The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 173: Will you marry in the Divine Sea Realm?


"Xiaobai, Xiaobai!"

On a passage, Lu Li ran wildly and yelled all the way. He had been running for half an hour. He didn't know how many passages he had crossed and how many times he had roared, but he never saw Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai was lost, and so was he!

He couldn't find Bai Xiashuang, Bai Qiuxue and the others, but he didn't care. What he was most worried about at the moment was Xiaobai, and he desperately wanted to find Xiaobai.

Lu Ling left for Qingzhou, and Lu Li's closest friend was Xiaobai. This little beast has been with him for such a long time and helped him a lot. He already has deep feelings for Xiao Bai, like his own younger brother.

Lu Li could only keep running and searching. Even if he died from exhaustion, he would still find Xiaobai.

"Lu Li is missing?"

Over there, Bai Qiuxue saw Lu Li running away and quickly sent someone to chase him. But after chasing for a certain distance, they reached a fork. Naturally, the man didn't want to get lost with the large army, so he had no choice but to come back and report.

Bai Qiuxue was already worried, but Lu Li actually lost it again? But what can she do? We can only wait here for Lu Li to come back.

Three hours, five hours, ten hours.

Many people leaned against the wall and slept, but Lu Li still didn't come back. Bai Xiashuang and many others couldn't wait any longer, and urged Bai Qiuxue to continue their journey, otherwise everyone would be trapped here because there was no food.

Bai Qiuxue could only leave a paragraph with pen and paper and move on with it. This time Bai Qiuxue asked people to mark the route and drop some small objects to see if they could break the maze.

Something happened that alarmed everyone—

After walking for more than ten hours, no one knew how much distance they walked. Not only did they not find the exit, they even... they didn't find a marked road!

There are only two possibilities, either the maze is infinite and boundless. Either there are special restrictions in this maze, and the things they leave behind will be forcibly taken away.

Regardless of any possibility, everyone felt that they were in huge trouble, and that a bad person would stay here forever and be buried with the Dragon Emperor.

Many young ladies had panicked expressions on their faces, some gentlemen's faces became ugly, and even Bai Xiashuang couldn't calm down. The only one who was relatively calm was Bai Qiuxue, but Bai Qiuxue couldn't hide the sadness in her eyes.

Rest, practice, eat, sleep against the wall, and continue on the road to find the exit.

It’s hard for these gentlemen and young ladies to eat dry food all day long and sleep facelessly against the wall. No one has ever experienced this hardship. The most important thing is - there is no place to take a bath!

The young master is doing better, but those ladies are going crazy. They originally thought that they would be able to get out in a day or two, but who knows that they have been trapped in this maze for almost two days.

No one could see any hope of getting out, and many young ladies would wake up crying when they went to bed. I have been pampered since I was a child. I am considered a treasure in every family. Not to mention suffering, I have not suffered much...

At this moment, not only are they eating dry food and water, but they are also not allowed to take a bath, and they are sleeping on the floor in an imageless manner. Not to mention a group of delicate ladies, even many young men cannot bear it.

There is another problem, going to the toilet!

People have three urgent needs. They have to defecate after eating. There are straight passages here and there is no place to go to the toilet. Could it be that he squatted on the ground with his butt naked and pulled? The young master doesn't care, but what about the ladies

Finally, Bai Qiuxue thought of a way and removed a chamber pot from the space ring. A group of girls walked away a short distance and formed a circle with cloth as a latrine. They finished doing it with a red face and then put the chamber pot into the space ring.

"Sister, are we going to die here?"

Bai Xiashuang sat weakly next to Bai Qiuxue. At this moment, the eldest lady's appearance and temperament were completely gone. Her hair was messy and her face was gloomy.

"No, as long as we persist, we can get out."

Bai Qiuxue gently stroked Bai Xiashuang's hair, and a faint smile appeared on her lips, but it looked a little forced.

After some sleep, I rested for a few hours and set off again. The result was still the same. After running for seven or eight hours, I couldn't find the exit, not even the marked old road.


Another day passed, after Bai Qiuxue gave the order to rest, the ladies couldn't bear it anymore, hugged their knees and started crying. Many young men gathered around and sighed, their eyes full of bitterness.

Bai Qiuxue is now unable to comfort those young ladies. She is also a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. I have never suffered any grievances from being with Old Man Tianyou since I was a child. I have suffered too much, and I also have some fear and fear in my heart.



Ding Heng took the mysterious sword and slashed at the wall like crazy. The wall was shining with white light. He could not leave any trace on the wall even if he slashed with all his strength.

The other young masters glanced at Ding Heng and did not try to dissuade him. If this continues, they will all go crazy. It would be good to let Ding Heng vent his anger.

Ding Heng slashed more than a dozen times and sat helplessly on the ground. Xu Fangfei and the other ladies cried more and more sadly. Bai Xiashuang's eyes were also red, and her delicate body was trembling slightly as she leaned against Bai Qiuxue.

"Don't be afraid, Shuang'er!"

Bai Qiuxue felt the fear in Bai Xiashuang's heart, stretched out her arms and hugged her and said: "The ancestors said that our sisters are people with great luck, how could we die in this small Dragon Emperor Tomb? He said that we would marry in the future Damn it, we won’t die here.”

Bai Xiashuang's eyes lit up slightly, and then she smiled bitterly and said: "Great luck? Human Emperor? Let alone Human Emperor, if someone takes us out now, I will marry even if they are in the Xuanwu realm."

"hehe… "

Bai Qiuxue shook her head and chuckled, and was about to say a few words to comfort Bai Xiashuang. But suddenly a low and hoarse voice came from the distance: "If someone takes you out, will you marry even if you are in the Xuanwu realm? What if you are in the Shenhai realm, will you marry?"


This sudden sound attracted the attention of countless people, but Bai Qiuxue's eyes suddenly lit up. She stood up suddenly and said, "It's Lu Li!"

"Hello, Miss Qiuxue!"

A figure walked out of the fork, wearing an ordinary green robe, holding a cute little white beast in his hand, wearing a ferocious ghost mask, and his eyes were full of smiles.

"Lu, Lu Li!"

Bai Xiashuang fluttered, and Lu Li suddenly appeared after disappearing for three days, with a relaxed look on his face and a smile in his eyes.

Countless people stood up and gathered around. Bai Qiuxue separated from everyone and walked over, nervously asking: "Lu Li, is what you just said true?"


Lu Li took off his mask, looked at Bai Xiashuang teasingly, and said with a smile, "I just don't know if what Miss Shuang said is true?"

"Well… "

Bai Xiashuang's face was full of embarrassment. She was naturally joking casually. How could she marry someone in the Xuanwu Realm with her status, let alone marry a hateful person like Lu Li.

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding, don't mind Miss Shuang."

Lu Li saw a group of people looking at him with burning eyes, and he stopped trying to impress everyone and said in a deep voice, "Have you rested well? If you have rested well, I will lead you out of the maze."


Countless people screamed, and many ladies held each other's hands and cried with joy. At this moment, everyone no longer had any resentment towards Lu Li. Instead, they felt as friendly as the savior of the world.

"Lord Lu!"

Bai Qiuxue bowed deeply and said seriously: "If you can take us out, everyone here owes you a life."

"Yes, yes, Lu Li, if you take us out, we all owe you our lives." Bai Gu and others echoed, their expressions extremely excited.

"Everyone is serious, we came in together, and naturally we have to go out together." Lu Li waved his hand and said: "Let's all go, Xiaobai!"


The little beast being held by Lu Li immediately ran forward, happily leading the way.