The Innocent Young Master Lu

Chapter 69: I really miss my little brother now


Almost when he heard that name, Jin Shang's contempt and targeting were undisguised.

"I thought who it was! It turns out that it's Lu Yining!"

"You know him?" Lu Dingning, who had a sneer at the corner of his mouth that Jin Shang couldn't see, had a hint of surprise in his tone.

"It's not just acquaintance, he doesn't know how many times he has been defeated by me." When Jin Shang said this, his eyebrows and eyes were full of complacency.

It's just that he seems to have forgotten that the agreement of the Reading Group was snatched back by RM in the past two days.

Lu Dingning, who saw through but didn't intend to tell, showed a look of admiration in those beautiful phoenix eyes. Men like to be proud and show off in front of women, so Lu Dingning will give him what he wants.

This glance made Jin Shang look like a winning rooster, arrogant and high-spirited.

"Lu Yining is probably not in the mood to come to the banquet now. How about I take you in to see and see?"

Jin Shang's playful smile fell on Lu Dingning's beautiful face.

Although this is what Lu Dingning wanted, she did not rush to respond directly. Wouldn't it make her look like a scheming GIRL

"Is it possible? I can go in too?" Lu Dingning, who showed some hesitation towards Jin Shang, was like a sober white lily at night.

"Yes. In this imperial city, no one will dare to stop you from declaring my name as Jin Shang!"

Lu Dingning took this as a joke.

I don't know who it is, but in front of Ji Jinge and Zong Jize, he looks like a dog with its tail between its legs!

Probably because Jin Shang really exaggerated too much, Lu Dingning couldn't help but laughed out loud.

And Jin Shang was obviously taken aback when he saw her smile.

"Don't get me wrong, I just think you are very powerful, and there is no malice!" Lu Dingning said hastily against his will.

"Really? But you look so pretty when you smile..."

Jin Shang's seemingly unintentional praise also made Lu Dingning heave a sigh of relief. He was obviously taken aback just now, which made Lu Dingning think that he had noticed something.

Did you just think she was pretty

"Come in with me!" After Jin Shang said this, he moved towards the gate of the banquet.

Lu Dingning hesitated for a while, then followed.

However, Lu Dingning, who followed Jin Shang away, did not expect that Zong Jize got out of the car after a car not far away stopped slowly.

Accompanying Zong Jize from the car was Ji Jinge.

"Ah Ze, let's not get drunk or go home today, how about it?" After getting off the car, Ji Jinge raised his hand to put Zong Jize on the shoulder.

"..." The latter did not answer, and instantly killed Ji Jinge with eyes as cold as a December blizzard.

Therefore, Ji Jinge could only withdraw the hand he was going to reach for in aggrieved manner, and said with a face full of displeasure, "Really. If I had known you were still so boring, I should have put a whole Ning called over!"

"I really miss my little brother right now..."

"Little brother?" Ji Jinge sighed one after another, and Zong Jize would soon rub shoulders with some important words that seemed a little bit wrong.

"She called my little brother, so of course it's my little brother!" Ji Jinge got more and more enthusiastic, and even took out his mobile phone, saying, "I'm going to call my little brother over too. Playing alone with you is really cool." It's so boring!"

Zong Jize didn't stop it either.

After receiving those two messages from Lu Dingning, his previous anger has inexplicably disappeared a lot. Now, he is not so repulsive to Lu Dingning.

Seeing that Zong Jize didn't stop him, Ji Jinge followed him into the banquet while calling Lu Dingning.

But the strange thing is that Lu Dingning didn't answer the phone for a long time. Until the private room specially reserved for Zong Jize at the banquet, Lu Dingning still didn't answer Ji Jinge's call.

"Strange! What is Yining doing, why doesn't he answer the phone?"

"I guess something is wrong!"

Ji Jinge should have listened to Zong Jize's words. After entering the private room, Ji Jinge temporarily put the phone aside, and asked someone to deliver a bottle of top-quality foreign wine, and Zong Jize started this wonderful night first...

At the same time, the vibration of Lu Dingning's phone finally stopped.

After waiting for the shock to pass, Lu Dingning also quietly adjusted the recording mode of the phone, turned it over and placed it on the table.

As for Jin Shang, he ordered wine and some fruit snacks since he entered the private room.

When the waiter delivered the things, Jin Shang sat down beside Lu Dingning, and kept leaning towards Lu Dingning's side.

It seems that this Jin Shang really has a wrong idea about her.

"Ding Ding, you said that you have stayed in country F before, so you should be familiar with country F?"

Shu Dingding, this name was mentioned by Lu Dingning when he introduced himself to Jin Shang just now.

Because, her mother in country F is called Shu Zhilan. The surname Shu, of course, is taken from Shu Zhilan's surname.

As for her saying that she had stayed in country F, she just wanted to create a topic with Jin Shang. Look at the current progress, isn't it very successful

"Yes, I was studying there, and I just returned to China recently. I don't have many friends in China, only Lu Shao..." Lu Dingning seemed to mention Lu Yining unintentionally, but in fact it was to pave the way for the future.

"Lu Yining is your friend, what about me?" Jin Shang didn't seem to like mentioning Lu Yining, his tone was much worse than before.

"You saved me just now, so of course you can be considered my friend. I'm stupid, I'll punish Jin Shao with a cup to make amends!"

As Lu Dingning spoke, he poured a glass of wine that Jin Shang had poured before into his mouth.

After finishing drinking, Lu Dingning immediately poured another glass.

But this glass of wine, she brought it to Jin Shang's mouth: "Jin Shao, I toast you..."

The beauty's lips were red and her teeth were white. Coupled with the fact that she had been drinking, her entire face was stained crimson.

Jin Shang watched, his Adam's apple slipped a few times.

On the other hand, Lu Dingning didn't seem to understand anything, and still stared at Jin Shang expectantly with a pair of ignorant and innocent phoenix eyes.

Under such circumstances, he would naturally not refuse Lu Dingning's toast.

So, under Lu Dingning's coaxing, Jin Shang drank several cups in succession.

Just now when Lu Dingning was pouring wine for him, he checked the strength of the wine.

Although it is easy to drink with a mellow aroma, it has a high concentration and strong stamina.

Wine like this is naturally not used in ordinary gatherings. Jin Shang ordered this wine when he was alone with her, Lu Dingning, and the purpose was very obvious.

But Jin Shang would never have expected that he would be the one who drank too much later...

This is called self-eating!

Coaxing Jin Shang to drink about ten cups, and confirming that the stamina of the wine has also improved, Lu Dingning began to ask seemingly unintentionally: "Young Master Jin, you just said that you are very close to Young Master Lu. Do you know that he recently doing what?"

"You always ask him what he does?" Probably because he was a lot more courageous after drinking. Jin Shang's hairy hands began to rest on Lu Dingning's waist...