The Invincible Spirit

Chapter 18: The haze rushes to the heavens


Du Yuen Long was shocked as a heavenly man, and his "escape" technique caused all the ridicule to abruptly ceased, replaced by waves of exclamation.

After Du Yuen Long passed the examination and got the pass, he suddenly changed his face, and the shy smile turned into a smug laugh: "Haha... I'll just say it! With the little master's ability, how could it be impossible to get in? The young master has not loved to practice since he was a child, so he only has the strength of the early stage of the Reiki realm. If the young master is serious in practicing, I am afraid that the Reiki realm has reached the Great Consummation.

Du Yuen Long's words turned out to be so complacent, showing a bit of arrogance, causing the elder to curl his lips and kick over, staring at his eyes: "Noisy!"

"Ah -" Du Yuen Long let out a miserable cry, rolled out like a meat ball, and instantly hit a rock, "Bang!" "Uh!" Du Yuen Lang suddenly rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Haha..." The onlookers laughed at the scene of misfortune. This is called joy and sorrow, and some people sneered secretly. This little fat man is too bragging, and the fifteen-year-old has a perfect spiritual state. That is a peerless evildoer. I can't find one in a century.

"Hehe... I'm getting more and more interested in this kid." Yang Mingxuan hugged his arms, the corners of his mouth raised, and the light in his eyes was shining.

Luo Xingchen also stared at Du Yuen Long silently, interested for a while.

In Feng Henxi's cloudy eyes, a ray of splendor flashed, and he sighed with a voice that only he could hear: "Innate body, amazing!"

The matter came to an end, and there was a sudden flash of light in the direction of Ziyinzong, which alarmed everyone. Everyone's eyes followed the light, but a handsome young man released a dark blue shadow all over his body. Like clouds, accompanied by a strong pressure, made many low-powered teenagers feel a little uncomfortable.

Under the cover of this phantom, this young man appeared heroic and vigorous, like the supreme among the people, showing arrogance, suppressing one party!

Yang Ye swiftly walked away. The old man from Ziyinzong who was taking the test opened his skinny eyes in surprise, and said in a loud voice, "What a pure blood, this should be a tertiary blood!"

"Hiss..." Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and sucked in a cold breath. They looked like they had hit a ghost, and they stretched their necks and looked hurriedly.

The blood totems on the handsome teenagers continued to gush out extreme coercion. Many teenagers stepped back with painful expressions on their faces. Yang Ye frowned and shouted: "Enough!"

The young man put away the blood totem, and the coercion suddenly disappeared, and the crowd returned to calm.

Yang Ye looked at the boy excitedly: "Are you Yin Liufeng?"

Yin Liufeng clasped his fist and said, "It's just a junior."

"Okay! I would like to join my Ziyin Sect and teach you the supreme Qi condensation method!" Yang Ye asked eagerly with joy on his face.

Yin Liufeng's eyes were calm: "I'm about to worship Ziyinzong, thanks to seniors' love!"

"Haha..." Yang Ye couldn't control his emotions for a moment, and suddenly laughed wildly, his voice resounding through the mountain, he was ecstatic.

"Good! Good! Good! Entering Ziyin Sect, you immediately get the treatment of the core disciple, the secrets of the inner heart of the sect are for you to choose, and various resources are provided to you ten times! This will be your best choice!" Yang Ye After saying three good words in a row, he immediately gave a generous treatment that made everyone stunned.

Then, in the eyes of a crowd of geniuses who admired and admired, Yin Liufeng proudly took the pass and went to the side to wait.

Luo Xingchen stared at that handsome figure faintly, expressionless, and didn't care about it. It was the same for him at any level and heaven level. He didn't intend to see the end of his path.

However, to the others present, Yin Liufeng caused an uproar, and the eight great sects sighed in surprise and sighs. The bloodline of the earth level has the potential to become a strong person in the earth element realm in the future!

In the Earth Element Realm, the entire Blue Wind Continent has never appeared, and there is not even a strong person in the Spirit Abyss!

However, the potential belongs to the potential. Can we get to that point? It is not yet known. Didn't it also fail for the geniuses who have appeared in the bloodline of the Earth level before? Therefore, Zhu Qiang was only amazed and regretful, only a little bit regretful.

Then there was another ray of light that lit up in the area of Zi Yinzong. It came from Song Qingyue of the Ice Snow Pavilion. She released a phantom like ice crystals all over her body, and within three feet of her surroundings, there was a kind of cold air.

With a smile that couldn't be concealed, the old man said kindly: "Human blood! Enter the clan!"

Suddenly there was another sound of exclamation.

The human bloodline represents the potential to become a spiritual abyss.

Song Qingyue's whole body was glowing immediately, and she felt extremely energetic. She took a brisk pace and jumped to Yin Liufeng's side, and the two held hands.

Then, Lei Yunzong accepted a young man with thunder blood. Wan Jianshan accepted a swordsman genius named Lu Jinghong, and the Hall of Dreams accepted a beautiful girl with a body of natural charm, Qiandao Pavilion. He received a young man with an astonishing sword skill, named Cold Storage Feng. Xing Shifeng received a burly young man with a strong physical body. Tianhuomen received a young man who was able to get close to the fire attribute, and Feng Renya received one. A handsome young man with a hand-cranked fan with extraordinary bearing, his name is Liu Jingfeng.

As for the others, they are all ordinary geniuses and are not worth telling.

After a full day of admissions conference, all the teenagers who can advance have been screened out, and the admissions conference is over.

At the end of the conference, some were happy and some were lost. Those who were promoted were taken away by the nine major sects, and the rest went back to their respective houses.

Luo Xingchen bid farewell to Yang Mingxuan, the deputy leader of the Cang League, and calmly walked down the top of the mountain. Luo Nan Mountain was waiting for him halfway through the mountain.

Feng Henxi, who was so fascinating, he didn't know where he went, and no one cared about his identity anymore.

Luo Xingchen returned to Luoshen's Mansion. In the compound, a group of Luoshen's martial artists surrounded him, asking about the results of the selection one by one. Luo Xingchen told him frankly that he had lost the election.

The warriors were a little disappointed, and immediately encouraged him warmly.

"Young Master, the Palace Master invites you to go to his inner hall." A military attendant knelt down and reported.

Luo Xingchen immediately left and entered the inner hall, and found that Luo Tian was sitting drinking tea with a serious face.

Seeing Luo Xingchen, Luo Tian solemnly said: "Chen'er, where is your blood? Is it hidden? Release it for me to see."

Luo Xingchen smiled bitterly, and said helplessly: "Father, I don't have any blood vessels anymore. The two original blood vessels have been stripped away by me."

Luo Tian's eyes dimmed for an instant, and he said in a condensed voice, "What are you doing with it? Don't you know the role of blood?"

Luo Xingchen said calmly: "This is my decision. The blood is good, but the potential is limited after all. I want to go my own way. Don't worry, I am no worse than anyone!"

Luo Tian was silent for a moment, nodded, and recovered his calm. He smiled slightly: "Okay, I respect your choice, what are you going to do next?"

"I'm going to hone myself in the dust!" Luo Xingchen said in a sentence.

Luo Tian stood up: "Then you prepare, let your master show you a clear path, I should go to practice, and when you should go, go to Xingyan Cave and tell me."


Immediately, Luo Xingchen returned to his room and found that Feng Henxi had already been lying on his horns asleep for some time.

He suddenly stomped his foot, and Feng Henxi immediately jumped up like a chicken blood. Because he jumped too high, his head hit the beam of the room directly, causing him to scratch his head.

"What's the matter, apprentice?" Feng Henxi asked with her lips curled.

"Master, it's time for me to go, I'm going to experience it, maybe I can get a chance."

"Oh..." Feng Henxi's eyes were dim, and she sighed slightly: "I should go too..."

Luo Xingchen suddenly asked in surprise: "Master, where are you going?"

"I'll leave Blue Wind Continent and go to the North Profound Region." Feng Henxi said earnestly. At this time, she finally stopped being crazy and became very serious again.

Luo Xingchen's heart trembled, and he secretly said: Are you leaving now

Inexplicably, he felt a little unwilling to give up.

"Disciple, don't worry about anything, I will leave you a life-saving talisman, when you are bound to die, it will save you once, but as long as you have a breath, it will not activate."

Feng Henxi stretched out a hand indifferently, and suddenly a golden talisman seal hovered in the palm of her palm, containing the ultimate energy.

Feng Henxi waved his hand, the talisman immediately flew into Luo Xingchen's Heavenly Spirit Cover, disappeared, and Luo Xingchen didn't feel anything either.

After doing this, Feng Henxi looked at Luo Xingchen again and asked seriously: "Where are you going to practice?"

Luo Xingchen looked hesitant: "I haven't decided yet."

Feng Hen Xi said: "Blue Wind Continent, a few decent places of experience, namely Black Devil Ridge, Chaos Beast Forest, and Yanri Desert. You'd better not go to Chaos Beast Forest now. There is a terrifying horror that jumps out from there. Spirit beasts, your pissing effort may be killed, the burning sun desert, there are some horrible existences, you should not go. The Black Demon Ridge is dangerous, contains the relics of the strong, and various spiritual things, which is good. The place, your current strength, let's go there first."

"Yes!" Luo Xingchen listened attentively and focused his head. As expected, experience also requires a doorway. If you go to the wrong place, you may die without a place to be buried.

Then, Feng Henxi glanced at Luo Xingchen: "Is there a good weapon?"

Luo Xingchen spread his hands and said indifferently: "Not for the time being, and I don't need it for the time being. When I need it, I will find a way to get it. I can't trouble Master with everything."

"Yeah—" Feng Henxi nodded in satisfaction, stroked his beard, and smiled: "You can teach you!"

"Okay, disciple, I have given you the imitation of the Great Zhou Tian Pagoda. I will give you the formula for the summoning. When you come to the Great Zhou Tian Divine Body in the future, go to the Northern Profound Realm to find me, and I will give you the real The Great Zhou Tian Tower will pass it to you!"

Feng Henxi confessed unhurriedly, full of infinite care.

"Remember, the Great Zhou Tian Pagoda can be shrunk to a foot. When you enter it, you can hide it by chanting the spell. Don't expose it easily, otherwise it will cause you big trouble! "

Luo Xingchen suddenly knelt down and kowtow: "Remember Master's teaching!"

"Hey... There will be a goodbye at the end. The fate of you and me is temporarily stopped, the old man will go!" Feng Henxi finally sighed long, behind his hands, strode out of the room, Luo Xingchen hurriedly bid farewell.

Feng Henxi walked into the courtyard, and when no one noticed him, she turned her face up to the sky, closed her eyes and focused, and immediately a layer of bluish-white air flow ignited all over his body. His body instantly lifted off the ground, soaring into the sky, turning into a stream of light. Disappeared in the sky in an instant, without a trace!

"Master, take care!" Luo Xingchen looked up at the sky, clenched his fist in a low voice, he knew Feng Henxi could not hear it.