The Interstellar’s Expert Plant Tamer

Chapter 86: sea monster


"Wait," as soon as Lanny finished speaking, Xie Sen hurriedly asked Simai, "Where is the blue whale now?"

Simi didn't answer, but looked at Lanny.

Lanny nodded, and Simai finally replied: "The blue whale is currently 260 kilometers west of Youhai Building. At its speed, it will meet tourists in less than ten minutes."

Xie Sen frowned. It was so far away that he couldn't catch up at once.

The IQ of the blue whale and the few with it are very high. Not long ago, the blue whale promised him that he would take good care of the contracted beast, hide there so that no one would find it, and would not come out for no reason.

Come out now, there must be something, and it is very likely that he is looking for him.

After thinking quickly, Xie Sen continued to ask, "Is anyone around there?"

Simai nodded with a serious expression: "Yes, level one alert, you can stop it at any time."

"The blue whale is our good friend, you can't hurt it!" Long Teng said loudly.

Lenny narrowed his eyes slightly: "Friend?"

Xie Sen said: "Yes, don't let people attack it. The blue whale is huge. If there is a conflict, it will inevitably cause casualties. Believe me, it will not attack people."

"Even if it doesn't take the initiative to attack people, if it appears in front of tourists, it will cause panic, and panic may cause disaster." Lanny said solemnly.

Xie Sen thought for a while: "I have a way, maybe it can make it stop moving forward without using force."

Lenny said, "Tell me about it."

Xie Sen: "I need the blue whale to hear me. Your people should be able to do this, right? It would be even better if I could capture the blue whale in real time and let me observe the blue whale's reaction."

Lenny glanced at Simi.

Simi's serious face was distorted because of his anger. He glared at Xie Sen and said, "Are you kidding? The blue whale is so big. If you want it to hear you, you need to get very close to it. It's too dangerous." .”

Xie Sen knew that the size of the blue whale was very intimidating, so he could only say in a sincere tone: "Believe me, it will not actively attack humans. Of course, if you are worried, you can think of a way - such as using a rope to tie the communication hang it from the aircraft, and hang it next to the head of the blue whale?"

Laney tapped his chin to Simi: "Do as he says."

Simi contacted relevant personnel and asked them to prepare according to what Xie Sen said.

The members of the Blue Star Security Department who received his news were all stunned. Is Xi Mai's mind broken? Do you want to tell the blue whale not to move forward

Of course, no one dared to say this kind of thought, and silently obeyed the order.

Two minutes later, Simi transferred the communication and real-time video to Lanny: "It's ready."

Laney zoomed out on the screen so that everyone present could see the blue whale's reaction clearly, and at the same time turned on the voice, so that anyone present would speak through the communicator hanging near the blue whale's head.

Lenny raised his eyebrows, showing a half-smile smile.

Xie Sen gave a dry cough, and the little silver and the two contracted beasts on the back of the blue whale were really slapped.

He looked at the video, and the blue whale was swimming forward quickly. The aircraft was above its head, barely maintaining a synchronized speed, so that the communicator could always be located next to the blue whale's head.

Xie Sen said directly: "Big Tail, I'm Asen, can you hear me?"

The blue whale didn't move, the big crab on its head was closer to the communicator, its two eyes turned quickly, staring straight at the communicator, and knocked on the blue whale's forehead with the crab claws.

The blue whale stopped swimming, and the sea gradually returned to calm. It opened its mouth and tilted its head slightly.

"Oh my god, it really stopped!"

"Fake it? It must be a coincidence." The security personnel on the aircraft were shocked.

Lenny and Simi also had shock in their eyes. Lenny narrowed his eyes and carefully watched the reaction of the blue whale in the video.

Seeing the blue whale stop, Xie Sen heaved a sigh of relief. If he couldn't make it stop, Lenny would definitely take other measures, most likely a means of profiteering.

He continued: "You came out suddenly, is there something wrong?"

The blue whale's tail shook from side to side, and a burst of spray was immediately stirred up. The people in the aircraft were startled and became alert. The pilot puts his hands on the console, and if the blue whale makes an attack, he can immediately leave the aircraft.

After the blue whale swung its tail, it stopped moving, quietly floating on the surface of the water, and the big crab kept waving its claws up and down.

Xie Sen asked again: "Did you come to look for me? If yes, wag your tail."

The blue whale's tail shook again, and the big crab was still waving its claws up and down.

Xie Sen immediately made a decision: "Swim back a bit, there will be tourists ahead, it may be dangerous, I'll go find you."

The blue whale opened its mouth and turned around to swim back.

Xie Sen stood up: "Let's talk about the transaction afterward, I have to go there."

Lenny looked at him: "Can you communicate with them?"

Xie Sen said: "It should be said that they can understand human beings, and they have high IQs just like contracted beasts."

Lanny raised his eyebrows: "I have been on Bruce Star for so many years, and I have never found that blue whales can understand human speech."

Xie Sen thought to himself, it was because he was not affected by the energy, he was startled when he thought of this. energy!

They stayed at the edge of the dead water before, where the energy was less, and the energy further away was denser, and that farther away was the dead sea.

A bad premonition arose in his heart. The danger in the sea of death stemmed from the fact that there were many large sea monsters in that sea area. What would happen to these sea monsters under the influence of energy

He looked at Simi: "You said before that the sea monsters in the Dead Sea moved out?"

Simai's face was tense: "Yes."

Lan Ni frowned and said, "This is very unusual. The water quality and magnetic field in the Dead Sea are different from the safe zone. It is suitable for sea monsters to live in. Sea monsters never cross the border."

Xie Sen thought about it, and decided to go to the blue whale to ask about the situation. Since it came to him, it must have found something wrong.

Xie Sen bid farewell to Lanny, and Lanny knew the seriousness of the matter and did not stop him.

The four of them sat on the backs of the Flying Dragon and the Flying Lion, and hurried to the location of the blue whale. Lenny asked the people from the security department to stay there, and he sat on the sofa to observe the situation.

"Closely monitor the Dead Sea." He said to Simai, who immediately agreed.

When Xie Sen and the blue whale met, it was already more than an hour later, the flying lion flew to the side of the blue whale's head, and Xie Sen reached out to touch the smooth side of the blue whale's head: "What happened?"

The voice of the blue whale immediately sounded in Xie Sen's mind: "It's so scary, the sea monsters have come out of the Dead Sea! We met them, they are very unreasonable, they keep watching your friend drooling! It's not safe there, I came out to find you."

Xie Sen thought about his previous guess and asked, "Can you communicate with the sea monster?"

"Yes," the blue whale said in surprise, "It was obviously not possible before, hum, they don't believe that I can communicate with you, they bully me and say I'm lying!"

Suddenly, the vision in front of him became much brighter. Xie Sen turned his head and saw Xiaoyin opened the shell. He reached out to touch it: "Is that so?"

Xiaoyin said: "They came out for energy, they said that energy has moved outward."

Xie Sen was taken aback, energy can still move? He asked Adam in his mind.

Adan thought for a moment: "I see! The reef is the edge of the sea, and the energy is the least. You touched the water twice, causing the energy to flow, and the energy surged towards you. After the energy in the farthest water moved forward, then There is no energy in the water."

Xie Sen thought for a while: "You mean, the distribution of energy has moved forward as a whole?"

Adan affirmed: "No, it's not that the overall distribution has moved forward, it should be said that it has been compressed forward. Because the energy is scattered too widely, it is different from the previous energy recovery. This time the absorption speed is very slow, and you touch the water for too long. Short, only a little water energy is withdrawn, which is equivalent to reducing the range of energy forward.”

Xie Sen understood: "In other words, the energy is more dense?"

Adan said: "Yes, Asen is really smart! The denser the energy, the stronger the attraction to creatures. It is probably because of this reason that they move outward."

Xie Sen worried: "The sea monsters in the Dead Sea are already very powerful. Under the influence of water energy, they will definitely become stronger, and they may threaten the safety of the Blue Stars."

Adan said: "Yes, and now that the energy has become denser, the influence will be strengthened, and the ability will be strengthened, and it will also affect the spirit and emotion. They are likely to become manic at that time."

Those sea monsters can bully the little blue whale, and Xie Sen couldn't help being frightened just thinking about it. If these big things are really crazy, it will definitely be a catastrophe for Blue Star, which has more than 90% of the water area. .

Xie Sen said: "It seems that the energy of the water must be recovered as soon as possible, but," he said with a bitter face, "when I touch the water, I set off a wave wall. If I stop slowly, I will be crushed to death by the water."

A Dan said: "There must be a way, let's think together!"

Xie Sen hummed, and conveyed the current situation to Maine, Long Teng, and Bai Jiao: "Let's think about it together. Energy is in the water. Once touched, it will affect the sea water where the energy is. How can we recover it smoothly?"

The four bowed their heads in thought.

After a while, Maine said: "The reason why the wave wall appears is that the energy in the distance is strong, and the moving speed is faster than the nearby squeeze. If you stand at the position with the strongest energy, the energy in the distance is less, and the speed is faster than The closer you are, the less squeezed you will be."

Xie Sen was thinking carefully in his mind, his eyes lit up, and he turned to look at Maine: "You're so smart!"

Bai Jiao also smiled and said, "It feels feasible."

A Dan said: "A Sen, go and try!"

Maine put his arms around Xie Sen: "This is just a theory, so be careful, I'll be with you."

Long Teng immediately said: "I want to go together too! It feels amazing."

Bai Jiao said, "I'm curious too."

Xie Sen thought about the waves that had been stirred up before, looked at the contracted beast on the blue whale's back, and reached out to touch the blue whale: "You wait here, let's go to the dead sea."

"I'll go with you!" Blue Whale said immediately.

"There may be danger, and it will be safer here." Xie Sen said, if the energy can be recovered smoothly, then there is no problem at all. If not, if another big wave is caused, the creatures on the back of the blue whale will be impacted.

Blue Whale: "Then I'll go to the edge, not go in."

Xie Sen thought for a while: "Okay."

Lenny, who was sitting on the sofa, frowned slightly, and the security personnel guarding the edge of the Dead Sea reported: "Prince, they have entered the Dead Sea, and they are about to lose their target."

Lanney said: "Keep an eye on the sea monster on the edge, if there is any attack, deal with it in time."

The blue whale stopped at the edge. Xie Sen sat on the back of the flying lion and looked into the water from above. There were many huge black shadows in the water. The smallest black shadow was more than 20 meters long, like many large ships sink in the water.

"Wow! That's so cool!" Long Teng stretched his neck and looked down. He didn't know what fear was, and his face was full of excitement.

After hearing his words, Xie Sen didn't feel nervous anymore, and conveyed the direction Adan said to the flying lion, and went to the place with the most energy.

The further you go in, the darker the sea water is, and there is even a faint black mist floating on the sea surface. The water is calm and calm. At first glance, I thought it was safe, but after a closer look, I found that there were many huge black shadows in the dark sea water.

Suddenly, a strange-looking sea monster emerged from the water. It had a huge body covered with a thick black shell, and a head that was much smaller than the body, with no neck visible.

Long Teng pointed at it and cheered: "Is that a big turtle?"

Bai Jiao shook his head: "No."

As soon as Bai Jiao's words fell, the small-headed sea monster suddenly stretched out a neck half a meter in diameter. The neck was like a spring, bouncing off the sea surface, and came straight to Long Teng's feet, and opened its big mouth to bite Long Teng's feet. At the same time, there was a low cry.

Bai Jiao exclaimed, Long Teng lifted his feet up with a laugh, and the flying dragon instantly raised the distance from the sea monster's head.

Long Teng stretched his neck to look at the sea monster, and waved his hands: "Wow, you look so strange! How could there be..." He said and compared with his hands, "Such a long neck, when I saw you just now, I thought you were Without a neck?"

One blow failed, and the sea monster began to shrink its neck. Hearing this, its eyes widened, its neck straightened again in the direction of Long Teng, and its mouth kept opening and closing, looking very angry.

Xie Sen heard the flying lion beast say: "It's saying 'you don't have a neck, your whole family has no neck!'"

The corner of Xie Sen's mouth twitched, and the flying lion said again: "It said before, 'You are the tortoise, and your whole family is a tortoise!'"

Xie Sen couldn't help laughing, looked at the silent flying dragon beast, and thought to himself, the contracted beasts are really dedicated these days, and they won't translate anything they scold the owner of the beast.

He froze in the middle of laughing. The sea monster chasing Long Teng twisted its neck and glared at him. Obviously, his laughter annoyed the sea monster.

Feishimon is very dedicated: "It said 'laugh, laugh!'"

Maine stared at the sea monster coldly. The sea monster moved its eyeballs, opened its mouth to scream, and began to shrink its neck. The flying lion said, "It said, 'Wait for me, don't go near the sea if you have the ability.'"

The sea monster paused, and opened its mouth to say something again. The flying lion beast did not translate, and roared at the sea monster. The roar was full of coercion, and the sea monster retracted its head instantly and sank into the bottom of the sea.

Xie Sen looked at this scene dumbfounded, and rubbed the flying lion's neck curiously: "Why didn't you translate what it said just now?" And got angry! He didn't say what he said later, in order to prevent the flying lion beast from getting more angry.

Flying Lion's tone was low and angry: "It said, 'You are not a fool like a repeater, are you?'"

Xie Sen gritted his teeth and suppressed a smile, and there was a cheerful dragon chant from beside him. The flying dragon flew around the flying lion with its mouth open, its tail twisted into a big wave.

The flying lion glanced at it: "Go away!"

Xie Sen hastily rubbed the flying lion's mane blown by the wind: "It's talking nonsense, you're super smart!"

Long Teng patted Flying Dragon Beast on the back: "Don't laugh at your friends!"

The Flying Dragon screamed, flew to the side of the Flying Lion, and rubbed its tail against the Flying Lion's tail. The Flying Lion accelerated and flew forward. It immediately followed and continued to rub. The dragon's tail was bent, relying on the length of the tail, and continued to rub.

After a while, the flying lions slowed down, and the two continued to fly side by side to the direction Xie Sen said.

Xie Sen looked down: "That long-necked sea monster has been following us."

Maine said, "It's okay."

The flying lion beast said: "Don't be afraid, if it dares to attack you, I will bite its neck off."

Xie Sen touched his neck subconsciously.

Not long after, vicious and strange screams came from the front, one after another, which made people's hearts startled. At the same time, Adan said: "It's right in front."

Xie Sen looked forward and saw three huge sea monsters in the water. They were huddled together, with countless tentacles entwined. The sea water was stained with red and blue blood, and the sea water was violently heaving due to their movements.

He felt his scalp tingling, the place with the most energy, the sea monster was really big and very irritable.

Adan encouraged: "Asen, don't be afraid, you have a strong natural aura, and after the wood energy is withdrawn, the affinity is higher, and they will not hurt you."

Xie Sen smiled wryly, the affinity is indeed very high, but sea monsters can feel his affinity only when they touch him. What's more, the situation is so chaotic now.

He pointed to the front and told the other three: "That's where the energy is most concentrated."

He didn't say anything, the rest of the people saw this scene and guessed it.

Maine frowned: "We can't go there now, it's too dangerous."

Xie Sen hummed, observing the fighting sea monsters.

The Flying Dragon Beast moved closer to its head, and its whiskers curled around his wrist: "They are scolding each other, and their emotions are very abnormal, just like when I was holding energy, you can touch them to appease them."

Xie Sen looked at the big transparent eyes of the flying dragon beast with a complicated expression, and he realized that in the eyes of the flying dragon beast, he was so courageous, and thinking about it this way, he was actually a little proud.

He stared ahead. There was a sea monster with half of its body exposed, and a dozen or so huge tentacles emerged from the other two. The tentacles were waving and intertwined, obviously belonging to two different creatures.

He recalled the experience of bathing the contracted beasts during the gold medal, and rubbed the flying lions: "Can you take me to a place like their backs that is not easy to find? Don't stay, fly over quickly, I will take the opportunity to touch them , see if it helps."

The flying lion beast said: "Yes."

Maine held Xie Sen tighter, and Xie Sen turned around and smiled at him: "It's okay, the flying lion is very fast."

Main nodded, and Xie Sen asked Long Teng and Bai Jiao to wait on the spot. The flying dragon beast retracted its beard, and Xie Sen said, "Let's go!"

The flying lion flapped its wings and flew forward at high speed. Xie Sen grabbed its mane with one hand, just in case it summoned watermelon vines and tied them to him and Maine.

The flying lion first flew to the nearest gray tentacles, then flew to the back of the shark-like sea monster, and finally passed the light orange tentacles. Xie Sen touched all three of them one by one, and the flying lion immediately flew up null.

The three in the fight continued to hit, and only two tentacles slapped towards the position where the flying lion flew over.

Seeing that they didn't respond, Xie Sen frowned: "It seems that the body is too big, and the touching time is too little, so they don't feel it."

He thought for a while, and then yelled loudly at the three fighting ones: "Hey, stop fighting, if you continue to fight, you will be seriously injured, and then you will be eaten by the rest of the sea monsters."

The three movements paused at the same time, and an empty cry came from below, and the flying lion translated: "It said 'Hey, he is talking to us?'"

The light orange tentacles shook: "Hey, when can I understand human speech?"

The gray tentacles bent: "I can also understand what you are saying, I told you not to hit me, don't you bother me!"

The light orange tentacles were stunned: "I didn't hit, I just moved my hand casually, accidentally touched you, said carelessly, you insist on hitting back!"

The sea monster, which is similar to a shark but much bigger, shook its tail: "You two started it first, I stayed there, and you slapped me with your tentacles!"

The light orange and gray tentacles slapped towards the shark-like sea monster at the same time: "Bah, that's not why you eat my tentacles!"

Xie Sen: "..." He looked down at the three who started fighting again, and rolled his eyes helplessly, the topic was off topic, you know

He took a deep breath and shouted: "Stop beating, if you bleed again, it will attract other sea monsters. Don't you realize that your temper is worse than before?"

The gray tentacles stopped attacking, and a huge head slowly popped out, looking at the shape, it looked like a huge octopus: "It seems to be yes, hey, big bird, what do you mean by repeating our words?"

The Flying Lion paused when it translated the name given to it by the other party. After translating in a professional spirit, it roared at the Octopus: "I am a Flying Lion, don't bark, you are a monster with many hands!"

It then said: "A Sen can understand me, if he is next to you, he can also understand you."

The octopus waved its tentacles in the direction of the flying lion beast: "Don't bark, I, a super invincible big octopus! Not a multi-handed monster!"

Xie Sen suddenly had the illusion of facing kindergarten children quarreling, and he said in time: "The super invincible giant octopus! I have never seen an octopus as big as you. Can I have the honor to shake hands with you?"

The octopus raised its head, its waving tentacles changed from gray to pink, and stretched towards Xie Sen's direction. The flying lion said in a contemptuous tone, "It said, 'You really have eyes, you can.'"

Xie Sen smiled, patted its neck, and the flying lion descended. Xie Sen reached out and grabbed the octopus tentacles, expressing his closeness.

"Wow, it's so comfortable~ I don't want to fight anymore," the octopus's voice sounded in Xie Sen's mind, "I feel calmed down immediately, don't let go, sea is very fun, you sit on my head, I take You go and play!"

Xie Sen somehow felt that he was facing abduction.

"Asen won't go with you!" The flying lion beast said in a deep voice.

Xie Sen said, "Thank you for your invitation, but I still have things to do." He explained the relationship between energy and emotional agitation, and asked them to cooperate so that he could recover his energy.

The octopus readily agreed: "It's so fun to float around. I don't want to come here at all, but I can't control it. It would be great if you can solve it."

After the octopus agreed, Xie Sen went to communicate with the other two. During the exchange, he learned the identities of the other two, a megalodon and a king squid, both of which are modern enlarged versions.

Both of them were very talkative, and agreed to Xie Sen's request. After learning about the impact of the energy, they all said: "Look, I just said that I didn't do anything, and it has nothing to do with me!"

With their cooperation, things are much simpler. The bottom is full of sea water, and there is no place to stand. The megalodon contributed its back, and the flying lion flew to the surface of the water. Maine jumped onto the back of the megalodon with Xie Sen in his arms.

Xie Sen stood on the back of the megalodon, as if standing on flat ground. He was about to tell the megalodon to descend so that he could touch the sea water, when the wristband rang, indicating a communication.

He originally wanted to hang up directly, but seeing that it was Xu Da's communication, he quickly connected.

Xu Da made a video call: "A Sen, turn on the video quickly, the contracted beasts miss you very much, they just moved to a new residence, they are very excited, you can comfort them, I can't handle it."

As he talked, he was rubbed crookedly by the giant tiger beast, and then stood still by the giant leopard beast. He continued with a confused face: "The audience in the live broadcast room also wants to see you. I haven't seen that anchor show up better than you." Less."

Xie Sen watched him being staggered, quickly turned on the video, pretended to be angry and said: "Giant tiger beast, giant leopard beast, what are you doing? Grandpa Xu is old, don't mess with him!"

As soon as he appeared, the contracted beasts all moved closer to the screen, and Xu Da quickly expanded the screen to the size of his body.

The contracted beasts yelled towards the screen, and the little speckled and shook its paws.

Xie Sen smiled and shook his hand: "Listen to Grandpa Xu, I will be back soon."

Hearing the sound, the octopus propped its head on its tentacles curiously, leaned up to look at the screen, saw people and animals inside, became even more curious, and moved its head closer.

The audience in the live broadcast room had been stunned since Xie Sen appeared, and now they exploded in place.

"I'll go, where is the host standing?"

"What are those round heads on the tentacles behind it?"

"It's over, is the anchor being eaten live?"