The Invincible Spirit

Chapter 61: Life and death


After the sword was stunned and all the ancient characters were smoothed down quickly, it was replaced by a giant golden totem!

Above the totem, there are nine dragon shadows, surrounded by the sun in the middle, each stretches out their heads and claws, their bodies are mighty, the dragon's body vibrates, domineering, but this totem is not for viewing, it hides mystery.

Jian Jinghong did this lightly, and the totem burst out with a strong wave of air that hit her body. She immediately flew back and dodged. In an instant, she turned into a light and turned back on the same path. Successfully avoided this wave of air, so it didn't matter.

Everyone’s eyes were all focused on the giant totem on the mountain wall, and they felt extremely shocked. After the shock, they were even more puzzled and thought to themselves: Another vision is born, how can I open the stone wall, It leads to another space!

"Brother Jian, why did you do this?" Shen Lei was full of doubts with a puzzled expression on his face.

Jian Jinghong raised his head to look at the giant golden totem, and said loudly: "This is a spiritual formation, a double formation. One is hidden, and the name is Jiulong Zhenkong! The other is out, the name is Jiulong Rift, desire To break the wall, you must first start the battle! When the Nine Dragons splits, it is the opportunity to open the dragon gate!

However, there are three thousand points in this array, among which there are two thousand nine hundred and ninety, and the remaining ten are real points. If you touch the nine real points, the array can be broken. If you touch any virtual point, it is an extraordinary array. If it can't be broken, it will also attract Shengwei's backlash. I can't say whether I can escape or not! "

Jian Jinghong spoke extremely solemnly, revealing an indisputable expression.

Everyone was stunned to hear, because there were so many people present, but not many people knew the formation. How could they understand the real and the imaginary? Do they rely on blindness? Ten thousandths, that is, one three percent. Whose luck is so lucky, and it happens to be right

People were panicked and fell into hesitation. Everyone hesitated, and no one dared to take the initiative to move forward. Instead, they cautiously stepped back, fearing that they would be backlashed by the formation.

At this time, Ling Hongfeng frowned and hugged Jian Jinghong: "Since Brother Jian can recognize this formation, he should be able to crack it. Please don't delay."

Jian Jinghong waved his hand and said coldly: "I just recognized the formation of this formation, a little bit of common sense, if I can break through, then I will have gone in long ago, and there is no need to waste words here with you, ink stains for a long time."

Suddenly, Ling Hongfeng's gaze dimmed and he was a little disappointed. He suddenly thought about it again, and immediately turned to look at the real man in Tantai, and said: "Real man, your puppet sect should study the formation carefully. How do you think it breaks the formation?"

The real man in Tantai stared at the totem for a long time, shook his head quickly, and sighed bitterly: "Oh... the old man thought too, but the eyes are hidden too deep, the formation is too complicated, old man, powerless, powerless..."

As a result, everyone's heart sank, feeling lost, and no one felt well. It was equivalent to saying that after working hard for a long time, it was in vain.

"Cough!" Qin Yang raised his fist and placed it on his chin, and suddenly coughed heavily, then curled his mouth and said: "Did you forget me, the master of the formation? Who helped you solve it before? The memory is true. difference!"

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed, and they suddenly recalled, staring at Qin Yang with wide-eyed eyes.

Jian Jinghong glanced at Qin Yang with a strange look, and asked in a condensed voice: "This is an ancient formation, with thousands of formations and cumbersome abnormalities. There are three thousand formations alone. Can you break it? "

Qin Yang still pouted his mouth, deliberately cast a casual gaze, without looking at Jian Jinghong, turned his back to the people, meticulously, and said loudly: "Don't talk about it anymore. Actually, I want to say, there are some tricks for me. I've seen it a long time ago, but I just don't want to say it. Everyone wants something, and I don't waste time. Give me a stick of incense, and I will understand it now!

After Qin Yang finished speaking, the whole person suddenly changed dramatically. He stepped back and looked up at the stone wall. His expression was solemn and extremely calm. There seemed to be a kind of essence in his eyes, and the temperament of his whole person became extremely cold and strange. , Extremely focused!

This sudden change shocked everyone except Luo Xingchen. No one thought that Qin Yang, who seemed cynical, would have such a side.

Without saying a word, Qin Yang opened up all his spiritual consciousness, staring quietly at every pattern of the totem of the Jiulong Town empty formation. Despite the cumbersomeness, it caught his eyes. There seemed to be a kind of will in his eyes that instantly caught him. Everything I want to see has been enlarged hundreds of times!

The lines are intricate and complicated. He can see clearly, and he can see each dot that connects the lines clearly, and his gaze scans inch by inch without missing the slightest range.

When the time for a stick of incense came, Qin Yang looked at the entire totem from left to right, and finally saw it thoroughly.

"Ah!" Qin Yang shouted, his body suddenly resembling a fierce wolf, rushing straight up along the bottom of the stone wall, the pace is so fast, the apes may not have his agility.

His body jumped to the first dragon's tail, a striped road was drawn between his waves, and he pointed straight away!

On the back of the second dragon, a second striped road was carved out in an instant, and it was forcibly integrated into it!

Then, the third dragon belly, the fourth dragon claw, the fifth longan, the sixth dragon horn, the seventh dragon beard, the eighth dragon neck, the ninth dragon head, and the tenth dragon heart of!

Ten real array points were found one by one. He hand-painted the array pattern and deciphered it skillfully. Under the eyes of everyone, he began to jump down suddenly from the sky. Across the height of seven or eighty feet, he flew across the sky, like a secluded body. The wolf yelled violently: "Quit!"

There was only one thought in the people's hearts, and they retreated one after another. The sound of "rumbling" suddenly broke out. A great light cracked from the center of the stone wall. The entire stone wall began to sway violently, and it collapsed little by little, and the boulder rolled down. The sound was earth-shaking, roaring, and deafening.

Like the eruption of a mountain torrent, like a huge tsunami wave, a mountain collapsed in front of everyone, and the earth split a huge gap of five feet wide. A large amount of rubble was filled in, filling the earth and making up the ground. It's like patching the sky!

Everyone had withdrawn a long way, and Qin Yang's body also fell quickly. In the end, the entire stone wall completely collapsed, and the dark and endless space in front of him appeared in front of him. The scene seemed to be another piece of heaven and earth, and it was extremely magnificent.

But the scene behind the stone wall is nine huge, long and endless chain bridges, embedded above and below the abyss, like a bottomless pit, about a thousand feet high, cold and dark, like a river in the underworld, with a kind of horror. Suffocating death!

Not to mention what horror is hidden under this unpredictable abyss. It is said that this distance of at least a thousand meters can make people feel panicked by just looking at it, and it is especially infiltrating. If you fall, you may be able to fall. Fell to death!

Let’s talk about these nine chain bridges, like nine long dragons. The length of the body is so long that you can see the head but not the end. They hang above this steep abyss. Every chain is cold and cold, without the slightest temperature. The bridge deck is made of iron plates. Every two iron plates are separated by a distance of three to five inches. There is no cover, and you can see the endless dark abyss below.

In front of the chain bridge, the fog was so full that it was hard to see the road, and it was even harder to tell whether there was a crisis.

In short, just before reaching this abyss, everyone took a deep breath and felt shuddering.

Qin Yang hugged his arms without squinting his eyes. His footsteps swept across these chain bridges one by one from left to right, observing carefully, with a look of dread, but no fear at all.

Instead, after a while, he glanced back at the people, and said casually: "You are all the same as you have never seen such a scene. Is it terrible?"

Some people nodded, some people glanced at Qin Yang silently, secretly saying that this person is really heartless.

"Yes, God, we can't compare with you. You are so powerful. You can break this formation. We can't do anything about it. Why don't you make a plan first and choose a path?"

A ridiculous sound came into Qin Yang's ears, and his eyes moved, only to find that Yu Hongluan was staring at him coldly with a hostile look. This scene embarrassed him.

"Ah, you can't say that," Qin Yang immediately defended: "Nine roads, with different dangers. Once you set foot on it, each one will be a lifetime of nine deaths, but the things you get are different!"

Qin Yang's words caused everyone to fall silent, and they felt dignified and depressed in their hearts. Indeed, everyone had considered how the things left by such a strong man could be so easy to handle? Perhaps a careless person will not only get nothing but also lose his life!

Luo Xingchen's heart was extremely calm, and he also began to learn Qin Yang's appearance, walking past the edges of the nine chain bridges one by one, trying to feel the difference between these nine roads.

He walked to the first bridge on the left, and he felt nothing except Sen cold.

He walked it again and again. When he walked to the seventh chain bridge on the left, there seemed to be a vague voice in his mind, that voice was saying: "Will... Kill the sky..."

At the same time, Luo Xingchen himself felt that the blood all over his body was boiling, as if there was a kind of guidance in the dark, should he choose here

In order to confirm this guess, he walked back from right to left again carefully and earnestly. As a result, this time, everything was the same, there was no vague sound, and no blood boiling. What was going on

Was it just an illusion

Luo Xingchen fell into contemplation. He stepped one foot on the left seven iron cable bridge, closed his eyes, and felt it quietly.

At the same time, Qin Yang began to announce to everyone: "Just after my analysis, of these nine roads, six of them are dead ends! There are only three, which are ways to survive! How to choose, it's up to you!"

As he said, he deliberately walked to any chain bridge, stomped his foot, and suddenly a layer of red light surged from the bottom of the bridge, full of bloody evil spirits, on the iron plate, there were runes looming, these runes Hidden murderous intent, very dangerous!

After that, Qin Yang stepped on the other five one after another, showing them one by one. As expected, one was more dangerous than one, and even as soon as he stepped on it, the kind of breath that oppresses the blood can make people feel like passing by with death.

After that, Qin Yang clapped his hands indifferently, turned around, and looked at Jian Jinghong curiously: "I really want to know, which one would you choose?"

Jian Jinghong said indifferently: "Life and death are not determined by you, nor by nature. I will not choose the three life paths you mentioned!"

After finishing speaking, Jian Jinghong took a calm and unhurried pace, and walked on his own, a dead end!