The Innocent Young Master Lu

Chapter 891: Today I thought I would never see you again


Lu Dingning, whose face was so pale that it was almost transparent, appeared at this time.

She had been changed into a wide pajamas, and she looked extremely thin, and she looked extremely weak. Even if she held on to the door frame, she still looked like she was about to fall down at any time.

"Before you discuss these, shouldn't you ask for my opinion?"

When Lu Dingning said this, she didn't know where she touched the wound, the pain made her frown together.

This caused the people who were stunned by her sudden appearance at the door to come back to their senses.

"Oh my god, Dylan, why are you awake? Your current physical condition is not suitable for getting out of bed and walking." Dr. Merlin said hastily.

On Shu Zhilan's side, He was so excited that he shed tears: "Son, you finally woke up."

Lu Yining also stepped forward: "Ningning, are you okay?"

As for Zong Jize, he was ahead of everyone else and came to Lu Dingning's side to support her.

Dr. Merlin was still muttering: "Strange, this time I took the same amount of medicine as before, how could I wake up so quickly?"

According to previous experience, it took Lu Dingning two hours to wake up after each medication.

But today, just half an hour later, Lu Dingning woke up.

Dr. Merlin's doubts were quickly answered.

"You are so noisy, even the dead will be woken up by you." When Lu Dingning said this, he felt dizzy again, and quickly stretched out his hand to cover his forehead.

Zong Jize, who was on the side, found out about this situation, quickly picked up Lu Dingning, brought her back to the bed, and let her lie down.

Lu Dingning's condition still looks very bad. Now lying on the bed, she once again covered her head with her bandage-wrapped hands, and her lips were almost transparent white.

Seeing this situation, Dr. Mei Lin hurried up to check Lu Dingning again.

"Dylan, you'd better not walk on the ground right now. Your current physical condition is very bad."

If the situation continues to deteriorate, even if Dr. Meilin does not perform an abortion for her, the child will not be able to be kept.

"I see." Lu Dingning's reaction was very cold, just like every time Merlin reminded her after she was seriously injured.

"Well, we'll talk about the rest when your condition improves." Dr. Mei Lin saw that Lu Dingning kept putting his hands on his forehead, so he knew that she was not feeling well.

In the current situation, Lu Dingning might not be able to bear the surgery going on.

Therefore, Dr. Merlin's decision to perform surgery is still temporarily postponed.

And she also noticed that Lu Dingning seemed to be a little bit against surgery...

However, Dr. Mei Lin will still find opportunities to persuade Lu Dingning, because she really can't just watch Lu Dingning commit suicide.

After Dr. Mei Lin gave some more orders, he left Lu Dingning's bedroom.

As a result, only her closest relatives and loved ones remained in Lu Dingning's bedroom.

Shu Zhilan kept stroking Lu Dingning's cheek gently: "My child, you have suffered."

Ever since seeing Lu Dingning's pale face, Shu Zhilan's tears have not stopped.

Lu Yining held Lu Dingning's hand that was not covering his forehead, and sighed continuously.

My younger sister still has injuries on her body, because her asthma just happened and her body is very weak, and she is still pregnant...

In fact, he agreed with Dr. Mei Lin's decision, Lu Yining still cared more about his younger sister than the little baby he hadn't met yet.

But maybe it's because he and Lu Dingning are twins. At this moment, Lu Yining can vaguely sense that Lu Dingning doesn't like Dr. Mei Lin's decision just now...

If my sister wants something else, Lu Yining will help her no matter whether it's going up the knife mountain or down the frying pan. But the problem is, this child will make her more dangerous...

For a while, Lu Yining's mind was very messed up, so he simply didn't say anything.

As for Zong Jize, he has been sitting on Lu Dingning's bed, staring at her, twisting the quilt for her from time to time.

It's not that he doesn't want to talk to Lu Dingning, but that he senses that she is very uncomfortable now.

In this case, let her rest first, and it won't be too late to talk about other things after she gets better.

"I'm fine, don't cry." Hearing that Shu Zhilan was still sobbing, Lu Dingning said.

It might be because she didn't drink water for a long time in that damn secret room. When she opened her mouth to speak, her whole throat was burning.

"Okay, are you tired?" Shu Zhilan looked at her exhausted face and asked again.

"Well, I'm a little dizzy, I want to sleep for a while."

If the physical condition is good, Lu Dingning also wants to continue talking with Shu Zhilan, so that Shu Zhilan can relax. But right now, Lu Dingning's throat hurts and her head is dizzy, she really can't hold on.

"Then let's go out first and come back after you wake up." Naturally, Shu Zhilan knew that Lu Dingning didn't like the fact that there were other people in the room when he was sleeping, so after hearing her say that she wanted to sleep for a while, Shu Zhilan took the initiative Offered to leave the room.

After that, Shu Zhilan dragged Lu Yining up, and motioned for Zong Jize to follow them out of Lu Dingning's room.

After Zong Jize saw Shu Zhilan's hint, he also got up and prepared to leave.

Although he really wanted to be by Lu Dingning's side all the time, he could tell that Shu Zhilan wanted to talk to him.

Regarding Lu Dingning's pregnancy and what to do with the child in her womb, Zong Jize certainly needs to explain to Shu Zhilan.

However, just when Zong Jize got up and was about to follow Lu Yining and the others out of the room, his sleeve was grabbed.

When Zong Jize looked down, he saw Lu Dingning tugging on his sleeve with his hand wrapped in gauze.

Because her other hand was still covering her face, others couldn't see her facial expression at this time.

But this small move of hers made people know that she hoped Zong Jize would stay with her.

No, seeing Lu Dingning's small move, Shu Zhilan, who was planning to hand over Zong Jize to speak just now, could only temporarily give up, temporarily took Lu Yining away, and helped to close the door after going out.

Just like that, only Lu Dingning and Zong Jize were left in the room.

Lu Dingning still maintained the movement of covering her forehead with her hand, it was obvious that she was still suffering.

Although Zong Jize felt distressed, he didn't dare to speak, for fear of affecting her rest, he just took her hand quietly and looked at her hand intently.

There were many wounds on her hands just now. Although Dr. Merlin had treated her and wrapped her with gauze, they were still a little inflamed. Zong Jize didn't dare to touch her too much, so he could only hold her by a few fingers.

Just like that, the two of them stayed quietly for nearly ten minutes. When Zong Jize once thought that Lu Dingning should have fallen asleep, Lu Dingning's hoarse voice that didn't look like her came out: "I thought Lu Dingning was asleep today." , I will never see you again."