The Interstellar’s Expert Plant Tamer

Chapter 1: Rebirth (catch bugs)


Xie Sen eats fruits and vegetables all day long, and hasn't eaten meat for a long time.

That does not work! After eating a baked potato, Xie Sen lay on the door panel with a disheveled face and looked out from the crack of the door. It was extremely quiet outside the door, he could only hear his own breathing.

He lay on the door panel from dawn to dusk. The silence outside the door gave him a great sense of security. The next morning, he prepared his mind, opened the door, and ran to the pond two hundred meters away at the fastest speed. .

It took him nine years and two tigers to catch a fish, and when he was walking back with the fish, a pale and bloodless humanoid zombie and a giant zombie dog suddenly appeared in the small woods on the right. , He was so frightened that he hugged the fish tightly.

Then, he started to run away crazily, attacking with the plants in the system while running, but he hadn't met a living human being for a long time, the energy was insufficient, and the system soon went on strike.

The stench came over his face, and he stared at the bloody mouth of the zombie dog that was close at hand, and couldn't help shouting.

"what… "


The shrill scream woke up the quiet siren in the room, Xie Sen was dizzy from his own voice, and sat up from the hospital bed like a spring.

A strong sense of dizziness hit, Xie Sen covered his head, his brows were twisted into Sichuan characters, his body froze after his eyes swept across the ward.

This is where? Wasn't he eaten by zombie dogs? The dream just now is exactly the same as the real situation.

He took his hand off his head and looked at his palm repeatedly. The palm was fair and slender and beautiful, but where did the wound he made when he was planting the field two days ago go

"Hey, you're awake. How do you feel? What's wrong?" The door on the left was pushed open, and a man in white came in. He asked and turned off the alarm that kept ringing beside the bed. .

Seeing the man's attire and the decoration of the room, Xie Sen was sure it was a ward.

When the sound of the machine stopped, he felt much better. He smiled at the doctor and asked the doubts in his heart: "Is this a new base? The situation was so dangerous at that time, and I thought I was going to die. Who saved me? Be sure to thank him well."

He couldn't hide the surprise in his eyes. You must know that the human living environment after the end of the world is extremely harsh. This ward is even larger than the ward before the end of the world. The equipment looks very advanced. From this, you can imagine how powerful this base is.

The doctor handed Xie Sen a headset-style measuring instrument, and he was surprised after hearing his words: "Didn't you commit suicide on purpose?"

Xie Sen: "Nonsense, I just want to eat fish."

The doctor looked at him with a complex expression, shook his head, with affection in his eyes: "What a good boy, look at you, you have never told a lie!"

Xie Sen: "... what I said is true."

The doctor looked at him amusedly: "No one will believe this reason."

Seeing that Xie Sen didn't pick up the measuring device, the doctor simply reached out to put it on for him. Xie Sen subconsciously avoided it: "What is this?"

"You fell from a high place. Although the fall into the water did not endanger your life, your brain suffered a strong concussion. This is a brain measuring instrument." The doctor said, putting on the instrument with a little force, and turning on the switch.

Xie Sen frowned: "Did you make a mistake, I didn't fall from a height, I was..."

"Impossible," the doctor interrupted him resolutely, "Student, Star City No. 1 Hospital will never make such a mistake, and will never mistake the cause of any patient."

Star City First Hospital? Xie Sen quickly searched in his mind, but he had no memory at all, and Star City had never heard of it.

The doctor took off the measuring instrument, looked at the measurement results, and smiled at him: "You are recovering well, and you will feel slightly dizzy in the past two days, just don't do strenuous exercise."

Xie Sen heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he was fine, and was about to ask for more information, a sudden vibration came from his left wrist, accompanied by the sound of birds chirping.

He looked at his wrist, the light blue bracelet on his wrist was glowing, and there was an icon of a text message on it.

He thought it was a patient bracelet, but it turned out to be a mobile phone bracelet, but...he had never bought it before, and he had never seen this style in advertisements.

Seeing him staring blankly, the doctor smiled: "You have been in a coma for two days, and your relatives and friends must be worried about you."

The corner of Xie Sen's mouth was pressed down, and his expression was a little stiff. After the end of the world, relatives and friends have long since disappeared.

He clicked on the SMS icon, a blue light burst out from the wristband, and a virtual screen the size of A4 paper appeared above his wrist, with a line of white words on it.

"This is a mass message. The Department of Botany graduation exam date is March 28. Students, please prepare in advance. Click on the attachment for the exam room arrangement."

Xie Sen has been stunned since he saw the virtual screen, and when he regained consciousness and read the text message, his heart beat uncontrollably faster and faster.

Something is wrong!

He looked at the doctor seriously: "Where is this?"

"The First Hospital of Star City."

"Which province is Star City in?"

The doctor was stunned, and said anxiously: "Could it be that you not only suffered a concussion but also lost your memory? Do you remember your name?"

"Xie Sen."

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief: "Just remember your own information. Star City is the most powerful city among the three main cities of Beast Star. If you forget, you can go to the optical network to check the information."

He paused as he said, "You don't need to be hospitalized now, go home and recuperate for two days." He patted Xie Sen on the shoulder, "You are still young, don't worry about it."

The corner of Xie Sen's mouth twitched, he thought clearly: "I really never thought about committing suicide."

"Yes, you haven't thought about it." The doctor said with a smile.

Can it be made more obvious

"By the way," the doctor reminded, "Your medical expenses and hospitalization expenses have been calculated. Before you leave the hospital, check the bill and pay after making sure it is correct. If you have any questions, you can contact us."

He opened his personal bracelet, checked Xie Sen's bill details, and sent it to Xie Sen after confirming that it was correct: "The extra 100 is the cost of nutritional supplements. Your physical condition is too poor. To ensure safety, we injected you with nutritional supplements." , you have to remember to use at least one a week."

Xie Sen imitated the doctor's action to open the bracelet and open the bill. He stayed for two days and spent a total of 28,800.

This is too expensive, right? He pressed the payment button, pressed his finger on the payment interface according to the prompts, and paid with his fingerprints smoothly. Then, a text message came.

He clicked: the balance is five hundred and sixty-three coins.

"Your fees have been paid, and you can leave the hospital at any time. If you have any sequelae, come for an examination as soon as possible." The doctor said.

Xie Sen nodded, and went through the discharge procedures with the help of the doctor. Twenty minutes later, he stood on the broad street with a confused face.

The street in front of him was wider than any city he had ever been to. There were all kinds of cars on the street, almost all of which he had never seen before.

Various flying tools flew around in mid-air, and there were also different birds interspersed among them. Those birds were huge, and when they passed by, Xie Sen saw people sitting on their backs.

Xie Sen pinched the back of his hand, feeling the pain, he took a deep breath, trying to calm down, but couldn't help but burst out: "Damn!"

When he was in the ward, he had faint guesses, but he felt that it was too unimaginable, and he didn't dare to think about it. However, the facts were in front of him, and he had to admit that he was probably reborn in another world.

He opened the wristband and looked at the profile. The name and photo were exactly the same as his, but the rest was different.

Xie Sen, a third-year student in the Botany Department of Star City University, is 18 years old, 1.83 meters tall, and his adoptive parents are plant researchers. He died during an interstellar investigation three years ago.

After Xie Sen finished reading the information, his eyes fell on the only blank column after the name column, contracted beast

What's the matter with the information here? There is no gender column but there is a contracted animal column, what does the contracted animal mean

He was at a loss, his stomach protested, and he was in a coma for two days. He was really hungry, so he decided to eat first, and then check the information.

Thinking of the balance text message he received earlier, he was at a loss. He walked along the street for a long time, chose a fast food restaurant with the cheapest price, and bought a box lunch with ten star coins.

The tall and strong boss enthusiastically handed him the lunch box: "The food at my house is delicious, remember to come here often."

Xie Sen reached out to take the lunch box, the boss stared at his wrist cheerfully, Xie Sen hesitated for a second, held the lunch box with one hand, and stretched out his left wrist.

The boss quickly swiped his wrist with the payment device, and a message came. Xie Sen glanced at it, and the balance was reduced by ten stars.

There are a lot of people eating at this moment, the shop is small, almost full of people, seeing one person get up after eating, Xie Sen walked over to sit down quickly, the waiter quickly cleared the table, Xie Sen was very satisfied.

Opening the lunch box, Xie Sen was stunned. This store is too honest, it is full of meat. He walked all the way to observe carefully. The prices here are similar to those in modern times, and one star coin is equivalent to one yuan.

He picked up the chopsticks and sighed secretly, it is really a loss if you can't buy ten star coins, and you can't be fooled by buying them!

He hadn't eaten meat for a long time, and the smell of meat was overwhelming. He picked up a piece and bit down, and then couldn't help frowning.

It is very fragrant, but a bit fishy. He has a strong taste. After the end of the world, he eats spicy food almost every day. Now there is no spicy taste in the meat, which is a little unaccustomed.

After experiencing the end of the world, he is not a picky person. After frowning for a while, he quickly relaxed and happily ate the meat.

However, while eating, he couldn't help but use chopsticks to pick up the remaining meat, looked at the bottom of the blank lunch box, and saw that there was only one lunch box for the diners around, he turned his head and said loudly to the boss: "Boss, my job You forgot to add rice!"

Although he hasn't eaten meat for a long time, who can bear to eat all meat for a meal

After his words fell, the bustling shop fell silent for an instant. Xie Sen noticed the gazes around him, and when he saw the big boss walking towards him with an unhappy expression, his heart shivered.

There was a bright smile on his face immediately, and the whole face was friendly: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm sorry, my voice was a little louder just now, I didn't want to make trouble, just add a bowl of rice, it's a small matter!"

"Hahaha… "

The burst of laughter suddenly exploded in the store, Xie Sen blushed a little, and quickly straightened his back, he can't be blamed for being cowardly, the boss is more than two meters tall, if there is a conflict, how can he stand up to it!

"I'm dreaming! Ten star coins still want to eat rice!"

"Boy, are you making fun of my shop?" The boss walked to Xie Sen's table and looked down at him.

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