under the sun in summer, and everyone was tanned.

"Daddy, I want to go too!"

When the couple put on their straw hats and carried their baskets on their backs and were about to go out, a little tail followed behind them, jumping up and down, insisting on going out.

"You just stay at home, the sun is so vicious outside, if you get sunburned, you won't be able to get married."

Qiu Juan slapped Meng Sheng across the face: "What do you say to the child, it's not in the right shape all day long."

The female tiger turned around and said to Meng Xing with a blank face, "Go into the house quickly, don't mess around!"

Meng Xing pursed his mouth, his face full of grievances, his big eyes blinked twice and he was about to cry. Meng Sheng said helplessly: "Okay, okay, let him go out if he wants to go out."

He found a small straw hat from the house, put it on top of the child's head, picked him up and put him in the basket.

"Just get used to him."

Qiu Juan followed beside him, watching Xiao Mengxing standing in the back basket, grabbing Xiongxiong's shoulders, suppressing the tears in his eyes again, opening his mouth to laugh, and shaking his head.

Meng Sheng hugged Yafei's waist: "This is the only son we have."

When the couple took their children to the paddy field, many aborigines were already busy in the field with their waists bowed.

The yellow rice has bent its branches. This year's rice is full and the harvest is very good. It took a year to reclaim the paddy fields and divert water. Later, rice seeds were brought back from other tribes for sowing. The first year's harvest was only enough The seeds of the second year have been stored in fertile fields for several years, and this year is finally a bumper harvest.

The rice in the four fields is more than enough for a family to eat for a year, and Meng Sheng plans to make wine while there is surplus food.

To make wine, the most important thing is to make koji.

The production of distiller's yeast is divided into five processes: picking materials, crushing, making pellets, framing and fermenting. Rice, Polygonum and Tanabe grass are crushed and mixed with leaves of osmanthus, orange trees, lentils and bamboo in proportion, and warm water is added. Stir and shape into balls the size of goose eggs.

The balls are put into the basket and rolled, sprinkled evenly with the top of the medicine and put into the grain sieve one by one. The distance between each ball is kept, and the layer must be separated by straw to prevent them from sticking together.

Put the baskets filled with pellets into the barn one by one, ferment for one to one and a half days, when there are water drops on the straw covering the basket, lift it up, cool down and ventilate, and take it out after it cools down naturally Spread and dry.

"Father, come and see, what you made is broken!"

On the second day of fermentation of the koji, Xiao Meng Xing, who was squatting in the barn, saw the balls in the basket growing a layer of white fluff, and cried out in panic.

Meng Sheng picked up the child: "Only the finished product will grow white hair. This is a success."

After the koji was dried, he used the simple ancient method, put the koji into steamed rice, mixed it with cold boiled water to ferment, the brewed wine was not much, but it finally relieved his craving.

At present, there is not enough food in the tribe, and he does not plan to popularize it in the tribe. Now he brews it himself to drink.

On the night when the wine was brewed, Meng Sheng cooked a barbecue.

Ever since Meng Xing was born, he lived in a house and ate cooked food on the stove. Although he often heard his grandmother talk about the hard life of living in a cave, he never experienced it himself. It was the first time he saw his father grilling meat with stones. It's very strange, turning around the stones on the fire stove.

Meng Sheng ate barbecue and drank wine, feeling satisfied. When he lived in a cave, he wanted to eat barbecue and drink one day. A few years later, his original wish finally came true.

Luo tasted the wine, and although it smelled strange and mellow, it tasted too spicy, and his mind was still dizzy. After two sips, he stopped drinking and took the child into his room to sleep. .

"It's the first time I see my mother doesn't like what I make." Meng Sheng watched the old man go back to the room, and took a sip from the wine bowl.

Qiu Juan grilled a piece of mutton, and said, "Who asked you to teach the child to drink it?" "He asked for a drink, so he took a sip." It's very red, probably because of Qiu Juanbai's inheritance. His skin is fair, and it's obvious when he blushes.

He suddenly raised his eyebrows and smiled, and leaned in front of Ya'ou: "I found that you are quite good at drinking."

Qiu Juan quickly waved his hand: "I can't, I'm dizzy."

Meng Sheng picked up the wine bowl, squeezed to Yafeu's side, hooked her around the neck, coaxing and coaxing: "Why are you dizzy? You get dizzy when your face turns red after drinking. You're fine."

With one hand holding the male, Qiu Juan reluctantly took the wine bowl that had hit his body with the other hand, and drank the small half of the wine in one gulp: "Okay, don't drink it."

Meng Sheng raised his eyebrows, this is baijiu, if he can drink it like this, it seems that his wife really has two brushes, he raised the corners of his mouth, and poured another half a bowl over.

"I really can't drink any more." Qiu Juan refused decisively this time, he felt like he was going to burn up, his whole body was hot.

Meng Sheng couldn't help laughing, this kid is shamelessly drunk.

Qiu Juan knew that the male was playing tricks on him, so he pushed the male, stood up and wanted to go back to the room, but in the end he was top-heavy, if the male didn't immediately hug him, he would fall down.

"Qiu Juan, you're drunk."

"What is drunk?"

Meng Sheng picked him up by the waist, since he had little Meng Xing, Qiu Juan refused to let him cuddle in front of the child, he hadn't hugged this adult for a long time.

The drunken Yafe was so soft that she couldn't even scold him. She squinted her eyes and looked at him, as if waiting for an answer. He lowered his head and leaned into his ear and said, "That's what you are like now, you have to go all the way. Do not move."

Putting the man on the bed, he took off the shoes for Yafei.

Qiu Juan's face was not red, but the temperature was a little high. Meng Sheng stroked his face, and found some clues of drunkenness from the red tips of Ya Nu's ears.

He leaned down and touched Yami's red ears with his lips: "Qiu Juan, let's have another child."

The body of the person lying on the bed froze suddenly. Meng Sheng thought that he was pandering to the person who did not move. Without asking what's the matter, Yayu coaxed first: "You still lied to me that you don't mind that Ah Xing is a Yafe!"

Meng Sheng's mind buzzed, he pressed his temples, and it was all about it, but now that the arrow is on the string, he can't care so much anymore.

He pushed the man back to the bed: "How many times do you have to tell me why you are so stupid, as long as it is our child, I will like it."

Taking advantage of Qiu Juan's silence, he bit Ya Nu's jawline: "Having a child is the second priority, and the main thing is wanting to sleep with you!"

Qiu Juan struggled to kick the male off his body. After struggling for a long time, the male fell on him like a stone and couldn't move at all.

"Go down! Do you still want me to close the door and blow out the lights!"

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