The Jade Emperor Told Me to Live-stream!

Chapter 110: The funniest person


According to the maid Qingxuan, the scene at that time was extremely shocking.

In the entire martial arts arena, there were no less than a hundred young people from the Yan family watching the battle, plus the two family elders in the spectator seats, but no one said a word.

Everyone was shocked and looked at the martial arts stage with wide eyes.

According to rumors from people below, the funniest thing at that time was Yan Qingming's father Yan Buping.

Yan Buping originally thought that Yan Qingming was absolutely sure to defeat Mo Ming, so he didn't seem to care much about the situation on the competition ground. At that time, he just leaned on the chair and sipped the tea seriously.

From time to time, he would show a hint of emotion, as if the tea was not brewed to his satisfaction.

"But when the young master is..."

As she spoke, the maid named Qingxuan seemed to suddenly realize something, and her voice stopped abruptly.

They are servants of the house, and talking about the master behind his back is already a serious crime. What's more, she was so excited just now, and her words actually meant to make fun of the master. This is really a heinous crime!

Moreover, she was so excited about what she said just now that she actually forgot that her master was the son of the "funniest" Yan Buping in her mouth!

As a servant, if you want to live a better life in a certain family, you need to at least understand: what it means to observe words and emotions, what it means to be indifferent and not to speculate!

She glanced at Yan Qingming secretly, but saw that all the parts of the master's face that had not turned purple had turned livid.

The anger that had finally calmed down was ignited again, the blood in his body was running vigorously, and the hatred in his eyes was blazing.

"Go on!"

Yan Qingming squeezed out three words through his teeth again.

The maid named Qingxuan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. She has been following Yan Qingming for more than ten years, and she has some understanding of the master's mood. She knows that the master is not angry at her now, but at Mo Ming in her mouth.

In fact, Yan Qingming no longer cares about the disrespect in Qingxuan's words. He never expected that this competition would have such a result, let alone that this competition would have such an impact.

The dignified head of the Yan family has become the object of ridicule by others. What Qingxuan said just now has probably spread within the Yan family!

No wonder his father came here just now with an expressionless face and didn't say a word...

To be honest, the maid named Qingxuan didn't want to say anything further. After all, she was a servant and shouldn't speak ill of her master, let alone the head of the family? That is simply courting death.

Those words had nothing to do with her, and they were not said by her, but Yan Qingming forced her to say it, and it was impossible for her not to say it:

"According to what they said..."

The maid named Qingxuan emphasized the words "according to them" at the beginning, as if she was afraid that Yan Qingming would misunderstand something.

She said that Yan Buping was the funniest thing. She didn't say this, nor did she have the guts to say it, but it was spread by those who were present at the time.

Yan Buping seemed to have absolute confidence in his son. He sat there with a leisurely expression, sipping tea carefully, without looking at the martial arts stage from beginning to end.

But when the crimson rays of light erupted, the ferocious beast was swatted away by Mo Ming, and Yan Qingming flew upside down, the most powerful and respected head of the Yan family could no longer remain calm.

Everyone looked dumbfounded, except for the head of the house, whose first reaction was to open his mouth and say:

"What just happened?"

It is not false to say that Yan Buping is the funniest.

Yan Buping was really frightened at that time. He was sipping the tea calmly, but when this incident came out, his hands shook and he almost threw the tea bowl away. His clothes were all wet with tea.

No matter how hard he calculated, he never expected such a scene!

his son!

His most cherished son!

His proudest son!

Unexpectedly, just like that, he was knocked away from the opportunity to scream, and he was also punched out of the martial arts stage and fell directly under the stage!

Who the hell can come and explain to him what's going on? !

Of course, no one could explain it to him. At this time, he was not the only one who was shocked!

There is only one sentence in everyone's mind:

"Come on, you're really weak!"

Simple, seven words, without any anger or pride.

If you hear this sentence from the mouth of this person named Mo at other times, it will always give people an indescribable sense of humor and ridiculousness.

However, at this moment, no one could laugh.

Yan Qingming, the eldest son of the dignified head of the Yan family, is known as the second genius of the Yan family. He is only sixteen years old, and his cultivation has reached the seventh level of the Blood Moving Realm. With just one opportunity, he can be promoted to the eighth level.

The most frightening thing is that he was born with the true bones of the Tao Niu. Although he is only a scale and a half, he is extremely domineering and intimidating.

If it is allowed to grow up, its future will be limitless. Even if it is not as incredible as Yan Qingcheng, it will still be enough to become the mainstay of the Yan family in the future!

However, just such a person was beaten away without even a chance to scream...

From the highest point to the lowest point, it only takes a moment. Anyone who sees this will have an unreal feeling.

Their eyes were focused on Mo Ming, and they kept thinking about those seven words in their ears. For some reason, that thin and immature figure secretly revealed an indescribable domineering force.

But when they saw the guy's expression...

Dear mother, it opened their eyes. It turns out that there are still such wretched expressions in this world...

According to Qingxuan, this quiet scene did not last long, and soon the martial arts arena exploded.

However, this section was bypassed by Qingxuan.

There is no need to elaborate on the reason. It must be because the comments made by those below are not good comments. They are either praising Mo Ming or making fun of Yan Qingming.

Just like Mo Ming said before, these people are all passers-by, real passers-by, they have nothing to do with Mo Ming, and they are not very close to Yan Qingming.

They are a fixed role with fixed routines.

They will step on Mo Ming just because they have the mentality of "watching a good show".

That's how people are, you can still be concerned about things that have nothing to do with you, but that's fine with things that have nothing to do with you...

When I see something happen to someone else, I can't help but go up and watch, and say hello. Anyway, it doesn't happen to them, and it has nothing to do with them. They are happy to watch the show.

This is the kind of "onlookers" and "watchers" that some literati have caricatured...

For these people, the function is to "booster"!

At the beginning of the competition, seeing that Mo Ming was weaker, he started to yell and make all kinds of sarcastic remarks, just like a person standing on the shore laughing at a drowning person in the lake...

And if we look at Mo Ming's strong hand again, the situation will be different... (To be continued)