The Jade Emperor Told Me to Live-stream!

Chapter 100: I am indeed a good seedling


"How can this be?"

After a long time, Yan Qingming slowly came back to his senses.

He looked at Mo Ming, who was close at hand, and then at the palm blocking his fist. He couldn't believe it was true.

Who is Yan Qingming

To be honest, the outside world doesn't know much about Yan Qingming, and even many practitioners in Yunzhou have never heard of the name "Yan Qingming"!

It is in line with the saying "People will only remember the first, no one will remember the second"!

When the younger generation of cultivators mention the word "Yan Family", the first thing that pops up in their minds is "Yan Qingcheng"...


Note the "but"!

This does not mean that Yan Qingming is not outstanding. In fact, no matter which angle you look at it, the word "mediocre" cannot be linked to Yan Qingming!

In terms of identity, he is the eldest son of the current head of the Yan family, one of the seventy-two states in Yan land, and the eldest son of the Yan family, a family of immortal cultivators!

Moreover, if we look at the traditions of the Yan family, if nothing unexpected happens, Yan Qingming will most likely be the next generation head of the Yan family in the future!

In terms of potential, Yan Qingming doesn't seem to be outstanding, but this is entirely due to Yan Qingcheng's pressure on him and the contrast.

In fact, Yan Qingming is extremely talented in practicing Taoism and is highly praised and valued by the elders of the Yan family. He is known as the "second genius of the younger generation".

If Yan Qingcheng is excluded, no one among the younger generation of the Yan family can match him in terms of cultivation talent!

In terms of strength, indeed, whether compared with Huo Qingyun of the Huo family in Qingzhou or compared with Yan Qingcheng of the same family, Yan Qingming seems to be less outstanding.

However, it must be noted that Yan Qingming is only sixteen years old this year. Compared with Huo Qingyun, who is almost twenty, Yan Qingming's cultivation time is still short.

Practicing a path, especially the first few realms, is relatively simple. Age has a particularly heavy impact on practice at this stage, and it is possible to make a considerable difference in one year.

What's more, the path of cultivation is full of uncertainties. If the other party has any adventures or gains any blessings, the gap will widen even further!

As for Yan Qingcheng...

According to the private consensus among the young people of the Yan family:

When discussing issues such as the strength, potential, and talent of a younger member of the family, Yan Qingcheng should be excluded first!

It's not that Yan Qingcheng is not popular in the Yan family, on the contrary, Yan Qingcheng's popularity among the Yan family's children is simply endless (everyone knows about beauties...).

The main reason is that Yan Qingcheng's performance in Cultivation is so strong that it is meaningless to include her in it, because no matter what is counted, she will be the first in the end!

Excluding Yan Qingcheng, looking at Yan Qingming himself, he is a very outstanding young man. He is good enough and can crush most people!

This is also the reason why Yan Qingming has always been suppressed by Yan Qingcheng, but he is still proud of himself. He has the capital!

But now, his capital seems to be unstable...

No wonder Yan Qingming couldn't believe this result, even a normal person standing in Yan Qingming's position wouldn't have the courage to believe it!

It's like you have been the richest man in the world for more than ten years. One day, on a whim, you held a rich event. You showed off your "muscles" on the stage, threw money in various ways, showed off your wealth in various ways, and enjoyed the envy of others off the stage. look.

However, at this time, you found a very calm person sitting under the stage. You felt a little dissatisfied, so you called him up to question, only to find out that he was richer than you, and that you, the richest man in the world, were fake...

This simply subverted his understanding of himself!

It's okay to subvert a person's understanding of others or other things.

However, it would be terrible to subvert a person's understanding of himself!

From the moment a person is born, he has been influenced by various people and things around him, and has formed his own positioning. And the more proud a person is, the more firmly he will strengthen his understanding of himself.

But now, it was fine one second, and then the next second, someone suddenly told him with practical actions:

The first ten years of your life were all fake, they were all made to tease you, you big fool!

This impact on a person's heart is tantamount to subverting a person's outlook on life!

Of course, Yan Qingming was not the only one who was confused and couldn't believe it, but also the people in the spectator seats!

Yan Buping froze from head to toe. His eyes stared blankly at the two people on the martial arts stage, and the corners of his mouth still maintained the smug sneer when he was mocking Yan Ningxue.

This expression is as weird as you want, as weird as you want!

Mo Ming's palm subverted not only Yan Qingming's understanding of himself...

In order to make Yan Qingming surpass Yan Qingcheng and become the first member of the younger generation in the family, Yan Buping spent a lot of effort to cultivate him and gave him the best in everything.

In order to give Yan Qingming a higher starting point in life, Yan Buping tried his best to collect all kinds of rare elixirs before Yan Qingming was born, just to warm and nourish Yan Qingming's body after he was born.

In order to find the original bones that fit Yan Qingming, Yan Qingming did not hesitate to use the Yan family's treasure and risked his life to go to the wilderness to kill the ferocious beast Niu Niu.

In order to increase the speed of Yan Qingming's practice, Yan Buping repeatedly spent a lot of money to buy various high-level elixirs to increase blood energy.

He even spent a lot of money to purchase a place with a very strong essence of heaven and earth as a training place for Yan Qingming.


However, at this moment, all his hard work of more than ten years was negated by Mo Ming's palm!

The physical body that has been warmly nurtured since childhood, the domineering magic that was born out of the ferocious beast Niu, and the gap in cultivation level between the two parties...

Yan Qingming had an absolute advantage, but was easily blocked by Mo Ming with one hand!



Got it!


There was no warning, everything happened so suddenly, and Yan Buping was not given any time to mentally prepare!

Why is this happening

Is Mo Ming too strong? Or is Yan Qingming too weak

Not only was Yan Buping puzzled by this question, but Mo Ming's stepmother was also thinking about it.

The moment Mo Ming was annihilated by the brilliance of the Niu Technique, her heart almost jumped into her throat, and she almost screamed, but unexpectedly, the green light dissipated, and Mo Ming was unscathed!

Although Yan Ningxue was on Mo Ming's side and supported Mo Ming, she couldn't help but feel a little confused when she saw the result...

However, her confusion was soon broken by Mo Ming's childish voice with a hint of seriousness...

"Mom, I think my uncle is right, I am indeed a good young man!" (To be continued)