The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 26: Welcome to join the Liu family


"Lu Li, get out!"

Just when Lu Li stopped practicing and had just eaten a few mouthfuls of food, a domineering shout came from outside.

"Di Ba!"

This voice was very familiar to both siblings, and their expressions changed when they looked at each other. What they were most worried about happened. Di Ba came to visit. The most important thing is - Di Ba actually dared to yell so arrogantly in the Liu family's inn? A foreign elder who just joined the Zhao family is so arrogant? Who gave him such strong confidence

"Sister, what should I do?" Lu Li looked at Lu Ling and had already raised the sword in his hand. If Di Ba wanted to take action, he would have no choice but to fight to the death.

"Don't worry."

Lu Ling pondered for a moment and got up and said: "Go out and meet him. He shouldn't dare to do anything in the inn. Otherwise, he wouldn't yell and just come in."

It’s a blessing, not a curse, it’s a curse that cannot be avoided!

Hiding here is not an option. It is better to go down and meet. There are more people below. If something goes wrong, the Liu family will know about it immediately.

Lu Li helped Lu Ling go outside. When he reached the stairs, he saw that the inn hall was full of people. The waiters and guards of the inn came out, surrounding a group of warriors wearing cyan armor and glaring at them.

"Di Ba!"

Lu Li and Lu Ling saw Di Ba at a glance. He was wearing a green armor and was leading four or five people, all of whom seemed to be warriors from the Zhao family.

Di Hu inherited the body shape of Di Ba. His face was at least 1.85 meters tall. He had a huge ax on his back and exuded a tyrannical aura. He looked like a humanoid beast. beast.

"Lu Ling Lu Li!"

When he saw the Lu Li siblings, his big eyes immediately radiated with murderous intent, and his whole body was full of evil aura. He roared: "You siblings are very good. If you dare to kill the fourth uncle Li, Tian'er Huanger, etc., I won't do it today." If I kill you, I, Di Ba, will commit suicide and apologize."

Swish, swish, swish!

People came out of many rooms in the inn, and a group of people began to gather outside. Of course, no one would interfere, it was obvious that they were here to watch the fun.

Lu Li held the knife tightly in his hand and stood in front of Lu Ling. If Di Ba made a move, he would fight to the end.

He didn't speak, but Lu Ling spoke, but she didn't look at Di Ba but at the innkeeper. She said coldly: "Honor, we paid an expensive room rate to stay here, but we just don't want to be disturbed. . This is the territory of the Liu family, but there are people yelling and killing people here? Do you think the Liu family doesn't care about it? Or... If I remember correctly, the use of force is not allowed in the city. The rules set by the city lord?"

After Lu Ling finished speaking, the expressions of the innkeeper and a group of guards changed. It is indeed a rule set by the head of the Liu family that no force can be used in the city. If Di Ba and others are allowed to openly kill people in the inn today, the prestige of the Liu family will be greatly reduced, and the business of the inn will plummet.

A shopkeeper with a mustache had a gloomy face and spoke: "Everyone from the Zhao family should leave. If you have any grievances, you can go to the City Lord's Mansion to complain. If you use force here, you are an enemy of our Liu family."


A group of Liu family guards immediately drew their weapons. If Di Ba and others messed up, a war would begin immediately.

Seeing this scene, Lu Li let out a sigh of relief. Di Ba is a warrior in the Divine Sea Realm. One of the four or five people he brings is at the Divine Sea Realm. The rest are at the peak of the Xuanwu Realm. Once he takes action, the consequences will be disastrous.


Di Ba didn't speak, but another middle-aged man in the Divine Sea Realm next to him spoke. A token appeared in his hand, he looked at the shopkeeper with a smile and said: "Brother Liu Yuan, this is the token of the head of my family. These two people are Di Long. Traitors of the tribe. Not only did they rebel, but they also killed many people from the Dillon tribe. My family leader said that if there is an unrest in the outside world, if such a crazy person enters the city, it will cause trouble. Brother Liu Yuan, can you please let Di Ba handle the family affairs on his own? Of course... we won't make a big fuss in the city and we'll deal with it after we leave the city."

The person who spoke seemed to be quite prestigious in the Zhao family. The chief shopkeeper and the guards looked much better. The chief shopkeeper glanced at the token in the man's hand from time to time, feeling a little confused.

"Oops… "

When Lu Li saw that something was wrong, the Liu family's guards obviously had no intention of fighting. They might allow Di Ba and others to take them down. After all, they were just two insignificant people. As long as they didn't kill anyone in the city, it would be easy to accept. some.

Lu Li rolled his eyes, cupped his hands towards the shopkeeper and said, "My lord, I, Lu Li, did kill several people from the Dillon tribe, but you can't just tell the story. I am quite familiar with Miss Yi and Lord Liu Wu. You can find them and then decide whether to hand us over."

"Miss Yi, Liu Wu?"

The big shopkeeper Liu Yuan looked startled in his eyes. He was almost ready to ignore the matter just now, but Lu Li mentioned these two people, so naturally he couldn't be careless. His eyes flickered and he said: "Come here, go see Miss Yi and Wu Is your lord back?"

This time it was Di Ba's turn to look ugly and looked at Lu Li in surprise. This little bastard actually knew Liu Wu and Miss Yi? And he... why did he kill Di Tian, Di Han and the two clan elders

Da da da!

After a while, there was a rush of footsteps outside, and a fierce breath came from a distance. Lu Li looked over from a distance and was immediately overjoyed. He saw a group of Silver Wolf Guards galloping towards them, with Miss Yi at the front.

"Miss Yi is back!"

There was a waiter outside who was far away and screamed in surprise. Di Ba and others glanced outside, their expressions even uglier. It was such a coincidence that Miss Yi came back...

Miss Yi must have just returned from outside. She was dusty and her fox fur was still a little dirty. She arrived outside the inn with someone riding a silver wolf, and she jumped and fell down. The people at the door separated immediately, and Miss Yi walked in with six or seven guards.

"Land from?"

Miss Yi saw Lu Li at a glance. Her tired face glowed with glory and she said with a smile: "Lu Li, are you here to find me?"

Lu Li cupped his hands and said, "Miss Yi, I can't stay in the tribe anymore, so I came to seek refuge with you. You see, my chiefs are all chasing me to the city. By the way... Miss Yi, I have developed my profound strength!"

The light in Lu Li's hand shone, and the profound profound energy suddenly shone endlessly. Miss Yi and several guards were all shocked when they saw it. Di Ba also murmured in surprise: "How is it possible in the middle stage of Xuanwu Realm?"

It is recognized by the tribe that Lu Li cannot cultivate mystical strength. Di Ba has been asking Di Hu and others to pay attention to Lu Li. If Lu Li could cultivate mystical strength, he would have killed the two siblings long ago...

He had only left the tribe not long ago, and even if Lu Li could cultivate his profound strength, it would only be during this period of time. In such a short period of time, Lu Li could actually be promoted to the middle stage of Xuanwu Realm

Compared to Di Ba, Miss Yi was even more shocked!

Because Lu Li had only fought with her a few days ago, and had been pulling the coffin some time ago, there was absolutely no profound energy in Lu Li's body, and neither she nor Liu Wuhong would make a mistake.

After cultivating Xuan Li in such a short period of time, he still managed to break through to the middle stage of Xuan Wu Realm? With his abnormal physique, no weak period after refining the Body Tempering Pill, etc., Lu Li was full of mystery and magic in Miss Yi's eyes at this moment.

"Miss Yi, Zhao Li just said..."

The big shopkeeper came over and stood next to Miss Yi, and talked about the affairs of Di Ba and others, specifically emphasizing the words of the head of the Zhao family. After hearing this, Miss Yi said very decisively: "Zhao Li, take your people out. , this is Wuling City, anyone who dares to use force in the city will be killed without mercy!"

"Miss Yi..."

Zhao Li held up the token of the head of the Zhao family and wanted to say a few words, but Miss Yi didn't listen at all. She waved her hand domineeringly and said: "Get out!"


Zhao Li sneered twice, turned around and walked out with the others. Di Ba gritted his teeth, glared fiercely at Lu Li and his brother and walked out of the inn angrily.

"alright… "

A smile appeared on Miss Yi's face, like a flower in bloom. She looked at Lu Li and said, "Lu Li, on behalf of the Liu family, I welcome you to join us!"