The Innocent Young Master Lu

Chapter 812: Introduce me to a few rich women, I don't want to work hard anymore


As for Lu Dingning, who received Ruan Xiyuan's message, he was actually very puzzled why Ruan Xiyuan, who was still crying for sleepiness, changed his mind in a blink of an eye.

But right now, Lu Dingning wanted to sort out the plan she wanted as soon as possible, so she didn't get to the bottom of it.

In this way, at night when everyone else was in a sweet dream, both Lu Dingning and Ruan Xiyuan sat in front of the computer and discussed the plan to recall friends in the peak era.

It's just that when the plan was about to be sorted out, Ruan Xiyuan began to complain again and again.

Ruan: [Second young master, I can't do it anymore, my eyelids are fighting. For the rest of the points, I'll wait until I get to work tomorrow, okay?]

However, Ruan Xiyuan, who was so sleepy with staring eyes, got such an answer.

Dylan Ning; [No, finish it quickly. Tomorrow I plan to give this plan to my dad and let him start to implement it.]

The peak era has been abandoned for so long, and now Lu Dingning just wants to revitalize it as soon as possible.

Of course, Lu Dingning also knew that it was not easy for Ruan Xiyuan to persist until this point, so Lu Dingning sent him another message.

Dylan Ning: [If this plan is done well, the year-end bonus will be doubled. Hurry up and try hard.]

To be honest, if he saw the words "double the year-end bonus" when he was getting enough sleep, Ruan Xiyuan would definitely cheer and then work hard.

But right now, Ruan Xiyuan could barely open his eyelids, and his whole body was as powerless as if his body had been hollowed out.

So seeing the news of Lu Dingning, Ruan Xiyuan was also listless.

Ruan: [Second Young Master, why don't you introduce me to some rich women, I don't want to work hard anymore.]

There are a lot of silver bills when you lie down and sleep!

This is the life Ruan Xiyuan wants most now.

Soon, Ruan Xiyuan, who wanted to rely on a rich woman to reach the pinnacle of life, also got a reply from Lu Dingning.

What Lu Dingning sent to Ruan Xiyuan was an animated picture.

The animated picture is a soft and cute hamster, which is quite similar to Lu Dingning when he is eating.

What Ruan Xiyuan noticed when he walked up was not the softness and cuteness of this hamster, but the line on this picture - the other party rejected your message and took off your clothes!

It was this line of words that instantly scared away those sleepy bugs who were bothering Ruan Xiyuan.

So, for the next half hour or so, Ruan Xiyuan could only fill in the missing ideas in this plan with trepidation in order to prevent the little gay guy from taking off his clothes and doing something indescribable to him.

This friend recall plan about the peak era can be regarded as a complete deal!

Early the next morning, when Lu Dingning was woken up by the phone, his expression was not so good.

Yesterday, Lu Dingning and Ruan Xiyuan fought until four o'clock in the morning to come up with a new plan to recall their friends from the peak era.

It was no wonder that Lu Dingning was in good spirits when he was woken up within three hours after lying down to rest.

Fortunately, Lu Dingning just woke up in a bad mood, but she didn't show it directly.

Especially when she squinted her eyes to answer the phone, she had already hidden all those bad emotions.

"Hey..." Although Lu Dingning had concealed his emotions well, his voice was a little hoarse because he didn't have a good rest last night.

Zong Jize quickly noticed this on the other side of the phone.

"Ningning, are you feeling well?"

Probably due to lack of sleep, it took Lu Dingning a while to recognize that the person on the phone was Zong Jize.

"It's not uncomfortable, it's just that you called when you fell asleep." Lu Dingning sat up rubbing his messy hair while talking.

At this time, Zong Jize's concerned voice on the phone came to her ears again: "Why did you just sleep?"

"I stayed up late last night to come up with the plan." Lu Dingning narrowed his eyes, looking at the sunlight outside the window.

The weather today seems to be good, the sun is shining brightly early in the morning.

"You bastard..." Zong Jize reprimanded her, and patiently read to her some health hazards of staying up late.

Lu Dingning was sitting, as if he was really listening to Zong Jize's lesson.

But in fact, she didn't have a good night's rest, and she didn't listen to Zong Jize's words at all.

"Why don't you sleep more at home in the morning?" Zong Jize didn't know how long he had said before he asked Lu Dingning again.

At this moment, Lu Dingning is much more awake than before.

"No, grandma said she's going to give me vermicelli today. I have to take a bite to see if she's ready." Besides, she still has class this morning.

I won't talk about it at other times, now my grandparents are at home.

If they saw that she didn't even go to class, they would be in big trouble.

After chatting with Zong Jize for a while, Lu Dingning washed up, wrapped up his corset and went downstairs.

As agreed, grandma Yang Jun has already made vermicelli.

Seeing Lu Dingning coming downstairs, Yang Jun served her a bowl.

When Lu Guohua came down from upstairs, Lu Dingning, Yang Jun and Lu Chuan were already sitting at the dining table eating vermicelli.

"Dad, come here quickly. The vermicelli made by grandma are delicious."

Just like when he was a child, every time Lu Dingning ate something delicious, he would ask Lu Guohua to eat it with him.

With such a person, why would Lu Guohua feel bad when he saw her

And Yang Jun quickly filled a bowl for Lu Guohua, and the whole family sat down at the dining table and had dinner happily.

Halfway through the meal, Yang Jun suddenly said, "Yes, Yining, grandma probably won't be able to make you the egg roll you want to eat tonight. How about waiting until tomorrow night?"

During the time she lived in Lu Zhai, Lu Dingning often pestered Yang Jun to cook her something delicious.

"Lu Yining" with this appearance looks like two people with the usual him, but he looks quite similar to his sister.

Yang Jun and Lu Chuan also had doubts about "Lu Yining" at first. But later, both of them agreed that the grandson should feel that they missed their granddaughter too much, so he deliberately pretended to be a younger sister to coax them.

"Is grandma doing something tonight?" Lu Dingning asked after taking a big mouthful of vermicelli.

Last night, she and Ji Jinge came back after eating cold grilled noodles in the Internet cafe.

As soon as she got home, she pestered her grandma to make her vermicelli and egg rolls today.

At that time, Yang Jun agreed.

But because there were no eggs at home, Yang Jun promised to make this egg roll when she went to the supermarket to buy some eggs today, and saved it for Lu Dingning for dinner.

But at this moment, Yang Jun suddenly changed her mind, there must be something wrong.

"Your second uncle asked me and your grandfather to eat at his place in the evening." Regarding "grandson", Yang Jun did not hide anything.

However, her words caused a slight change in the color of Lu Dingning's eyes, and even the hand holding the spoon to eat vermicelli stagnated in mid-air.

If she guessed correctly, her second uncle asked her grandparents to eat at his place now, probably because she wanted to say something to them.

As for what the second uncle said, it probably has something to do with Lu Guohua, her, and RM's shares!