The Innocent Young Master Lu

Chapter 701: Didn't you mean send someone to the west?


It was already an hour later when the tooth that caused Ji Jinge's pain was pulled out.

In fact, it didn't take long to extract a tooth before.

As bold as Lu Dingning, Jay only took ten minutes to get it done.

And these ten minutes, most of the time was spent by Jay in preparing for the operation.

But when it came to Ji Jinge, it was a waste of time and energy.

Every time Jay intends to continue the operation, there will always be that weird cry on the operating table: "Ouch, it hurts!"

This is similar to strong high-pitched voices one after another.

What's more, the nurse, who was so loud and helpful, kept laughing cheerfully.

In the end, Jay, who was so distracted that he couldn't concentrate, could only forcefully snatch the mobile phone from Ji Jinge's hand and hand it over to Lu Dingning.

Because of this, the operation was able to go smoothly...

When Ji Jinge sat in Lu Dingning's flamboyant Gabdi Veyron again, his handsome face was slightly swollen, but he was not in a good mood.

"Ji Shao, are you okay?"

This look is almost like excessive indulgence.

I don't know, I thought he had experienced several strong points just now.

"It's okay..." Ji Jinge's pronunciation was a bit ambiguous, probably because the anesthetic hadn't passed yet.

However, Lu Dingning can still guess the general meaning.

After Lu Dingning made sure that he was fine, he started the car's engine.

When driving the car onto the road, Lu Dingning also talked to Ji Jinge: "I told you earlier, Jay's tooth extraction doesn't hurt!"

"Well, it doesn't hurt!" But it was terribly scary!

Ji Jinge never wants to experience that kind of manager again in his life.

"I'll take you back to rest, I have something to do later..." After fulfilling the previous promise, Lu Dingning planned to pat his ass and leave.

As for Ji Jinge...

He didn't respond to Lu Dingning's words, but just stared at Lu Dingning's peachy eyes with a flash of cunning.

In order to be her Lu Dingning's hero, he even tried pulling out his teeth, which he was most afraid to try, and finally got such a chance to be alone with her. At this moment, how could Ji Jinge be willing to let her leave like that

"By the way, this is the medicine prescribed by Jay, just take it with meals." After sending Ji Jinge to the apartment where he lives alone, Lu Dingning handed Ji Jinge the medicine Jay just prescribed.

After instructing Ji Jinge, Lu Dingning planned to wait for him to get off the car, turn the car around and go back to RM Group.

But after waiting for a while, Lu Dingning realized that the person in the passenger seat hadn't moved at all.

She turned around and found that Ji Jinge was leaning on the back of the chair with his eyes closed.

"Ji Shao, is it hard?"

Ji Jinge, who had been frightened all night because he was going to have his tooth pulled out today, didn't sleep well. Naturally, his face is not looking good now.

And this haggard look really looked like he was suffering from some serious illness.

Lu Dingning was also a little worried because of this.

Just when Lu Dingning saw this guy motionless, and was about to reach out his hand to his forehead to see if he had a fever, Ji Jinge suddenly reached out and grabbed Lu Dingning's hand that was about to touch his forehead.

"Ji Shao, if you have nothing to do, hurry up..."

Get out of the car now!

Lu Dingning intended to say so.

But Ji Jinge said: "A-Ning, my head hurts!"

"It's true that you may feel some discomfort in one way or another after tooth extraction. How about I ask someone to come out and help you?"

From Lu Dingning's point of view, there must be a cleaning servant in the house where Ji Jinge lives alone.

Let them bring Ji Jinge into the house and take care of him. This is indeed the most suitable right now.

But Lu Dingning never expected that Ji Jinge said this: "There is no one at home."

"No one? Isn't it?" A young master like Ji Jinge, who is used to clothes, stretches out his hands to eat, and opens his mouth. He knows how to survive alone

"Well, after I moved out, I only hired a part-time worker to clean the house." After Ji Jinge said this, he reached out and pulled the doorknob.

"What are you going to do?" Lu Dingning, who had been letting Ji Jinge get out of the car before, asked this question after seeing Ji Jinge actually opened the car door.

"What else can I do, get out of the car and go back to rest for a while, my head hurts..."

As Ji Jinge said, he reached out and rubbed his aching head.

And at this moment, Lu Dingning, who was about to turn the car around and leave, pulled out the car key and followed.

Sensing that someone was following behind, Ji Jinge turned around and saw Lu Dingning, who was turning the key ring, following him.

"A-Ning, isn't there still work in your company? What are you doing here?"

Asking this question on the lips, in fact, Ji Jinge's heart is already so happy that he can't find Bei.

Well, Ah Ning must have cared about him before getting out of the car.

That's a good start.

"Didn't you mean to send someone to Xitian?" Lu Dingning buckled the key, and the flying car key was caught in her palm and then sent to her trouser pocket.

At this moment, Lu Dingning, who was copying his pocket with one hand, smiled wickedly at Ji Jinge, even more seductive than the well-known Ji Jinge in the imperial city.

But what she said made Ji Jinge's expression almost freeze.

"Send what to Xitian, Aning, are you cursing me?" Although the tooth extraction didn't hurt, the whole process was about to kill Ji Jinge. At this moment, he still heard the word "Western Heaven" from Lu Dingning's mouth. It's a ghost if he's in a good mood!

"No, I remember Xi Yuan said this before." Lu Dingning looked thoughtful.

"You mean to help people to the end and send Buddha to the west?" After a while, Ji Jinge realized that Lu Dingning probably wanted to say this.

"Well, it seems to be this sentence!" When Lu Dingning heard this, he was already standing in front of Ji Jinge's apartment, and urged Ji Jinge to come up and open the door.

"A-Ning, although the words are similar, the meanings are far different!" Although Ji Jinge has been failing in the subjects of Z, he still grew up in Country Z.

Naturally, he understood the meaning of some words much better than Lu Dingning, a person who had never received the influence of country Z's culture.

But Lu Dingning, who was exposed, looked impatient: "Anyway, that's what it means... Don't keep babbling, open the door quickly!"

Ji Jinge, who was urged, could only open the door according to Lu Dingning's wishes, and let the guy who cursed him go to heaven to enter.

But after Lu Dingning entered, Ji Jinge stood outside the door and stared at her back as she leisurely entered.

"Am I looking for guilt?" If Lu Dingning had been allowed to go, now he can lie comfortably on the bed and pay homage to his decayed tooth.

But now

He worked so hard to keep Lu Dingning behind, and in the end he was cursed to go to the west. Isn't this looking for guilt

But what else can Ji Jinge do

The ancestors I found had to be served while kneeling.