The Invincible Dragon Emperor

Chapter 83: Ghost legs



From the west courtyard of the Liu family, Elder Zhao Jiaqing roared over. He didn't have any weapons in his hands. The only special thing about him was that he was wearing a pair of shiny copper boots.

He leaped up from a stone castle. The stone castle collapsed suddenly. His legs were shining like a gust of wind, hitting Lu Li directly. Lu Li deposed Zhao Rui, which made Elder Qing furious to the extreme.

Elder Qing's speed was too fast. Lu Li had just cut off Zhao Rui's leg and before he could do anything, Elder Qing had already shot towards him.

His movements were very strange. His body flew diagonally, with his legs in front and his body in the back. His attack seemed to rely entirely on two legs.

In fact!

Elder Qing's fighting power lies entirely in his legs, and he is the famous "Ghost Leg" in Wuling City. Lu Li listened to the screams that broke through the air and understood that this leg was very difficult to connect. If he didn't do it right, he would be smashed to death.

This pair of copper boots must be a mysterious weapon, or a high-level mysterious weapon. There are spikes on the front and back of the boots, and if they are hit in the head, they will definitely bloom.

Elder Qing's speed was too fast, and Lu Li could not escape. He could only sink his legs, holding the Tianlin knife in both hands, and used his greatest strength to strike at the pair of copper boots that were approaching rapidly.

"Dang Dang Dang~"

Several dull explosions sounded. Lu Li's arms were numb from the shock, and his body was boiling with energy and blood. He slashed five times in a row, and finally knocked back a copper boot.


One copper boot was knocked back, but another copper boot suddenly swept forward, and the first copper boot was smashed out again like lightning. Elder Qing was already lying in mid-air, kicking out his legs like lightning. He wanted to kill Lu Li in one go.


Lu Li ignored the qi and blood boiling in his body, swung the Tianlin knife and struck it down like lightning, hitting the pair of copper boots that were kicked in succession.

Clang, clang, clang!

There were dull sounds one after another, and Lu Li continued to retreat. He took more than ten steps back before he stabilized his figure.

Elder Qing over there landed on the ground. He kicked off one leg on the ground and flew towards Lu Li without stopping for a moment. His legs kicked out like lightning, without giving Lu Li a moment to breathe.

"How can it be?"

Lu Li boasted that he was definitely stronger than Elder Qing, but he was kicked back and forth, while Elder Qing was like a normal person.

He didn't know exactly how strong he was now, but he definitely weighed more than 150,000 pounds. Elder Qing is in the late stage of the Divine Sea Realm and has taken advantage of the power of the mysterious weapon, but it is impossible for him to have such a powerful power.

"Mysterious skills!"

Lu Li figured out the key at once. Elder Qing should know a mysterious technique to increase his power, or his mysterious weapon could remove his own powerful power.


Elder Qing's copper boots were already magnifying in front of his eyes, and Lu Li did not dare to be distracted. In a battle of this level, if he was distracted, he would be pierced by the spikes on the copper boots.

He used all his strength to slash out the sword, knocking back the pair of copper boots again and again, and his body was knocked backwards by the repulsion again and again.


Elder Qing shouted loudly, and the light on one leg suddenly hit the Tianlin knife. Lu Li felt a force of gravity, and his body was hit hard into a stone castle, knocking a big hole out of the stone wall.


The blood in Lu Li's throat could no longer be suppressed. He got up and spit out a mouthful of blood. Hearing the screams outside, he ignored the adjustment of his breath and slammed his body towards the stone wall behind him.


There was a crashing sound from the stone castle, and then the boulders fell down, and the entire stone castle collapsed. Fortunately, Lu Li escaped quickly, otherwise he would have been buried alive.

"call out!"

Seeing Elder Qing flying towards him like a meteor, Lu Li groaned secretly in his heart. This can't continue like this. His hands are trembling at the moment. If he kicks Elder Qing a few more times, he will definitely be unable to hold the Tianlin Sword, and he won't know how he will die by then.

"what to do?"

When life and death were at stake, Lu Li's mind started racing. Lu Ling told him never to give up, even in desperate situations.

There is definitely no way to escape, the only option is to fight to the death.

All of his trump cards were revealed, except for Xiao Bai, who didn't make a move. But Elder Qing kept attacking with his legs and his hands were free. If Xiaobai took action, Elder Qing could easily kill Xiaobai with one palm.

Besides these? It seems that there is only the Thunderbolt Mysterious Technique!

There are still more than a dozen strands of mysterious energy in his divine sea. The problem is that he can only release one strand now, and the increase in power is very small, so it doesn't mean much.

"call out!"

Elder Qing's two legs flew over there like two streams of light, shining brightly and flashing continuously in the air. The speed was so frightening that it was impossible to tell which leg kicked out first.

Lu Li could only use his profound energy, gritted his teeth and continued to hold on tightly. If he didn't block, he would be smashed to death immediately.

Dang Dang Dang~

Elder Qing's attack was more fierce than the other, like a huge wave, rising one layer at a time, trying to submerge Lu Li alive in it.


Lu Li was once again thrown backward by the backlash. This time, he was sent flying for more than ten meters and hit a tree, breaking the tree as thick as a man's head.


Lu Li got up and spurted out another mouthful of blood, but at this moment his eyes were very confused. In his mind was the continuous shadow of Elder Qing's legs just now, like waves.

"Continuous, one wave after another?"

Lu Li's heart suddenly moved, like an enlightenment. A question that had puzzled him for a long time finally had an answer at this moment.

Thunderous Mysterious Technique!

The core of this mysterious technique is to release the mysterious energy one by one, so that the power can be increased layer by layer. The Xuanjin is like explosives. If one is used, the rest of the Xuanjin will detonate at the same time. It cannot be released one after another, and it will not be able to achieve several levels of power increase.

Now he finally figured it out.

Xuan Jin can flow into his arms one by one like a tide. He didn't know this trick before, but now he suddenly understands it. He understood the meaning of a very awkward and difficult to understand sentence in the secret book of Ben Lei Mysterious Technique.

"call out!"

The sound of breaking through the air sounded again in front of him. Lu Li's hands were still trembling, and the blood at the corner of his mouth had not been wiped off. But his eyes lit up at this moment, like the brightest star in the night sky.

"Xiao Bai, go hide!"

Lu Li said softly, and a white shadow flashed across his chest and rushed into a nearby ditch.


Lu Li stood up, his legs sank slightly, and he held the long knife in both hands and slashed hard at the roaring copper boots. The moment the Tianlin Sword collided with the copper boots, his arm lit up slightly, and then flashed five times in a row. The Tianlin Sword turned into lightning, and suddenly struck out five knives in one breath.


This time, Lu Li did not fly backwards. Instead, Elder Qing was hit hard. Although Lu Li could only successfully use five rays of Xuan Jin, his strength increased five times, and his strength continued to increase by at least 50%. In such a short period of time, How could Elder Qing resist with five sword strikes


Lu Li's legs sank again, and he flew away. The Tianlin knife struck the head of Elder Qing who had just gotten up from the ground and struck hard.

Elder Qing's entire fighting strength was in his legs. How could he resist without a mysterious weapon in his hands? He could only roll around on the ground and narrowly avoid Lu Li's attack.


Lu Li shouted low, and slashed at Elder Qing with his long sword like waves, causing Elder Qing to roll on the ground, avoiding his attacks and unable to fight back.

"call out!"

At this moment, a white shadow rushed out from the nearby ditch, got into Elder Qing's robe, and shot directly into his neck.