The Invincible Spirit

Chapter 24: People are not as good as heaven


As night fell, the entire forest was dim and the bait had already been laid. The two were hiding in the tree, waiting silently. In the middle of the night, the sound of insects sounded like a flute, and everything was calm as usual.

After another two hours, there was still no movement. At this time, Luo Xingchen was already relaxed to fall asleep.

"Chichichi..." There was a small voice in the jungle. Qin Yang closed his eyes, his ears moved slightly, and opened his eyes instantly, glancing diagonally down, his body not moving.

I saw a huge fire-red python with white stripes all over, mixed with red skin, spitting letters, swinging its body in the jungle, crawling flexibly, this sound made De Luo Xingchen suddenly awake, and immediately Carefully staring down, for a moment, snake? Not a source of fire beast!

He subconsciously looked at Qin Yang on the opposite tree, and the two exchanged gazes.

Qin Yang stretched out a finger and shook it at Luo Xingchen, indicating not to act rashly.

The red-and-white-patterned python kept approaching the center of the trap and finally entered.

Immediately, it arched the ground that had been concealed by the two with its thick and long head, pulled away the grass and soil, and found a fire crystal. The blood-red pupil suddenly brightened, and its mouth was full of fangs. He swallowed the spirit crystal into his abdomen, chewed it "quack quack quack", and swallowed it after a while.

Suddenly, the python in the late stage of the spiritual energy realm glowed red all over, and the whole body was hot, and the long body hovered directly together, motionless.

Next, this spirit python began to evolve, its bones transformed, and its body shed its skin. After a long period of effort, it broke through to the Great Perfection of the spiritual energy realm.

Luo Xingchen frowned, secretly said, this seems to be a little different from their plan, what about the fire source beast

When he was worried, the opposite Qin Yang suddenly raised his hand and made an action to start. Then, there was a beam of fire in the distance, beating closer and closer to this place, only to realize that this was A huge four-legged spirit beast, its skin is like fire, and flames are glowing outside its body.

Luo Xingchen immediately held his breath, and a thought came into his heart: Fire Origin Beast, here it is!

Wherever this fire source beast went, it directly burned the grass under its feet into coke, and it was barren. It brazenly stepped into the trap with its four hooves.

"Wow!" The body of the spirit python was originally hovering, and it stretched out in an instant. Then it opened its fangs, spit out the letter, and held its head high. A pair of beast eyes stared at the fire source beast coldly, and was issuing a warning.

The Fire Source Beast ignored its warning, rushed forward, and slammed into it quickly!

"Bang!" The python's body was knocked open, and immediately turned around flexibly, rushing to the fire source beast's body, wrapping it up and wrapping it tightly.

"Boom!" The fire source beast is in the middle stage of the spiritual dynamic state. Where can a mere spiritual beast be arrogant, it shoots fiery red light all over its body, and suddenly agitated, but for a moment, the body of the spiritual python was burned. It had to burst and split into several segments, scattered on the surrounding grass, each segment of the body was still twisting hard and still alive.

Regardless of this, the fire source beast ran directly to the middle of the trap with its head held high, and stepped on it, shaking off a piece of soil, a light shining in the big pit, it was the nine-yin nine-leaf grass.

It started to rush up unscrupulously, swallowing the nine-yin nine-leaf grass in one gulp, bursting with extremely excited light from its huge pupils.

"Action!" Qin Yang leaped up from the branch, shouted, and instantly pulled up a skipping rope. Immediately, six golden light nets flew out from six directions, all compressed to wrap the fire source beast. , Entangled so that it is difficult to move.

The big net that the golden dragon silk turns into is extremely shrinking, getting tighter and tighter, and the golden light is getting stronger and stronger.

"Roar—" The fire source beast struggled violently, with a huge roar, and wanted to rush out from here. Luo Xingchen's eyes were quick and he cooperated with tacit understanding, and instantly pulled down another rope. Suddenly, hundreds of wooden thorns flashed red light all over the body. It was extremely hot, and shot out at a rapid speed with a kind of murderous intent!

"Swish swish..." The sound like a gust of wind continued to sound, and the wooden thorns flew from all directions, like rain, one after another, inserted into the fire source beast's body, the fire source beast struggled and screamed, but his shoulders and heads were all gone. They were all filled with wooden thorns, and blood gurgled out. The more it struggles, the less its strength. Finally, after a violent struggle, it completely loses its strength, lying on the ground, gently licking, only from the throat. A cry of despair.

After a while, it couldn't move anymore. It was completely dead, and its body was covered with wooden thorns like bamboo sticks, and it died completely.

Qin Yang exhaled in excitement, and instantly jumped down, Luo Xingchen also jumped down, and the two slowly walked towards the body of the fire source beast.

"Unexpectedly, it was so simple." Luo Xingchen sighed, his eyes lighted up, staring at the body of the fire source beast, and smiled slightly.

"Hey! Is it not easy to have my perfect plan? Don't forget the hard work I have put in before. The price of the golden dragon silk alone is big enough. Is there any reason for it if it is not?" Qin Yang should have done it. Excited, he could not wait to drew a sharp weapon from his waist, walked quickly to the corpse of the fire source beast, and cut the rope easily. After that, he began to dissect the body of the fire source beast.

Luo Xingchen watched Qin Yang's movements earnestly, as well as the body of the fire source beast.

In the center of this trap, at this moment, the ground is full of broken wooden thorns, apparently directly broken by the body of the fire source beast, and the fire source beast's body, the wood thorns inserted in all directions, some have been cracked. , And some only entered the pointed end, and seemed to be unable to penetrate at all. The wood thorns that actually penetrated the fire source beast's body were only a quarter, and the remaining three quarters could be said to be wasted. .

And these wooden thorns are all blessed by Fuzhuan, that is to say, this battle consumes a lot of Fuzhuan.

He glanced at the chunky body of the scarlet fire python on the ground, but it was directly penetrated by the chaotic wooden thorns and inserted horizontally on the ground, with no false hair.

Through the comparison of the degree of damage, it can be found that the body of the fire source beast is indeed much stronger than ordinary spirit beasts.

Next, it was time to collect the spoils. I saw that Qin Yang had already used a sharp dagger to cut through the layers of skin and flesh of the fire source beast, and threw it aside. He started cutting the knife from the center of the fire source beast’s chest. A huge hot spar was directly engulfed. At this time, he was wearing a pair of pitch-black gloves, which were made of the skin of the deep-water cold floodwater.

Even so, he was so hot that he couldn't help but quickly fell the spar to the ground.

"Sneez!" But seeing the surrounding area of the crystal core, a fire broke out, instantly burning a piece of grass into a wasteland. Qin Yang stepped on a lot of feet before smashing them out. After waiting for a long time, the crystal core of the fire source beast finally became less hot, and Qin Yang opened a small iron box from the ring and put it in.

After that, he turned his head and saw Luo Xingchen still standing quietly on the spot, and he pointed to the ground and said loudly: "Collect all the meat of these spirit beasts, good stuff, aren't you afraid of being hungry? Use these to do it. Food can give you a lot of strength, which is of great benefit!"

Luo Xingchen nodded instantly, and immediately began to clean up happily. He quickly pulled a section of the spirit python's flesh and blood together. This spirit python was extremely huge, weighing a thousand pounds!

Qin Yang continued to skin and cramp the fire source beast, collecting all the resources he could use.

"Boom... Boom..." At this moment, the earth suddenly heard another tremor, which instantly shocked the two of them.

Qin Yang suddenly shrank his pupils and suddenly became extremely solemn. He suddenly stopped all the movements of his hands, and the expression on his face became extremely serious.

Luo Xingchen also pricked his ears and listened to the movement in the distance, but without him listening carefully, the sound was getting louder and louder, getting closer!

But seeing a huge group of fire rushing quickly, burning part of the earth scorched, and trees were directly lit, and a majestic fire ignited in the jungle.

The firelight came with a huge impact, and before it was touched, a wave of heat spread over the surface, making the bodies of the two of them instantly hot and dangerous!

Qin Yang reacted first and shouted: "Don't worry about it! Flee!"

Luo Xingchen immediately understood, the two turned and fled in two opposite directions.


This fireball object finally set foot here in an instant, and in the first instant he ran into Qin Yang completely desperately. Qin Yang flew to dodge, but he still didn’t seem to escape. He was instantly burned by a ball of flames, his body rocketed. Soaring into the air like launching!

"Hey!" With a loud noise, Qin Yang's body broke a very sturdy tree. He vomited blood instantly and fell to the ground. Luo Xingchen saw this scene from the other side not far away, and he was shocked. , Because this ball of fire is yet another bigger fire source beast!

The plan has changed! People are not as good as heaven.

There is only one trap to deal with, but now another one pops up out of thin air. There is no trap. It is too difficult for the two Spiritual Qi martial artists to deal with such a powerful and dangerous Spiritual Beast!

This fire-sourced beast has a great accomplishment in strength and agility!

The body of a spirit beast is already strong, and facing human warriors, it can fight at a higher level, and this fire source beast is probably enough to compete with a spirit image realm that has just broken through!

Without any reason, without any sign, it rushed over, and Qin Yang was knocked down by him and seemed to be injured.

Luo Xingchen clenched his fist, his eyes were cold, he immediately decided, no longer running away, he flew back and ran back, phantom stepped, phantom heavy, step swift and wind, foot thunderbolt!

Looking at Qin Yang again, after falling down in an instant, he was not in danger. Instead, a ray of light flashed in his eyes. In an instant, he summoned three objects from the space ring. To be precise, they were three of them, and one was a black iron shield. One is a sharp sword, and the last one is eight spherical objects, flame bombs!

The fire-source beast ran into him frantically, desperately, Qin Yang raised his lips, smiled evilly, and threw eight palm-sized flame bombs, accurately hitting the fire-source beast’s thick and thick skin with flames. Body.

As soon as the flame bomb touched the skin of the fire source beast, it was instantly detonated, and a series of "bang bang bang" explosions sounded. The entire area was suddenly bursting with huge waves of fireworks, and it became a crimson space!


This fire source beast was submerged in the sky of fire, and its roar was deafening, enough to rupture human internal organs!

During this period, Qin Yang muttered the spell silently, and the black iron shield instantly became dozens of times larger, and was inserted vertically into the ground, forming a thick iron wall. While he held the four-foot long sword in his hands with both hands, layers of aura from Surging out from the body, the long sword itself began to shine with a silver-white light, and there was a terrifying murderous aura permeating the four directions!