The Interstellar’s Expert Plant Tamer

Chapter 104: exposure


Xie Sen couldn't help but sigh, netizens are processing the video too fast!

Maine opened the door, and the four of them entered the living room. Xie Sen sat on the sofa, and Maine patted him on the shoulder: "I'll cook."

Xie Sen nodded, thinking about the unprocessed Chinese cabbage, he called out the Chinese cabbage. The Chinese cabbage is still flat, but much smaller than when it was in the mall. The white leaves have many holes blackened by the residue of the drone, which looks miserable.

He pulled the trash can, took a leaf of Chinese cabbage, shook it with his hands, and shook the residue into the trash can.

Long Teng reached out his hand curiously: "I'll help you."

Xie Sen let go, Long Teng shook the leaf violently, with a click, the leaf broke, and the Chinese cabbage fell, Long Teng quickly reached out to grab it: "Ah, it's broken, I didn't use any strength!"

Xie Sen got it back in his hand: "It's okay, the cabbage is very crisp, and the outer leaves are scalded a lot."

He held the root of the cabbage with his hands, held the center of the bottom, and pulled out the leaves from the middle. Pulled out the bad leaves and threw them into the trash can. After pulling out two layers, he saw the broken residue on the third layer.

Long Teng didn't mind if his hands got dirty, so he grabbed some into his hand, poked it carefully, pinched a piece of white residue the size of a finger, and happily said: "Squash seeds!" He said and put it in his mouth.

Bai Jiao grabbed his hand in time: "Don't eat it, it's not clean, throw it away."

Long Teng stared at it regretfully for a while, then threw it into the trash can: "It's such a pity for such a big melon seed."

Xie Sen also felt that it was a pity, if there was no bomb/bomb, the melon seeds could still be picked up and eaten without being bombed, but now they are mixed in the residue and cannot be eaten.

He pulled out the leaves of the third layer and threw them into the trash can. Many of the leaves in the lower layers were good. He ordered the Chinese cabbage to shrink and separate the Chinese cabbage from the roots. He pulled out the good leaves and put them on the tea table for storage. stir fry.

Bai Jiao said: "It's really Chinese cabbage!"

Xie Sen smiled: "That's right, it got a lot bigger before, but now it's normal size."

Although there are more leaves of large cabbage, many dishes can be fried, but the taste will become very bland, which he doesn't like very much.

Long Teng squatted next to the trash can, his eyes full of curiosity: "Can it be made bigger or smaller like a potato? It's so handsome!"

Xie Sen nodded, and Long Teng looked at the sunflower on his left shoulder: "Xiaokui is also super powerful, her reaction is too fast, I didn't even realize it when I was watching the live broadcast!" He nodded the sunflower's heart, "Can you give me some melon seeds ?"

Xiaokui twisted the branch to make it bigger, and spat out a handful of melon seeds into Long Teng's hand, then pointed the flower plate at Xie Sen.

Xie Sen smiled and said, "I don't want to eat it." Xiaokui tapped the flowers, retracted to the size of a finger and continued to stand.

Long Teng was very happy: "Thank you, Xiaokui." He sat back on the sofa, held the melon seeds in his palm and stretched them out in front of Bai Jiao, "Eat."

Bai Jiao didn't delay, and ate melon seeds with him. Xie Sen said with a smile: "The melon seeds taste better when fried. I stock up some melon seeds. When I have a lot of them, I will try to fry them once."

Long Teng's eyes lit up: "I want to eat."

After Xie Sen finished handling the cabbage, he patted the scum on his hands: "It's yours." He went to wash his hands, and when he returned to the living room, Maine had already taken the cabbage to the kitchen.

Bai Jiao said: "The video is very popular on the Internet, and you can watch it carefully at a slow speed. Many people will definitely recognize it."

Xie Sen leaned on the back of the sofa, opened the wristband and searched for his name, and sure enough, he found a bunch of news about today's activities. At the top was a hot post, talking about what suddenly appeared.

Xie Sen was helpless, he was not planning to expose other plants in front of the audience, but the situation was urgent, he hardly thought about it at the time, and subconsciously summoned Chinese cabbage.

Of course, he would still do this after thinking about it. There were too many people at the scene. If the debris fell and burned people, it would definitely cause panic. Too many people would easily cause a stampede, which is very dangerous.

He held his chin for a while and looked at the three of them: "Didn't it be announced to the public before that my pepper is a kind of mimic plant, and in this situation, is it credible to say that Chinese cabbage is another kind of mimicry? "

Long Teng blinked: "Isn't that so?"

Xie Sen really hopes that everyone thinks the same as Long Teng.

Bai Jiao glanced at Long Teng with a smile, and shook his head: "The credibility is not high. Some people suspected it when you attacked with potatoes before. Mimicry is a change in the basic form. Pepper mimics potatoes, and the round and discoloration can barely be explained. It becomes a Chinese cabbage, with layers of leaves, the difference is too great."

Xie Sen was helpless, he also felt that this excuse was useless, but, his original two contract plants caused a sensation, if people knew that he was far more than two plants, he could not imagine what kind of consequences it would cause.

Just as he was thinking, Long Teng suddenly jumped up from the sofa: "What do you mean just now? It's not a mimic plant, then..." He looked at Xie Sen with glowing eyes, "Isn't the food you usually eat transformed from chili peppers? "

"Ah, that's so cool, Asen, how many contracted plants do you have?"

In fact, there is only one kind!

Xie Sen sighed: "Not necessarily, the variety will increase."

"A Sen, you are too powerful!" Long Teng yelled, grabbing Bai Jiao's arm, "A Jiao, why are you not surprised at all..." He paused, his cheeks puffed up angrily, and he stared with a sad expression on his face. Appearance: "Did you all know about it a long time ago, but didn't tell me?"

He originally had a baby face, and the puffed cheeks looked cute and joyful, but seeing his expression, both of them held back their smiles.

Bai Jiao was very helpless, and Xie Sen was the same. Xie Sen felt that it was better for him to explain this, and said, "I didn't tell Ajiao, Ajiao guessed it by myself. In front of you, I didn't hide it, but it's hard to explain. I don't know why it happened."

It is indeed too unexpected that he has a system, and there is no way to explain it.

Long Teng's sad look was instantly replaced by a bright smile, revealing a mouthful of white teeth: "Hahaha, enough friends, as long as you don't hide it from me alone."

Both Xie Sen and Bai Jiao laughed.

Xie Sen thought to himself, if he didn't know that Long Teng was an idiot, with such a speed of changing his face, he would definitely think that Long Teng was an actor, and wanted to suggest Long Teng to act.

After laughing, Long Teng asked puzzledly: "A Sen, you are so powerful, why did you hide it? If I have a lot of contract beasts, I will definitely tell others right away, it's so cool!"

Xie Sen: "Different from others, I am afraid of being caught for experimentation." He lamented, "What should I do? Now that people know about it, will someone come and catch me? Should I run away?"

Bai Jiao was surprised: "Why do you think so? I thought... I thought you didn't want to show off, for fear that being famous would be too troublesome."

Xie Sen: "There is also this reason, but after the live broadcast room becomes popular, I don't think about being famous, I am afraid of being studied."

Bai Jiao said: "Why are you afraid of research, why don't you dare to draw blood?"

Xie Sen shook his head, thinking of the movies he had watched, and trembled: "I'm not afraid of drawing blood, but I'm afraid of cruel research methods such as slicing, dissecting, and stimulating the brain."

Bai Jiao was stunned, and said in surprise: "Why do you think so? This type of intelligent body research is a major illegal act and is prohibited. Except for criminals, no one will do that."

Xie Sen whispered: "Maybe there is a secret research that has not been made public."

Bai Jiao sighed: "No, plants are precious resources that all planets urgently need. If your situation is exposed, Brant Star will treat you as a treasure and protect you, and will never let anyone hurt you."

Xie Sen: "Really? You really won't treat me as a guinea pig?"

Bai Jiao nodded affirmatively: "Of course not," he chuckled, "Actually, I'm not sure that those plants are your contract plants, but I just have such a guess, but I don't dare to think about it, even if it's just a guess, I Also thinking, you must not have an accident—you are hope."

Bai Jiao spoke the last four words very slowly, each word with a heavy tone, if it wasn't for this, Xie Sen would definitely not be able to help complaining, it's too mediocre.

Xie Sen waved his hand in surprise: "Don't say that, I'm just an ordinary person."

Just as he was talking, Xie Sen's bracelet rang, and when he connected, the excited voices of the horses came: "A Sen, is it true? Are you more than two contracted plants?"

Xie Sen hesitated, and Bai Jiao's words reassured him a lot. If his personal safety is not affected after the disclosure, he is also looking forward to it. In that case, he no longer has to hide, eat whatever he wants, and grow whatever he wants.

He couldn't say anything about the system. After thinking about it, he admitted: "Yes."

The horses were silent for a while, then suddenly raised their voices: "Great, really great!" He took a deep breath, "If you don't tell me, do you not trust me?"

Xie Sen: "... It's not that I don't trust you, I'm just afraid of being caught, so I'll be used for research."

Ma Qun was surprised: "Why do you think so? Who frightened you like that? Does someone not want you to tell others? Who is it? I suspect that person has a conspiracy!"

"Myself." Ma Qun's attitude made Xie Sen feel more at ease.

Ma Qun choked for a moment, and sincerely persuaded: "You young people, don't just think about it all the time, the nonsense will become real after you think about it."

Xie Sen coughed dryly: "Oh."

Ma Qun tentatively asked: "How many plants do you have now? Are there any fruits? Can you provide some to the researchers? Or sign the contract as you asked before."

Xie Sen: "There are quite a few more. I'll sort them out and send them to you. Some of the research institutes already have them, including all the plants discovered by Professor Lu."

Xie Sen curled his lips, if he had known this would happen, he would not have troubled Lu Qingxing and put him in danger. But after thinking about it, if this hadn't happened, the research base would not have been discovered. After a few years, the number of alien beasts would increase, and they might attack Star City by themselves.

Ma Qun: "You child, hey, you are really a good boy. Even if you are afraid, you still have to find a way to send the plants to the research institute. Thank you for your hard work."

Xie Sen: I don't have such lofty ideas, I just want to eat it openly!

Ma Qun didn't know Xie Sen's actual thoughts, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Xie Sen was a noble character, and he felt that he was a mess, and praised Xie Sen.

Xie Sen was fidgeting when he heard it, and was inexplicably embarrassed. He had to interrupt his praise, saying that the seeds would be sent when they were ready, and then hung up the communication.

Long Teng laughed and patted him on the shoulder: "Praise you, what are you afraid of?"

Xie Sen clapped his hands: "The tall hat is terrible, you don't know it, I just eat it."

Bai Jiao smiled: "It doesn't matter what the reason is, your act of providing seeds deserves any praise."

Just then, Xie Sen's communication rang again, this time it was Mu Lin's: "A Sen, you kid has been lying to me, how many contract plants do you have?"

Xie Sen rubbed his ears, explained his concerns, and said, "Principal Mu, I have always cooperated."

Mu Lin: "Can your brain be bigger? No wonder you have been refusing to come to the Contracted Beast Academy to work. It turns out that you are afraid that I will dissect you. If you are not a female, I will beat you up. You are slander!"

Xie Sen: "I don't go to work because I'm not suitable. I don't doubt you, otherwise I won't agree to cooperate with you. Am I afraid of some mad scientists?"

Mu Lin: "Bullshit, I'll kill one of them! Hiss..." Xie Sen faintly heard Gu Luo's voice, and Mu Lin said quickly, "Please be civilized, don't swear."

Mu Lin continued: "I have to give you a comprehensive inspection again. It's amazing. I have studied the bond for so many years, and the bond is one-to-one and mutual loyalty. Even in historical materials, there is no one-to-many situation."

Xie Sen refused without thinking: "The usual inspection is very comprehensive, and blood drawing is my bottom line."

Mu Lin smiled and said, "What are you thinking? Blood drawing is enough, do you still want to be dissected?"

The corner of Xie Sen's mouth twitched: "I didn't think about it! I just had my blood drawn not long ago, and my body hasn't changed, so I don't need to check again for now... How are you going to respond to the public's doubts?"

The Contracted Beast Research Institute is an authority on contract formation, and the public has been discussing it, and the research institute must give an explanation in the end.

Mu Lin said: "Diversity of species."

Xie Sen was silent for a moment, and praised loudly: "Good reason."

Mu Lin: "If you are afraid, Gu Luo and I will go to your house to check on you. Don't worry, we will definitely not hurt you."

Seeing his insistence, Xie Sen thought about the situation of Gu Luo's inspection last time, and agreed.

As soon as he hung up the communication, Long Teng looked at him with bright eyes: "A Sen, can I still have boiled fish for lunch? Is there any watermelon?"

Xie Sen looked at the time, it was past twelve o'clock, he was a bit hungry, there was still plenty of ginger and garlic, and there was also plenty of fish yesterday, he nodded: "Yes, I will do it."

Maine didn't let him do it, and let him go to rest. When he returned to the living room, the bracelet rang, which was the doorbell of the main door.

Xie Sen tapped the bracelet with his finger, and a virtual screen spread out above his wrist. The screen showed the scene at the gate. There were five people standing at the gate, all of them were tall males, dressed in military uniforms.

The person at the front crossed his arms, looked up at the wall, and looked at the giant python sticking out his head. Xie Sen connected the voice at the door and was surprised: "Young Master Qi, why are you here?"

Qi Shao still looked at the giant python, with interest in his eyes: "You have a special status, and the military department issued an order. From now on, your safety will be protected by the special forces."

Xie Sen subconsciously wanted to refuse: "No need, I'm quite safe at home."

Qi Shao: "No, plants are precious resources. After the news spreads, the rest of the planets will definitely attack you. The military department has strictly ordered that your security level is the highest, and you must be protected by someone nearby."

Xie Sen frowned: "In disguise?"

Qi Shao: "You misunderstood, we will not restrict any of your activities, of course, if you are really disgusted, I will not arrange people to be by your side when you live in the residence, but the security factor of your current residence is too low, my people have to Put on some protective equipment yourself."

Xie Sen thought for a while, and opened the door: "I don't need anyone around me, as long as the house has a higher safety factor, you come in and go straight ahead, don't go to the big house on the left, and don't do anything to the contracted beast."

Qi Shao nodded: "Okay."

After entering the door, the contracted beasts playing outside looked at the visitor curiously, Qi Shao raised his eyebrows, and walked forward without saying anything.

The eyes of his four subordinates were shining, and they said excitedly with a suppressed voice: "It's so handsome!"

"Yeah, look at this body shape, this muscle, the heartbeat!"

"I'll go, what a big crab, if this is steamed, it will be delicious!"

As soon as the words fell, the giant python that had been swimming behind them hissed, and swept the calf of the blond soldier who spoke with its tail. It was very fast, and the blond soldier yelled loudly, swayed his body, turned over and stood firm with his strength.

Several roars of contracted beasts rang out one after another, and after the roars, they ran towards Qi Shao and the other five. The big crab held two big pincers and ran across them. silver light.

"Shut up, talk nonsense!" Qi Shao roared.

"What should I do?" one person said in a tense voice.

A giant tiger, a giant python, two giant leopards, and a big crab surrounded the five of them, and the flying dragon flew into the sky, suppressing them in the air. The giant python kept sweeping the blond soldier who was hungry for big crabs with its tail. The blond soldier had good skills, but he was very embarrassed by jumping around.

He yelled with a pale face: "Young Master Qi, save me!"

As soon as the other soldiers moved, they were scolded by Shao Qi: "Don't move, didn't you see them all doing it?"

After Xie Sen opened the door, he didn't turn off the surveillance camera. He didn't hear what Qi Shao's subordinates said. Seeing the giant python move, he hurried out. Long Teng said excitedly: "Are they here to cause trouble?"

As long as they are looking for trouble and can fight, no matter what their status is, it is something to be happy when they come to Longteng.

Xie Sen: "No, don't do anything, they are sent by the military."

When he got close, Xie Sen could clearly hear what the giant python was saying. Every time it attacked the blond soldier, it would say, 'Is it delicious? Are you happy? '

Hei Bao stood aside and said: "Ah Mang scares him, don't do anything else, the door was opened by A Sen, and he is a guest of A Sen."

"A Sen." Seeing A Sen approaching, the giant python shouted, and swept the embarrassed soldier towards Xie Sen.

Xie Sen looked at the soldier who fell in front of him, thinking about the words of the giant python, and looked at him speechlessly: "You are out of your mind, do you stare at the giant python and say you want to eat snake soup?"

The blond soldier grinned and got up: "No..."

Young Master Qi raised his eyebrows, glanced at the giant python, then at Xie Sen, pointing at the big crab: "He said to eat it, it's a big one and it's great."

'Kacha' The big crab's big pliers snapped together, making the sound of sharp tools rubbing against each other.

The blond soldier shrank his neck subconsciously.

Xie Sen asked him, "Do you still want to eat?"

"No, I don't want to!" The blond soldier wanted to cry, wanting to strangle himself a few minutes ago.

Xie Sen walked up to the big crab and touched its hard pincer shell: "It's okay, they're talking nonsense, they won't eat you."

"Heh, you want to eat me, I'll pinch him to death, if it wasn't for fear of hitting too hard, I would have done it just now." The big crab said slowly.

Xie Sen smiled: "You're so smart, your pliers are too sharp, you can't just shoot casually."

After appeasing the big crab, he waved his hand at the contracted beasts: "Go and play, they're just joking."

After the contracted beasts dispersed, Qi Shao's subordinates stopped being stiff and became excited again. Following Xie Sen's apartment, the four kept encouraging each other with their eyes, and talked to Xie Sen.

Seeing their small movements, Young Master Qi clicked his tongue, and looked at Xie Sen probingly: "Can you understand what they are saying?"

The matter of the plants has been exposed, there is already one explosion/explosion, he doesn't care about the other, anyway, many viewers have doubts: "Yes, they can understand you, so don't make wrong ideas. "

The blond soldier mourned: "I just said it casually, but I didn't want to eat it."

Long Teng laughed and patted him on the shoulder: "Hahaha, I really wanted to eat it the first time I saw it, and it's okay to want to eat it."

The soldier looked at him with anticipation in his eyes: "Did you get hit by it?"

"No!" Long Teng smiled exceptionally brightly, showing his white teeth.

The soldiers felt that they were treated differently, which made them uncomfortable.

As soon as he arrived at the apartment, he was greeted by a strong aroma of vegetables, among which the spiciness was the most obvious, and it was so attractive that even Qi Shao's face became brighter. Long Teng let out a cry of excitement, and quickly ran in.

Maine walked to the door and saw Qi Shao and the others frowned: "What's going on?"

Xie Sen explained to him, and Main looked at Qi Shao: "It is forbidden to install any monitoring and listening equipment inside the fence."

"Of course, your privacy will not be involved. If necessary, the right to monitor and control will be placed in your hands."

Maine grabbed Xie Sen's hand: "Go eat, are you already hungry?"

Xie Sen looked at Qi Shao, he was someone he knew. When it was time for dinner, he subconsciously asked, "Have you had lunch?"

Qi Shao laughed: "I didn't eat, they all ate." He turned around and ordered, "Go to work."

The faces of the four subordinates twisted for a moment, and they spread out around the apartment to install various security equipment.

Qi Shao asked with a smile: "Mind if I have a meal?"

Maine glanced at him: "Come in."

"I'll go, Qi Shao's thick skin is really unmatched, among the five of us, he is the only one who ate two portions of meat at noon!"

"I'm obviously full, but I can't stand the smell and want to eat."

"Oh, I'm already distracted by the scent, and I don't have the mind to do anything at all."

"Hurry up, wait for Young Master Qi to finish eating and see that our hands and feet are slow. Believe it or not, we don't even have barbecue at night."

The four people outside the house were swallowing while doing things, and the five people inside the house were blushing. Qi Shao and Long Teng picked up vegetables very quickly, and they also preferred boiled fish. The two couldn't help but admire: "It's delicious!"

Qi Shao ate to his heart's content. After eating, he led his staff to install the equipment quickly, and explained the use to Maine and Xie Sen. After the explanation, he took people to the courtyard wall neatly and added defenses to the courtyard wall.

In the afternoon, Lu Qingxing came to the apartment, his expression was full of joy: "So those plants are your contract plants, I want to explain the situation to Dean Ma."

Xie Sen said: "I have already told him. I didn't want to say it because I had concerns. Now it seems that I think too much." He smiled, "I don't need to trouble you in the future, thank you for your hard work, you deal with those seeds It took a lot of time, didn't it?"

Lu Qingxing smiled and said, "Fortunately, if you need help in the future, you can always ask me for help."

At night, when Xie Sen was watching the news, he unexpectedly found that there were fewer discussions about him. Maine said: "It should be for your safety, the military has controlled it."

The next day, when Xie Sen woke up, he checked his energy habitually. When he saw that his energy had increased by more than 10,000, and it was still increasing rapidly, he was shocked.

He quickly got up and opened the wristband. The headline of the news was the official announcement of the Institute of Botany. He clicked on it. The announcement was like a small essay, announcing the source of the plants discovered by Lu Qingxing and explaining the reasons at the same time.

The reason is that Ma Qun's words that touched him made Xie Sen's words particularly great.

There are a lot of comments, all of which are praising Xie Sen, and there are also many comments about the imagination and excitement of plants.

Xie Sen was a little guilty, but seeing the rapidly rising energy, he couldn't help laughing.

Where is this energy, this is food!