The Innocent Young Master Lu

Chapter 851: Shu Zhilan lost contact


Strange to say, Lu Dingning's appetite has not been very good these days.

Sometimes when I smell something I don't like, my stomach will turn over, and I even have the urge to vomit.

Because of this, Lu Dingning didn't eat much every day for a while.

But the barbecue made by Zong Jize whetted her appetite.

At this moment, her cheeks are bulging with barbecue meat, and her eyes are extremely large. From a distance, it really looks like a greedy little hamster.

That scene also made the corners of Zong Jize's lips twitch.

If it wasn't for Ruan Xiyuan's voice again, Zong Jize felt that the curvature on the corners of his lips should have lasted longer.

"Second Young Master, thank you. You are so kind to me!" That's right, Ruan Xiyuan wanted to thank Lu Dingning sincerely at this moment.

But any man shouldn't like another man saying his girlfriend is nice to him in front of him, right

Zong Jize didn't care what others thought.

Zong Jize only knew that he was quite upset now.

Moreover, Zong Jize is still very curious now, what happened to these two people

In fact, Zong Jize had also seen the general situation of Lu Dingning and Ruan Xiyuan getting along before, except when necessary, they basically hurt each other in private.

But tonight, Lu Dingning seemed to have done something extraordinary, which moved Ruan Xiyuan very much.

Look at this moment, while Ruan Xiyuan moved the barbecue into his own bowl, he also didn't forget to send some to Lu Dingning.

"What's the matter with you today?" At this moment, Zong Jize couldn't help asking the question that had troubled him for a long time.

But obviously, Lu Dingning didn't want Zong Jize to know what happened today.

"nothing… "

That's right, this is Lu Dingning's answer.

It turns out that the target is a primary school student, and it is also a man.

This kind of thing should be something that no man wants to be known.

Therefore, in order to protect Ruan Xiyuan's poor dignity, Lu Dingning was unwilling to reveal this matter to Zong Jize.

But because of this, Zong Jize was extremely upset.

Something had clearly happened to the two of them, but they just didn't want him to know.

Otherwise, let Geng Qing investigate what happened today.

Although Zong Jize also knew that Lu Dingning and Ruan Xiyuan would not be able to wipe out the spark of love even if they tore their clothes. But when he thought that there was still a little secret between these two people, his mood became extremely bad.

But just when Zong Jize was about to put this idea into practice, Lu Dingning's cell phone rang suddenly.

Moreover, the ringtone of the mobile phone is still a specific F folk song.

The moment he heard the bell, Lu Dingning frowned suddenly.

It's because she specially set the ringtone for William.

During this time, William basically contacted her by e-mail.

Because they all felt that Lu Yining was currently replacing her in Country F, and if they kept in touch with her frequently, they would probably show signs of it. So they made an agreement that unless it was a major event, they would not communicate by phone.

But at this moment, William called her. Could it be that something happened over there

"Second Young Master, isn't it..."

Ruan Xiyuan also noticed something wrong with Lu Dingning's expression, and was about to ask her if something happened.

But at this moment, Lu Dingning made a silent movement towards him.

After receiving Lu Dingning's signal, Ruan Xiyuan quickly shut up.

And Lu Dingning also got through the phone at this time.

Lu Dingning spoke in F language the whole time.

Ruan Xiyuan's writing is not very good, and he only understands a general idea.

Lu Dingning and the person on the other end of the phone seemed to be talking about someone missing. Lu Dingning asked that person to find it quickly, even if he searched all over country F, he would find it for her. Moreover, she will set off immediately to go back and find that person together.

When the call ended, Lu Dingning directly dropped the phone on the table, and Lu Dingning's expression was also very gloomy and scary.

It can be said that this should be the first time that Ruan Xiyuan saw Lu Dingning's terrifying appearance when he followed Lu Dingning.

"Second Young Master..." When Ruan Xiyuan muttered this sentence, there was anxiety in his eyes.

"Ning Ning!" Zong Jize also said at this time.

Compared to Ruan Xiyuan, Zong Jize understood what Lu Dingning had just called.

The missing person is Lu Dingning's mother.

It is said that Shu Zhilan left the manor to attend a party. In the evening, Shu Zhilan lost contact.

And just now William had asked the people at the party, but those people said that they had not seen Mrs. Smith.

Right now, Lu Yining is still looking for Shu Zhilan everywhere.

But compared to letting Lu Yining, a fake stepson, look for Shu Zhilan, William felt that the possibility of finding the real stepson would be higher.

After all, Lu Dingning grew up there, and she knows more about the situation there than Lu Yining.

It was precisely because he understood these conversations that Zong Jize was so sad now.

Because he and Lu Dingning had stayed together in Country F, he knew better than anyone else the dangers of that place to Lu Dingning.

However, under such circumstances, Lu Dingning still said: "I'm going back."

"Second young master, haven't you finished eating yet?" Ruan Xiyuan, whose brain suddenly short-circuited, was a little uncertain where Lu Dingning was going back.

But on Zong Jize's side, he immediately heard that Lu Dingning was going back to country F.

Therefore, he immediately rejected Lu Dingning: "Ningning, you can't. Your brother is over there. If you two appear at the same time, there will be trouble!"

Those who haven't seen the two brothers and sisters appearing at the same time naturally don't think of anything.

But if they appear at the same time, they will definitely find the trick soon.

As long as it is found out that the Lu family gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins instead of twins, troubles will follow.

At that time, not only her, Lu Dingning, but the entire Lu family will become a thorn in the side of those people.

But when Zong Jize expressed his strong protest against her decision, Lu Dingning answered irrelevantly and said: "When I was ten years old, I saw her being bullied by others, so I determined to be the heir, control the entire manor, let everyone People no longer dare to ride on top of her head."

"I made that decision before, and now I am the same. She is my mother, she gave me my life..." When Lu Dingning said this, his voice was very calm.

Such a voice made Ruan Xiyuan a little confused.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

But at this time, neither Lu Dingning nor Zong Jize had time to answer Ruan Xiyuan's doubts.

"Ningning, I'll help you find it. You stay in the country, and I will tell you as soon as there is any latest development." Zong Jize stepped forward and grabbed Lu Dingning's hand.