The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 227: You are going to marry the Human Emperor


Wuling City was really bleeding like a river at this moment. Tian Tuozi completely carried out Lu Li's order and killed all the warriors wearing brown armor. Lu Li also became red-blooded and killed the warriors wearing Bujia armor when he saw them.

Fortunately, Lu Li had not lost his rationality and did not attack civilians or their families. It is normal to kill warriors in the Northern Desert, but killing family members, children, the elderly and civilians will be looked down upon by the world.

The Bu family went too far this time, beheading the old and young of the Dillon tribe and hanging their corpses on the fence. What made Lu Li most angry was that they dug up his grandfather's grave. He had been dead for more than ten years and they still refused to let the deceased rest in peace.

This time it was the Yu family who was behind the plan, and Lu Li was ready to give the Yu family a hard slap in the face and take back some of the interest. After Ye Yuan and others come out, he will personally lead people into Emperor Yu's city and kill the head of the Yu family.

The Bu family is a third-grade family. There is only one person in the Life Wheel realm, but he has already run away. The remaining people had no fighting spirit. Those who could run ran away, and those who couldn't were killed one by one by Lu Li and Tian Tuozi.

There were many warriors from the Bu family. At least when Lu Li and Tian Tuozi discovered that there were no warriors wearing brown armor in the city, nearly two thousand people from the Bu family had been killed.

Tian Tuozi glanced around, turned to Lu Li who was covered in blood and asked, "Master, will you kill the one who escaped?"

"Forget it, withdraw!"

Lu Li was so tired and numb from killing that he calmed down, knowing that if he didn't leave, the two of them would stay here forever.

Tian Tuozi nodded, took Lu Li on the Life Wheel and flew into the distance. The speed reached the limit and quickly disappeared into the southern sky. There was only a city of Wuling stained red with blood, and countless people who were frightened.

Many people in Wuling City were actually left behind in the past, and the name Lu Li was not unfamiliar to them. The Yu family had been asking around for information about Lu Li's siblings.

Countless people lamented that a little guest of the Liu family had grown to such an extent. Although all the people of the Dillon tribe are dead, can they rest in peace

The hunchback is very careful!

After taking Lu Li to fly straight for a certain distance towards Qiandao Lake, he immediately dived underground, and then disguised himself for Lu Li. He shrunk and changed his appearance again, and started to take a low-key detour back to Qiandao Lake.

Lu Li and the others had only been walking for half a day when a huge armored spaceship came from the north. On the deck, Bai Qiuxue and Bai Xiashuang stood at the front, followed by Liu Yi and two elders. As for Bai Xi and the others, Rest in the cabin.

The reason why it came so fast was not that the armored spaceship was fast, but that Bai Qiuxue was worried about Lu Li. After leaving Yudi City, he immediately found a domain city and teleported to a nearby domain city, and then immediately came over in an armored spaceship.

Although the Yu family's scouts should not lie, there are many strong men in the nearby counties and cities that the Yu family has deployed, so Bai Qiuxue naturally needs to be more cautious.

Arriving at Wuling City, the sight was filled with red.

The square was stained red with blood, and there were corpses everywhere. The people of the Bu family did not dare to come back, and the people in the city did not dare to touch these corpses, so they could only let them scatter in the city.

"Lu Li really massacred the city!"

Bai Xiashuang stuck out her tongue, but not only was she not disgusted or disgusted at all, but she was very excited. In the Northern Desert, only those who can kill are called men. If they don't even dare to kill, such a man is just a waste.

Bai Qiuxue's eyes were fixed on the huge three-layer life wheel in the city. There was an obvious small hole in the life wheel, and next to it was a strong man from the Yu family who had his head smashed.

All of this was exactly as described by the scout commander. Could it be that Lu Li really killed him? Not only Bai Qiuxue, but also the two Immortal Realm elders noticed it, and both looked surprised.

"Grandpa Ge, are you going to ask about the situation?"

Bai Qiuxue looked at an elder. The latter nodded and flew down. His mind immediately targeted several small family warriors. He shouted coldly: "Come here and answer!"

The few divine sea realm warriors from the small families immediately came over tremblingly. Elder Bai pointed at Yu Yang's body and said, "Who killed it?"

Several warriors thought that Bai Qiuxue and others were strong men from the Yu family. They were so frightened that they fell to their knees. One of them stammered, "It was Lu Li. Lu Li killed him!"

"Well… "

Bai Qiuxue's face showed a look of astonishment, and the eyes of another Bai family elder behind him flashed, and even Bai Xi and others found their spiritual thoughts.

The elder of the Bai family below still asked in disbelief: "Are you sure? Have you seen it with your own eyes?"


The man nodded like a chicken, pointed at Yuyang's body and said: "City Lord Bu and this gentleman both said that the young man was Lu Li. We saw with our own eyes that Lu Li broke this gentleman's life wheel, and then this gentleman... Falling from the air, Lu Li smashed the master's head with a halberd."

"War Halberd..."

Bai Qiuxue and Bai Xiashuang looked at each other. Lu Li was using his halberd. There was no mistake!

The question is, how could Lu Li destroy the third-level life wheel? This Life Wheel will become harder with each additional level. Not to mention that even if Lu Li is at the peak of the ordinary Life Wheel Realm, it will be difficult for him to destroy another Life Wheel at the peak of the Life Wheel Realm.

"Where has Lu Li gone? How long has he been gone?"

The elder of the Bai family below asked again. The warrior of the small family pointed to the south and said: "Escaped. He was taken away by an early stage warrior of the Life Wheel Realm and flew this way."

"call out!"

There was nothing left to ask. Elder Bai from below flew up and entered the cabin. He looked at Bai Xi with two long white eyebrows and said, "Brother Xi, what do you think?"

Bai Qiuxue and others followed in, but Bai Xi did not express his opinion and waved his hand: "Don't you know that you have found Lu Li? Let's fly slowly towards Qiandao Lake. Baige Bairui, you can get off the boat and find Lu Li. Now that things have happened It’s going well, so don’t let that kid die and embarrass me, Bai Xi.”


Bai Ge and another elder took the order and flew down, quickly disappearing into the vast mountains in the distance. Two immortals went to search Lu Li personally, which in Bai Xi's opinion was enough.

Bai Qiuxue saw that Bai Xi didn't even look at her. She smiled sweetly and walked to Bai Xi's side, bowed and said, "Thank you, Grandpa Xi. Qiu Xue will go back and learn the family law on her own."

Bai Xiashuang also strode over, but instead of apologizing, she grabbed Bai Xi's arm and shook it, saying coquettishly: "Grandpa Xi, you are the best to our sisters, please don't be angry with us, okay. "

Bai Xi was so shaken by Bai Xiashuang that she couldn't even sit still. She could only glare at Bai Xiashuang and Bai Qiuxue and said: "You two girls, you are so ridiculous. Look back and see how your sister-in-law punishes you."


Bai Xiashuang stuck out her tongue mischievously and said, "I have Grandpa Xi's support, so I'm not afraid of my sister-in-law."

Seeing Bai Xiashuang's naughty spirit, Bai Xi's tense face softened, and she looked at Bai Qiuxue angrily and amusedly and said: "For you, I, an old man, have come all the way here. Is it easy to sleep in the open air? Hum, Girl Xue, that guy Lu Li is so ignorant that he doesn’t want to join our Bai family, but you still want to help him so hard? "

"Grandpa Xi, what are you talking about?" Bai Qiuxue blushed and stomped out with embarrassment.

Bai Xi looked at Bai Xiashuang sternly and said, "Xia Shuang, talk to your sister and don't have this idea. The clan leader will definitely not agree. After all, Lu Li has not awakened a high-level bloodline. Once the clan leader gets angry, Lu Li will die. It's very tragic. You will marry the Human Emperor in the future. This is calculated by the clan leader himself, and there is nothing wrong with it."