The Innocent Young Master Lu

Chapter 831: You are sick now, I don't want to mess with you


In fact, what Lu Dingning said just now was to persuade Zong Jize to eat more.

I don't want Zong Jize to get some information from her words: "Ning Ning, do you want to stay at night?"

Regarding this, Lu Dingning did not argue: "Well, didn't your family doctor say that you might have a fever again at night?"

After saying this, Lu Dingning seemed to have suddenly noticed that Zong Jize seemed to have misunderstood her intention to stay, and quickly added: "Don't worry, you are sick now, I don't want to mess with you .”

These words instantly cracked Zong Jize's wolf-like expression.

What the hell is this guy talking about

Even if you really want to do it, whoever does it may not know!

But soon, Zong Jize noticed that following Lu Dingning's words, the eyes of Uncle Bin and the servants who were serving at their table seemed to have changed when they looked at Zong Jize.

Before, when these people looked at him, Zong Jize, they all looked at him in admiration.

And Zong Jize, who is a legend in the mobile phone industry, naturally enjoys the admiration and bowing down of others to him.

But Lu Dingning's words just now made the admiration in these people's eyes no longer, replaced by suspicion...

It was precisely because of this that Zong Jize realized that the bad guy's words made him the one who was pushed down in their relationship!

This thought made Zong Jizejun's face suddenly darken a lot.

I don't know if he sensed that his mood was not right, Lu Dingning hurriedly turned his head to talk to Uncle Bin, trying to divert the weird and awkward atmosphere: "Uncle Bin, please help me tidy up the guest room."

From Lu Dingning's point of view, his words not only showed Zong Jize that she had no intention of teasing him, but also diverted Uncle Bin's attention.

You see, after Uncle Bin heard what she said, he led a group of servants upstairs to tidy up her guest room.

In this way, no one will continue to stare at Zong Jize with the weird eyes just now.

However, Zong Jize's gratitude to her for helping to resolve the embarrassment was not so strong.

No, after Uncle Bin led a group of servants upstairs, Zong Jize stared at her as if he was about to swallow her alive.

"Ahem... I'll see if Uncle Bin has prepared clothes for me!" After saying that, Lu Dingning got up and left the dining table.

If he doesn't leave at this time, is it possible that he will stay and be swallowed alive by Zong Jize

But when Lu Dingning got up together, Zong Jize could drag her over.

Lu Dingning didn't expect Zong Jize to make such a move at this time, he was dragged off balance without defense, and fell directly on his lap.

The moment he sat on it, Lu Dingning's fair and beautiful face suddenly became more blushing, and there was also a little anxiety in his phoenix eyes.

Because the moment he sat down, Lu Dingning felt that Zong Jize had reacted. Otherwise, why is the butt so tight at the moment

At this moment, she was quite worried that Uncle Bin and the others would see this scene.

Although they usually stage all kinds of "basic love" in front of these people, they have never been directly seen by such an ambiguous scene.

More importantly, this scene seemed to make Lu Dingning a little bit "affected" by her...

Therefore, Lu Dingning quickly struggled to stand up.

But Zong Jize's arms hugged her waist tightly, making it impossible for Lu Dingning to get up.

"What are you doing!" Unable to break free, she now placed her hand on Zong Jize's waist and brought him a clockwise meal.

But Zong Jize, who was being twisted, didn't show any pain on his face.

That posture, as if the person Lu Dingning twisted just now was not him.

The most annoying thing was that Zong Jize, who was being pinched by Lu Dingning at the moment, still hugged Lu Dingning tightly. Those long arms seemed to be directly welded to Lu Dingning's body.

And Zong Jize, who imprisoned Lu Dingning in his arms, moved his thin lips to Lu Dingning's ears even more viciously, and asked in a hoarse voice: "You really don't plan to mess with me?"

Zong Jize's words made Lu Dingning's body stiffen suddenly.

What caused Lu Dingning's strange reaction was not only some evil information hidden in Zong Jize's words just now, but also Zong Jize's masculine aura that suddenly stirred up her sensitive and fragile area.

This weird and unfamiliar reaction made Lu Dingning very annoyed.

However, some people still reminded her in her ears: "Ningning, it looks like you lied."

How can Lu Dingning admit it at a time like this

"I said I won't touch you if I don't touch you. Let go!"

Of course, while refuting Zong Jize, Lu Dingning also gave Zong Jize another anti-clockwise meal on his waist.

In embarrassment, Lu Dingning did not restrain his strength much.

But this move finally made Zong Jize let go of her.

At this moment, Uncle Bin and the others should have packed the guest room for her, and Lu Dingning could hear the footsteps of their group.

In this way, no one should have seen their damned ambiguous scene just now.

Now, as long as she sorts out her facial expressions, that's all.

But just when Lu Dingning was trying to control her expression, she heard Zong Jize muttering again: "That's really a pity..."


What is there to regret

Is it because she doesn't plan to mess with Zong Jize tonight, so she feels it's a pity

Moreover, Zong Jize didn't just say that, even his sigh was really full of deep regret...

At that moment, Lu Dingning really felt that Zong Jize was seriously ill today, and his brain was burnt out!

If it wasn't for the fact that he is now a patient and not suitable for being beaten, Lu Dingning felt that Zong Jize should have been beaten to the ground by her right now.

Just as she was trying to resist the urge to beat up Zong Jize, Uncle Bin had brought his servants back to them.

"Young Master Lu, the guest room has been tidied up for you. You can take a look at it later, and if you need anything else, just tell me."

"Thank you, Uncle Bin."

"Young Master Lu is too polite."

After a brief conversation, Lu Dingning walked directly to the guest room upstairs.

As for Zong Jize, who was still sitting at the dining table, his presence was quite transparent at the moment.

During the whole process of Lu Dingning's departure, he didn't just say a word, he didn't even give him a look.

Ruan: [Second young master, hurry up to the peak era. Play a shooter and get familiar with the operation.]

Lu Dingning returned to the room and was about to start washing when he just received a message from Ruan Xiyuan.

Dylan Ning: [Are you going to take your goddess to fly now?]

Ruan Xiyuan's message just reminded Lu Dingning that he promised Ruan Xiyuan to help him find the girls in his team.

Ruan: [No. I'm worried that you haven't played shooter much, and you won't be able to play well then.]