The Interstellar’s Expert Plant Tamer

Chapter 10: Training (catch bugs)


Xie Sen asked Yang Shun for the next day's leave before leaving get off work. He was thinking about the system and decided to go home directly. While searching for the route home on his personal bracelet, he checked the supermarkets he would pass by, thinking he could save money by cooking for himself.

He's also more used to his craft.

There happened to be a convenience supermarket next to the community where he lived. He took the public shuttle and got off near the community, and walked to the supermarket according to the map instructions.

Brant Star's supermarket is very similar to modern supermarkets in structure, but the food section is very different, divided into fresh and dry goods.

The fresh food area is an open air-conditioning drawer that stands upright, and the same kind of meat is arranged vertically. There are a lot of people buying meat, after all, this is the staple food here.

Xie Sen didn't buy it directly, but walked around and got a general understanding of the price of meat here.

The five-star coin for large animal meat is one catty, and the lunch box he bought is made of this kind of meat. The ten-star coin for small animal meat is one catty, the fifteen one catty for bird meat, and the most expensive one is fish meat, twenty-one catty.

He looked at the fish drawer for a while, and finally bought three catties of large animal meat.

He felt flustered because he didn't have any money, and the part-time salary in the nursing center was settled every week, so he had to save some money.

When he got home, he made barbecue, which tasted very good, but after eating it for two days in a row, he couldn't bear it anymore.

I used to eat vegetables every day and didn't know how to cherish them, but think about it now! He couldn't help but despise himself.

Fortunately, the red pepper has been activated now. As long as he has energy, his barbecue can at least have pepper as a side dish. Not only is there an extra vegetable, but it can also be seasoned.

He tidied up the kitchen, stood in the middle of the hall, opened the system panel, and looked at the upper left corner of the chili pepper pattern for 'Battle'.

[Do you choose red pepper to play?]


Suddenly, a red pepper tree with the length of an arm appeared in front of his eyes. The main trunk was divided into three slender branches, all of which had lush slender green leaves, but no fruit.

The front branch of the red pepper was bent, and the tip touched Xie Sen's forehead lightly, and the branches and leaves trembled, as if he liked it very much.

Xie Sen pinched a leaf of it and laughed: "We will fight side by side again in the future. Let's train first to get familiar with each other."

The top of the branch nodded, Xie Sen concentrated on feeling the existence of the pepper tree, and gave an attack command in his mind: attack the wall.

He stood in the middle of the living room, facing the empty wall, which was about two meters away from him.

With an order, the trunk of the pepper tree suddenly elongated and hit the wall. With a 'click', the pepper tree broke in half, and the leaves drooped down.

Xie Sen noticed the frustration coming from the pepper tree, and quickly comforted him in his mind: "It's all right, I didn't make it clear."

The leaves of the chili tree rose up, and the two broken halves healed automatically, returning to their original appearance and floating beside Xie Sen's left shoulder.

Xie Sen didn't order again immediately, but thought in his mind, each plant has its own specific attack ability, and the system will prompt when the plant is activated.

A tip for the paprika: the level of spiciness is at your discretion.

This means that the biggest attack power of red pepper is its "spicyness", so that the rest of the branches and green leaves have no attack power. Although they can be stretched, they have no toughness and it is difficult to cause harm to others.

The instruction just now was indeed his negligence. In the end of the world, he activated two plants in total. He rarely used pepper in the later stage, so he didn't think it through for a while.

After he thought about it, he ordered again: "Get to the wall."

The red pepper swished to the wall and stopped, Xie Sen praised: "That's great, come again."

The red pepper leaves shook happily and returned to their original place.

Xie Sen looked at the red pepper with his head tilted, and then said, "A branch reached the wall."

The main body of the pepper tree did not move, but one of its branches extended and stopped in front of the wall.

Xie Sen was very satisfied, and continued to order in his mind: "Another branch jumped to the ceiling."

Pepper Tree complied, and the finish was perfect, and Shaysen brought it back to life.

He continued to train, the two branches arrived at different places at the same time, then the three branches, and then acted according to the time difference, and even practiced the flexibility of the branches to bypass multiple obstacles.

At first, the pepper tree can complete the simple instructions very well, but some complex instructions will be confused, and even the branches will be confused. Through practice, the pepper tree has been able to perfectly complete the instructions he said.

When it was almost half past eight, his body suddenly became uncontrollable, and he was shocked. Didn't he rest in the afternoon

Fortunately, there is no danger in the apartment now, and he fell into a coma not long after.

He was woken up by Adan. Before Adan could say anything, he got up from the ground and quickly asked, "I took a rest in the afternoon, why didn't I get out of control before eight hours?"

Adan was puzzled: "It shouldn't be... How long have you been resting?"

"Half an hour."

"No wonder, you rest too little. You need to rest for at least an hour during the day. You only rest for half an hour. The next time you get out of control will be four hours later."

Xie Sen patted his pants and walked to the room: "Oh, there is no way, today's situation is special, it would be great if I could get half an hour of rest time."

He looked for a change of clothes from the cabinet, looked at the time, and said in surprise: "It's only eleven o'clock, you showed up at one o'clock in the morning yesterday, didn't you show up at one o'clock today? It's only ten hours."

"Every time you activate a plant, my sleeping time will be reduced by two hours," Adan said, and suddenly said in a tone full of emotion, "Asen, you surprised me so much, your energy collection speed is much faster than before .”

Its little boy's voice coupled with this tone made Xie Sen laugh straight away. He coughed softly and said, "It's mainly because of you. I have a high affinity for animals and have helped a lot."

"I'm good, hehe." Adan said proudly.

"Super powerful!" Xie Sen praised without hesitation.

A Dan stopped laughing, and suddenly said seriously: "Keep working hard, activate the three plants as soon as possible, and then I can feel the location of the energy. The sooner you withdraw the energy, the better for your body."

Xie Sen nodded: "I know."

Being out of control is like an addiction. Although it can be solved by resting at a fixed time, but the world is impermanent, and he himself cannot guarantee that he can rest on time.

After Adan reminded him, he fell silent. Xie Sen took a shower, checked tomorrow's exam room and exam number, and went to sleep.

The next day, March 28th, was the graduation exam day for the Department of Botany.

Xie Sen got up at 6:30, washed up and went to the kitchen, fried two portions of meat, one was eaten by himself, the other was put in a bag in the lunch box, and he went out.

Maine had just finished washing when he heard a knock on the door. Surprise flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't imagine who would come to him.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a young man with a bright smile standing outside the door. The young man's black eyes were bright and clear.

"Good morning." Xie Sen twisted the food box with his left hand, and shook his right hand.