The Invincible Spirit

Chapter 9: Fate changed


At this time, the white-haired old man showed love in his old eyes. After a while, he looked at Luo Xingchen who was silent, and said seriously: "Would you like to be my apprentice and be inherited by me?"

"Huh?" Luo Xingchen was stunned for an instant, his head suddenly shorted, and he was immediately stunned.

Now that his body recovers, it is already a great happy event. He didn't even want to ask for anything more. Therefore, when the old man proposed the idea of accepting a disciple, he didn't have the slightest surprise, but he couldn't believe it.

"Uh..." Luo Xingchen looked dumb, and after a long period of sluggishness, he calmed down and asked with deep doubts: "Why do seniors accept me as a disciple? The juniors consider themselves dull, not a genius."

He was telling the truth, if his talent was good enough, I am afraid that the group of warriors would not treat his family like this.

"Well, listen to the old man slowly talk about my reasons." The old man stroked his beard and whispered.

"The old man traveled here a few days ago and stumbled into a green hill, and found a hard-working and persevering handsome young man. That is you. I think you are severely damaged and traumatized. It is a miracle that you can live to this day."

"In the next few days, the old man stayed here to observe and found that your daily schedule seemed to be the same. Like this method of torturing yourself, you may have become accustomed to it, and it has been like a day for years, without grievances. This is not everyone. It can be done. Therefore, the old man is moved by your resilience."

"The original intention of the old man is not to accept you as a disciple, but to give you some good luck, but I never help people with bad intentions. You have a lot of perseverance. As for your character, I don't know yet. So, I put you to the test. It turned out that your performance is very satisfying to me. You can help innocent people and prove that you are good by nature."

"But then, in that tavern, something happened that made me change my practice of not accepting disciples."

The old man said and said, his eyes lit up for an instant, a small smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, and his tone became a little heavier: "Hehe, I have never seen such a fierce person in this world. Of course, this world is as ruthless as you. Yes, but they can only frighten the weak, and they will still give in when they see the strong. You are a waste of body and weak, but you dare to fight against the strong who are five or six smaller realms higher than you, and you can take the lead. , Struggling for his life, I was stunned to wipe out the two spiritual realms in an instant. Not to mention your ruthlessness, your fearless courage alone is already sighing."

"And your humility, you have self-knowledge, arrogance but not arrogance, based on these three points, I think you are a man of creation."

After the old man explained, Luo Xingchen nodded quietly, took a deep breath, and did not appear to be very pleased.

"Would you like to worship me as a teacher?" the old man asked again.

Luo Xingchen didn't think much, he immediately knelt to the ground, and respectfully knocked his head three times: "Tu'er sees Master."

"Good, good..." The old man smiled all over his face, with a touch of relief on his face, and immediately stroked his beard, laughing.

After that, Luo Xingchen was silent again, clenched his fists, and lowered his head to think. He was thinking about the vast world, those warriors, what position in the spiritual world, and how far away he would touch that margin .

"Cough cough..." The old man seemed to see through his mind, he smiled, and said calmly: "You don't need to care, those so-called warriors you told me are so concerned about blood, huh, they probably don't understand at all and rely on blood. These innate advantages can't reach the peak at all. For me, they are not the so-called bloody fart! I see them, it is nothing more than that."

Luo Xingchen was instantly lit by the old man's words. He was curious and asked: "The real strong man, what should he pay attention to?"

"Of course it is necessary to master one supreme great way. There are countless great great ways in the world. Every strong person should master one of his own ways. Only with the existence of Dao heart can he be free from the world. People should walk their own way. External force is not enough to support a person's permanent promotion."

Luo Xingchen nodded, and immediately the pain in his eyes was pierced and he became more determined. Only then did he suddenly remember that he still didn't know the teacher's name.

He immediately reverently said: "Master, the disciple still doesn't know your identity and your name."

The white-haired old man stroked his beard and said calmly: "Old man, famous Feng Henxi, an old man who has lived for tens of thousands of years."

Luo Xingchen suddenly opened his eyes, shocked. Tens of thousands of years!

What he knew, even in the strongest spirit seal realm in Blue Wind Continent, had a life span of only two hundred years, tens of thousands of years, he couldn't judge at all, what kind of concept it was.

It can only be described in two words, great power!

Immediately, Luo Xingchen was so shocked that he could not speak for a long time.

Feng Henxi waved his hand and pulled him back to reality, serious and serious: "Apprentice, the reason why I want to accept you as a disciple as a teacher is also because of your resilience and crazy behavior. Now there are two sets of being a teacher. Fajue, I am afraid that no one is more suitable for cultivating it than you. Before that, I want to ask you one thing first."

Luo Xingchen pricked up his ears, ready to listen.

Feng Henxi stared at him solemnly: "You still have blood left by the warriors in your body. They are so self-proclaimed invincible, so look down on you, would you want their blood?"

Luo Xingchen gritted his teeth: "No!"

"Okay!" Feng Henxi said solemnly: "Then I will help you strip your bloodline as a teacher. From then on, any achievements you have will have nothing to do with them. Since they think their bloodline is respected, then you will surpass them. Step on their heads one day and tell them how vulnerable the bloodline is, just like a tattered one! Don't even throw it away!"

"Yeah!" Luo Xingchen nodded firmly. At this moment, he was extremely excited. He didn't want to have even a little bit of involvement with the Zhan Clan people. In this life, both sides can only be mortal enemies!

Then, Feng Henxi shot an aurora into Luo Xingchen's body, and this energy began to spread rapidly in every blood vessel in his body. The blood in his body seemed to be boiling and burning, and his whole body seemed to be eaten by 10,000 ants. Biting, it feels extremely painful, even more uncomfortable than when his meridians were abolished.

However, Luo Xingchen's complexion remained the same, he didn't say a word, gritted his teeth firmly, he simply ignored these pains, he was as solid as a rock, and he was tortured without change.

Then, his whole body burned like a fire, his entire skin turned red, and blood vessels emerged like red lines. At this moment, the pain was extreme, like falling into a sea of fire.

After a quarter of an hour, the pain finally disappeared. Luo Xingchen returned to the original condition again, feeling that there was something missing in his whole body. It seemed that the two bloodlines in his body had disappeared, one was Luo's ancestral vein and the other was the blood of the war clan.

Luo Xingchen was startled and let out a wry smile, and asked himself, is he still a member of the Luoshen Clan now

But without the blood, he also felt a lot more relaxed and less restrained.

"Disciple, I will ask you again!" Feng Henxi suddenly said solemnly: "If one day in the future, you will get revenge, what other goals will you have next?"

"Target?" Luo Xingchen suddenly lowered his head, muttering.

Then, he raised his head suddenly, his eyes were shining, and he said seriously: "I will never allow anyone who is stronger than me to insult me! How big is the spiritual world? My heart is stronger than the entire spiritual world. It’s still big! Today someone stepped on my head and insulted me. Tomorrow, as long as I am not dead, I will step on the head of their clan and tell him that he is a bird! I will keep exploring the road of martial arts, I To create my own path, I want to have the power to change the world. I think of coming back to life, my uncle, my mother! My loved ones, I really want them to come alive again, as long as I can’t do it in one day, I I won’t die for one day, fighting against the sky, fighting against the earth, for life and time, until I die! I still want to touch the ultimate peak of martial arts, and I want to see what kind of state it is like!"

Feng Henxi was very pleased, her eyes brightened, she nodded frowning, and laughed up to the sky: "Haha... OK! My apprenticeship is higher than the sky! I believe you as a teacher, no one in this world can stop your footsteps."

Immediately, he stretched out his hands, and one hand flashed a fiery red and translucent stone, glowing with a strange light. A small tower flashed out with one hand. At first glance, it was divided into forty-nine levels. Upon closer inspection, the level of this tower was changing all the time. It was absolutely mysterious.

Luo Xingchen suppressed his heart, opened his eyes wide, and held his breath. He knew that these two things were absolutely extraordinary.

Feng Henxi opened her mouth and glanced at the red stone in her left hand: "This is Nirvana, the supreme sacred law. Every time you stand out from a crisis, your strength will rise layer by layer. The heavier the injury, the faster you will recover, and the faster you will improve! "

He looked at the strange pagoda floating in his right hand again: "This is the Great Zhou Tian Pagoda, for the teacher to teach your Great Zhou Tian Divine Body, this physique is created by heaven and earth, and ranks the top six among the billions of physiques in the spiritual world. Its function, It is possible to continuously overthrow the three hundred and sixty acupuncture points in the body and repeat it again and again, endlessly."

Speaking of this, Fenghen Xi’s eyes were filled with arrogance, and he said: “This great Zhoutian divine body was created by an old man 30,000 years ago. Its unknowns are too big. It’s hard to discern blessings and blessings if you keep practicing. , Its biggest feature is that every time you overthrow the whole body weight, you don’t know what new changes will happen. If you can, you may be able to break common sense and change the internal organs, meridians and bones in your body. Unknown magical changes may occur. But it is also possible that after the overthrow, the recast fails, then it will become a useless person again, with nothing, even the old man can't control it, and don't know its potential, this method is determined, you dare to practice

Luo Xingchen smiled at the corner of his mouth, believing himself: "I am a useless person, so what's the fear of playing back? Why not dare!"

"Okay, these two laws are just suitable for your temperament, so I will pass them on to you as a teacher!" Feng Henxi waved, and the two laws flew up and floated to Luo Xingchen's hands. Then, Feng Henxi He began to teach him to recognize the Lord with a drop of blood, and then received a soul mark. From now on, whoever dares to snatch these two magic decisions, Fenghenxi will have a clone that will kill everything.

Luo Xingchen put away the two statutes, and Feng Henxi began to insult again: "If you cultivate the Great Zhou Tian Divine Body in the future, you can do more with half the effort in this Great Zhou Tian Pagoda. This Great Zhou Tian Pagoda is capable of defense. In the future, there is a crisis of extinction, and you can also save your life, but you must remember that you should not use it as a last resort. If you don’t have enough suffering, you may not be able to achieve this divine body. Some life and death crises, you still have to cultivate in cultivation, you You must rely on your own strength!"

Luo Xingchen nodded his head, remembering to teach.

From today on, his destiny will be changed as a result. The Da Zhou Tian Divine Body, the unknown Dharma Judgment that even the creator of Fenghenxi cannot predict, the Nirvana Judgment, and the self-mutilation Dharma Judgment, seem to be tailored for him. Built.

Luo Xingchen raised his head and stared at the sky, the fighting spirit surging in his eyes, his sharp edge was revealed!

"Crack!" His fist "creaked". From now on, he will no longer stand still, and the future will be brand new...