The Interstellar’s Expert Plant Tamer

Chapter 100: judgment


Meier's reaction made Hanzheng feel more and more uneasy. His face was tense and he didn't speak for a moment. Lieutenant General Qiao replied instead: "It's Lieutenant Colonel Qiao Keqiao. When the personnel from the research base escaped, he heard the other party and You made contact."

"Impossible!" Meier said decisively. When contacting the person in charge, there was absolutely no outsider. "He is lying."

He panicked, and he couldn't think of any flaws. It was impossible for Qiao Ke to hear the communication. Then, how did they know that the research base had something to do with him

Ya Ben smiled: "It's okay, your bracelet data has been recovered, and we will conduct a review soon. If you are wronged, you can sue him for defamation, and each case will be accurate."

Admiral Qiao glanced at him, and said to the chairman of the supervision committee: "The information within forty-eight hours will be played at double speed."

"No!!!" Meier yelled, completely losing the lieutenant general's composure, "Father, you can't watch!"

Hanzheng's face turned extremely ugly in an instant, and he turned off the communication. Joe and Yaben glanced at each other, and the members of the Supervision Committee remained expressionless. Everyone had one thought: don't look at it.

Meyer's reaction said it all.

Soon, the communication between Meier and the person in charge sounded on the screen behind the chairman. Due to the rapid playback, the sound was distorted, and useless information was skipped. The bracelet information was played very quickly, and the conference room was abnormally quiet.

As the spaceship exploded/exploded in the picture, the loud noise broke the calm, Hanzheng fisted, and slammed the table heavily, with his eyes closed tightly, he seemed to be ten years older in an instant.

Joe and Yaben looked at each other, they didn't expect Meier to be so bold. They wanted to investigate the research base, but they didn't expect to have other gains.

The Star Thief who hijacked the civilian spaceship before was originally arranged by Meyer. His rescue of the hostages was a self-directed and self-performed trick to improve his reputation.

No wonder no star thief was caught, and no hostage died. Due to the quick rescue, netizens did not question the fact that the star thief was not caught, but praised Meier because there were no casualties.

No one spoke in the meeting room, everyone looked at Hanzheng. Seeing his old appearance, Qiao and Yaben couldn't help but think of their own family, and vowed in their hearts that they must strictly educate the next generation.

If there are children like Meier, killing one will count as one, saving embarrassment.

Han Zheng opened his eyes, with veins on the back of his hands, and his voice was steady: "I propose to arrest Meyer Kers immediately, deprive him of his military rank, hand him over to a military court, and deal with him strictly."

When Xie Sen watched the news after taking a nap, he was amazed. He didn't expect Meyer to fall so fast. News about Meyer spread wildly on the Internet, and the military issued an announcement to disclose his criminal evidence one by one.

How badly Meier was praised not long ago, how badly he is scolded now.

Xie Sen flipped through the news, and when he saw a picture, he paused. It was a picture of Meier when he was escorted back to the main city. Seeing something, there is a small bird in the sky, because it is flying fast, there is only a phantom in the picture.

Although there is only a phantom, the white head feathers and black body can be seen, and the size can be seen clearly.

Xie Sen came out immediately, it was Tuantuan!

He looked at the comments under the picture, and many people expressed surprise.

"Wow, what kind of bird is this? It's so fierce! It hurts my face just to peck a hole."

"The speed is too fast. The escorts are all masters of the military department, and they can't even touch them."

"Uh~ Does anyone think it looks familiar?"

"I've seen it around Eagle Beast! It must be revenge for Eagle Beast!"

Xie Sen was helpless, Tuantuan often showed up in the live broadcast room, it was quite normal to be recognized, he was a little worried, wondering if something would happen.

He continued to browse, but fortunately, he didn't see any bad comments about Tuantuan. Seeing a comment mentioning Mu Lin, he clicked on the link and jumped to see Mu Lin's news.

Mu Lin's message is very simple, copy the previous message, then add the photo of Meier being pecked with blood all over his face, and add a sentence at the end, I'll just say it!

Xie Sen laughed. One of the messages copied by Mu Lin was that the contracted beast is very smart and knows who is hurting it.

He clearly pointed out that Meier had hurt the contracted beast, and now he deserved it for being pecked.

Before that, Mu Lin was still making an official speech at the research institute, scolding Meyer fancy-free without saying dirty words, severely criticizing the behavior of harming contracted beasts, and finally calling for the protection of contracted beasts.

Xie Sen turned off his wristband, got up and walked out, and bumped into Maine who was about to enter the house, Maine rubbed his sleepy hair: "I was about to wake you up, if you go back to sleep, you won't be able to sleep at night. "

Xie Sen hummed: "I just watched the news for a while." The two walked out and sat down on the sofa in the living room. Maine handed him a glass of juice. He took a sip and laughed, "I didn't expect such speed quick."

"The evidence is conclusive. When the circumstances are bad, the military has always acted quickly."

Xie Sen took two thirsty sips of fruit juice and was in a very happy mood: "Mayer has a special status. I have been worried about it before, but I don't know if it will stop. Your place is very good." He said and looked around: "By the way, have you seen it?" To Tuantuan? I just saw it on the news."

Appreciation flashed in Maine's eyes: "I've also read the news, it's doing a great job, it's gone to see the Eagle Beast."

Xie Sen finished drinking the juice: "I'll go and have a look too."

As Flying Eagle Beast said, it has a strong recovery ability, and the wounds everywhere have been scarred, but the damage to the wings is more serious, and it won't heal for a while.

It has regained a lot of energy, and its eyes are sharp and bright. When Xie Sen passed by, he heard it say in a regretful tone: "It would be great if the wings were not injured. I also want to peck a few to avenge my friends."

The corner of Xie Sen's mouth curled up. With the size of the eagle beast, it would probably die if it took a bite of Meier.

"A Sen!" Tuantuan stood on the eagle's beak, saw Xie Sen, waved his wings and happily circled around Xie Sen, "Hahaha, I pecked that bitch, isn't it great! "

Xie Sen raised his hand, Tuantuan stood on his wrist, he pinched its little wings: "It's great, but where did you learn 'bitch'?"

Tuantuan tilted his head: "That's how it's shown on TV. When humans quarrel, they always call the bad guys 'you bitch', 'you little bitch'..."

As Tuantuan said, he stretched his wings back and made a difficult gesture of akimbo: "It's very imposing, Chirp~"

Xie Sen held his forehead, stretched out his index finger and tapped on its head: "Don't watch those TV shows again."

Tuantuan stared: "It's very beautiful, and the giant tiger beasts like it very much, and they even learned to scold each other!"

Xie Sen: "..." It seems that it can't help it, otherwise this group of contracted beasts will learn how to look like!

He chatted with Tuantuan and Flying Eagle Beast for a while, then went to the dormitory again. Both Bai Jiao and Gu Luo were there, and there was also a tall and tall male whom they didn't know. The three of them were standing in front of the giant bear with long teeth, discussing something.

When Bai Jiao heard the movement, he turned his head and greeted him with a smile. When he approached, he introduced, "This is my father."

Xie Sen hurriedly said, "Hello, Uncle."

Father Bai is handsome and tall, looks very serious, but his voice is very gentle: "Hello, I have heard Ajiao praise you many times, but he rarely compliments others like that."

Xie Sen was a little cautious in front of his elders, and smiled embarrassedly.

Gu Luo said: "You came just in time, we are going to do a more detailed inspection on them, and we need your help."

Xie Sen nodded, followed Gu Luo's instructions to comfort the Dire Bear, looked at the teeth in the Dire Bear's mouth that did not belong to it, and looked at the four-faced contracted beasts beside him, and couldn't help asking: "Can they recover?" ?”

Gu Luo drew blood from the giant bear. His face was tense, and he was always paying attention to the reaction of the giant bear. He waited until the blood was drawn before exhaling and answering Xie Sen's question: "Doctor Bai said yes."

Father Bai said: "The extra organs have to be removed, the process will be very painful, their mental state is not good, in order to ensure the success rate, they must first adjust their state."

Xie Sen said: "I will try my best to take care of them."

Father Bai looked at the other contracted beasts: "After you came, they were much quieter. You are a natural tranquilizer for them. With you here, they will recover very well, and the success rate of the operation will be very high."

Xie Sen breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good to let them recover."

In order to better appease the contracted beasts in the laboratory, Xie Sen's seat was moved from the ground to the inside of the dormitory area, and the giant tiger beasts often returned to the dormitory area, playing with balls and climbing, having fun with them from time to time. The beasts chat.

The strange beasts became more and more calm, always lying in the cage and watching the giant tigers play with glowing eyes.

After dinner, Xie Sen and Maine watched the news together. Meier's disposition had been announced and he would be deprived of his military rank for life.

When Maine saw it, his voice was cold: "That's good, if it's too cheap for him to directly sentence him to death, for him, life will be even more painful."

As Main said, when Meyer got the news, he lost control of his emotions and shouted grimly: "No, I am willing to accept the death penalty! I don't want to be raped for life!"

No one would listen to him. Star Brant's death penalty was very strict and would not be judged lightly. He was quickly escorted to the temporary sex room.

Hanzheng looked old, looking tiredly at Meier who was sitting in the opposite room, Meier looked excited: "Father, save me, I don't want to go to prison for life!"

The prison where prisoners are imprisoned for life is called a lifelong prison. It is located on a small planet near Brant Star. The environment is extremely harsh, and it is full of villains full of crimes. Dissipate all hostility, like dementia.

Hanzheng had finished all his anger, and his face looked extraordinarily calm at this moment: "Why did you do this? I reminded you, don't do illegal things, and don't think about contracted beasts."

Meyer was startled, and then laughed loudly: "You ask me why? Of course I want to become stronger. Do you know that I am about to succeed? If I succeed, my Giant Lion Beast can become a Flying Lion Beast. I It is the owner of the flying lion beast!"

"Didn't you always look down on my ability? I'm going to show you, and I can do it too."

Han Zheng's jaw tightened: "I never looked down on you."

"Oh," Meyer laughed shortly, "You didn't? How could you not? After knowing that Maine is the owner of the flying lion beast, do you immediately want him to take over the Kes family?"

His tone was angry: "No matter how hard I try, even if I become a lieutenant general, I will be easily denied just because I am not an S-level beast owner. You are, as are my grandfather and great-grandfather, and everyone in the family can only see flying lions and beasts." host!"

Han Zheng closed his eyes, and his voice was full of tiredness: "No one denies you, I am disappointed in you, not because you are not an S-level beast owner, but because your private life is a mess. I didn't expect that you would be so think."

"Of course I think so!" Meier said loudly, "You are lying, you think so too, just a little bit, if I also become the owner of the flying lion beast, I can see your attitude clearly , just a little bit!"

Hanzheng took a deep breath: "What kind of attitude do you expect from me for colluding with the star thief?"

Meyer exclaimed, "I'm doing this for the Kees family..."

"Shut up!" Han Zheng got up and said every word, "You are going to destroy the Kers family, you can do it yourself."

"Father, don't go, save me, let me die!" Meier slapped the transparent window and shouted.

Han Zheng's footsteps faltered slightly, and he continued to walk out.

The next day, the news that Han Zheng voluntarily resigned from office caused a huge commotion. The Cox family's army will be in charge of Han Zheng's brother and Cuomo's grandfather. The military departments have undergone huge changes.

Hanzheng's resignation speech was short and earnest. He has made great contributions to Brant Star throughout his life, and every item of his resume is worthy of respect.

Hanzheng finally conveyed his deep self-blame to everyone, bluntly saying that he is a failed parent.

Because of Meier's accident, the Kesi family has been on the cusp of storms. After Han Zheng's resignation, the situation soon calmed down. Han Zheng is a truly capable and experienced soldier, and many people expressed their regret.

There are a lot of topics on the Internet about the importance of educating children.

Xie Sen looked at Han Zheng's resume, looked at the old Han Zheng in the video, and sighed, it's really regrettable.

Maine's expression didn't fluctuate: "He is not an innocent person. It is impossible for him to be unaware of Meier's doing these things. Meier is his son and his subordinate. If he does not resign, he will not escape the charge of ineffective supervision. "

"If you choose to step down now and divert the public's attention, the losses of the Kers family will be greatly reduced, but he is also considered powerful and willing to delegate power."

Xie Sen nodded with deep sympathy. He put his arm around Maine's shoulders, half hanging on Maine's body: "Is their current ending okay?"

Maine turned her head and kissed him on the face: "I don't care about them long ago, I only care about you, they are all self-inflicted, I didn't even take action."

Xie Sen smiled and kissed back: "That's great, I like their self-indulgence, so as not to dirty your hands."

With a smile in Maine's eyes, he stretched out his hand, pulled Xie Sen into his arms and sat on his lap, kissing him intimately.

The next day, when Xie Sen was having breakfast, he received a message from Bai Jiao. Bai Jiao's voice was excited: "A Sen, have you read the news?"

Xie Sen was a little surprised, Bai Jiao has always been quite calm, he was curious: "What happened?"

Bai Jiao said: "Professor Lu woke up. He found a lot of plant seeds in the ruins of Licheng. There are almost twenty kinds. According to Dean Ma's research, most of them are plants that do not exist now. The seeds are well preserved. It is active, and it is likely to be planted."

Xie Sen realized after hearing the following words that Bai Jiao was referring to Professor Lu as Lu Qingxing, and Bai Jiao knew that he had plants here, so he was not going to hide it.

He coughed lightly: "Well, you've actually seen all these plants before."

Bai Jiao was silent for a moment, then said with a helpless smile, "So that's how it is."

Xie Sen whispered: "Keep it secret, I just came up with this idea in order to rationalize the planting."

Bai Jiao: "Well, don't worry, I won't say it," he said with a smile, "That's a good idea. I read the news. Professor Lu's skills are very good, and the degree of old-fashionedness is completely invisible. The preservation method is very reliable."

Xie Sen didn't know that Lu Qingxing had done so much, he was very relieved: "It's still lucky to meet Professor Lu."

After hanging up the communication, Xie Sen opened his wristband to watch the news, saw the live broadcast with the name 'Professor Lu', and immediately clicked in.

During the live broadcast, Lu Qingxing's lips were slightly pale, and it was obvious that his body hadn't fully recovered. He said in a gentle voice, "I didn't know there was a research base there before. The encounter was purely accidental. The discovery of the plant seeds and the ability to escape are all thanks to my contracted beast." .”

He said sincerely: "Here, I would like to thank the host Xie Sen. If it weren't for him, I would not be able to form a bond. Without a bond, without a giant armored beast, I would not be able to find plant seeds, let alone discover a research base, and I would not be able to find a way from bad guys. hand to escape."

Xie Sen shrugged helplessly, Maine said: "He doesn't want to take credit for your work."

Xie Sen nodded, and couldn't help laughing: "Professor Lu's conduct is too good, and he's going to get involved with me too."

The live broadcast ended soon. After a while, Xie Sen received a call from Lu Qingxing. Lu Qingxing seemed a little embarrassed: "Sorry, I still don't think I can completely erase your credit. I mentioned you to the reporter just now. I hope it won't bring you any trouble." bothered."

Xie Sen smiled and said, "I just watched the live broadcast, it's fine, I've got a lot of news recently, don't worry."

The flying eagle beast was injured, and all the strange beasts were transported to him. They went to peck at Meier. He was mentioned in the daily news, but he didn't go out, so it didn't have any influence.

Lu Qingxing heaved a sigh of relief: "That's good, can I show Ajia to see the Flying Eagle Beast? Thanks to its help, otherwise Ajia and I might have an accident."

"Of course, thank you this time. I'm really sorry that I surprised and hurt you." Xie Sen didn't expect the development of the matter at all, and thought it would be smooth.

Lu Qingxing: "You're welcome, no one would have thought of this, and I'm very lucky, otherwise I don't know how many contracted beasts will be studied!"

Xie Sen couldn't help sending out a good person card: "You are such a good person."

Just after hanging up the communication, Maine's voice came from next to his ears: "You admire him very much?"

The hot air spread to the pinnae of the ears, itching, Xie Sen shrank his neck, Maine continued to get closer, Xie Sen held his face in a funny way: "This is also worthy of jealousy," and kissed him on the lips, "I just love you!" you."

Maine held the back of his neck to prevent him from moving away, deepening the kiss.

In the afternoon, the dormitory area was extremely lively, because the dust of the incident had settled, and the physical condition of the eagle beast had stabilized again. The owners of the contracted beasts brought the contracted beasts to visit the injured partners.

Lu Qingxing was the first to come, and accompanied the giant armored beast to visit the Flying Eagle Beast, and then looked at the new alien beasts.

After a while Huo Feng also came, Xie Sen looked at the giant wolf beast running towards him from Huo Feng's side, his eyes glowed.

The eyes of the giant wolf beast Jasper sparkle under the sunlight, and its snow-white fur is fluffy and smooth, and the white fur flies naturally while running, which is really beautiful.

"A Sen!" The giant wolf jumped in front of Xie Sen, lying on the ground with its big head tilted, its pointed ears shaking towards Xie Sen.

Xie Sen rubbed its ears, then rubbed its paws: "Xueyue, you seem to have become more beautiful." He couldn't help feeling a little guilty, and looked at the cheering giant tigers. To them, he Is it too rough

Xueyue raised her paw happily, and flicked her big tail left and right. Huo Feng who came over casually grabbed and pinched her.

"A Sen really has vision, I also think it is so beautiful, and A Sen's affinity has also become stronger, so comfortable."

Xie Sen suppressed a smile, the giant wolf beast is definitely the most beautiful among all the contracted beasts, but it is indeed the most capitalized.

After a while, Yan Qi came in with the Flying Rhino Beast, Zhao Hao brought the Giant Rhino Beast in, Xie Sen touched the horns of the two rhinos, a dragon roar came from above, Long Teng jumped down with Bai Jiao in his arms, hahaha Laughing: "Wow, it's really lively."

Xie Sen was puzzled: "How do you know?"

Long Teng said: "I saw the live broadcast!"

Xie Sen was taken aback: "The live broadcast is on?"

Black Panther came over: "We discussed in the morning that the treatment of the eagle beast and the treatment of the newcomers will cost a lot of money, and the food will also cost money, so we decided to start a live broadcast to make money."

Juhu Beast added: "The new partners said that when they recover, they will come to perform shows to make money."

The contracted beast owners couldn't help laughing when they heard the translation of their own contracted beasts. Xie Sen was embarrassed: "I didn't tell them that I was short of money!"

The audience in the live broadcast room expressed their happiness.

"Ah, I finally saw the giant wolf again, Yangou's Spring!"

"I'm so happy! There are so many contracted beasts, and the beast owners are so handsome, licking the screen!"

After Xie Sen finished speaking, he received another communication from Jie. He opened the door by remote control. After a while, Jie walked in with Jin Yao. Jin Yao ran up to him and raised his paw. Follow the rest of the contract beasts.

Xie Sen smiled, and called the Giant Lion Beast to take Jin Yao to meet new friends.

Jin Yao and Giant Lion Beast were two of the same species, and they played together very quickly. Seeing their new partner, the contracted beasts were very excited and asked questions around Jin Yao.

Jie laughed and said, "It's really lively here. I just watched the live broadcast, and Jin Yao's paws were all on the screen, so I brought him here."

Xie Sen asked, "How is it doing now?" Jin Yao wasn't affected by the energy, but he was bitten by the bond, and his mental injuries were even worse than the other contracted beasts.

Jie's expression was relaxed: "It's recovering very well, it's less manic now," he looked at Jin Yao, "It seems to be in better condition with you, with so many strangers around, it's still very calm."

Xie Sen smiled, knowing in his heart that it had something to do with his increased affinity.

After the contracted beasts visited the Flying Eagle, they played around. The black panther took the contracted beasts who had never lived in the new dormitory to climb in the dormitory area. The giant tigers played with big balls like acrobatics. The giant bear The beast turned on the music and danced very high.

After playing until it was almost dark, the contracted beasts reluctantly followed the beast owner to bid farewell to Xie Sen.

Flying Eagle lay on the ground and yelled: "Don't come to see me, bastard! You are having so much fun, have you ever thought about the feelings of the injured!"

Seeing that it was full of energy, the contracted beasts left with peace of mind, and said, "We will come to see you tomorrow."