The Innocent Young Master Lu

Chapter 868: Lu Dingning seemed to be pregnant


Zong Jize, who was already sleepy, could only lie down under Lu Dingning's begging.

I don't know what's going on, but Zong Jize, who usually doesn't change his mind for others, always inexplicably compromises every time he faces Lu Dingning.

Just like at this moment, he said he didn't want to sleep, but Lu Dingning called him into bed and served her as a pillow.

The man who hugged Zong Jize put his head directly on his chest at this moment.

What Zong Jize couldn't accept the most was that Lu Dingning actually rubbed her cheek against Zong Jize's chest.

Zong Jize also knew that Lu Dingning should have made this move unconsciously, but it still made all the blood in his body rush to a certain point in an instant.

Zong Jize really wanted to bully her directly if it wasn't for the fact that the physical conditions of the two of them didn't allow it.

In order to relieve the urge to bully her, Zong Jize could only try to divert his attention by chatting: "Is your stomach still feeling sick after drinking last time?"

"Well, I haven't been very comfortable recently, especially when I wake up every morning." When Lu Dingning responded to Zong Jize, he had already closed his eyes in Zong Jize's arms.

In fact, when she woke up just now, she was in good spirits, but a retching seemed to drain all the strength from her body.

At this moment, she began to feel drowsy and sleepy again.

When Lu Dingning muttered these things, he didn't know that Zong Jize, who was just trying to divert his attention just now, was staring at her with very complicated eyes because of the answer she just said.

But it's obvious that Zong Jize's complex gaze staring at Lu Dingning at this moment is not because of the restlessness in his body, but...

Rather, he felt that what Lu Dingning complained to him just now was very similar to... Pregnancy!

Zong Jize still remembered that it was a gathering of the clan family members, when his mother was chatting with his newly pregnant cousin, he overheard some conversations.

And in those conversations, most of them were Zong Jize's cousin and his mother complaining about morning sickness after pregnancy.

The situation was very similar to what Lu Dingning complained just now.

Especially the retching in the morning...

But when these things jumped out of Zong Jize's mind, even Zong Jize himself was taken aback.

But at the same time, there was a hope in his heart that even Zong Jize found unbelievable.

If it wasn't for these, Zong Jize probably didn't even know that he was looking forward to his offspring so much.

And when these emotions emerged, worries also began to flood Zong Jize's heart.

If Lu Dingning is really pregnant, it will naturally be a happy thing for him. But what about Lu Dingning...

Regardless of her current status or her situation, I am afraid that this life is not allowed to come.

Just thinking of this made Zong Jize feel complicated now.

But what about Lu Dingning in his arms

After a while, she seemed to fall asleep again.

And looking at Lu Dingning's sleeping face, something flashed in Zong Jize's mind.

Drowsiness seems to be a symptom of pregnancy.

He remembered that the pregnant cousin stayed at the party for only an hour and then fell asleep, and then Yi Qing took her upstairs to rest.

The more he thought about it, the more Zong Jize felt that it was time for Lu Dingning to check if he was pregnant.

But just as he was about to wake Lu Dingning up, Lu Dingning hugged him around the waist.

And Lu Dingning, who was holding him, was still soundly asleep at the moment.

Zong Jize knew that Lu Dingning's sleep was not that good.

If there was any sound in the night, she usually woke up suddenly.

It was precisely this that made Zong Jize suddenly reluctant to wake up her who was rarely asleep so soundly.

Forget it, let's talk about it when she wakes up...

Zong Jize, who made this decision, finally followed Lu Dingning and fell into sleep.

"Jonathan, show me that document. By the way, I asked you to find some trustworthy people to accompany Madam. Is this done?"

"I found it. But my wife said that she doesn't like being surrounded by a lot of people every day."

"If you don't like it, you can only let those people follow. Forget it, I will tell her personally about it."

When Zong Jize woke up again, he heard such a conversation from outside the ward.

When Zong Jize was about to get up and talk to Lu Dingning according to some thoughts he had before falling asleep, a person stood in his way.

It's William.

"Dylan is dealing with some matters with Jonathan right now." It was Lu Dingning's arrangement that William would be in the ward.

Dr. Mei Lin told Zong Jize to take good care of his injuries, otherwise Lu Dingning would always keep in mind the fact that the root cause of the disease would fall.

So in order for Zong Jize to cultivate better, when she leaves this room, she will definitely arrange for someone to serve Zong Jize with tea and water.

But the problem is that William, who was assigned such a task, is very upset now.

You know, Zong Jize was the one who threatened him with despicable means before.

At this moment, he actually wants to serve Zong Jize...

It's no wonder William said he wasn't angry!

If Zong Jize hadn't taken into account the video about Martha in his hands, William really wanted to throw the rice porridge that Lu Dingning said he would give Zong Jize drink on Zong Jize's face.

"Do you need to go to the bathroom now?" William began the formulaic inquiry.

"No need." Zong Jize felt that going to the bathroom was a very private matter, and he had to wait until the unsightly guy left the ward.

"Since you don't need it, drink this porridge now."

After William finished speaking, he planned to stuff the porridge directly into Zong Jize's hands.

"Put it aside." Zong Jize, who was preoccupied, had no appetite at the moment. After discovering William's intentions, he ordered so.

But William rolled up his sleeves at this moment and grabbed the spoon: "Open your mouth!"

Then, Zong Jize saw this terrifying and gloomy scene.

Well, William took a spoonful of porridge and brought it to Zong Jize's mouth.

And this scene also made the veins on Zong Jize's forehead stand out more obviously.

"Get out." It's not that Zong Jize is missing an arm or a leg, why would he want to drink porridge fed by a man

"Drink it quickly, don't dawdle. Otherwise, I won't be able to do business!" William still maintained the porridge feeding posture.

Lu Dingning just told him to make Zong Jize drink the porridge.

This is Lu Dingning's order, and William will naturally complete it.

But Zong Jize controlled those videos, so William couldn't just pry Zong Jize's mouth open and pour the porridge in. He could only use such a "tactful" method.

Zong Jize, who felt like William was about to poke a spoon into his mouth, glared at William angrily.

After Lu Dingning explained some things to Jonathan, he opened the door and came across such a scene of flames splashing everywhere.

"Tsk! William, I asked you to look after him, but I didn't want you to take the opportunity to seduce him!"