The Jade Emperor Told Me to Live-stream!

Chapter 134: Make money more valuable (first update)


Yan Ningxue had her own considerations in deciding to do this.

Mo Ming awakened the power of blood. Although they searched for a long time, they still didn't understand what kind of blood this power was. Although they didn't know when and how this stupid son awakened.

However, one thing is certain!

That is: Mo Ming will definitely be very awesome in the future!

As for how awesome it will be, they can't tell!

Anyway, according to Yan Ningxue's estimation, even if it's not as good as Yan Qingcheng, it won't be much worse.

If Yan Qingcheng and Mo Ming can grow up, it will definitely push the Yan family to an unprecedented peak!

Moreover, this is not only for the Yan family, but also for Mo Ming himself.

She not only wanted Mo Ming to get more training resources and a better training instructor, but more importantly, she wanted to protect Mo Ming.

If, as Mo Ming himself said, he awakened during the competition with Yan Qingming on the martial arts field, then it can only be said that he awakened at the wrong time!

In the situation at that time, if Mo Ming didn't wake up, he would be defeated at most and lose face. But once he wakes up in that situation, his life would probably be in danger.

There were so many people present at that time, and even if you wanted to cover up some things, it would be difficult. After all, there were so many people talking, and who knew if there were informants sent by other forces among them

Even if there is no informant, is there someone secretly bribed by other forces

Although they are all members of the same family, after all, people are separated from each other, and they know each other but not their hearts. It is always right to be careful!

Otherwise, those amazingly talented and beautiful people in history would not have been secretly hidden by various forces until they had practiced enough, and then let them become famous in a battle.


After autumn, the weather became cooler day by day. It was better at noon, with the sun shining on me, and my body felt warm. However, in the afternoon, as the sun set towards the west, the sun became softer and softer.

Yunzhou City is not only a big city, but also the most prosperous city within hundreds of miles.

According to Mo Ming's observation after arriving here, even if he goes out to the street at 11 o'clock in the evening, there are still small vendors doing business on the street. The shops on both sides of the street are basically brightly lit and the store doors are wide open.

There are also many pedestrians on the road. They are ordinary people who come to hang out and relax after dinner in the evening after a busy day.

Basically, from the moment it dawns until midnight, Yunzhou City is very lively.

Even compared with those prosperous metropolises in heaven, it is not bad at all. It seems that the demand for nightlife is very strong among gods and mortals.

Autumn afternoon is Mo Ming's favorite time. He used to like it when he was in heaven.

There is no reason to like it, I just like this period of time, I just like watching the sun set little by little in the west until it finally sets in the mountains!

I just like watching the world that was originally quiet due to work gradually become noisy!

I just love watching those tired workers relax when they get home from get off work!

Speaking of which, it doesn't matter, but Mo Ming just likes to watch the world change like this.

After arriving in the mortal world, although he could no longer see the traffic jam that could block a mile or two, nor could he see the exhausted workers in suits and ties coming out of the office building, Mo Ming felt that he There is nothing uncomfortable.

Everything here is so friendly, there are no car horns, no traffic lights flashing, but there is an endless stream of people here.

There are no high-rise buildings here, and there are no "suits and leather shoes" coming out of office buildings, but there are workers returning from working in the fields.

They are so consistent with the sky, this land, and all the scenery and buildings here, and they are integrated without any abruptness or unnaturalness.

Mo Ming followed Yan Ningxue through the bustling streets and saw the endless crowds of people coming and going, as well as the long queues of small vendors on both sides of the streets.

In my impression, this seems to be the first time my mother has gone shopping with "him".

When Mo Ming's immortal soul entered this body, the memories in his brain had not completely dissipated, and Mo Ming accepted most of the memories.

He knew that Yan Ningxue did care for "Mo Ming", but more of it was shown in her tolerance and support for Mo Ming.

For example, Mo Ming rarely lacks pocket money...

Of course, Yan Ningxue will also set an upper limit for Mo Ming, but this upper limit is much higher than the upper limit for other rich children!

For another example, Yan Ningxue would hardly scold Mo Ming...

In the memory of this body, no matter what trouble "Mo Ming" caused, Yan Ningxue would never get angry. Although there were times when she was angry, she was basically angry alone and would not do anything to Mo Ming...

In fact, no matter from which perspective, this so-called "love" is more like doting.

Yan Ningxue's position is the elder of the Yan family. She is not like ordinary women who only need to care for their husbands and raise children, or weave and sew clothes every day. She has many more important things to deal with.

She also wants to spend more time with her son and daughter, but for her, the higher the status, the greater the responsibility. Sometimes, she will even neglect her own practice because of dealing with family affairs.

Mo Ming didn't know why Yan Ningxue suddenly had time to take her out, and she didn't know where they were going.

Anyway, for Mo Ming, this is not important. For him now, the important thing is to eat!

It's good to live in a big city. Everything is sold on the streets, including candied haws, fried sausages, fried rice cakes...

There are also many snacks that Moming has never heard of before...

It’s not like these things don’t exist in heaven. In the past, when I was in heaven, I couldn’t bear it anymore. Mo Ming would secretly buy a few to try, but he didn’t eat them often.

One is because I have no money. I only have so little money every month, and there is not much left for rent.

In addition, prices in Tianjie have increased rapidly in recent years. Although wages have also increased, you must know that in this world, wages have never risen as fast as prices!

What's more, the salary is only increased by one, and life does cost money in every aspect!

Secondly, after all, he has lived for almost 40 million years. He is an old man, but he is too embarrassed to walk on the street and eat candied haws...

But it's different now. Now he is 14 years old, and he is backed by a big family like the Yan family. He has plenty of money, so why not eat it

To be honest, Mo Ming didn't feel any burden for the money spent by the Yan family. He even felt that the Yan family should thank him... No, not only the Yan family should thank him, but the entire Yunzhou City should thank him, and the whole world. It’s time to thank yourself!

After all, I am promoting the social and economic cycle!

Moreover, with the development of social economy, prices will definitely continue to increase. Even though the Yan family saves so much money now, in fact, with every passing year, the value of their economy will shrink!

Mo Ming feels that he is just making money more valuable, that is, "making money more valuable"! (To be continued)