The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 239: I want to wake up


"Beast Fang, don't mess around!"

Lu Li prayed secretly in his heart. The beast's teeth were like this the last time he awakened his bloodline, glowing, hot and trembling.

What's weird is that this time Lu Li was not enveloped by the mysterious power of the Bloodline Altar, but his body was still unable to move. He felt that his body was out of control.


His soul cannot control his body now!

This is a very frightening phenomenon. Your body is not under your control? Lu Li thought of Yu Lingxu's situation in Dragon Emperor Mountain, and he felt increasingly frightened.

Could it be that there is a demon soul lurking in the beast's fang, who wants to seize his body and annihilate his soul

No matter how scared Lu Li was, he couldn't move his body and couldn't do anything.

He could only feel the beast's teeth getting hotter and brighter, and finally he felt that the skin on his chest seemed to be burned through like last time, and then a foreign object entered his body.

This time, the feeling was clearer. Lu Li vaguely sensed that there seemed to be a silver dragon roaring forward in his blood, heading straight for his soul pool.


Lu Li vaguely saw a small silver dragon, roaring into his mind, and then rushed into his soul pool. The soul pool shone brightly at that moment, and the few soul golden threads that could not be fused were fused at this moment.

"It's over, it's over!"

The soul golden threads were all fused, and the soul pool now became the location of Lu Li's soul. Now, a silver dragon shadow has entered his soul, and his body cannot move. What does this mean? It means that his body is probably controlled by this silver dragon.

Thinking again that most people's bloodline marks are on their necks, but his own is on his back? Others only have one bloodline magic skill, but he has two

Thinking of these things, Lu Li became even more frightened. It would be nice if he could do something, but now he can't do anything except think...

After the little silver dragon entered the soul pool, there was no movement. The soul pool continued to emit thousands of rays of light, and Lu Li could not move at all.

He can only wait for the soul pool to return to calm, wait for him to be able to control his body, or wait for his soul... to be completely annihilated!

It was already dawn outside, and Whitebeard had a comfortable sleep. When he got up, he asked people to go to the lake to catch fish and make soup.

Xu Sihe and Xu Yaoyang got up early. White Beard asked someone to bring several bowls of delicious fish soup. How could they drink it? They didn't dare to step out of the cabin, but asked people to urge Whitebeard to come see them.

At three o'clock in the morning, White Beard appeared. Under the urging of Xu Sihe and Xu Yaoyang, he sent people again to attack the Blood Evil Island. But looking at the way the incoming army is marching, I'm afraid it will be the same as yesterday and there will be no results...

After shouting and killing for a whole morning, the lake bandits on three sides retreated. This time, no more than ten warriors were killed on both sides. Many lake bandits were lighting fires and setting up pots on the beach, preparing to bury the pots and make rice.

Xu Sihe and Xu Yaoyang were so angry that their lungs exploded, but there was nothing they could do. After finishing the meal, a mysterious man quietly boarded the boat, and it turned out to be Ding Gui.

The Ding family on Black Tooth Island is the overlord in the north of Qiandao Lake, and Whitebeard and others are controlled by the Ding family. Ding Gui is the eldest elder of the Ding family. Since he is here in person, Whitebeard naturally does not dare to mess around.

"Attack immediately, and we must capture Blood Evil Island within today!"

Ding Gui gave the death order, and Whitebeard hurriedly patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Lord Gui, we can spend the night at the Blood Demon Castle. If we can't conquer the Blood Demon Island, I'll come and see you."

Whitebeard strode out, and then let out a roar: "Everyone obeys the order and attack! Take the Blood Demon Island before dark. Send a message to Poisonous Scorpion and the others to attack with all their strength, otherwise I will crush their balls!"

Whitebeard personally supervised the battle, and the lake bandits understood what was going on. They rushed out of the warships and gathered on the beach, with their murderous intent gathering.


White light flashed in Whitebeard's lower abdomen, and a two-layered life wheel appeared. He flew up and a domineering sword appeared in his hand. He waved his hand and said: "Attack!"


Seeing this situation, Ding Gui knew that his mission was completed. He bowed his hands to Xu Sihe and Xu Yaoyang, quietly dove into the lake and left.

Before Ding Gui came, the head of the Ding family had told him not to expose his identity. The Ding family wanted to save Lady Yan's face this time, not to deal with Lu Li personally. So after Whitebeard went to war, Ding Gui withdrew immediately.


Soon the other two sides moved, and the other two lake bandits followed Whitebeard's lead. They didn't dare to deal with it after Whitebeard gave the order.

"It's serious!"

After the seventh elder received the news of Whitebeard's dispatch, he looked helplessly at the hunchback, who sighed: "Send a signal and ask the island master to fight. I can't deal with that middle stage of the Wheel of Life."

Tiantuozi said so, the seventh elder could only take out a signal bomb and throw it into the air. The signal bomb exploded in mid-air, making a loud explosion and lighting up a dazzling light.

Liu Yi, who had been sitting cross-legged outside Lu Li's palace, quickly stood up and walked towards Lu Li's room. She pushed the room but couldn't open it, so she could only grit her teeth and use her profound strength to slap the door.


There was only a small restriction on the door, but it was smashed by Liu Yi with a palm. Liu Yi walked into the room and looked at Lu Li who was still sitting cross-legged. She cupped her hands and said, "Island Master, they can't hold it anymore, please come out!"

Lu Li remained motionless, as if he hadn't heard anything. From the outside, there was nothing strange about his body. The silver dragon mark on the back was covered by the robe, but the animal fang chain around the neck disappeared, leaving only a red rope.

Liu Yi didn't know that Lu Li's body had changed. She waited for a moment and shouted again: "Island Master, the outside can't stand it anymore. If you don't take action, Blood Evil Island will probably be razed to the ground!"

There was still no movement. Liu Yi gritted her teeth and reached out to push Lu Li, but Lu Li still didn't open his eyes or make any move.

"what's the situation?"

Liu Yi was frightened. She carefully observed Lu Li and was relieved when she found that he was breathing and his heartbeat was normal.

She frowned tightly, feeling that if Lu Li did not come out of the mountain, Blood Demon Island would definitely be massacred, and all the children of the Liu family would die.

She actually didn't know if Lu Li could turn things around after he came out of the mountain. But she instinctively believed in Lu Li. As long as he got out, he could turn the tide.

The problem is that Lu Li can't wake up now...

Liu Yi waited for a moment, then went out to get a ladle of water and poured it on Lu Li's head. But the ending was still the same. Lu Li didn't move at all, just like an old man sitting in bed.

Liu Yi didn't dare to move anymore and could only stay by Lu Li's side anxiously. Wait for him to wake up, or wait for the news that everyone on Blood Evil Island has been killed.

"well… "

Lu Li sighed deeply in his heart. He could hear Liu Yi's voice and feel that he was being splashed with water. But he just couldn't control his body, and couldn't even open his eyelids...

"It's over!"

Once Blood Evil Island is conquered, it will probably be Earth Dragon Island's turn soon, right

Lu Li couldn't move on his own, even if he wanted to enter the small world. If he couldn't wake up, he would eventually be shattered into pieces.

"No, I want to wake up! I want to wake up! I want to wake up!!"

A strong thought of reluctance came from the depths of Lu Li's soul. He could not die in such an unexplained way. His soul cannot be occupied by the phantom of the silver dragon. He wants to dominate his soul. Even if his body is shattered, he cannot be controlled by the demon!

He roared in his mind over and over again, forcing himself to wake up again and again. After two sticks of incense, his eyelids... actually opened slowly.


After he discovered that he could control his body again, he stood up ecstatically and let out an earth-shattering roar of dragons and tigers, shaking the entire palace slightly.