The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 159: I want to get it!


"Six hundred thousand? How could it be six hundred thousand?"

Lu Li was a little confused. He felt that he was shouting in vain and still needed to lose 100,000 Xuanjing. Including the commission for the auction house, the million-dollar Huoxianzhi and Yinminggen were only sold for more than 400,000 Xuanjing. It was a big loss...

Lu Li quickly called Zhan Yang for questioning, but the latter said indifferently: "Since you can't get three hundred mysterious crystals, all the prices you shouted are invalid. The price will naturally be based on the first price."

Lu Li was a little speechless. He had worked in vain and threw in 100,000 Xuan Crystals. Zhan Yang glanced around and whispered in Lu Li's ear: "Master Lu, Zhan Xing asked me to tell you, don't mess around. The things are yours, you can't participate in the bidding, you can't raise the price randomly, I saw you didn't see it Forget about passing the auction house this time, don’t make it difficult for us..."

Lu Li gave the jade talisman, which was given to Lu Li by Zhan Xing. It had a number on it, which Zhan Yang could find out by just checking it.

Lu Li was extremely embarrassed, his identity had been revealed, and he felt like he had been caught as a thief. Raising the price of your own things is indeed a bit over the line.

Zhan Yang left without talking nonsense, and Lu Li was so depressed that he almost wanted to leave. However, he still had to settle with the auction house, so he could only continue to sit in frustration, thinking about how to anger Bai Xiashuang and vent the evil anger in his heart.

The auction continues, with all kinds of rare spiritual materials behind. Lu Li didn't understand either and didn't care. However, the prices began to soar later on, and the items auctioned later were at least four to five million Xuanjing.

Bai Xiashuang didn't call out the price again. Judging from the situation today, she deliberately came to target Lu Li. There are several Yages upstairs who have taken action. Their voices are all young, and they should all be young ladies from big families.


After another treasure was auctioned, Yun Ji said with a smile: "There are only three treasures left. This is the finale of this auction. Please take a closer look."

A treasure was brought up. It turned out to be an ancient chariot, and it was not gold, but purple and gold. It was very majestic and domineering.

Yun Ji said with a smile: "This ancient chariot was found in a historic site half a month ago. According to our identification, it was a chariot given to his beloved daughter by the Dragon Emperor, the overlord of the Northern Desert, thousands of years ago. It is of great historical significance. Let's start now. Auction, bottom price is one million Xuanjing.”

This thing is indeed the final treasure. The ancient chariot itself is very valuable. This is the chariot that the famous Dragon Emperor gave to his daughter. It is of great significance.

The price suddenly soared, and the high-rollers in the Accord above took action one after another, and the price suddenly rose to more than two million Xuanjing.

"three million!"

A pleasant voice came from Accord No. 1, and the whole place fell silent. Bai Xiashuang took action again, which meant that she had taken a liking to this chariot. Who dared to take advantage of it

Lu Li instinctively wanted to raise the price, but the words were stuck in his throat and did not come out. He knew very well that if he messed up again, he would definitely be carried out directly by the people at the auction house this time.

No one bid anymore, and finally 3 million was taken by Bai Xiashuang. Lu Li secretly sighed, the eldest lady of a super family is different, she can easily spend millions.

"Congratulations on Accord No. 1."

Yun Ji's words sounded, and she suddenly smiled mysteriously and said: "The auction item below is very strange, because we have asked many people to identify it, but we can't identify what it is, but one thing that can be proved is - this is definitely a good thing. ”

Yun Ji's words aroused the curiosity of many people, and Lu Li's interest was aroused. Yun Ji waved and a beautiful maid came up. She was holding a piece of red cloth in her hand, wrapped in a jade bottle-like container.

"Everyone, look carefully!"

Yun Ji suddenly pulled open the red cloth, revealing a small jade bottle. The jade bottle was actually transparent. There was no elixir or magic grass in it, only a drop of blood.

The dark red drop of blood actually floated in the middle of the jade bottle. Yun Ji held the jade bottle in the palm of her hand, and the profound energy in her hand slowly shone.

Something magical happened -

The blood in the bottle suddenly became like a soul, swimming around inside the bottle. A terrifying energy and blood like that of a strong person in the Immortal Realm permeated the entire auction house, making many people's blood feel like they were boiling.

"Original Essence and Blood!"

Many people exclaimed that only the original essence and blood of powerful mysterious beasts could have such a powerful aura and move.

Countless people's eyes became hot. Although this was just a drop of original essence and blood, if it could be obtained, it would have a strong increase in cultivation and physical body.

"I'm going to get it, I'm going to get it!"

At this moment, Lu Li seemed to be going crazy. He made a hoarse and low voice from his mouth, and there was a faint silver light shining in his eyes.

Something was wrong with him, the blood all over his body was boiling, and there was only one thought in his mind, he must get this drop of blood.


This drop of blood caused the Silver Dragon bloodline behind him to riot. A message appeared in Lu Li's mind. Obtaining this drop of blood would be of great benefit to his Silver Dragon bloodline!

This feeling came inexplicably, but was very clear and definite. Lu Li instantly made up his mind to get this drop of blood at all costs.

The mysterious power in Yun Ji's hand disappeared, and she said with a smile: "You all are very discerning, yes! This is a drop of original blood essence. The original blood essence has many effects, and it is beneficial to warriors without any harm. But Yun Ji To tell the truth - we have not been able to identify this drop of original essence and blood. We don’t know what grade it is, or what kind of mysterious beast’s original essence and blood it is. So what effect will it have after refining it, or what will happen to us at the auction? No responsibility is taken. The bidding starts now, the base price is one million Xuanjing, and the price will be increased by no less than 100,000 Xuanjing.”

Yun Ji's words attracted the attention of many people. The essence and blood amplification effects of different mysterious beasts are different. If it is a poisonous mysterious beast, its original essence and blood may contain highly toxic substances, and it may be instantly poisoned to death after refining...

It is also possible that this drop of original essence and blood is of the fire attribute, and once it is refined, the warrior will be burned internally and die immediately. Various situations may happen, and many people's eyes are not so hot, and no one dares to gamble with their lives.

The original essence and blood are very precious, especially the original essence and blood of powerful mysterious beasts. The Beast King in the Ice Abyss caused many super big families to fight for it, and even the big forces in Qingzhou got involved.

Beast Kings are rare, so this drop of blood must not belong to the Beast King, otherwise it would have caused a sensation in Qiandao Lake.

If you are not a Beast King and cannot determine the grade or attributes, then the value will be greatly reduced.

An old man stood up and asked: "Yunji, I would like to ask where did this original blood essence come from? Why can't the source be determined?"

Yun Ji smiled bitterly and said: "This drop of original essence and blood was obtained from the ancient ruins together with the Purple Gold Chariot. It was contained in this bottle when it was found. Therefore, we cannot determine based on the source. Because it has been stored for too long, we cannot determine what level it is. The essence and blood of the mysterious beast.”

Yun Ji's words made more people lose interest. It has been stored for such a long time, and the energy and blood in it must have weakened a lot. The most important thing is that they don't know the character, so what's the use of buying it

"One million Xuanjing!"

Someone still made an offer, and it was the young man from Accord above. It seemed that this young man would rather kill it by mistake than let it go, and planned to buy it back and study it.

"three million!"

A hoarse voice sounded, causing countless people to be shocked. There was actually a fool who directly raised the price to two million? This is not how you raise prices...

When everyone followed the sound and looked at it, they were all speechless, because the person raising the price was the idiot wearing the ghost mask.

He had already been heavily fined just now when he called out three million, and now he dares to call out the price? Isn't he afraid that the auction house will take him out